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MAGA Round 2?

  • Thread starter Saiyan Lusitano
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Saiyan Lusitano

In 2016 folks were excited about it and thought great things were going to happen (hence 'Great' in Make America Great Again) but it didn't turn out quite like many had hoped, a lot feel they were betrayed and all. Now Donald Trump is going at it again with the MAGA slogan/ideology and it seems many still fall for it.

Can't say I'm surprised when billions of people feel that being part of a political side (left and right) will ultimately make any change when it's actually the government itself and politicians, not some Average Joe. He promised US citizens to build the border wall but that's not finalized and may not (others don't seem to agree and want it done). Yet, there seems to be talks of Trump buying the country Greenland but hopefully that's just it, talks.

Personally, I don't take sides but support a person who I may agree with. In general I've not found anyone in politics around the world that seems actually genuine, most just, you know, lie their way into power.
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May 13, 2016
I meant I won't buy that kind of shit at the first place. But lucky for them the people mostly don't think and money plays a big role when it comes to election. US is now, in some degree, a joke to the international community, like went from 2019 to 1959 in most of the aspects and acting just like China or even worse.

And about that wall...lol, that won't prevent anything, from people to drugs. Just ask a Chinese how well did that great wall work in the past. US is slowly killing itself with those GOP policies, and God won't help them on this one.

As someone who lived in New York long enough to know my fair share of crap of this country, I only hope that this madness could end soon so I can take my wife there to enjoy some cheap musical on Broadway instead of in Europe. The only thing I like about this administration is their policies with China. Currently there's no other bully in the room that can't stop another one except the US.
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Dec 19, 2010
MAGA Country
United States
US is slowly killing itself with those Democratic/leftist policies,
You mistyped GOP in your post. I fixed it for you.
Also, the wall isn't supposed to stop everyone from entering the US illegally. It's supposed to stop some, if not most. Think about the walls of your house. They won't stop everybody from breaking in through your door, but it does inhibit others from stealing your stuff by just walking into your living room. Not sure why people have this "all or nothing" approach to the wall.
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Dec 23, 2009
Yet, there seems to be talks of Trump buying the country Greenland but hopefully that's just it, talks.
Heh...I just read that myself (link for those who understand Dutch). From the article, it's stated as "less than talks". Or more to the point: he asked his advisors about the possibility, and a good chunk of them didn't take him seriously.

Basically: entertaining president is entertaining. At least he manages to be non-toxic, so it's kind of endearing. :P

Personally, I don't take sides but support a person who I may agree with.
So...how's that different from taking sides? :unsure:

Heck...I'm in no means a democrat, but I'll often side with them because they just so happen to say something I agree with.

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You mistyped GOP in your post. I fixed it for you.
If you want to correct someone, make sure you at least understand what he says. As it is, you're not correcting him but pretending to speak on his behalf. Which is pretty arrogant, if you ask me.

Also, the wall isn't supposed to stop everyone from entering the US illegally. It's supposed to stop some, if not most. Think about the walls of your house. They won't stop everybody from breaking in through your door, but it does inhibit others from stealing your stuff by just walking into your living room. Not sure why people have this "all or nothing" approach to the wall.
Hold on a second. That analogy only holds true if the border is currently unprotected. And that's simply not true: thanks to border patrol, illegal immigration is at an all time low. That wall never had any purpose to begin with.

That's also why people have this "all or nothing approach" to the wall: the people who believed Trump believe rhetoric rather than facts. As such, you can't convince them with e.g. the fact that the wall will at best stop some immigrants.

Yes, I disagree with Trump when he talks about things like "invasion" and "caravans". The guy's trying to make the situation larger than it is in order to sell you a solution ("see? I'm in charge and there's no caravan of invaders in sight!")


Dec 19, 2010
MAGA Country
United States
If you want to correct someone, make sure you at least understand what he says. As it is, you're not correcting him but pretending to speak on his behalf. Which is pretty arrogant, if you ask me.
I can be arrogant at times, true. In this instance, I'm not so sure figuring capitalism, low taxes, protecting the borders and sovereignty of our nation, protecting free speech, keeping jobs in the US, and not murdering unborn children is destroying the US and what it stands for.
Things like socialism, welfare, killing the children of our underprivileged minorities, blocking speech because someone deems it hateful, promoting violence against those that don't agree with you, open borders, and taxing over 50% of your income has a positive effect on a nation. But I'm just being arrogant so nevermind.

