14 reported dead, 20 injured in shooting at Dark Night Rises showing.


Not a New Member
Jul 30, 2008
Fucking disgusting. The mass shooting in Toronto just happened a couple days ago and now this.

My condolences to the families affected by this.

This lady here was one of the victims that got killed. https://twitter.com/JessicaRedfield/status/226189043078152192 She tweeted 20 minutes before the film started, they say that he came in half an hour into the movie.

The reason I quoted you was because she was a survivor of the Toronto mass shooting. Her twitter is heartbreaking to read.
Her brother flew out to Colorado to find out what happend. Here was what he found out from a friend who was with her:


This is what I have been told by Brent, who was with my sister at the time of the shooting. This will be the only statement that I will make on the events surrounding what appears to be her death.

Jessica and Brent were seated in the middle portion of the theatre when a device was thrown into the theatre that produced a “hissing” sound. The theatre than began to fill with smoke which is when patrons began to move from their seats. At that time, shots were fired. Brent and Jessica immediately dropped to a prone position for cover. Jessica advised multiple times for someone to call 911, which Brent immediately attempted to do. Brent then heard Jessica scream and noticed that she was struck by a round in the leg. Brent, began holding pressure on the wound and attempted to calm Jessica. It was at this time that Brent took a round to his lower extremities. While still administering first aid, Brent noticed that Jessica was no longer screaming. He advised that he looked over to Jessica and saw what appeared to be an entry wound to her head. He further stated that Jessica presented with agonal respirations. Brent then took what may have been his only chance to escape the line of fire and exited the structure where he then contacted my mother. Brent’s actions are nothing but heroic. The veracity of any other statements not issued by myself or Peter Burns should be questioned.

Source: http://t.co/NppKXBZK

Actinopterygian Melospiza

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2012
United States
Whoever this wanker turns out to be. He should be hung, drawn and quartered and his name forgotten for the rest of time.
Erase this looser.
WTF dude? It always disgusts me to see news about a horrific act, and then someone suggesting doing more awful things as the solution. That's not justice, it's borderline sociopathic behavior. It's people that think this way that commit crimes like this in the first place.
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The Insane Statistician
Mar 4, 2010
United States
School email:

Today I join with you and others across the nation in expressing my profound sadness over the horrific shootings that occurred in Aurora, Colorado. On behalf of the entire University community, I extend our deepest sympathy to the victims, their families, and all of those impacted by this tragedy.

The alleged shooter has been identified by police as James Eagan Holmes. Mr. Holmes was a student at , graduating with honors in spring 2010 with a B.S. in neuroscience.

We have already received many media inquiries about Mr. Holmes. If you are contacted by the media, please feel free to refer any calls or requests for interviews to in the Office of Strategic Communications.

Drama day at my school yay

Dann Woolf

Deadpan Snarker
Oct 12, 2010
School email:

Today I join with you and others across the nation in expressing my profound sadness over the horrific shootings that occurred in Aurora, Colorado. On behalf of the entire University community, I extend our deepest sympathy to the victims, their families, and all of those impacted by this tragedy.

The alleged shooter has been identified by police as James Eagan Holmes. Mr. Holmes was a student at , graduating with honors in spring 2010 with a B.S. in neuroscience.

We have already received many media inquiries about Mr. Holmes. If you are contacted by the media, please feel free to refer any calls or requests for interviews to in the Office of Strategic Communications.

Drama day at my school yay

Neuroscience? Ironic, seeing as he's the one who should have someone tinker with his thinker.


Mwa ha ha ha!
Sep 1, 2008
GBAtemp ↑↑↓↓← → ← →BA
I cant remember what comedian once sad that bullets should be very expensive, but he was right, you need a gun for protection you get 5 bullets for 1000 $. It is for your protection after all.
I think it was Dave Chapelle.

Any idea what went wrong in this guy's brain yet?
Obviously his sanity module short-circuited.

Reports keep changing. I see various news outlets saying 14/50, 12/20/, 16/60 and 18/75. So which is the truth?
Do the numbers really matter? What matters is that bad shit happened and this lunatic should be brought to justice. Fuck, he shot kids!

