Wii - disappointed


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2009
United States
Great feedback
But regarding your points
#1 DVD player should have been part of the system - it is a DVD player and reads DVD media. A HB app should not have been needed for this. But homebrew came through and added a missing piece to the Wii

#2 All of those emulators run on low end-pc's without problem. A Wii to play these is a cool trick - Wii 64 pushes the Wii a little too hard (50% speed) but they could optimize code and make it run faster.. but you might not see any advanced emualtors. Possibly MAME but probably certain 80's games or older. I dunno. Again Homebrew adds fun to the Wii

#3 PS3/360/Wii have internet capability. I am not sure if PS3 has wireless. Xbox does but it is a seperate purchase. But you can use a cable and plus into a computer that has wireless and tap off of that. So Wii has wireless G built in - nice but I could say my 360 has Wireless N as it is tapping off my computer. I could buy a wireless adapter for it but I would get reduce performance. Internet on Wii isnt really a selling point.

#4 Wii is not 100% disaster...there is something that appeals to someone on there. Using my stats above - Out of 100 games, I will find 90 of them that will not keep my attention

#5 Homebrew on Wii is great - I agree. It helps the system out soooo much. But purchasing a Wii for homebrew to change screens or colors or healthscreens or adding missing features or emulators or ... is somethigng someone needs to be prepared for, not something that is found and used for salvation.
*Did that make sense?

#6 Embedding a Wii in a PC would be a cool trick but outside of hiding it, the issues still remain

Good chat!.... thanks


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2007
QUOTE said:
Good chat!.... thanks

Welcome my friend.

Ok so we shouldn't have to install stuff such as internet (500 wii points) and dvd/divx as they should be part of thw wii but hey there are not so nstead as you and i said its done by homebrew and tbh probably best done by them as it is or will be better sooner or later with both playback and features.

Now i know the wii is 3d in the list of next gen but considering the ps3 isn't really been hacked yet then we can count it out, and remember the ps3 doesn't have a great back catalogue of games and in most cases doesn't doesn't have b/c with ps2/1 either so.........

Xbox 360 is without a dought the best for almost anything in your or my list but its not got the wii controller lol and has a habit of breaking down a lot!!

No really i stick by my ( the wii is cr*p ) for retail games anyway but its got a 700mhz cpu in it which should help to get some good homebrew/or commercial games out which will look and act nicer in the future.

Either way if you have purchased a wii then just keep it for those party nights or when you don;t want to visit your pc for classic genesis gaming.

EDIT: QUOTE#6 Embedding a Wii in a PC would be a cool trick but outside of hiding it, the issues still remain

Not really a trick, take wii from outercase (because its a little wide) and place in spare dvd drive of pc, hook up power as usual with cable leading from spare pci space ( or hardwire to psu) then take sensor cable and also lead out of same spare pci slot and finally hook up the tv lead to tv car built into your pc (if you have one)!. Then simply power on pc - start tv tuner and play wii

Its the same idea as the genesis back in the day being built into a 386 pc, the pc and genesis were in one housing but when you used the pc you slid a white plastic slider accross the genesis part to have access to the floppy drive, genesis the slider went across the floppy.

So same idea but without the white plastic slider lol, i might actually do this and post pics one day if i can get a cheap second hand wii :-)



Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2009
United States
Meh...I think I would feel better on all levels giving this to my buddy and his family.
They would really appreciate it. 3 little kids would go nuts
He would appreciate it as he cant really afford one
I would feel better as I dont see it collecting dust and reminding me how much money I spent on it.

Put it this way....if I purchased a Dishnet/DirecTV satellite package for X-mas instead of the Wii I would be 100% happier. But hind sight is 20/20, right?

QUOTE said:
i might actually do this and post pics one day if i can get a cheap second hand wii :-)
Too bad you not in Southern US... I know a place that has 1 that would fit your budget


Scribbling around GBATemp's kitchen.
Jan 14, 2006
Commadore64 said:
Do you see anything wrong with this picture?

Are you aware that WiiSports is not the only Tennis game on the Wii!? In fact Virtua Tennis 2009 is coming later this year with Motion Plus support..

Yep, the Wii has plenty of crap games, but that's what happens when you are the market leader.. the PS2 had thousands of shovelware like NinjaBread Man (yep the Wii version is a port) and other DDI, DSI, Phoenix Games games.. but.. it also has some good games like those listed here: http://gbatemp.net/index.php?showtopic=81988

Anyway, that's your taste.. Nintendo consoles were always good mainly because of Nintendo games.. if you don't like those, why have you bought a Wii in the first place?


