Hacking 3DS hacking scene history


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2016
United States
Entire history: HUGE thank to Zoogie for writing this.
A Pretty Brief History of the 3ds Hacking/Homebrew Scene


  1. March
    The 3ds launches in the west and the famous 3dbrew.org wiki site launches in tandem, which would be the main info hub for 3ds RE for the length of the 3ds's lifespan. Most DS mode flashcarts were quickly fixed to run in DS mode on the 3ds. These carts would periodically be patched until firm 7.0, after which, Nintendo gave up worrying about them.

    First 3ds roms dumped

    Crown3ds teases a promising video of a flashcard that would have been the first warez enabling solution for 3ds. What we actually got was an Engrish website forever promising: "We are in progressing ... 72%". A meme was born, and a dream died.

  2. Unknown Month
    It is believed Neimod's hardware RAM dumping and subsequent internal research (#3dsdev/3dbrew.org, yellows8 and friends) lead to the first userland (OOT) and a9 exploits. Teasers like IRC chat logs and the following popped up.

    3ds SOC decapping fundraiser started by 3dsdev insider gshock/jl12 to find out the system's secrets and supposedly get it hacked faster. GBAtemp community raises $2300 before gshock disappears with the money, presumably to a resort in Fiji with Gateway execs.

  3. August
    Gateway released. The 3ds is officially hacked and piracy begins. They continue to be basically the entire "homebrew" scene for the next year and a half. There was, however, some basic arm9 homebrew possible via mset exploit + p3ds (rsaVerifySHA256 a9 sploit), but it was limited to just bare-metal stuff like ram dumpers, Tetris, Pong and the like. It was less impressive than even DS homebrew (and publicly, nobody knew how to properly harness the arm9's power like nowadays).

  4. January
    brickgate/brickway - Infamous scandal where Gateway releases a firm that intentionally bricks user 3ds's that run their software on Gateway clones like R4 gold Deluxe and Orange3DS. Even some legit users get caught up in Gateway's spiderweb of bricks. Gateway did offer to fix those units.

    Citra - first commit. the gold standard of 3ds emulators for the PC is born. Wouldn't really hit its stride until 2016, a testament to how complex a system the 3ds is.


    - Then the Palantine cfw (internally made by yellows8 and others) leak happened, bringing the first free, closed source cfw to the masses. Limitations: 4.5, emunand not updatable, low boot rate, a bitch to install, etc. But it did run cias, and it forced Gateway to add cia support to its flashcard in a panic about a week later.

    - Sky3ds flashcart released. plays clean cart roms on any firmware, but no homebrew, cias, mods, etc. Initial model limited to just 10 non-replaceable games with the manufacturer suggesting 'buy another' if you want more. Pirates consider this theft and whine incessantly. Sky3ds eases its restriction and releases a 'blue button' card without the game limit.

    -Ninjhax userland (1st sane hb environment) and ctrulib make their triumphant, morally-centered debut shortly after "Palantine" cfw.
    Ntr cfw released. A plug-in based a11 kernal cfw that adds many cool features like RAM poking and 3ds -> PC video streaming (added 2016).

  5. January
    Gateway cracks 9.2 and updates its flashcard to the OMEGA series. Genius yifanlu posts detailed blog REing the GW memchunkhax/firmlaunchhax combo and teams like SALT, roxas75, and patois quickly implement it.

    Rxtools released. 1st legit emunand/multi-tool implementation. Anti-piracy.

    Pasta cfw released after sig patches leaked on pastebin (hence the name). Combined with patois open source memchunkhax/firmlaunchhax (brahma) this resulted in the 1st open source cfw. No emunand.

    Rxtools patched with above sig patches by ahp_person (appletinivi). Roxas does not approve, throws fit.


    Roxas gives in, released rxtools source, adds sig patches officially. Quits scene.
    Rxtools goes on to be the "it" cfw for the next several months, despite being kinda sloppily coded and a risk to inexperienced users with its dangerous arm9 power-user features built-in.

    Ninjhax2x released. App takeover, rom hacks, and other nice things too numerous to detail.

    Tubehax - primary userland exploit that takes advantage of the 3ds's otherwise useless Youtube app. An excellent primary entrypoint. Unfortunately patched a couple months later on all firmwares.
    Ironhax - first secondary userland exploit - one that requires a primary (like tubehax) to install.
    Reinand - first full featured New3ds cfw.


    Menuhax - secondary home menu exploit that allows boot time userland execution. Fantastic when paired with cfw launchers save for the annoyingly unreliable *hax bootrates on 9.2. A favorite among homebrew peasants, and the sworn enemy of the late Margen67.
    Browserhax - primary browser exploits for old/new 3ds that would be updated on and off over the coming months.


    Sky3ds+ released. Bypasses cart-based AP in recent games and adds filesystem-based game loading among other features.

    32c3 hacker conference - snshax, arm9loaderhax, memchunkhax2, ntrcardhax revealed. Userland exploits menuhax, and ironfall were updated too.

  6. January
    10.x downgrading to 9.2 released. FBI dev Steveice10 implements. Biggest PM group in the history of GBAtemp forged in secret ;p Downgrading patched with 10.4.

