Picofly indicates success but screen shows Nintendo logo, low CPU voltage reading.


Nov 12, 2018
Hi guys.

Sorry for making another "please help me thread" but I'm at a bit of a standstill and could use some expert guidence.

I have a picofly installed in my Switch Lite, everything was working fine (except for some FW issues while trying to figure out how to run overclock utilites that I reverted with a nand restore) until I was overclocking using sys-clk-uncapped (CPU 1683, GPU 844, MEM 1600) for only maybe 30minutes, left it for 10minutes on the home screen and then came back to it with a black backlit screen, something I have not seen before. It was behaving the same way as when I corrupted the nand, didn't load OFW, sysnand cfw or emunand, but after trying to get it back working all of a sudden the Picofly doesn't seem to work correctly as it only shows the Nintendo logo after glitching (blue then green then off) and then nothing.
So I took it apart and measured the voltages in doide mode and everything was correct except the CPU pin which was 0.45 before but is now 0.06. I measured the resistance of the ribbon cable connections to the CPU and they read the same as before, 20ohms.

I'm just so confused about how to approach this problem, did the overclock kill the CPU or maybe the transistors on the ribbon cable? Might this issue be resolved by updating the fw on the picofly? I'm just scared to progress without further information as I've read that using the wrong picofly firmware might also be a bad idea. I received the console on fw 17.0.0 but I downgraded the emunand to 16.1.0 which was running when this problem came up. Any idea about where to get further information about this issue would be helpfull.

Thanks in advance.
Post automatically merged:

Turns out the picofly light is not green but green/blue meaning bad CPU pin. Guess the heat made the flux under the cable run which might have caused a problem, if anyone has good info in the V2 ribbon cable and how it's supposed to work and values for measuring points that would really help with troubleshooting.
Last edited by hreggi89,


Nov 12, 2018
Found the problem, turns out my soldering of the ribbon cable to the CPU resistors was bad. I fixed it up and everything works just fine now. Hopefully me experience can be usefull for someone.

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