Dann Woolf

Deadpan Snarker
Oct 12, 2010

The Milkman

GBATemp's Official Asshat Milkman
Jan 12, 2011
Throwing milk at the bitches!
United States
If this guy gets off with an insanity plea that's when you know the justice system 1.works okay. I don't care if you were insane or not in your right mind, you fucking kill someone, you deserve to 2.either be sent to jail for life or put in a mental hospital. And no matter who you are, 3.NOBODY has the right to choose whether or not someone lives or dies, you kill more then one person, you deserve worse. 4.People were fucked up in ancient times, 5.people were still fucked up in medieval times, 6.People were getting better but still bad in the colonial and victorian age. That's 7.Definaetly not how they should do it now.
fixed. I can't believe some people still believe in the death penalty.

1. No. If I kill your entire family, all your friends, or any other people you care for in anyway. How would you feel if I just got to sit in a cell that YOUR paying for, eating food that YOUR giving me are you going to tell me that on no level you would want me to suffer in some way?

2. No. thats like ignoring a problem instead of fixing it. What if we just took all the worlds problems the put them in a nice little box instead of fixing them?

3. Like the man who shot a baby point blank? Who did the baby ever hurt or kill, I bet the kid couldnt even TALK yet. But no, he choose who lives and dies, and whats his punishment for playing god? Food and shelter, not having to work to eat, even having the chance to get things such as education and therapy that a child who could actually grow up and DO something with it is deprived of. Oh, but at least we can hope he leaves and DOESNT SHOOT ANOTHER BABY IN THE FACE.

4-6. >Implying were still not fucked up, whats changed since then? We know a little more, does that mean the basis of society suddenly is outdated and uneeded? Is an eye for an eye suddenly too brutal? How dare we want the eye of the man who took our own, who dare we want fairness.

7. Im not saying we should cut off the hands of thieves or put prositutes or adulters in chasity or kill bastard children. But its not that hard to say if a man kills someone the LEAST of his punishment should be a painless death.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2010
Solar Federation
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United States
This is the reason why gun control is necessary! It is scary to know that you could go in a public place and get shot for no reason. I don´t thing that the guy had a beef with all of the persons present in that room. He was just plain crazy with a gun. It is a scary world if you can buy bullets at sales prices. I cant remember what comedian once sad that bullets should be very expensive, but he was right, you need a gun for protection you get 5 bullets for 1000 $. It is for your protection after all.

I prefer simply outlaw all gun sales. 2nd amendment does not have the intention of giving you the rights to bear arm. Its original intention is to give states militia the rights to bear arm when states lacks federal protection. Due to poor wording, most people believe it did.

Sadly people will always find a way to get a hold of guns and do wicked things with them. My thoughts are with the victims and their families. It would
be a good gesture for someone or Warner Bros. to set up a fund for the victims or scholarship' something positive in the wake of this tragedy.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2010
Solar Federation
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United States
If this guy gets off with an insanity plea that's when you know the justice system 1.works okay. I don't care if you were insane or not in your right mind, you fucking kill someone, you deserve to 2.either be sent to jail for life or put in a mental hospital. And no matter who you are, 3.NOBODY has the right to choose whether or not someone lives or dies, you kill more then one person, you deserve worse. 4.People were fucked up in ancient times, 5.people were still fucked up in medieval times, 6.People were getting better but still bad in the colonial and victorian age. That's 7.Definaetly not how they should do it now.
fixed. I can't believe some people still believe in the death penalty.

1. No. If I kill your entire family, all your friends, or any other people you care for in anyway. How would you feel if I just got to sit in a cell that YOUR paying for, eating food that YOUR giving me are you going to tell me that on no level you would want me to suffer in some way?

2. No. thats like ignoring a problem instead of fixing it. What if we just took all the worlds problems the put them in a nice little box instead of fixing them?

3. Like the man who shot a baby point blank? Who did the baby ever hurt or kill, I bet the kid couldnt even TALK yet. But no, he choose who lives and dies, and whats his punishment for playing god? Food and shelter, not having to work to eat, even having the chance to get things such as education and therapy that a child who could actually grow up and DO something with it is deprived of. Oh, but at least we can hope he leaves and DOESNT SHOOT ANOTHER BABY IN THE FACE.