    Arm9loaderhax emerges, lumbering and crushing everything in its path. Menuhax peasants begin their suffering.
    Aureinand/luma3ds - fork of reinand that took the cfw's features to a new level. The authors, aurora wright and tuxsh, had a public falling out with the original author, reisukaku, and subsequently cut all ties with him by first renaming the project from aureinand to luma3ds, then removing the fork status altogether. It is currently the most popular cfw today (6/2019).


    Aliaspider releases memchunkhax2.1, allowing downgrades to 9.2 to resume. Calls it svchax for reasons only known to him. This new k11 sploit would last through 10.7.

    @TheCruel Releases what would probably become the most notorious (and popular) piracy app for the 3ds, Freeshop. It let you conveniently download eShop games directly to your 3ds from Nintendo's CDN without paying for them. All that was needed for any specific game was its "titlekey" to decrypt them. This required just one person to buy the game and upload the key.
    Naturally, Nintendo wasn't amused by this and actually DMCA'd Freeshop's repo from Github. It was promptly rehosted on a competing git service.

    Someone finally reveals the dsiware firm downgrade method after hinting about it for months. This allows the 9.2 downgrading to resume yet again on firms 11.0 - 11.2 (given a second fully hacked system). Nintendo privately thinks it's pretty cool, ignores it. Fieldrunners sales skyrocket.

    Arm9loaderhax becomes even more unstoppable due to ctrnand transfer (shortens install time on both new/old 3ds) and otpless (instant new3ds install). Otpless was later scuttled (from 3ds.guide) due to a low chance of random bricking.

    33c3. Yes, more c3 hax megatons. First off, Soundhax, a free userland primary for a system app so almost all 3ds's are vulnerable (the best userland hack ever to date). Fasthax, another k11 sploit, is revealed. Both of these are by scene newcomer nedwill, and are immediately released. Scene veteran derrek then reveals sighax, a bootrom vuln that allows one to sign arbitrary firmware code. He also reveals vague details on how he dumped the 3ds arm9/arm11 bootroms. No actual code releases from derrek though.

  7. January
    New arm9 sploit safehax is released by appleTinivi after an anon posted the method on 3dbrew.org. So now, full control is possible up to firm 11.2. People usually use this to ctrnand downgrade to 2.1, get the otp, then restore original nand and install a9lh.

    11.3 is released and Fasthax/safehax are fixed. Firm downgrading with dsiware or hardmod is also fixed.
    Gatway promises support for 11.3 and new exciting stuff for their loyal customers. Go to 9/2017 to see how that turned out.

    @TheCruel, dev of notorious piracy app Freeshop, becomes notorious in his personal life after he is charged and convicted of child pron, and is sentenced to 20 years hard time!
    He also gets banned from gbatemp, horrors! :P

    11.4 is released fixing a previously unknown k11 vuln, udsploit. Smealum releases that exploit for those still on 11.3. Soon after, AppleTinivi updates safehax for 11.3 due to an oversight in Nintendo's previous safehax fix. A9lh masterrace resumes for a little longer.

    33.5c3. An unofficial sequel to the blockbuster 33c3 sees sighax implemented. This version is called boot9strap, since it adds the feature of being able to dump the bootroms in software. Ntrboot, a method to hack any 3ds at boot-time with a modified DS flashcard (made possible mostly with sighax/boot9strap), is theorized and confirmed privately. Since firms can now be forged with nothing more than nand access, the dsiware transfer and hardmod methods of installing cfw resume on latest firmware using the known-plaintext attack.

    The New2dsXL is released in Australia and it is discovered to have the same vulnerable bootroms as 3ds's manufactured 7 years ago, making people concerned for the 1000000th time if Nintendo knows what it's doing.

    Ntrboot is finally released starting with support for just the ak2i and r4ids.cn flashcards but quickly growing to many others. A new generation of Nintendo homebrewers discovers the utter joy of trying to figure out what DS flashcard clone they actually have and if it's actually good for anything.

    Gateway team reveals what they have been working on for the last several months: ditching their old flashcard and making a new one, of course. It's called Stargate and is supposed to be a hybrid of ntrboot card, ds card, and sky3ds. It's expensive ($80), and already has been delayed several times. Soon.
    It received tepid support, and was abandoned after a few months due to people seeking out cheaper ntrboot card options.

  8. January
    Someone reveals a method to brute-force the 3ds's movable.sed with only the Local Friend Code Seed, which is obtainable in userland and below. This allows people to inject hacked dsiware and install B9S with only one 3ds. Seedminer is the name of the implementation of this vulnerability, and only requires the purchase of a $2 dsiware game if they don't already have a compatible one. This vuln is extremely versatile as it allows one to attack all encrypted contents on the sd card.


    Nintendo releases firmware 11.8 which prepares the 3ds for new server side authentication for CDN downloads. What this means in English is that piracy apps like Freeshop (and its siblings) can no longer download pirated games directly from the eShop. @TheCruel's agony in prison increases.


    3ds scene legend Smealum reveals his long teased arm9 exploit chain at defcon. Unfortunately, it was already patched in firmware 11.8 since he had disclosed it to the hackerone bounty previously. Additionally, he posted incomplete repos of the chain on Github. Nobody to date has been able to get any of them to work.
    Smea rightfully gets a free pass on this one because he's been so awesome in the past. He deserves a little bread for all he's done for the scene.

