It's the accumulation of wealth in the hands of the top that is doing that. More specific: that "land of the free" is more and more becoming "land where the rich are free and the poor got to suck it up".
All this 99% vs the 1% is just ridiculous. While I sorta agree that paying CEO's multiple millions in salaries and then laying off the workers that helped the company become wealthy is a problem, the reason this is a problem is due to poor people sitting around watching Spectrum cable tv, shopping at WalMart, eating junk food by Frito Lays, buying overpriced clothes and Nike shoes, using Google to search, and putting all their personal info on facebook. I'm not talking about everybody, but most people. You go to work. The government takes a large chunk of your check. They give your tax money to these same corporations you give the rest of your money to or to the people who don't want to work so they can consume the same goods as you from the same corporations. It's an endless loop of despair.
People have become complacent on how things are done. Instead of actually trying to change the system, they give up and go work for these companies just so they can buy their products/services. It's not the "rich peoples" fault. They are only taking advantage of the system in play.
Nobody is against protecting the border or attacking your sovereignty, so you can stop pretending that that's your exclusive claim.
You obviously didn't watch either of the recent Democrat debates.
The import taxes help on short term, but on the long term, those US citizens find themselves out of a job because they can't export to other countries who've followed the import taxes example (yeah...that's what these "treaty" things aren't to be taken lightly).
US citizens find themselves out of a job because companies are leaving the US and going to other countries. You can't export McDonalds which may be the only jobs left in a Democrat ran US (if illegal aliens don't get them first). Good thing Trump is imposing taxes on China and other countries. Hopefully, more of our manufacturing jobs will come back as some already have. Then we can export more.
Like it or not, but outlawing abortion pretty much IS killing the US. I'm not kidding on this in the slightest. Just compare the crime rates from a state with the time they legalized abortion. It's not as fun to hear, but unwanted children have a much higher chance of becoming a criminal.
Oh, so your solution to the world's problem is killing people, hmm.... Maybe we could bump the allowed abortion period from conception to the time of birth to conception up to 18 years? You know, just to prevent crime.
I think advocating for other forms of birth control and encouraging families would be better the better solution. Of course, democrats created the laws that take the father out of the household for underprivileged communities and pays women to have more babies. This encourages crime and overpopulation.
I'm not going into your mockery of democrats. I'll talk when you stop talking in cliches.
Truth and facts are not a form of mockery nor cliches.
The borders are already protected. As long as that is true (and it is true), then your house analogy is false.
Some of the border is protected, not all or most of it. Why do democrat politicians that promote open borders live in gated communities away from their constituents? Not to welcome them with open arms to let them live in their house or on their property. This means my house analogy is true.
It means that things are under control, and tax payer's money can better be used elsewhere.
Things are definitely not under control. I don't know what country you come from, but if you get CNN or MSNBC, try changing the channel and watch independent non-biased news. Illegal aliens are still coming in droves across the border in places where no border patrol agents are stationed.
What you're basically saying is that if someone CLAIMS there is a problem, there actually IS a problem. that might be true, but might equally not be true. And the Mexican situation is investigated thoroughly enough by experts and border patrol to say that there isn't more of a situation than in the past. Shining a massive spotlight on it won't make it larger than it is.
Again, stop watching or reading biased news channels/websites. Do what you want, but it's not doing you or this conversation any good.