Hold on a second. That analogy only holds true if the border is currently unprotected. And that's simply not true: thanks to border patrol, illegal immigration is at an all time low. That wall never had any purpose to begin with.
So if your house had open doors on each side, do you think if you stood in your back yard, that nobody would try to enter through the front? Who is watching the other sides? The US/Mexico border is long. No way can every mile be watched at all times. That is where the wall comes in and why it is needed.

What does "at an all time low" even mean? So because last month we had 100,000 people captured at the border but this month only 90,000 were captured which is lower than previous months, things are awesome now. Ok everybody, every things fixed now, go home. Nothing to see here. Wow, just wow. Talk about arrogant.
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Dec 23, 2009
I can be arrogant at times, true. In this instance, I'm not so sure figuring capitalism, low taxes, protecting the borders and sovereignty of our nation, protecting free speech, keeping jobs in the US, and not murdering unborn children is destroying the US and what it stands for.
Things like socialism, welfare, killing the children of our underprivileged minorities, blocking speech because someone deems it hateful, promoting violence against those that don't agree with you, open borders, and taxing over 50% of your income has a positive effect on a nation. But I'm just being arrogant so nevermind.
A lot of bullet points. But ey...you're in luck: I've got time today. :)

Capitalism and even low taxes isn't killing the US. It's the accumulation of wealth in the hands of the top that is doing that. More specific: that "land of the free" is more and more becoming "land where the rich are free and the poor got to suck it up".
Nobody is against protecting the border or attacking your sovereignty, so you can stop pretending that that's your exclusive claim.

Keeping jobs in the US is a notable thing. It's a long term goal, though. The import taxes help on short term, but on the long term, those US citizens find themselves out of a job because they can't export to other countries who've followed the import taxes example (yeah...that's what these "treaty" things aren't to be taken lightly).

Like it or not, but outlawing abortion pretty much IS killing the US. I'm not kidding on this in the slightest. Just compare the crime rates from a state with the time they legalized abortion. It's not as fun to hear, but unwanted children have a much higher chance of becoming a criminal.

I'm not going into your mockery of democrats. I'll talk when you stop talking in cliches.

So if your house had open doors on each side, do you think if you stood in your back yard, that nobody would try to enter through the front? Who is watching the other sides? The US/Mexico border is long. No way can every mile be watched at all times. That is where the wall comes in and why it is needed.
I'll repeat myself because you clearly didn't understood:

The borders are already protected. As long as that is true (and it is true), then your house analogy is false.

What does "at an all time low" even mean? So because last month we had 100,000 people captured at the border but this month only 90,000 were captured which is lower than previous months, things are awesome now. Ok everybody, every things fixed now, go home. Nothing to see here. Wow, just wow. Talk about arrogant.
It means that things are under control, and tax payer's money can better be used elsewhere.

What you're basically saying is that if someone CLAIMS there is a problem, there actually IS a problem. that might be true, but might equally not be true. And the Mexican situation is investigated thoroughly enough by experts and border patrol to say that there isn't more of a situation than in the past. Shining a massive spotlight on it won't make it larger than it is.
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Dec 19, 2010
MAGA Country
United States
It's the accumulation of wealth in the hands of the top that is doing that. More specific: that "land of the free" is more and more becoming "land where the rich are free and the poor got to suck it up".
All this 99% vs the 1% is just ridiculous. While I sorta agree that paying CEO's multiple millions in salaries and then laying off the workers that helped the company become wealthy is a problem, the reason this is a problem is due to poor people sitting around watching Spectrum cable tv, shopping at WalMart, eating junk food by Frito Lays, buying overpriced clothes and Nike shoes, using Google to search, and putting all their personal info on facebook. I'm not talking about everybody, but most people. You go to work. The government takes a large chunk of your check. They give your tax money to these same corporations you give the rest of your money to or to the people who don't want to work so they can consume the same goods as you from the same corporations. It's an endless loop of despair.
People have become complacent on how things are done. Instead of actually trying to change the system, they give up and go work for these companies just so they can buy their products/services. It's not the "rich peoples" fault. They are only taking advantage of the system in play.