    A new version of Seedminer called Frogminer is released (we'll just call this family of exploits " *miner "). This utilizes an old version of the Japanese Flipnote Studio instead of Sudoku and it's injected to DS download play instead of another dsiware game. This allows this *miner sploit to be a completely free method to cfw your console!


    11.9 releases and an unreleased browser exploit for both old/new 3ds is patched. This happened because -- you guessed it -- another hackerone bounty submission. This time it's userland sploit dev extraordinaire, MrNbaYoh.

  9. July
    Bannerbomb3 released. This is a *miner userland primary for System Settings. It was released mainly for QOL improvements to the *miner cfw chains (they're no longer dependent on free eShop titles being available and unpatched).

    MrNbaYoh demonstrates a new cfw chain at his 36c3 conference talk. He developed a primary that can remotely takeover a 3ds in userland using streetpass tags. This sets up further exploits (developed by Tuxsh) that take over arm11 kernel (lazypixie) and arm9 (safehax 2.x). This chain was patched on firmware 11.12, released two months before the conference. They were submitted to the h1 bounty at some earlier date.

Can someone tell me the full 5 years timeline of the hacking scene?

All I know is that Smea created Homebrew
What else?

When were CIA files discovered?
What was the first game dumped as a CIA?
What was it like before A9LH?
What was it like when Plailect's guide didn't exist?
What other major things happened besides stuff like discovery of A9LH?
How was Homebrew created for the 3DS? Like how was it discovered?
How was the hacking scene from a year or two ago compared to today?

You know, stuff like that.

Also, for those of you who have been here long enough, do you like how the hacking scene today more or the one in the past?

Those are just some basic questions. If you have more to tell, then please do so.
Last edited by Pokem,
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Dec 22, 2015
Can someone tell me the full 5 years timeline of the hacking scene?

All I know is that Smea created Homebrew
What else?

When were CIA files discovered?
What was the first game dumped as a CIA?
What was it like before A9LH?
What was it like when Plailect's guide didn't exist?
What other major things happened besides stuff like discovery of A9LH?
How was Homebrew created for the 3DS? Like how was it discovered?
How was the hacking scene from a year or two ago compared to today?

You know, stuff like that.

Also, for those of you who have been here long enough, do you like how the hacking scene today more or the one in the past?

Those are just some basic questions. If you have more to tell, then please do so.

Check out the following post for some history on A9LH, including links for lots more information:
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3DS Scene History


playing around in the end of life
Nov 30, 2014
Micronesia, Federated States of
A Pretty Brief History of the 3ds Hacking/Homebrew Scene


  1. March
    The 3ds launches in the west and the famous 3dbrew.org wiki site launches in tandem, which would be the main info hub for 3ds RE for the length of the 3ds's lifespan. Most DS mode flashcarts were quickly fixed to run in DS mode on the 3ds. These carts would periodically be patched until firm 7.0, after which, Nintendo gave up worrying about them.

    First 3ds roms dumped

    Crown3ds teases a promising video of a flashcard that would have been the first warez enabling solution for 3ds. What we actually got was an Engrish website forever promising: "We are in progressing ... 72%". A meme was born, and a dream died.

  2. Unknown Month
    It is believed Neimod's hardware RAM dumping and subsequent internal research (#3dsdev/3dbrew.org, yellows8 and friends) lead to the first userland (OOT) and a9 exploits. Teasers like IRC chat logs and the following popped up.

    3ds SOC decapping fundraiser started by 3dsdev insider gshock/jl12 to find out the system's secrets and supposedly get it hacked faster. GBAtemp community raises $2300 before gshock disappears with the money, presumably to a resort in Fiji with Gateway execs.

  3. August
    Gateway released. The 3ds is officially hacked and piracy begins. They continue to be basically the entire "homebrew" scene for the next year and a half. There was, however, some basic arm9 homebrew possible via mset exploit + p3ds (rsaVerifySHA256 a9 sploit), but it was limited to just bare-metal stuff like ram dumpers, Tetris, Pong and the like. It was less impressive than even DS homebrew (and publicly, nobody knew how to properly harness the arm9's power like nowadays).

  4. January
    brickgate/brickway - Infamous scandal where Gateway releases a firm that intentionally bricks user 3ds's that run their software on Gateway clones like R4 gold Deluxe and Orange3DS. Even some legit users get caught up in Gateway's spiderweb of bricks. Gateway did offer to fix those units.

    Citra - first commit. the gold standard of 3ds emulators for the PC is born. Wouldn't really hit its stride until 2016, a testament to how complex a system the 3ds is.

    - Then the Palantine cfw (internally made by yellows8 and others) leak happened, bringing the first free, closed source cfw to the masses. Limitations: 4.5, emunand not updatable, low boot rate, a bitch to install, etc. But it did run cias, and it forced Gateway to add cia support to its flashcard in a panic about a week later.

    - Sky3ds flashcart released. plays clean cart roms on any firmware, but no homebrew, cias, mods, etc. Initial model limited to just 10 non-replaceable games with the manufacturer suggesting 'buy another' if you want more. Pirates consider this theft and whine incessantly. Sky3ds eases its restriction and releases a 'blue button' card without the game limit.

