Know Your Temps: Meteor7

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Gay twink catboy
Global Moderator
Oct 11, 2011
Welcome back Tempers! and Meteor7!, to...

In this quirky little activity you tempers can get to know eachother a little better.
CIAwesome526 has given me control over KYT for a little while so I'll be your new host for the coming days c:

Know Your Temps rules and information:
One lucky user will be questioned for three days.
Users can ask as many questions as they want.Just be sure to change 'em up a bit. Question templates some users use get stale very fast.
Feel free to ask questions on multiple topics, from favorate video game genre to favorate book. Remember not to go too far and ask discomforting questions.
Try to keep your questions in one post, but if you think of more later on you can post again.
If you only get a few or no replies you will be given an extra 2 days, for a total of 5.
If your session is getting lots of attention especially towards the end I might give you an extra day, maybe.
If you want your session moved forward, backward, removed, or re-entered, just ask me in a PM, and I may do it. If your name was never on the list just ask me at any time.
Some KYT threads will have polls asking for your opinions on previous sessions and if the rules should be tweaked more or if it went well. Please respond to these polls.
If you're on the KYT list, please, also participate in asking questions to others on the list, this prevents KYT sessions from being empty and generates more interest for your own as well.
This fun and engaging activity helps us get to know you better, in an exciting, chaotic way! Remember to be kind and have fun!

Upcoming sessions (Post here to sign up) :

In This Session: @Meteor7 will be on stand for questioning!



Favourite game?
What things have you hacked? :P
Favourite franchise?
TV show?
Why'd you join the temp?

All I got for now, have a good day :D


Guess where this thumb goes.
Jun 9, 2014
a fit of spasms and accidental black magic
United States

Favourite game?
Hm. It does change with my mood, but Tales of Vesperia (PS3) is consistently at the top of my list.

I'd probably have to go with the GBA. Megaman Battle Network, Boktai, M&L Superstar Saga... it seems like most of my favorite games show up on this console. VERY close second is the PSP.

Physical? Martial arts. My style right now is pretty heavy in the Isshinryu, light on Aikido, but I'm really still experimenting.

What things have you hacked? :P
Oh, geez, all the things. Every console I own that can be hacked, has been. As far as me personally making hacks, I've only made codes and light patches for games, mostly GBA titles.

Favourite franchise?
Tales of, EASILY. My first was Abyss, then I went to Vesperia (360), so I was unintentionally introduced to the very best of the franchise right off the bat and it had me completely hooked from there.

TV show?
I dunna watch TV. Haven't in years.

Why'd you join the temp?
It was a nexus for emerging hacks, easy to follow tutorials, and a knowledgeable community, so as a neophyte hacker, this place was an invaluable resource. As for why I stick around, the people here seem the most receptive to engagement in involved discussion, gaming or otherwise. Also, this is where I go for all my gaming news. XP

All I got for now, have a good day :D
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Gay twink catboy
Global Moderator
Oct 11, 2011
How old/young are you?
Hows life?
Favorite game?
Game you'll be looking forward for?
Favorite platform?
Favorite thing to do to kill time?
You drive a car?, if so then what one?
Person which you admire the most on GBATemp as wel as in RL?
Favorite song?
Favorite music genre?
Favorite video clip?
Favorite movie?
Favorite genre of movie?
Favorite drink?
Favorite snack?
Outdoor or indoor person?
Ever felt like you could enjoy the weather for hours and hours on end?
You like space (assumption of your username)?
If you are a meteor, where are you located at?
You like cats?
Why/what is the reason for your Temp username?
Thoughts on E3 so far?


Guess where this thumb goes.
Jun 9, 2014
a fit of spasms and accidental black magic
United States
Good day.

How old/young are you?

Hows life?
It keeps going.

Favorite game?
Vesperia (PS3), but again, it changes often.

Game you'll be looking forward for?
None. :( It's one of those dry spells for me, which means I'll be replaying/discovering older games. Right now I'm playing through the Metal Gear series, something I missed out on because I incorrectly thought they weren't for me.