Nobody is against protecting the border or attacking your sovereignty, so you can stop pretending that that's your exclusive claim.
You obviously didn't watch either of the recent Democrat debates.

The import taxes help on short term, but on the long term, those US citizens find themselves out of a job because they can't export to other countries who've followed the import taxes example (yeah...that's what these "treaty" things aren't to be taken lightly).
US citizens find themselves out of a job because companies are leaving the US and going to other countries. You can't export McDonalds which may be the only jobs left in a Democrat ran US (if illegal aliens don't get them first). Good thing Trump is imposing taxes on China and other countries. Hopefully, more of our manufacturing jobs will come back as some already have. Then we can export more.

Like it or not, but outlawing abortion pretty much IS killing the US. I'm not kidding on this in the slightest. Just compare the crime rates from a state with the time they legalized abortion. It's not as fun to hear, but unwanted children have a much higher chance of becoming a criminal.
Oh, so your solution to the world's problem is killing people, hmm.... Maybe we could bump the allowed abortion period from conception to the time of birth to conception up to 18 years? You know, just to prevent crime.
I think advocating for other forms of birth control and encouraging families would be better the better solution. Of course, democrats created the laws that take the father out of the household for underprivileged communities and pays women to have more babies. This encourages crime and overpopulation.

I'm not going into your mockery of democrats. I'll talk when you stop talking in cliches.
Truth and facts are not a form of mockery nor cliches.

The borders are already protected. As long as that is true (and it is true), then your house analogy is false.
Some of the border is protected, not all or most of it. Why do democrat politicians that promote open borders live in gated communities away from their constituents? Not to welcome them with open arms to let them live in their house or on their property. This means my house analogy is true.

It means that things are under control, and tax payer's money can better be used elsewhere.
Things are definitely not under control. I don't know what country you come from, but if you get CNN or MSNBC, try changing the channel and watch independent non-biased news. Illegal aliens are still coming in droves across the border in places where no border patrol agents are stationed.

What you're basically saying is that if someone CLAIMS there is a problem, there actually IS a problem. that might be true, but might equally not be true. And the Mexican situation is investigated thoroughly enough by experts and border patrol to say that there isn't more of a situation than in the past. Shining a massive spotlight on it won't make it larger than it is.
Again, stop watching or reading biased news channels/websites. Do what you want, but it's not doing you or this conversation any good.
Last edited by morvoran,
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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2009
In 2016 folks were excited about it and thought great things were going to happen (hence 'Great' in Make America Great Again) but it didn't turn out quite like many had hoped, a lot feel they were betrayed and all. Now Donald Trump is going at it again with the MAGA slogan/ideology and it seems many still fall for it.

Can't say I'm surprised when billions of people feel that being part of a political side (left and right) will ultimately make any change when it's actually the government itself and politicians, not some Average Joe. He promised US citizens to build the border wall but that's not finalized and may not (others don't seem to agree and want it done). Yet, there seems to be talks of Trump buying the country Greenland but hopefully that's just it, talks.

Personally, I don't take sides but support a person who I may agree with. In general I've not found anyone in politics around the world that seems actually genuine, most just, you know, lie their way into power.

There's a difference between making promises you can't ultimately deliver on for whatever reason and downright lying about everything to such an extend that you have to wonder if someone is actually a mastermind or a monkey that learned how to mimic speech.

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He's still most likely going to win in 2020.
Even fox news, sees him behind Warren, Biden and like those two he keeps tweeting about hating Israel.

If people go vote this time around, he can't win. Just like 2016 he couldn't have won if people went to vote. Ridiculous how many didn't because Hillary had this in the bag based on every poll out there.
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Dec 19, 2010
MAGA Country
United States
If he does, I'm moving countries.
You better start looking for a home in the other country and start packing your bags now. The outlook is not looking good for you.

Even fox news, sees him behind Warren, Biden and like those two he keeps tweeting about hating Israel.