    -Ninjhax userland (1st sane hb environment) and ctrulib make their triumphant, morally-centered debut shortly after "Palantine" cfw.
    Ntr cfw released. A plug-in based a11 kernal cfw that adds many cool features like RAM poking and 3ds -> PC video streaming (added 2016).

  5. January
    Gateway cracks 9.2 and updates its flashcard to the OMEGA series. Genius yifanlu posts detailed blog REing the GW memchunkhax/firmlaunchhax combo and teams like SALT, roxas75, and patois quickly implement it.

    Rxtools released. 1st legit emunand/multi-tool implementation. Anti-piracy.

    Pasta cfw released after sig patches leaked on pastebin (hence the name). Combined with patois open source memchunkhax/firmlaunchhax (brahma) this resulted in the 1st open source cfw. No emunand.

    Rxtools patched with above sig patches by ahp_person (appletinivi). Roxas does not approve, throws fit.

    Roxas gives in, released rxtools source, adds sig patches officially. Quits scene.
    Rxtools goes on to be the "it" cfw for the next several months, despite being kinda sloppily coded and a risk to inexperienced users with its dangerous arm9 power-user features built-in.

    Ninjhax2x released. App takeover, rom hacks, and other nice things too numerous to detail.

    Tubehax - primary userland exploit that takes advantage of the 3ds's otherwise useless Youtube app. An excellent primary entrypoint. Unfortunately patched a couple months later on all firmwares.
    Ironhax - first secondary userland exploit - one that requires a primary (like tubehax) to install.
    Reinand - first full featured New3ds cfw.

    Menuhax - secondary home menu exploit that allows boot time userland execution. Fantastic when paired with cfw launchers save for the annoyingly unreliable *hax bootrates on 9.2. A favorite among homebrew peasants, and the sworn enemy of the late Margen67.
    Browserhax - primary browser exploits for old/new 3ds that would be updated on and off over the coming months.

    Sky3ds+ released. Bypasses cart-based AP in recent games and adds filesystem-based game loading among other features.

    32c3 hacker conference - snshax, arm9loaderhax, memchunkhax2, ntrcardhax revealed. Userland exploits menuhax, and ironfall were updated too.

  6. January
    10.x downgrading to 9.2 released. FBI dev Steveice10 implements. Biggest PM group in the history of GBAtemp forged in secret ;p Downgrading patched with 10.4.

    Arm9loaderhax emerges, lumbering and crushing everything in its path. Menuhax peasants begin their suffering.
    Aureinand/luma3ds - fork of reinand that took the cfw's features to a new level. The authors, aurora wright and tuxsh, had a public falling out with the original author, reisukaku, and subsequently cut all ties with him by first renaming the project from aureinand to luma3ds, then removing the fork status altogether. It is currently the most popular cfw today (6/2019).

    Aliaspider releases memchunkhax2.1, allowing downgrades to 9.2 to resume. Calls it svchax for reasons only known to him. This new k11 sploit would last through 10.7.

    @TheCruel Releases what would probably become the most notorious (and popular) piracy app for the 3ds, Freeshop. It let you conveniently download eShop games directly to your 3ds from Nintendo's CDN without paying for them. All that was needed for any specific game was its "titlekey" to decrypt them. This required just one person to buy the game and upload the key.
    Naturally, Nintendo wasn't amused by this and actually DMCA'd Freeshop's repo from Github. It was promptly rehosted on a competing git service.

    Someone finally reveals the dsiware firm downgrade method after hinting about it for months. This allows the 9.2 downgrading to resume yet again on firms 11.0 - 11.2 (given a second fully hacked system). Nintendo privately thinks it's pretty cool, ignores it. Fieldrunners sales skyrocket.

    Arm9loaderhax becomes even more unstoppable due to ctrnand transfer (shortens install time on both new/old 3ds) and otpless (instant new3ds install). Otpless was later scuttled (from 3ds.guide) due to a low chance of random bricking.

    33c3. Yes, more c3 hax megatons. First off, Soundhax, a free userland primary for a system app so almost all 3ds's are vulnerable (the best userland hack ever to date). Fasthax, another k11 sploit, is revealed. Both of these are by scene newcomer nedwill, and are immediately released. Scene veteran derrek then reveals sighax, a bootrom vuln that allows one to sign arbitrary firmware code. He also reveals vague details on how he dumped the 3ds arm9/arm11 bootroms. No actual code releases from derrek though.
    Nintendo launches a bug bounty program for the 3ds (and soon after, Switch). The bounties are set at $100 - $20,000 per exploit This would have the effect of moving a large portion of exploit developers away from public releases. Nintendo was probably ok with this fact.

  7. January
    New arm9 sploit safehax is released by appleTinivi after an anon posted the method on 3dbrew.org. So now, full control is possible up to firm 11.2. People usually use this to ctrnand downgrade to 2.1, get the otp, then restore original nand and install a9lh.

    11.3 is released and Fasthax/safehax are fixed. Firm downgrading with dsiware or hardmod is also fixed.
    Gatway promises support for 11.3 and new exciting stuff for their loyal customers. Go to 9/2017 to see how that turned out.

