Need help fixing a System Menu Brick


Jun 13, 2016
United States
So I recently got out my old hacked Wii to transfer a savegame from my PC (Dolphin) onto my GC Memory card so that I can use real hardware since it plays a lot smoother. That whole process went very well and it worked flawlessly on my gamecube. Then I decided I was going to see what was still on my Wii and when I tried to load the System Menu it gave me the "The system files are corrupted. Please refer to the Wii Operations Manual for help troubleshooting." screen.

Based on my investigations, I think this is either a Mail Brick or a Banner Brick, and it doesn't seem to want to let me start in Maintenance Mode, so I think it's a Banner Brick? Here's what I know about my Wii:

- I believe I have BootMii as Boot2 installed. When I power on the Wii, I get sent to the BootMii menu first to select either System Menu or HBC (correct me if I'm wrong on this, it's been like 10 years since I installed my hacks)
- My Wii model is RVL-001(USA).
- I have tried reinstalling IOS80 and System Menu 4.3U (obtained from NUSD, packed as WADs) using DOP-Mii, and that didn't have any effect.
- As far as I'm aware I also do NOT have PriiLoader installed, as holding reset on power-on just selects System Menu when BootMii loads.
- Homebrew Channel and all the programs I've tried on it seem to work just fine, such as GCMM, Nintendon't, Dop-Mii, SysCheck, etc., with the only exceptions being anything that redirects to a System Menu function (specifically Settings Editor GUI in my case).

I've seen some things about using AnyTitle Deleter/ MOD to remove bad titles/banners, and I've seen people suggesting BlueBomb and HackMii, etc. but most of the things I've read seem to imply that you have to either install or reinstall hacks to do these things. I haven't looked into PriiLoader much, but it seems like everyone says it would help a lot. Would installing it now be possible, and if so would it even be helpful? Will I have to dig through old hard drives for a NAND backup? I'm sure I have one lying around somewhere if that's my only choice, but if it's easier I'd rather not have to.

TL;DR I guess what I need to know is this: Is it possible to restore my System Menu, and if so, what is the best option to do so? (BootMii and HBC seem to work fine.) Any insight would be appreciated, and I'm perfectly willing to give any additional info as necessary. Thanks!


Jun 13, 2016
United States
Honestly I'm not sure how I bricked it either, it's been like 6 or 7 years since I last installed anything or used it in any significant way. I'm sure I have an old NAND backup somewhere, I'll see if I can find that.

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