If you played Breath of the Wild, there is a good chance that you noticed the absence of traditional dungeons (if you don't count the Divine Beasts). If you wondered why the game uses 120 micro dungeons scattered about the landscape instead, the director of the game, Hidemaro Fujibayashi, provided an explanation in the recent Nintendo Power podcast as well as discussed the idea behind the Divine Beasts:
"So in the past Zelda games, one dungeon was very, very long and because this game had a very wide field to explore and one of the themes we had was finding things, we were thinking about what the ratio is for finding Shrines while players are wandering around the field. And when we calculated that, we kind of ended up with 100 or more Shrines. And as for size, we thought about perhaps making long, big dungeons, but that would take long, and players would dedicate their time too long in the dungeons, so we thought perhaps one Shrine is maybe 10 minutes. We’re thinking play would be a good amount.
When we considered that each Shrine would take around 10 minutes, we thought maybe for a Zelda title, it wasn’t enough, it wasn’t meeting that dungeon feel for the game, so we thought maybe for this game, we could incorporate a big dungeon and perhaps one that moves or one that incorporates a gravity movement system and so we considered a big dungeon and that’s how we thought about the Divine Beasts. And so initially when we were thinking about the Divine Beasts, we thought about something that could be seen from afar, and maybe like a humanoid form, but then because these Champions were controlling Divine Beasts, we thought well maybe it would be interesting if the Divine Beasts themselves were a dungeon. And so then that met the requirement of a moving dungeon and also something that could be seen from afar. That’s how we kind of came up with the idea of the Divine Beasts".
With a new Zelda being in development, would you like the game to continue the path of Breath of the Wild or prefer that the game goes back to its roots, so to speak, with traditional dungeons?