Favorite platform?
Already answered, but GBA.

Favorite thing to do to kill time?
Stab a clock.

You drive a car?, if so then what one?
2004 Ford Explorer. It's on its last legs.

Person which you admire the most on GBATemp as wel as in RL?
That's an interesting question. I hadn't thought about it, but I never keep track of who says what on forums like these. I always just address what was said instead of who said it, and that's lead me to never associate a personality with a name. :\

Favorite song?
Now that's impossible. I can give some examples of things I like, however.

Favorite music genre?
No idea. Music has become so globalized that all songs pretty much operate on the same fundamental principles and chord progressions. I couldn't even tell you what genre a song was by listening, most of the time.

Favorite video clip?
Too many I've forgotten to really give a serious answer, so...

Favorite movie?
It's been so long since I've seen a noteworthy movie.

Favorite genre of movie?
The... good kind? I think comedy is my preferred genre, but again, it's been so long I've completely lost a sense for my taste in cinema.

Favorite drink?
Water. Oh yes, I live on THE EDGE!

Favorite snack?
Apples. Maybe tofu. Oh, how could I forget cantaloupe? They're like a gigantic multivitamin and they taste amazing. <3

Outdoor or indoor person?
Um... that's a little difficult to answer. Maybe an indoor person who longs for a more idyllic outdoors?

Ever felt like you could enjoy the weather for hours and hours on end?
Hell yeah. Rain's my jam.

You like space (assumption of your username)?
Well, my degree specialization is in astrophysics, but honestly, it's alright. Finishing my degree, I'm finding myself more interested in theoretical and condensed matter physics. Touches of anthropology. Lots of psychology and philosophy. Yeah, it's difficult to sum up exactly what I like. Things start to seem more and less important as time goes by.

If you are a meteor, where are you located at?
About 3-days from terrestrial collision. Oops, I mean, spoilers.

You like cats?
Not so much, actually. The domesticated housecat has had a certain degree of social instinct bred into it by humans, but in general, felines are not socially dependent animals the way, say, dogs are. As a result, I find them more difficult to coexist with as, without evolutionary social sensibilities, they'd as quickly scratch and bite you if they're even a touch pissed off. That's not to say ALL cats are like that, but taken as a species, they aren't really my thing.

Why/what is the reason for your Temp username?
I thought of a word and a number, then shipped the hell out of them. This is their offspring.

Thoughts on E3 so far?
I started to follow E3, but it was such a cesspool of shallow marketing, pandering, manufactured hype, buzzwords, and general unpleasantness that I tuned out pretty quickly. As for what was announced, I wasn't too excited. I think FFXV had a huge amount of potential back when it was XIII Versus that I don't think it even half lived up to.
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Guess where this thumb goes.
Jun 9, 2014
a fit of spasms and accidental black magic
United States
Where does that thumb go?
Guessing is half the fun. >;D

Have you ever had a point off with Phoenix Wright: Ace Pointer?
He and I specialize in different vectors, mate. We're orthogonal, thus no competition is possible. Just don't ever dot product us; that would be catastrophic!

what is your schedule for the rest of today?
Editing my videos, doing some more writing on a bigger project, and showering for the first time in... a while. All this fitted around eating and procrastinating. Hell, I'm eating right now.
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Guess where this thumb goes.
Jun 9, 2014
a fit of spasms and accidental black magic
United States
Worst Sonic Game?
That's like asking me which ocean I think is the wettest.