    @TheCruel, dev of notorious piracy app Freeshop, becomes notorious in his personal life after he is charged and convicted of child pron, and is sentenced to 20 years hard time!
    He also gets banned from gbatemp, horrors! :P

    11.4 is released fixing a previously unknown k11 vuln, udsploit. Smealum releases that exploit for those still on 11.3. Soon after, AppleTinivi updates safehax for 11.3 due to an oversight in Nintendo's previous safehax fix. A9lh masterrace resumes for a little longer.

    33.5c3. An unofficial sequel to the blockbuster 33c3 sees sighax implemented. This version is called boot9strap, since it adds the feature of being able to dump the bootroms in software. Ntrboot, a method to hack any 3ds at boot-time with a modified DS flashcard (made possible mostly with sighax/boot9strap), is theorized and confirmed privately. Since firms can now be forged with nothing more than nand access, the dsiware transfer and hardmod methods of installing cfw resume on latest firmware using the known-plaintext attack.

    The New2dsXL is released in Australia and it is discovered to have the same vulnerable bootroms as 3ds's manufactured 7 years ago, making people concerned for the 1000000th time if Nintendo knows what it's doing.

    Ntrboot is finally released starting with support for just the ak2i and r4ids.cn flashcards but quickly growing to many others. A new generation of Nintendo homebrewers discovers the utter joy of trying to figure out what DS flashcard clone they actually have and if it's actually good for anything.

    Gateway team reveals what they have been working on for the last several months: ditching their old flashcard and making a new one, of course. It's called Stargate and is supposed to be a hybrid of ntrboot card, ds card, and sky3ds. It's expensive ($80), and already has been delayed several times. Soon.
    It received tepid support, and was abandoned after a few months due to people seeking out cheaper ntrboot card options.

  8. January
    Someone reveals a method to brute-force the 3ds's movable.sed with only the Local Friend Code Seed, which is obtainable in userland and below. This allows people to inject hacked dsiware and install B9S with only one 3ds. Seedminer is the name of the implementation of this vulnerability, and only requires the purchase of a $2 dsiware game if they don't already have a compatible one. This vuln is extremely versatile as it allows one to attack all encrypted contents on the sd card.

    Nintendo releases firmware 11.8 which prepares the 3ds for new server side authentication for CDN downloads. What this means in English is that piracy apps like Freeshop (and its siblings) can no longer download pirated games directly from the eShop. @TheCruel's agony in prison increases.

    3ds scene legend Smealum reveals his long teased arm9 exploit chain at defcon. Unfortunately, it was already patched in firmware 11.8 since he had disclosed it to the hackerone bounty previously. Additionally, he posted incomplete repos of the chain on Github. Nobody to date has been able to get any of them to work.
    Smea rightfully gets a free pass on this one because he's been so awesome in the past. He deserves a little bread for all he's done for the scene.

    A new version of Seedminer called Frogminer is released (we'll just call this family of exploits " *miner "). This utilizes an old version of the Japanese Flipnote Studio instead of Sudoku and it's injected to DS download play instead of another dsiware game. This allows this *miner sploit to be a completely free method to cfw your console!

    11.9 releases and an unreleased browser exploit for both old/new 3ds is patched. This happened because -- you guessed it -- another hackerone bounty submission. This time it's userland sploit dev extraordinaire, MrNbaYoh.

  9. July
    Bannerbomb3 released. This is a *miner userland primary for System Settings. It was released mainly for QOL improvements to the *miner cfw chains (they're no longer dependent on free eShop titles being available and unpatched).

    MrNbaYoh demonstrates a new cfw chain at his 36c3 conference talk. He developed a primary that can remotely takeover a 3ds in userland using streetpass tags. This sets up further exploits (developed by Tuxsh) that take over arm11 kernel (lazypixie) and arm9 (safehax 2.x). This chain was patched on firmware 11.12, released two months before the conference. They were submitted to the h1 bounty at some earlier date.

  10. April
    A new exploit for SAFE_MODE system updater (that recovery mode app) is released which heralds a new version of safehax for latest firmware 11.13. It's pretty nifty if I might say so myself :ninja:

    Nintendo's Hackerone bounty program for the 3ds is formally ended on July 15th. Will this finally mean someone besides Zoogie actually releases an exploit for the 3ds? Stay tuned! don't get your hopes up

    The fat cat on a stick releases a new browserhax for old and new 3ds. The author prays these won't be patched since they're pretty convenient homebrew entrypoints.

    Nintendo puts on its creepiest undertaker outfit and shuts down 3ds retail production, noooo!! Hax must go on to preserve its memory.

    Introducing Menuhax67, which continues an old Yellows8 tradition, Zoogie style! What that really means: just a secondary exploit for home menu and a great meme. Why? Because it was asked to be made! (nintendo homebrew discord inside joke)

    Nintendo releases firmware update This fixes quite a few last minute hackerone bounty exploits submitted just before the program ended last July. However, they also fixed my browserhax! Back to Seedminer for the userland entrypoint-- it just won't die!

