Hello. I have a 1.0 Xbox with an original Philips drive (the drive was manufactured in 2002, if it matters). The drive worked fine when I acquired the Xbox, and I used it with a copy of MechAssault to do the original softmod, so that I could flash the TSOP. I flashed the Xecuter X2 5035 BIOS, and everything was hunky-dory. I subsequently used a disk to setup a blank 120GB HDD with a copy of the necessary files. More recently, I noticed a noise coming from the drive, and the eject button had stopped working. I disassembled the drive to see what was going on, and noticed that the laser seemed to be engaged at all times. Furthermore, the motor seemed to be running non stop. Just as a test, I manually inserted a disk, which led to the drive spinning the disk as fast as possible -- to the point of scaring me, so I unplugged the Xbox shortly after.
If anyone has any idea what the problem could be, I would be much obliged. I currently have the laser and motor ribbon cables disconnected within the drive, so that the drive doesn't burn itself out (and I couldn't just unplug the drive, since the Xbox apparently needs one to be present). If it comes down to replacing the drive, could anyone suggest which drive is the best? I hear Thomsons are the ones to avoid, and that Samsungs tend to have faulty eject mechanisms.
If anyone has any idea what the problem could be, I would be much obliged. I currently have the laser and motor ribbon cables disconnected within the drive, so that the drive doesn't burn itself out (and I couldn't just unplug the drive, since the Xbox apparently needs one to be present). If it comes down to replacing the drive, could anyone suggest which drive is the best? I hear Thomsons are the ones to avoid, and that Samsungs tend to have faulty eject mechanisms.