If people go vote this time around, he can't win. Just like 2016 he couldn't have won if people went to vote. Ridiculous how many didn't because Hillary had this in the bag based on every poll out there.
There has never been a frontrunner in the polls the year prior to an election that has ever got the nomination to run for president. Take these early poll results with a grain of salt. The polls said the same thing before the last election about Trump being behind Hillary and Bernie. You know how that turned out.
If more people go out and vote, then Trump will have a better chance of winning. There are more Republican leaning people than Democrat. That's why the Democrats are trying to get an influx of illegals before the next election. More slaves for their cause.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2009
You better start looking for a home in the other country and start packing your bags now. The outlook is not looking good for you.

There has never been a frontrunner in the polls the year prior to an election that has ever got the nomination to run for president. Take these early poll results with a grain of salt. The polls said the same thing before the last election about Trump being behind Hillary and Bernie. You know how that turned out.
If more people go out and vote, then Trump will have a better chance of winning. There are more Republican leaning people than Democrat. That's why the Democrats are trying to get an influx of illegals before the next election. More slaves for their cause.

man, that's what i get for not reading to the end before writing my stuff, could've saved myself the hassle.
dems trying to get an influx of illegals? you know they don't get to vote, right?

and there certainly aren't more republican leaning people.

yeah, i know how that turned out. the one who got the most votes lost the race.

the worst thing to happen to dems 2016 (besides that one fbi stunt like two weeks before election) was being pitted against a fated to lose dumbass like trump.

no chance of losing meant dem voters got complacent and didn't go to the polls.
meanwhile, trump managed to rile up his base 'we need every single vote!' and they went. If it was any other president and not this ignorant cunt, I would say that they knew they had psychology on their side.
but they just stumbled into the win unexpected.

that's not going to repeat unless your people really wanna prove to the world once and for all that there's no limit to stupidity.
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Has a PhD in dueling
Aug 27, 2009
duel acadamia
United States
You mistyped GOP in your post. I fixed it for you.
Also, the wall isn't supposed to stop everyone from entering the US illegally. It's supposed to stop some, if not most. Think about the walls of your house. They won't stop everybody from breaking in through your door, but it does inhibit others from stealing your stuff by just walking into your living room. Not sure why people have this "all or nothing" approach to the wall.

don't put words in one's mouth idiot HE KNOWS HE MEANT GOP you blind fool sorry i'm just getting ticked off with you always craming your ideals down someones throat like how N tried to in b/w only thing is you don't have a legendary Pokemon on your side just a ideal nothing more

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man, that's what i get for not reading to the end before writing my stuff, could've saved myself the hassle.
dems trying to get an influx of illegals? you know they don't get to vote, right?

and there certainly aren't more republican leaning people.

yeah, i know how that turned out. the one who got the most votes lost the race.

the worst thing to happen to dems 2016 (besides that one fbi stunt like two weeks before election) was being pitted against a fated to lose dumbass like trump.

no chance of losing meant dem voters got complacent and didn't go to the polls.
meanwhile, trump managed to rile up his base 'we need every single vote!' and they went. If it was any other president and not this ignorant cunt, I would say that they knew they had psychology on their side.
but they just stumbled into the win unexpected.

that's not going to repeat unless your people really wanna prove to the world once and for all that there's no limit to stupidity.
sad thing is i am starting to feel that trump payed the electoral college, votes can be bought you know which is why the electoral college needs to be abandoned and popular vote put in it's place cut out the middle man for elections, and btw if you don't believe the national debt raised by nearly quadruple go to nyc there's a nice bilbord (or is it DC?) that displays our

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.....FREAKING NATIONAL DEBT (sorry had no idea there was a word limit on post)
Last edited by chrisrlink,


Dec 19, 2010
MAGA Country
United States
you know they don't get to vote, right?
Actually, illegal aliens are allowed to vote in local elections. They are not allowed to vote in federal elections but a lot do. Illegal aliens are allowed to get driver's licenses which automatically registers them to vote in federal elections. When they go to vote, nobody takes the time to check if they have citizenship or not. Just because you are not allowed to do something, doesn't mean you don't do it.

and there certainly aren't more republican leaning people.
According to polls that do not reflect the entirety of the nation. I can't prove what I said is true, but I will change my statement to there are more red states than blue. This means more electoral votes for republicans.