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2009
United States
I could not find a snapshot of Virtua tennis for Wii
(probably because it isnt released yet)
I was really trying to show the "cartoony"/"kid oriented" characters across that pretty much dominate the popular Wii games. It turned into just what pops up when I typed in "Tennis Wii", "Tennis 360", "Tennis PS3" and then a dreamcast appeared in the mix.

Do you know that Motion Plus if will only be useful in newer games? I mean can it be used to enhance older games? I am going to bet NO on this. Probably because it will require a new IOS for the motion plus adapters. New IOS was required for the guitar in Guitar Hero to work. There is a new adapter - so there will most likely be a new IOS that old games will be unaware of. I will look it up later.

QUOTE said:
if you don't like those, why have you bought a Wii in the first place?
read above... but here I go again

The Wii has big marketing behind it. Before X-mas, all store out of them, friends saying the where getting them for their families for presents, some people at work had it already and said it is fun. When you get to a store that has a few before Xmas... I had enough reason to get it at the time. It seemed like a great opportunity to get one, so I did. Also - do you think the sale person is going to say "Be careful of the Wii the graphics are disappointing and a lot of the games are too" during Xmas to a person with $200+ dollars in his hand waiting to purchase it? They want money, not to make gaming friends on Xbox 360.

I never had to research the "fun factor" for any other game system I have owned in the past but apparently I should have for the Wii

There is not a Better Business Bureau of Video Games to go to. There are so many stats saying each machine is better in this or that. There is no warning about pluses or minus of game consoles. So I MADE A WARNING.

I can honestly say (like I have a million times already) I am sorely disappointed in the Wii. It was not what I expected. I took the benefit of a doubt of thinking my friends that have one or purchased one (prior to me playing it) were happy with it. Same thing with coworkers saying it was cool.
They may consider "fun and cool" as to playing it once a month or two and the same games - and being content with it. I happen [sarcasm] to like to play a little more often than that [/sarcasm].
The more money I put in, the more I see money sitting there wasted sitting in front of me.

Controllers - cables - SD cards - etc.... None of that "kicked in" the Wii to make it cool. At least it did not for me. The games sure as hell did not

I just refuse to lay down any more cash. I would have more enjoyment making origami boats out of the money and flushing it down the toilet.
*Well thats a little extreme but you get my point

Anything that is "going to come out" is a guess on quality/game play.
Like I believe "Sonic and the Blacknight" was a heavy favorite. But looking around it is a disappointment to many. Look up chats here on this site
*Again I will refer to IGN gaving it a 3.9/10

Look here on comment about this in July 2008
Was high hopes back then for a great Sonic game that did not do too well


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2009
United States
Being a market leader - they should not have such a "medium" playability feel to the games

Sega (another market leader) has an incredible library.
Capcom - another...THQ...and so on

The Wii is not holding upto what I expected out of it. I feel I got cheated, gypt, suckered, whatever.

I think Apple people say it best.... I pay premium money for my Mac, I expect premium experience out of my Mac

Replace Mac with Wii...
Now say it out load and look at your copy of Carnival Games you paid $40 for
I do and I get mad. Chances are I could put my hand in the box and blindly pull out a game and repeat the same thing and get madder.

So, like I said, I would prefer to give this to a family that appreciates it
*Which will be Friday, barring any issues


Scribbling around GBATemp's kitchen.
Jan 14, 2006
Commadore64 said:
Do you know that Motion Plus if will only be useful in newer games? I mean can it be used to enhance older games? I am going to bet NO on this. Probably because it will require a new IOS for the motion plus adapters. New IOS was required for the guitar in Guitar Hero to work. There is a new adapter - so there will most likely be a new IOS that old games will be unaware of. I will look it up later.

Even if didn't require a new IOS, wouldn't be possible to make older games work with it.. the game needs to be programmed with the Motion Plus in mind, it changes the way the Wiimote works, it's not simply plug it and it gets better

Commadore64 said:
The Wii has big marketing behind it. Before X-mas, all store out of them, friends saying the where getting them for their families for presents, some people at work had it already and said it is fun. When you get to a store that has a few before Xmas... I had enough reason to get it at the time. It seemed like a great opportunity to get one, so I did. Also - do you think the sale person is going to say "Be careful of the Wii the graphics are disappointing and a lot of the games are too" during Xmas to a person with $200+ dollars in his hand waiting to purchase it? They want money, not to make gaming friends on Xbox 360.