    After a month cooling off period required when submitting hackone bugs, MrNbaYoh and TuxSH disclosed some nice exploits they bountied! NbaYoh gave use SSLoth, which is a vuln that allows an attacker to bypass SSL encryption for 3ds network communications. This sets up another bountied exploit, safecerthax, that can still be executed on firm 11.4 in safe mode (it's fixed on native firm and new3ds though). This allows a full chain to boot9strap on old3ds -- awesome! TuxSH also got in the game by updating his universal otherapp to include another new full chain (smpwn, spipwn, khax, agbhax) that can work on native firm. Together with a new new3ds browser exploit from yours truly (new-browserhax-XL, don't judge me) we suddenly have a full chain on new3ds too! Back to the crypt, seedminer!

  11. January
    Nintendo quietly kills off Unity3DS and several Debugging/dev hardware items, casting another shovel of dirt on our beloved 3ds.

    Old-browserhax-XL is released, completing the revival of browserhax and elevating the art of terrible hax names.
    CTGP-7 plugin legend @PabloMK7 gets in the hax game and releases kartdlphax, a semi-primary exploit for Mario Kart 7!

    Not amused with my poorly named browser exploits, Nintendo releases firmware 11.15 and patches them. This is the 2nd time they've patched 2 browserhax in one shot (never again!). Yes, this also means Seedminer is resurrected for the 700th time.
    Additionally, Nintendo finishes off patching SSLoth by blocking it in SAFE_MODE. This firmware version would go on to be the longest lasting ever at 399 days exactly.

  12. August
    Nintendo finally dumps 11.16 on us. The damage this time is TuxSH's universal_otherapp combo chain is broken by Nintendo fixing smpwn. Ninty also lays the foundation for closing the eshop by updating MINT/ESHOP to handle shutting down eshop payments. They would two weeks later update the NVER on this title 48-49 because of a typo in the web data module.

    PabloMK7 is back at it again by revealing his ENLBufferPwn exploit for Mario Kart 7. This was an online RCE exploit that was already previously patched on MK7 vers. 1.2 and even affected other platforms like WiiU and Switch. Besides online cheating, this could have led to mass bricking of legit user's consoles. Luckily, PabloMK7 is a good guy and disclosed this dangerous exploit responsibly!

  13. March
    Super Skaterhax, another browser exploit for new3ds, is released. The author is very tired of these type of exploits and swears them off forever.
    Nintendo makes good on its threat and closes the 3DS eshop on the 27th. This immediately had an impact on the scene as popular free exploit Pichaxx was no longer available for download, or any other eshop savegame based exploit. DSiWare based exploits are also neutered by the closure.

    Nintendo strikes again, and hard, this time with firmware 11.17. It patched System Settings vuln Bannerbomb3, an almost 4 year old exploit that was a mainstay seedminer-based method for free homebrew access. In fact, this left the 3ds scene without a free homebrew softmod for the first time in a long time (well just for old3ds anyway).
    Note: this update only applied to US/EU/JP. Minor regions KR/TW/CH remain at 11.16.

    @TuxSH and @luigoalma combine their considerable Lenny powers and unleash nimdsphax, a nice, reliable userland -> arm9 exploit chain.
    Shortly after, developer Zoogie farts out Kartminer7, a Seedminer launched userland exploit that targets Mario Kart's extdata. It can work with the eshop or Kart version of the game, quite useful since the eshop has closed (and there's already supposedly 17 million of them out there).
    That's all nice, but it seems to work when it wants to, and it isn't free : (

    As an apology for Kartminer7 of sorts, Zoogie finally releases the long teased MSET9, a straight-to-arm9 (very rare) type of exploit that restores free homebrew to old3ds. It seems to work consistently across many firmwares and regions. His best exploit!

    Long time 3DS hack developer and scene fan _____ calls it quits, and is looking forward to future challenges while appreciating the time he had helping people unlock their 3DSs!

I probably missed some things, but that's a pretty good start. Let me know if there are any important omissions.
Last edited by zoogie,


Just passing by
Feb 1, 2015
Moscow city
There should be also PBT-CFW (After Palantine), Cakes somewhere (in between rxTools and reiNand), the history of Decrypt9 and EmuNAND9 (the last one is important - it allowed users to format their SDs without Gatebrick software), FBI (famous 2.0 ground-up rewrite), hbl-loader, and rxTools trying to get to A9LH and dying out in process. Aside from that, pretty cool and has an explanation of the key points.
Last edited by Elveman,
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Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2016
United States
Wow. Looking back at this thread was a blast to read.
Very interesting to see the new developments while I was inactive.
I'll post what Zoogie said in the OP and maybe update the thread once in a while


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2015
A Pretty Brief History of the 3ds Hacking/Homebrew Scene


the 3ds launches in the west and the famous 3dbrew.org wiki site launches in tandem, which would be the main info hub for 3ds RE for the length of the 3ds's lifespan. Most DS mode flashcarts were quickly fixed to run in DS mode on the 3ds. These carts would periodically be patched until firm 7.0, after which, Nintendo gave up worrying about them.

First 3ds roms dumped

crown3ds teases a promising video of a flashcard that would have been the first warez enabling solution for 3ds. What we actually got was an Engrish website forever promising: "We are in progressing ... 72%". A meme was born, and a dream died.