yeah, i know how that turned out. the one who got the most votes lost the race.
More popular votes which leads back to the illegal alien statement. If an election was determined by the popular votes, then California could decide the fate of the entire US in every federal election. Doesn't seem fair for the rest of the country to let one group of people decide who represents us.

don't put words in one's mouth idiot HE KNOWS HE MEANT GOP you blind fool sorry i'm just getting ticked off with you always craming your ideals down someones throat like how N tried to in b/w only thing is you don't have a legendary Pokemon on your side just a ideal nothing more
Oooo, here comes the name calling. Excuse me, sir or ma'am, your democrat is showing.

I didn't put words in anybody's mouth. I quoted their post and changed one word. I didn't cram any ideals down anybody's throat. I didn't force anybody to read what I typed as they have every right to read what I type or not. No need to hit me over the head with a bike lock. Also, I don't play Poke-a-man, so I don't get the legendary reference.
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Dec 26, 2013
The Lands Between
United States
Trump's disapproval rate is higher than his approval rate in ten states that voted for him in 2016. If the economy goes belly up, and there are signs it's headed that way, he's ultra-fucked. Hillary was the only candidate who could've possibly lost to him in 2016, and this time around it's Biden, but thankfully his poll numbers are slipping fast and things seem to be trending in favor of either Bernie or Warren.

It's pretty much mask-off racism and xenophobia from the Trump campaign this time around, because that's all he's gonna have left to cling to in the end. Nothing else can keep his base riled up.
Last edited by Xzi,


Dec 19, 2010
MAGA Country
United States
If the economy goes belly up, and there are signs it's headed that way, he's ultra-fucked.
Trump is in a position now where he has a good chance of winning regardless of how bad the economy gets even with this whole China tariff situation increased consumer goods or creates a recession. The reason is due to the democratic front runners are running on a platform of socialism and giving all our tax dollars to illegal aliens. Not one has offered anything other than giving people "free stuff" which is not free as tax dollars will pay for this "free stuff". Their entire argument against Trump is not his policies and whether he is doing a good job or not, but rather, that he is a racist. Not one democrat will give a factual argument against him other than "his policy is racist" or "he is a racist".

It's pretty much mask-off racism and xenophobia from the Trump campaign this time around, because that's all he's gonna have left to cling to in the end. Nothing else can keep his base riled up.
This whole "Trump is racist and xenophobic" is all defamation of his character without substance. Trump has never attacked any group of people based on race, gender, or sexual preference. The democrats are the race baiters who always have to bring race into every conversation. They are using the term "racist" to a point where it is losing its meaning or effect.
Trump is not xenophobic as he is not trying to shut down immigration, only illegal immigration or people that only want to come here for a free check.

I really wish the folks who comment on these threads only to bash Trump would take a minute to stop listening to CNN, MSNBC, and other opinion "news" sources and start looking into the real facts of what Trump is doing for America and its citizens. Try to think for yourself before criticizing someone you know little about.

Me personally, I didn't like Trump at first either. I only saw him as a corporate businessman who only cares for himself to make himself richer. I really didn't like him because of the Apprentice tv show as well. This was all just my opinion with no basis on facts. Once I took my blinders off, I started to see how better the country was doing, how I was making more money, and how great of a president he has been for all Americans and not just white christian straight males.

Here are some of his accomplishments (source: whitehouse.gov) so far in his first 4 years with a whole lot more coming in the next 4 years:

