Hardware Need GPU advise...


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2015
United States
So this is my current pc build that I use for video editing and gaming.
I have been planning on upgrading my current hdd to a ssd and hdd and upgrading my GPU for quite a while now. Ive been looking into nvidia, but I have been avoiding looking too deep into them because of their prices.... AMD on the other hand have cheaper GPU's, but you get what you pay for...
It just so happens that the card that I was looking at went on sale and was messaged to me by newegg.
and this one is avaiable to preorder or order (idk) at 10 am- https://www.newegg.com/Product/Prod...topGraphicsCards-_-14126232-S1A1A&ignorebbr=1
But since I have a 390X OC edition, I looked into comparisons of the my 390 and the 580 cards and they seem to be fairly close. This 580 seems to be just a tad bit better but I dont want to waste money on something that will only be a minimal increase of performance.

If I cant find a nice one thats reasonable or on sale, I plan on waiting until Tax returns to upgrade. So If the comparison that Ive seen is accurate, should I just go for a 1080 ti or just go with a little better?
Currently this thing can barely handle 2k at 30 fps with drops here and there. I plan on getting a 4K in the distant furure as well and I feel that getting a 1080 now would future proof this build for quite a while.
These 2 have been the ones Ive been looking at for a bit.

If anyone has the card that is on sale I would appreciate all opinions on the card and how it performs with games. From what Ive seen it does pretty well, but it seems to lack in the higher resolutions. Which is understandable since its a cheaper card.

If you have any suggestions for other cards please share :)
Last edited by Lumince,


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2003
United Kingdom
No point going from a 390X to a 580. Waste of money, performance jump is not there. Vega sucks as well, too expensive and power hungry for performance it offers.

If you intend to go 4K, then 1080ti. I dunno when tax returns are in the US, but Nvidia should be showing off new cards early next year (march/april). I'd be tempted to stick with 390 for a couple of months and see what the new cards bring, especially if looking at 4k.
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Tom Bombadildo

Dick, With Balls
Jul 11, 2009
I forgot
United States
According to most benchmarks, the 580 is a whopping 3-5% better than the 390x, and various reviews report very little difference between the two cards, which IMO is not even remotely worth a $300 upgrade. You'd be better off saving the money and getting that 1080 Ti instead.

Armadillo would also be correct, Nvidia is likely going to show off their next series by the time you get your refund (which is sometime after April, BTW :P), so you might want to wait and see if they announce an "1180" (as that'd likely be on par, or slightly faster, than the 1080 ti and probably slightly cheaper, if you can get your hands on a pre order).
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Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2015
United States
No point going from a 390X to a 580. Waste of money, performance jump is not there. Vega sucks as well, too expensive and power hungry for performance it offers.

If you intend to go 4K, then 1080ti. I dunno when tax returns are in the US, but Nvidia should be showing off new cards early next year (march/april). I'd be tempted to stick with 390 for a couple of months and see what the new cards bring, especially if looking at 4k.
Tax Returns start to be processed on January 22nd but it will probably take until around march for me to even get it... So thats good! I'll run this thing a little while longer then! Thanks!

I'll avoid looking at the 580's lol

According to most benchmarks, the 580 is a whopping 3-5% better than the 390x, and various reviews report very little difference between the two cards, which IMO is not even remotely worth a $300 upgrade. You'd be better off saving the money and getting that 1080 Ti instead.

Armadillo would also be correct, Nvidia is likely going to show off their next series by the time you get your refund (which is sometime after April, BTW :P), so you might want to wait and see if they announce an "1180" (as that'd likely be on par, or slightly faster, than the 1080 ti and probably slightly cheaper, if you can get your hands on a pre order).
Yea I'll definitely wait for those then! Hopefully they announce something in that area of performance increase! Thank you for the input!

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    you have to launch your homebrews directly from the wii u menu
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    it is L+dpad down+ select
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    but homebrew is appearing in the home menu btw
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    yes, now I remember it
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    then it is working, I also don't like that they did this but it is the only option you have if you are using aroma
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    i just didint know the homebrew launcher didint exist in aroma
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    thanks btw
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