It is believed Neimod's hardware RAM dumping and subsequent internal research (#3dsdev/3dbrew.org, yellows8 and friends) lead to the first userland (OOT) and a9 exploits. Teasers like IRC chat logs and the following popped up.

3ds SOC decapping fundraiser started by 3dsdev insider gshock/jl12 to find out the system's secrets and supposedly get it hacked faster. GBAtemp community raises $2300 before gshock disappears with the money, presumably to a resort in fiji with Gateway execs.

Gateway released. The 3ds is offically hacked and piracy begins. They continue to be basically the entire "homebrew" scene for the next year and a half. There was, however, some basic arm9 homebrew possible via mset exploit + p3ds (rsaVerifySHA256 a9 sploit), but it was limited to just bare-metal stuff like ram dumpers, tetris, pong and the like. It was less impressive than even DS homebrew (and publicly, nobody knew how to properly harness the a9's power like nowadays).

brickgate/brickway - infamous scandal where Gateway releases a firm that intentionally bricks user 3ds's that run their software on GW clones like R4 gold Deluxe and Orange3DS. Even some legit users get caught up in Gateway's spiderweb of bricks. Gateway did offer to fix those units.

citra - first commit. the gold standard of 3ds emulators for the PC is born. Wouldn't really hit its stride until 2016, a testament to how complex a system the 3ds is.

Then the giovani/palantine cfw (internally made by yellows8 and others) leak happened, bringing the first free, closed source cfw to the masses. Limitations: 4.5, emunand not updatable, low boot rate, a bitch to install, etc. But it did run cias, and it forced Gateway to add cia support to its flashcard in a panic about a week later.

sky3ds flashcart released. plays clean cart roms on any firmware, but no homebrew, cia's, mods, etc. Initial model limited to just 10 non-replaceable games with the manufacturer suggesting 'buy another' if you want more. Pirates consider this theft and scoff. Sky3ds eases its restriction and releases a 'blue button' card without the game limit.

ninjhax userland (1st sane hb environment) and ctrulib make their triumphant, morally centered debut shortly after palantine.
ntr cfw released - plug-in based a11 kernal cfw that adds many cool features like RAM poking and 3ds -> PC video streaming (2016).

Gateway cracks 9.2 and updates its flashcard to the OMEGA series. Genius yifanlu posts detailed blog REing the GW memchunkhax/firmlaunchhax combo and teams like SALT, roxas75, and patois quickly implement it.

rxtools released. 1st legit emunand/multi-tool implementation. anti piracy.

pasta cfw released after sig patches leaked on pastebin (hence the name). Combined with patois open source mchunkhax/firmlaunchhax (brahma) this resulted in the 1st open source cfw. no emunand.

rxtools patched with above sig patches by ahp_person (appletinivi). roxas does not approve, throws fit.

roxas gives in, released rxtools source, adds sig patches officially. quits scene.
Rxtools goes on to be the "it" cfw for the next several months, despite being kinda sloppily coded and a risk to inexperienced users with its dangerous arm9 power-user features built-in.

ninjhax2x released. App takeover, rom hacks, and other nice things too numerous to detail.

tubehax - primary userland exploit that takes advantage of the 3ds's otherwise useless youtube app. An excellent primary entrypoint. Unfortunately patched a couple months later.
ironhax - first secondary userland exploit - one that requires a primary (like tubehax) to install.
reinand - first full featured New3ds cfw.

menuhax - secondary home menu exploit that allows boot time userland execution. Fantastic when paired with cfw launchers save for the annoyingly unreliable *hax bootrates on 9.2. a favorite among homebrew peasants, and the sworn enemy of the late Margen67
browserhax - primary browser exploits for old/new 3ds that would be updated on and off over the coming months.

sky3ds+ released. bypasses cart-based AP in recent games and adds filesystem-based game loading among other features.

32c3 hacker conference - snshax, arm9loaderhax, memchunkhax2, ntrcardhax revealed. Userland exploits menuhax, and ironfall were updated too.

10.x downgrading to 9.2 released. steveice10 implements. biggest PM group in the history of GBAtemp forged in secret ;p Downgrading patched with 10.4.

arm9loaderhax emerges, lumbering and crushing everything in its path. menuhax peasants begin their suffering.
aureinand/luma3ds - fork of reinand that took the cfw's features to a new level. The authors, aurora wright and tuxsh, had a public falling out with the original author, reisukaku, and subsequently cut all ties with him by first renaming the project from aureinand to luma3ds, then removing the fork status altogether. It is currently the most popular cfw today (11/2017).

aliaspider releases memchunkhax2.1, allowing downgrades to 9.2 to resume. calls it svchax for reasons only known to him. This new k11 sploit would last through 10.7.

stupid lolcat finally reveals the dsiware firm downgrade method after hinting about it for months. This allows the 9.2 downgrading to resume yet again (given a second fully hacked system). Nintendo privately thinks it's pretty cool, ignores it. Fieldrunners sales skyrocket.

arm9loaderhax becomes even more irresistible due to ctrnand transfer (shortens install time on both new/old 3ds) and otpless (instant new3ds install). Otpless was later scuttled (from 3ds.guide) due to a low chance of random bricking.