  • Almost 4 million jobs created since election.
  • More Americans are now employed than ever recorded before in our history.
  • We have created more than 400,000 manufacturing jobs since my election.
  • Manufacturing jobs growing at the fastest rate in more than THREE DECADES.
  • Economic growth last quarter hit 4.2 percent.
  • New unemployment claims recently hit a 49-year low.
  • Median household income has hit highest level ever recorded.
  • African-American unemployment has recently achieved the lowest rate ever recorded.
  • Hispanic-American unemployment is at the lowest rate ever recorded.
  • Asian-American unemployment recently achieved the lowest rate ever recorded.
  • Women’s unemployment recently reached the lowest rate in 65 years.
  • Youth unemployment has recently hit the lowest rate in nearly half a century.
  • Lowest unemployment rate ever recorded for Americans without a high school diploma.
  • Under my Administration, veterans’ unemployment recently reached its lowest rate in nearly 20 years.
  • Almost 3.9 million Americans have been lifted off food stamps since the election.
  • The Pledge to America’s Workers has resulted in employers committing to train more than 4 million Americans. We are committed to VOCATIONAL education.
  • 95 percent of U.S. manufacturers are optimistic about the future—the highest ever.
  • Retail sales surged last month, up another 6 percent over last year.
  • Signed the biggest package of tax cuts and reforms in history. After tax cuts, over $300 billion poured back in to the U.S. in the first quarter alone.
  • As a result of our tax bill, small businesses will have the lowest top marginal tax rate in more than 80 years.
  • Helped win U.S. bid for the 2028 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles.
  • Helped win U.S.-Mexico-Canada’s united bid for 2026 World Cup.
  • Opened ANWR and approved Keystone XL and Dakota Access Pipelines.
  • Record number of regulations eliminated.
  • Enacted regulatory relief for community banks and credit unions.
  • Obamacare individual mandate penalty GONE.
  • My Administration is providing more affordable healthcare options for Americans through association health plans and short-term duration plans.
  • Last month, the FDA approved more affordable generic drugs than ever before in history. And thanks to our efforts, many drug companies are freezing or reversing planned price increases.
  • We reformed the Medicare program to stop hospitals from overcharging low-income seniors on their drugs—saving seniors hundreds of millions of dollars this year alone.
  • Signed Right-To-Try legislation.
  • Secured $6 billion in NEW funding to fight the opioid epidemic.
  • We have reduced high-dose opioid prescriptions by 16 percent during my first year in office.
  • Signed VA Choice Act and VA Accountability Act, expanded VA telehealth services, walk-in-clinics, and same-day urgent primary and mental health care.
  • Increased our coal exports by 60 percent; U.S. oil production recently reached all-time high.
  • United States is a net natural gas exporter for the first time since 1957.
  • Withdrew the United States from the job-killing Paris Climate Accord.
  • Cancelled the illegal, anti-coal, so-called Clean Power Plan.
  • Secured record $700 billion in military funding; $716 billion next year.
  • NATO allies are spending $69 billion more on defense since 2016.
  • Process has begun to make the Space Force the 6th branch of the Armed Forces.
  • Confirmed more circuit court judges than any other new administration.
  • Confirmed Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch and nominated Judge Brett Kavanaugh.
  • Withdrew from the horrible, one-sided Iran Deal.
  • Moved U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem.
  • Protecting Americans from terrorists with the Travel Ban, upheld by Supreme Court.
  • Issued Executive Order to keep open Guantanamo Bay.
  • Concluded a historic U.S.-Mexico Trade Deal to replace NAFTA. And negotiations with Canada are underway as we speak.
  • Reached a breakthrough agreement with the E.U. to increase U.S. exports.
  • Imposed tariffs on foreign steel and aluminum to protect our national security.
  • Imposed tariffs on China in response to China’s forced technology transfer, intellectual property theft, and their chronically abusive trade practices.
  • Net exports are on track to increase by $59 billion this year.
  • Improved vetting and screening for refugees, and switched focus to overseas resettlement.
  • We have begun BUILDING THE WALL. Republicans want STRONG BORDERS and NO CRIME. Democrats want OPEN BORDERS which equals MASSIVE CRIME.
Try to tell me again how he has not done anything for America. These are things you will never see or hear from CNN or MSNBC


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2016
United States is the envy of the world under Trump. If you can get to the US now, go immediately.

Thankfully, by name recognition alone, he has this election in the bag.

If the democrats were smart, they would have vetted a celebrity to run against him.
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Dec 19, 2010
MAGA Country
United States
United States is the envy of the world under Trump.
Good point.

If Trump and his administration is so racist and xenophobic, why is everybody and their mama trying to cross the border more than ever before? Why is that when they are spotted by border patrol, they turn themselves in instead of running? Aren't they afraid of being locked in cages and tortured? Who would want to live in a country where they are hated and forced into concentration camps? SMH
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