Bowser or Mario? *u better say bowser :'v
Sorry, but I have to say Mario. I just love the role he played in The Thousand Year Door. He was a cutesy, meek looking mute whom the story strung along like a dog on a leash, but he was also played as the perfect straight-man to the antics of all the supporting characters. Solve the mystery of who stole the stew on a train with a bombastic, private-eye penguin? Sure, I'll go for it. Time to wrestle an 8-foot, jacked as hell, eagle in a televised wrestling federation? Yeah, ok, I guess I'll do that. He's the perfect backboard and focal point for every joke in the game, but the funniest part to me was how literally every female character seemed to want his dick. Partners, NPCs; it seemed like all the ladies remarked, at one point or another, about his dashing looks, stoic visage, or glorious mustache, and he just stood there, staring with glassy black pupils into nothing. I like to imagine him feeling mildly uncomfortable about everything, but not enough to do anything about it. What do you see, Mario, from beyond that dumbfounded stare? How much do you really know? Well, whatever the case, I found him hilarious, so my vote goes to him.


GBATemp's 3rd Favorite Transgirl
Aug 24, 2014
Fort Gay, West Virginia
United States
Dream job?
Favorite game series?
Favorite song?
favorite chain restaurant?
How tall are you?
Do you listen to rtj?
Do you love me?
Dogs or cats?
What is something you wish would get leaked on the internet?
Is mayonnaise an instrument?


Guess where this thumb goes.
Jun 9, 2014
a fit of spasms and accidental black magic
United States
Dream job?
I don't know. Sometimes I think of doing physics research in a lab (my major is physics), others I imagine myself a writer of philosophical books, and sometimes I imagine myself in total seclusion from society while I grow my own food. For a while now, I've tried making videos for Youtube and wondered if I could be happy making that a profession. For even longer I've dreamed about travelling across the world on foot, scaling mountains and navigating forests while I trained, but there's no way to find food in that scenario. One thing I would absolutely do, given the magical, hypothetical opportunity to change one thing, is to make myself immortal, because when you have an infinite amount of time to do something, anything is possible.
Favorite game series?
Answered, but the Tales of franchise.
Favorite song?
Answered-ish. Check the previous post for a list of some songs I'm currently into.
favorite chain restaurant?
Nope. My diet as of right now consists of nothing but fruit and tofu. It's the end(?) result of lengthy dietary experimentation and testing for physical performance and general feel of health. I've been on this particular variant of my diet for about 2 years now, and it hasn't stopped feeling amazing. I've also long been unable to find anything to add which improves my health. So basically, I don't eat out.
How tall are you?
Do you listen to rtj?
*quickly googles* If that stands for "Run the Jewels", then no.
Do you love me?
I only truly love those who do not need it.
Dogs or cats?
Dogs. I enjoy smooshing their faces and telling them they are good. :3
What is something you wish would get leaked on the internet?
Everything. There is no knowledge I don't want; "no story is not worth hearing.", but if I had to choose what is the most important to me right now, I'd have to say every form of information manipulation and underhanded deal that the US government, as well as every US corporation, has ever done. I think this would incite the greatest amount of societal change right now.
Is mayonnaise an instrument?
That is a reference to something. ...That's all I got. :\
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    on tiramisu you can access it by opening mii maker
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  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    I don't have a wii u anymore to test it myself, but if homebrews are not visible on the wii u menu I think you can press L + R + minus to open the plugin menu, there should be an option called "homebrews on wii u menu" or something similar
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    it is L+dpad down+ select
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    but homebrew is appearing in the home menu btw
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    yes, now I remember it
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    then it is working, I also don't like that they did this but it is the only option you have if you are using aroma
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    i just didint know the homebrew launcher didint exist in aroma
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    thanks btw
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    New hamster PC, with anal operation and BT connectivity!
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    @BigOnYa, How do I make enemies respawn on gdevelop after
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    Carrying a PC or phone is so old school!
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    @Xdqwerty you can use a "spawner" function on any object.
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    Or when your player dies, you can say in code, if enemy exists, do nothing, but if enemy does not exist, then create enemy at certain spot. (This would be a pain tho for lots of emeies)
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    Easiest, simple way would be just restart scene, but player would restart from beginning.
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @BigOnYa, thx in advance
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    How are you doing, @Xdqwerty
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    Dolphin porn??? This man has my vote!!! Lol
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