The only difference is the libfat.a, which is the Ustealth part of the code. It's not using it on post 95 if that's what you're referring to. That's why usb wasn't being read. Something may be wrong with it. I'm not sure where @SaulFabre got the files but compiling it requires devkitRICE which is closed source and unreleased, so I have no way to compile it myself. It only applies to Gamecube and the wii versions.Ok, so this one was a bit different. This one read both the USB and the SDcard, but it only read the first word of the file and word of the file, and wouldn't load. I went through all of the files you compiled, and the one on post #94 was the most interesting. I wouldn't read the USB drive, but it did read the SDcard, and fully loaded a game. None if the other programs you compiled did that.