4-6. >Implying were still not fucked up, whats changed since then? We know a little more, does that mean the basis of society suddenly is outdated and uneeded? Is an eye for an eye suddenly too brutal? How dare we want the eye of the man who took our own, who dare we want fairness.

7. Im not saying we should cut off the hands of thieves or put prositutes or adulters in chasity or kill bastard children. But its not that hard to say if a man kills someone the LEAST of his punishment should be a painless death.

I think its a question as citizens of the world that we must ask. If the death penalty is legal then should it be painless? If it isn't should we make the perpetrator suffer? To what degree? What are the ramifications of torturing those who make others suffer? Should we try it? I don't know.


The Insane Statistician
Mar 4, 2010
United States
We have news vans flooding my school; the guy just had to graduate here.



Active Member
Sep 4, 2011
United Kingdom
If this guy gets off with an insanity plea that's when you know the justice system 1.works okay. I don't care if you were insane or not in your right mind, you fucking kill someone, you deserve to 2.either be sent to jail for life or put in a mental hospital. And no matter who you are, 3.NOBODY has the right to choose whether or not someone lives or dies, you kill more then one person, you deserve worse. 4.People were fucked up in ancient times, 5.people were still fucked up in medieval times, 6.People were getting better but still bad in the colonial and victorian age. That's 7.Definaetly not how they should do it now.
fixed. I can't believe some people still believe in the death penalty.

1. No. If I kill your entire family, all your friends, or any other people you care for in anyway. How would you feel if I just got to sit in a cell that YOUR paying for, eating food that YOUR giving me are you going to tell me that on no level you would want me to suffer in some way?

2. No. thats like ignoring a problem instead of fixing it. What if we just took all the worlds problems the put them in a nice little box instead of fixing them?

3. Like the man who shot a baby point blank? Who did the baby ever hurt or kill, I bet the kid couldnt even TALK yet. But no, he choose who lives and dies, and whats his punishment for playing god? Food and shelter, not having to work to eat, even having the chance to get things such as education and therapy that a child who could actually grow up and DO something with it is deprived of. Oh, but at least we can hope he leaves and DOESNT SHOOT ANOTHER BABY IN THE FACE.

4-6. >Implying were still not fucked up, whats changed since then? We know a little more, does that mean the basis of society suddenly is outdated and uneeded? Is an eye for an eye suddenly too brutal? How dare we want the eye of the man who took our own, who dare we want fairness.

7. Im not saying we should cut off the hands of thieves or put prositutes or adulters in chasity or kill bastard children. But its not that hard to say if a man kills someone the LEAST of his punishment should be a painless death.
If this guy gets off with an insanity plea that's when you know the justice system 1.works okay. I don't care if you were insane or not in your right mind, you fucking kill someone, you deserve to 2.either be sent to jail for life or put in a mental hospital. And no matter who you are, 3.NOBODY has the right to choose whether or not someone lives or dies, you kill more then one person, you deserve worse. 4.People were fucked up in ancient times, 5.people were still fucked up in medieval times, 6.People were getting better but still bad in the colonial and victorian age. That's 7.Definaetly not how they should do it now.
fixed. I can't believe some people still believe in the death penalty.

1. No. If I kill your entire family, all your friends, or any other people you care for in anyway. How would you feel if I just got to sit in a cell that YOUR paying for, eating food that YOUR giving me are you going to tell me that on no level you would want me to suffer in some way?

2. No. thats like ignoring a problem instead of fixing it. What if we just took all the worlds problems the put them in a nice little box instead of fixing them?

3. Like the man who shot a baby point blank? Who did the baby ever hurt or kill, I bet the kid couldnt even TALK yet. But no, he choose who lives and dies, and whats his punishment for playing god? Food and shelter, not having to work to eat, even having the chance to get things such as education and therapy that a child who could actually grow up and DO something with it is deprived of. Oh, but at least we can hope he leaves and DOESNT SHOOT ANOTHER BABY IN THE FACE.