That shows how good their market department is.. and also shows why you should go out buying stuff based on hype

QUOTE(Commadore64 @ Mar 12 2009, 01:14 PM)
I think Apple people say it best.... I pay premium money for my Mac, I expect premium experience out of my Mac

Replace Mac with Wii...
Now say it out load and look at your copy of Carnival Games you paid $40 for
I do and I get mad. Chances are I could put my hand in the box and blindly pull out a game and repeat the same thing and get madder.

So, like I said, I would prefer to give this to a family that appreciates it
*Which will be Friday, barring any issues
Don't see why I would buy Carnival Games.. but I can say that by looking at any Wii game that I bought and won't get mad

But anyway, live and learn.. the system doesn't have the kind of games that appeal to you, I know a bunch of people that are die hard Nintendo fans and are not into FPS and TPS games.. they are pretty happy playing Mario Kart and Brawl with their Wiis and wouldn't enjoy much a 360. Different strokes for different folks! Good luck with your Wii!


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2009
United States
Thank for the update

Seemed a little slanted but you do bring up some good points

Games needs to be AWARE of "motion plus" - good to be aware of

"That shows how good their market department is.. and also shows why you should go out buying stuff based on hype "
--I'll will take that as a personal jab. As Public Enemy says "Dont believe the Hype"

And the games you bought - I am happy you are happy. You cant see any reason to buy Carnival Games - that is a good thing (believe it or not)

Systems do not HAVE to have the games I like. And die hard (insert console name) fans are like bugs to a bug lamp - they do not look at the anything else but the buglamp They are content that their console is the best of the best of the best. There is no way I could convince them to change, if that was my intent. And it was not.
I know the 4 games that are the crowning jewel of the Wii are just not for me.
Mario Kart
Mario Galaxy
Zelda Twilight
Super Smash Brothers

If I did like them I might have a different taste about the Wii
*That sounded gross
But the Wii library has little to offer me.

I am sure that people have issues with PS3' and 360's and PSP and ...whatever else
I would love to see those.

Again thanks for the comments


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2009
United States
More statistics:
Using Metacritic

Using games that rank 75 point or higher (100 is max)

Playstation 2 - 536 games (wow) out of 1594 ....or 33% of the games
Playstation 3 - 136 games out of 300 ... 45% of the games
Xbox 360 - 223 out of 582 games .... 38% of the games
Xbox 1 - 339 out of 856 games ... 39% of the games
Wii - 71 out of 374 games ... 18% of the games

METASCORES range from 0-100, with higher scores indicating better overall reviews, and lower scores indicating less favorable reviews from critics. Various ranges of METASCORES are also identified by different colors, so you can tell at a glance how critics felt: generally, green scores [75-100] indicate favorable reviews, yellow scores [50-74] denote mixed reviews, and red scores [0-49] are used for unfavorable reviews.

Deleted User

I have a Wii, and I do have a PS2 too.

So far, I'm enjoying Wii, a heck lot more than PS2, which people claimed to be a "blood n gore" console.

Try No More Heroes for example. It's a game for a Wii, and it has BLOOD N GORE. Yes, I'm serious. Play that game and expect baseball hits that halves enemies, expect head decapitating and gushing blood. Expect .

Wii is a great console, if you got the right games. It's not a child system anymore. It's a family console, where anyone could find a game suited for them.


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2009
United States
I found No More Heroes not able to keep my attention .
There are a few Blood and Gore games on the Wii but that makes up maybe 1% of the games. As far as
"Wii is a great console, if you got the right games. It's not a child system anymore. It's a family console, where anyone could find a game suited for them."

I have to disgree
in my opinion..
The Wii is not a great system - outside of the hackability of it which saves it from being a total flop

"Right games" - I owned a lot of games and less than 1 out of 10 games I thought where good (see above) s it is nearly impossible to find a "right game"

Not a childs system anymore - well if you truly select a few titles and phrase it exactly about what the non-child point about it is and really try ...you can say it is not a child system anymore.
I could also say god does not exist... if god exists, he should be perfect. Was dinosaurs a mistake that he needed to make extinct? There are so many wars and so many lives lost (his children mind you), that he could have saved his children by just appearing and not being such a good hider for such a long time.
See? it is really how you phrase it and specifically look for something to point out.

It's a family console - yes it is a safe family game. Like a giant closet loaded with Stratego, Candyland, Operation, Tic Tac Toss, (blah blah blah), then somewhere in the mix, there is a "Beer Pong" and a pack of Bottle Rockets


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2009
United States
I just seen a commercial for Madworld.
I dont think I seen a commercial for Super Smash Brothers, or Twilight or Carnival Games
Funny what their marketing is alluding to. If I never owned one, I would think 'Geezus...check this out. The Wii has a fighting game with KMFDM graphics. I got to buy one now!!!"