33c3. yes, more megatonhax. First off, Soundhax, free userland primary for a system app so almost all 3ds's are vulnerable. Fasthax, another k11 sploit, is revealed. Both of these are by scene newcomer nedwill, and are immediately released. Scene veteran derrek then reveals sighax, a bootrom vuln that allows one to sign arbitrary firmware code. He also reveals vague details on how he dumped the 3ds arm9/arm11 bootroms. No actual code releases from derrek though.

New arm9 sploit safehax is released by appleTinivi after an anon posted the method on 3dbrew.org. So now, full control is possible up to firm 11.2. People usually use this to ctrnand downgrade to 2.1, get the otp, then restore original nand and install a9lh.

11.3 is released and Fasthax/safehax are fixed. Firm downgrading with dsiware or hardmod is also fixed.
Gatway promises support for 11.3 and new exciting stuff for their loyal customers. Go to 9/2017 to see how that turned out.

11.4 is released fixing a previously unknown k11 vuln, udsploit. Smealum releases that exploit for those still on 11.3. Soon after, AppleTinivi updates safehax for 11.3 due to an oversight in Nintendo's previous safehax fix. a9lh masterrace resumes for a little longer.

33.5c3. An unofficial sequel to the blockbuster 33c3 sees sighax implemented. This version is called boot9strap, since it adds the feature of being able to dump the bootroms in software. Ntrboot, a method to hack any 3ds at boot-time with a modified ds flashcard (made possible mostly with sighax/boot9strap), is theorized and confirmed privately. Since firms can now be forged with nothing more than nand access, the dsiware transfer and hardmod methods of installing cfw resume on latest firmware.

The New2dsXL is released in Australia and it is discovered to have the same vulnerable bootroms as 3ds's manufactured 7 years ago, making people concerned for the 1000000th time if Nintendo knows what it's doing.

ntrboot is finally released starting with support for just the ak2i and r4ids.cn flashcards but quickly growing to many others. A new generation of Nintendo homebrewers discovers the utter joy of trying to figure out what DS flashcard clone they actually have and if it's actually good for anything.

Gateway team reveals what they have been working on for the last several months: ditching their old flashcard and making a new one of course. It's called Stargate and is supposed to be a hybrid of ntrboot card, ds card, and sky3ds. It's expensive ($80), and already has been delayed several times. Soon.

Someone reveals a method to brute-force the 3ds's movable.sed with only the Local Friend Code Seed, which is obtainable in userland and below. This allows people to inject hacked dsiware and install B9S with only one 3ds. Seedminer is the name of the implementation of this vulnerability.


I probably missed some things, but that's a pretty good start. Let me know if there are any important omissions.
OoT was discovered before MSET? I always thought that the latter was the first exploit discovered ever. Also how is it only barebones if iirc it was the first one GW used?

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

Also "exploit that takes advantage of the 3ds's otherwise useless youtube app" :rofl2::rofl2::rofl2:
Gosh I remenber when that app first came out it was pure shit since the only thing it was good at was continuously crashing with no goddamn reason
Last edited by lAkdaOpeKA,
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The Catboy

GBAtemp Official Catboy™: Savior of the broken
Sep 13, 2009
Making a non-binary fuss
Some random Rei-Six history for anyone who might be interested
Dec 14, 2016, I messaged @CrimsonMaple about RenNAND (first incarnation of Rei-Six) and we started working together to revive ReiNAND.


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2016
United States
I’ll try to add on the bits and pieces of history you guys post to the big history timeline Zoogie made in the OP so whoever decides to look at this thread doesn’t have to scroll around this entire thread. (Although there’s not much here xD)
If you do decide to leave something, please include a date. If no exact date, then please give a month/year.
Example: 8/2017:

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  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    on tiramisu you can access it by opening mii maker
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    I don't have a wii u anymore to test it myself, but if homebrews are not visible on the wii u menu I think you can press L + R + minus to open the plugin menu, there should be an option called "homebrews on wii u menu" or something similar
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    it is L+dpad down+ select
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    but homebrew is appearing in the home menu btw
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    yes, now I remember it
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    then it is working, I also don't like that they did this but it is the only option you have if you are using aroma
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    i just didint know the homebrew launcher didint exist in aroma
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    thanks btw
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    Im downloading fallout 3 goty edition
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    I'm downloading more ram for my hamster pc
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    New hamster PC, with anal operation and BT connectivity!
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @BigOnYa, How do I make enemies respawn on gdevelop after
    the player dies?
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    Carrying a PC or phone is so old school!
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    Squeeze your cheeks twice to answer calls!
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    @Xdqwerty you can use a "spawner" function on any object.
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Or when your player dies, you can say in code, if enemy exists, do nothing, but if enemy does not exist, then create enemy at certain spot. (This would be a pain tho for lots of emeies)
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Easiest, simple way would be just restart scene, but player would restart from beginning.
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @BigOnYa, thx in advance
  • Spider2190 @ Spider2190:
  • Spider2190 @ Spider2190:
    How are you doing, @Xdqwerty
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    Dolphin porn??? This man has my vote!!! Lol
    Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo: Dolphin porn??? This man has my vote!!! Lol