4-6. >Implying were still not fucked up, whats changed since then? We know a little more, does that mean the basis of society suddenly is outdated and uneeded? Is an eye for an eye suddenly too brutal? How dare we want the eye of the man who took our own, who dare we want fairness.

7. Im not saying we should cut off the hands of thieves or put prositutes or adulters in chasity or kill bastard children. But its not that hard to say if a man kills someone the LEAST of his punishment should be a painless death.
tl;dr I don't want to start another argument. We share different opinions, end of story.


executioner angel
Apr 20, 2010
Tucson, AZ
United States
Fucking disgusting. The mass shooting in Toronto just happened a couple days ago and now this.

My condolences to the families affected by this.
Wow, I missed out on that news. Horrible.

There really are no winners and losers, no rights and wrongs in an argument like this because either way everybody loses - someone died and there is no solution and no suitable retribution since nobody can bring the victims back to life.

I too am not a huge fan of the Death Penalty, as silly as it may sound coming from me - a life is a life, but a line needs to be drawn between a human and a monster.

In my opinion, prisoners that are found to be beyond help, guilty of highly-atrocious crimes such as this one who pose a threat to society should be "canditates" for the Death Penalty with a choice of Life Imprisonment while working within the compound to fund their own living - this makes everybody happy since it's up to the prisoner then.

This kind of sentence should only be given by an impartial judge and a board of psychologists that are trained in the field of criminal psychology - only that kind of a combination can assert the potential for rehab, if there is any, and the state of mind of the offender.

...sounds good?
Foxi, for once I agree with you. The whole prison system needs to be revamped. Also, corporations need t STAY AWAY from prisons. Here in America, corporate prisons are doing nothing more than trying to get law makers to make people into criminals for every little thing so they can line up their pockets. Our country is quickly becoming a police state and you're better off just staying in your house than going outside where you can be bullied by the police ans arrested for anything just because a cop says so. I feel sad for the victims and there really needs to be greater effort placed on Mental health in this country.
Agreed, but also I think a greater effort needs to be placed on the importance of things that were once taken for granted as a cultural achievement and source of civic pride -- rather than on politics and corporate profits. Those things we once believed were integral to America are being eroded by the mighty dollar and corporate lobbyists -- i think one of the biggest problems is how much money has been diverted from public education, and how poorly rewarded good teachers are in the crop of bad teachers. As I said in a previous post, our whole culture is infected and this gives opportunity to breed this very kind of insanity, but the culture issue goes back a few generations now.
If America was a country worth a tenth of its own pride, maybe we wouldn't have disillusioned psychopaths trying to destroy it in these ways.

When I first read about this story, all I could do was shake my head. This is just sad. What was the point of it all? Guess they are going to start installing metal detectors in movie theaters now.
You can't impose inconvenience on the entirety of the society when you only want to target a tiny fraction of it - bah! A few particles. This is also what was done "wrong" after 9/11 - the entire world was fed propaganda of fear and security measures went through the roof to the point that they were actually endangering ordinary citizens - on a Canadian airport, a Polish citizen who was waiting for his relatives and didn't know the language became restless and after countless attempts at trying to find a translator, he started yelling - clearly upset. The security tazed him to death - his heart just stopped. Incidents like this were re-occuring and are a staple example of why this never works. Moreover, it also instigated fear and discrimination againts Muslims and Arabs in many countries - many people after the attacks started to automatically assume that every Muslim and every Arab is a terrorist, when it's obviously not the case.

What this world needs is putting respect of law back where it's supposed to by inflicting harsh and swift judgement that will make the criminal think twice before comitting a crime. That, and financing the Police better. Right now, the financing is poor and the officers are prone to become corrupt simply because they too need to save money for retirement. A well-paid officer will be far too afraid of losing his/her chair to accept a bribe. Same goes for the entirety of the Justice System - it needs to be a well-oiled and properly maintained machine so that it is free from outside influence.

