So I just bought a O3DS second hand, I've been following the 3DS guide, tried both steelhax and bannerbomb3 methods and whenever I reach the installing boot9strap step and copy the hacked DsiWare.bin to the SD card on the 3DS it just doesn't recognize there is a Dsiware title on the SD card, I tried bannerbomb3 first but couldn't get the Dsiware.bin to get recognized there so thought maybe I did something wrong, tried steelhax, got to boot Homebrew menu via steelhax and dump Dsiware title, but just couldn't get hacked Dsiware.bin title to show up in the system settings menu, I've tried 2 different sd cards, formatted the SD cards multiple times so its not a issue with the SD cards, formatted the system twice aswell to no luck, what is my last option to get this system running on boot9strap, ds internet connection settings work just fine so I don't think twl_firm is broken, I have no idea whats wrong with this system.
Edit: Also tried checking if the system is already hacked but it doesn't boot the luma menu when booting up while holding start, it doesn't show anything on system firmware like its supposed to say Sys at the beginning of the firmware version if its its hacked but it doesn't, is this 3DS a lost cause?
Edit: Also tried checking if the system is already hacked but it doesn't boot the luma menu when booting up while holding start, it doesn't show anything on system firmware like its supposed to say Sys at the beginning of the firmware version if its its hacked but it doesn't, is this 3DS a lost cause?