I can't get a job or find a good legal way to make money right now.
If I get a call back from a job, I will no longer hack.
Also if your reason is because of something doing with Nintendo, what did they do? They are the last one to bring their system out and they are doing really good imho now, with metroid trilogy (even has awesome graphics, better than Halo 3 imho), naruto conr having wifi, new super mario bros, and having many more games like super mario galaxy 2 and new zelda game.
Overall do you like, somewhat like, neither like or dislike, somewhat dislike, or dislike Nintendo, and tell why.
I love Nintendo, only wish they would get more konami and square enix games, especially if like Dissidia, ff8, ff7, and ff7 advent children was for wii and ds with wifi would be awesome and Metal Gear (only had twin snakes for gamecube and getting Metal Gear 1 in November for Japan, no date yet for US.)
Please debate on this/these subject(s). Have fun.
P.S. I am trying to get a job, applied and reapplied at uncountable places, I have never had a job yet so it's hard trying to get one with no experience it seems, and Detroit from what I hear on the news is a city with one of the highest unemployment so please don't try to flame me and stuff lol.
If I get a call back from a job, I will no longer hack.
Also if your reason is because of something doing with Nintendo, what did they do? They are the last one to bring their system out and they are doing really good imho now, with metroid trilogy (even has awesome graphics, better than Halo 3 imho), naruto conr having wifi, new super mario bros, and having many more games like super mario galaxy 2 and new zelda game.
Overall do you like, somewhat like, neither like or dislike, somewhat dislike, or dislike Nintendo, and tell why.
I love Nintendo, only wish they would get more konami and square enix games, especially if like Dissidia, ff8, ff7, and ff7 advent children was for wii and ds with wifi would be awesome and Metal Gear (only had twin snakes for gamecube and getting Metal Gear 1 in November for Japan, no date yet for US.)
Please debate on this/these subject(s). Have fun.
P.S. I am trying to get a job, applied and reapplied at uncountable places, I have never had a job yet so it's hard trying to get one with no experience it seems, and Detroit from what I hear on the news is a city with one of the highest unemployment so please don't try to flame me and stuff lol.