We're not talking about a police state - we're talking about a system that works the way it's intended to.
Though I agree with youm I think the Justice system and police making procedural errors, is a bigger problem than actual police corruption, in the US. Police corruption is a HORRIBLE problem in Mexico, I live right on the border with Juarez which is a major cartel border crossing -- but US police do get pensions -- they just aren't always trained enough to avoid making mistakes that let criminals get off on technicalities.

People get like this when they are fed up of humanity. These are intelligent people who are way above the average individual. They see the filth our society has came to.
I agree and find it heartbreaking that any talented mind would turn out this way.


Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
Though I agree with youm I think the Justice system and police making procedural errors, is a bigger problem than actual police corruption, in the US. Police corruption is a HORRIBLE problem in Mexico, I live right on the border with Juarez which is a major cartel border crossing -- but US police do get pensions -- they just aren't always trained enough to avoid making mistakes that let criminals get off on technicalities.
It's all a matter of funding in my opinion. More funding equals better training, better training equals better officers.


executioner angel
Apr 20, 2010
Tucson, AZ
United States
Though I agree with youm I think the Justice system and police making procedural errors, is a bigger problem than actual police corruption, in the US. Police corruption is a HORRIBLE problem in Mexico, I live right on the border with Juarez which is a major cartel border crossing -- but US police do get pensions -- they just aren't always trained enough to avoid making mistakes that let criminals get off on technicalities.
It's all a matter of funding in my opinion. More funding equals better training, better training equals better officers.
Yeah, not necessarily even more funding overall, just better distributed funding, in my opinion. The war on drugs is a major issue where I live (El Paso, being a major trafficking corridor) but some decriminalization (which could be both a state and federal matter) would free up a LOT of money for more important things than jailing kids caught with one too many joints in their stash. Like police training, or even higher police pensions (I don't know that their salaries should be increased, I think increasing their retirement and other benefits for their families would be a stronger incentive to stay clean of corruption than simply paying them more.)
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The Milkman

GBATemp's Official Asshat Milkman
Jan 12, 2011
Throwing milk at the bitches!
United States
If this guy gets off with an insanity plea that's when you know the justice system 1.works okay. I don't care if you were insane or not in your right mind, you fucking kill someone, you deserve to 2.either be sent to jail for life or put in a mental hospital. And no matter who you are, 3.NOBODY has the right to choose whether or not someone lives or dies, you kill more then one person, you deserve worse. 4.People were fucked up in ancient times, 5.people were still fucked up in medieval times, 6.People were getting better but still bad in the colonial and victorian age. That's 7.Definaetly not how they should do it now.
fixed. I can't believe some people still believe in the death penalty.

1. No. If I kill your entire family, all your friends, or any other people you care for in anyway. How would you feel if I just got to sit in a cell that YOUR paying for, eating food that YOUR giving me are you going to tell me that on no level you would want me to suffer in some way?

2. No. thats like ignoring a problem instead of fixing it. What if we just took all the worlds problems the put them in a nice little box instead of fixing them?

3. Like the man who shot a baby point blank? Who did the baby ever hurt or kill, I bet the kid couldnt even TALK yet. But no, he choose who lives and dies, and whats his punishment for playing god? Food and shelter, not having to work to eat, even having the chance to get things such as education and therapy that a child who could actually grow up and DO something with it is deprived of. Oh, but at least we can hope he leaves and DOESNT SHOOT ANOTHER BABY IN THE FACE.

4-6. >Implying were still not fucked up, whats changed since then? We know a little more, does that mean the basis of society suddenly is outdated and uneeded? Is an eye for an eye suddenly too brutal? How dare we want the eye of the man who took our own, who dare we want fairness.

7. Im not saying we should cut off the hands of thieves or put prositutes or adulters in chasity or kill bastard children. But its not that hard to say if a man kills someone the LEAST of his punishment should be a painless death.

I think its a question as citizens of the world that we must ask. If the death penalty is legal then should it be painless? If it isn't should we make the perpetrator suffer? To what degree? What are the ramifications of torturing those who make others suffer? Should we try it? I don't know.

That's why I said least. In my honest opinion the more people you kill, and by the means you kill them should decide the way your exacuted and how long you death is.

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