...so here I would buy a system based on cool graphics and something I can relate to

But what if Madworld had graphics like this:

or this:



...I think I would continue clipping my toenails during this commercial


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2009
United States
Here is FACTS taken from this thread

Game quality is BAD
1) Why pay for something when you can get it for free? Most wii games are complete shit there are only a select few games worth playing.
2) Well, most wii games are bad to my opinion so I only select few games worth burn and playing and maybe buy 1-3 games depend and that's it, I think.
3) I love my Wii but there are just way, way too many nondescript games on the Wii. Rubbish party games, bad ports with stupid waggle controls and endless drivel aimed at the "Family" market (aimed at family market = lazy developers trying to con non-gamers into buying a sh*t game).
4) I don't want to pay for them.
Like many people say, most Wii games are crap. Some of them look amazing from trailers and screenshots and so on, but when I copy them, DAMN, I say to myself what a good job I didn't buy it.
5) I've got about 12 games I've bought, and only like around 3 of them!
So now I like to "Try before I buy"
6) I dont have many choices.. besides honestly the wii catalogue is just plain sad
7) I play most Wii games for about 5 minutes before I lose interest.
8) ... i've downloaded for them that I knew wouldn't be played much after the first day.
9) Maybe if it wasn't 80-90% crap for the wii I would take a chance more often in the shop, finding that 10-20% is what I *acquire* them for.
10) I burn Wii games so I don't feel like I wasted 250$ on a console with so few games worth buying

Game quality is not worth the price of the game
1) Wii games in Brazil cost something around US$115,00, so I'm not gonaa pay this much for any game.
2) If I wasn't downloading games for nothing, I'd be waiting until I could get four games for £20, or two for twenty if they were really good. £30 a game? No thanks.
3) Not to mention the fact that Wii games are overpriced here in Brazil. Games like Twilight Princess are more expensive than PS3 games. ;/
4) there is no moral excuse (and as far as I'm concerned it's criminal) to expect someone to pay £39.99 ($56) for Celebrity Sports Showdown or The Destiny Of Zorro.
5) My country is forgotten by Nintendo and then the prices are extremely high
6) We're in hands of Latamel who sells games for 5x the original price =O
7) Can't help to pirate. Prices here are MAD I tell you, MAD!!!!
8) i wouldnt wanna buy cuz australia money crisis

I Pirate Wii games because I can (no other reason)
1) i dont want to pay for them but i own more than 10 legaly wii games
2) Don't wanna pay for them. Aside from that, gaming's an expensive habit. I'd be spending outrageous amounts of money, and I just can't afford to do that. But I do have 2-3 Wii games that I've bought.
3) I feel I've bought enough Nintendo games. I have a SNES, N64, GBC, GBA, GC and Wii and many games for all of those consoles, so Nintendo has already earned a lot of money off me.
4) I burn them because it's an addiction.
5) I download them because I don't have money
6) Cuz you can
7) it is just so much easier to download them instead of walking to the game shop and buying it

gotta say I want to have a security copy of my games.
i'm very danger prone with disk (since as a kid most consoles where using indestructible cartridges lol) so i use back up copies of my originals
it cost less than a dollar to replace a backup if it stops working it cost $50 or so to replace a original.


Jul 22, 2006
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United States
Almost all of those 'facts' apply to pirating games on any system. What was your point in gleaning them all from that other thread or did I just take the bait?


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2009
United States
Well - it goes along with this blog (opinion) first of all.
and I thought it was a good fit that people, Wii owners, mostly have same feeling about the system as I do/did.

Although it is about pirating - these are about the top 3 things that stick out as I can see it:
Game quality is bad
---shitty, bad, rubbish, crap, lose interest
Games are not their worth in price
---too expensive for the region (ok but fits the section) and/or ridiculous for the content you get (Celebrity Sports Showdown / The Destiny Of Zorro)
I just do
The 1st 2 sections, I mention earlier on in this blog, which just adds weight as this is not trolling but others experience what I felt until I just had enough of Wii.
*To be fair... I cannot say I did not pirate a few games but I can say I have put in the neighborhood of $700 into that system (Wii games, GC games, controllers (both Wii and GC), fitness pad, SD cards, GC memory card, even little clip on adapter things). I make OK money but I mean.... seriously I kick my own ass when I was thinking something would make the Wii stick out or entertaining at some point. It never did. I read the forums and see peoples hopes for a release to make them happy...just crumble.

I thought.. ok Madworld will be it... the bomb it needs....Then I see people starting to say "it is ok but seems to get repetitive"..something like that... Some people say it is a good game.
And Sonic and the Black Knight... which was a kind of favorite just fumbled out of the starting box.
- minus the 4 'crowning jewels (see above) of the Wii games and not counting Wii sports which is packaged in' what is a really good Wii game that is almost unanimously considered great?

You do find some people that say "this game stinks... it blows" but not to the extent as you see regarding the Wii

Let me get back to your question...
Now what I also found interesting..funny... is some people just dont care and download Wii games..maybe for some collection fetish.
I find this topic funny because the majority of the underlying reasoning to do so is
--I download Wii games for free because they are crap---
--I find that the quality of the games are not worth the purchase so I download more of them--
What is the equivalent of this in any other hobby?

Now take another system... pick one in your head... now go to their sites and see if you can find as much "these games stink" chatter on one of those sites as you do on Wii sites or here.
Look at their "crowning jewel" type games,ignore them, and see it is not hard to find a lot of other good games that the majority are really happy with.
If you find one of those sites that talk down about the content as much as the Wii, please post it. Seriously.

As I said earlier... I got out with dignity (gave the Wii away) and well before the party is over (when I believe it will be in the used games/consoles section of EB Games/Game Stop going for well under $100 in the not too distant future... just my gut feeling)

Hey if you pirate - go for it...


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2009
United States
Also - to all...
Please realize I am merely stating an opinion in 1 section of this site
I may be an Ex-Wii owner but if I have made up anything or have FALSE information posted, please tell me and point out the remark/comment.
I try to point to facts (as I see them) to backup what I am explaining.

I do not promote any other console in this blog for fairness. I may reference them for example but I do not single out any one as dominant over the Wii

I mention this as I read a thread about someone being banned for some reason (unknown).
If I am to be banned - please extend the courtesy of why before you do so I may explain anything or apologize.
There is a difference between purchasing a Wii and a lot of Wii merchandise versus being given one. This is just 1 persons experience of purchasing an entertainment setup and the disappointment of the experience and how I now see things in my own point of view. Nothing more.
I do enjoy GBATEMP


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2007
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Yeah, Wii was a bit of a disappointment but I'm very much over that now. I was expecting top quality games and decent motion control...most of what we got was poor quality games and waggle.

There are some good games! The twilight hack is awesome and my wii isn't dusty anymore. I don't feel like risking spending $100 on a wii game unless it's really good, so I try before I buy.

Madworld is very good.
Most of the nintendo first party games entertain me a fair bit.

Some of the wiiware games are good and I believe this is just going to get better and better all the time (like xboxlive arcade)

I'm glad I kept my wii, there was a time where I hadn't touched it for 6 months and I was considering getting rid of it.

Motionplus should help bring out some new original games I hope, the motion control in the wiimote is kind of poor atm.


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2009
United States
Thanks for the comments Cubin'

Twilight Hack (homebrew) definitely opens up a new road for the Wii Experience. There is a lot going on there for sure. I still keep an eye out for what going on in that scene as when something cool is discovered, you can watch it go crazy with excitement.

MadWorld, sadly, I have not any 1st hand experience with it. I see mixed reaction. Did you see my KMFDM comparison above? Pretty strange, huh?

Wii sports is a safe game for "anyone" liking video games or not to get into. Others seemed like a rehash and the request ot put Wii Sport back on usually followed shortly after starting the party games. It was smart for NIN to package Wii Sport in there, I think

Have fun with the Wii... It is a game system meant to be enjoyed, that is it's purpose.

Lets hope motionplus does not only have 1 game that utilizes it - like maracas on Samba De Amigo for the Dreamcast

Take care buddy


Well-Known Member
Dec 25, 2008
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United States
Commadore64 said:
Thanks for pointing out to the public this is a blog/opinion

For those that are undecided - please do not use this blog as a basis for a decision on getting one or avoiding one.

You are the best person I have ever met to explain an opinion.

You show both sides of the story. You show good reasons why. You aren't one of those trolls that go "d00d wii suxors or whatever" You show why you don't like the system, and as people of the forum, we should respect your opinion.


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2009
United States
Now THAT is a cool comment and thank you for reading into the blog and not seeing I am an attacker but drawing the most detailed opinion based on my experience that I can try to relate to others with

Very cool of you....

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