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Ivanka Trump, Google CEO Pichai to create 250,000 IT training opportunities


Dec 19, 2010
MAGA Country
United States
Just when you thought that being attacked with threats of impeachment would slow down Trump and his admin from winning and making this country greater, Trump again pulls out another win for Americans. Instead of stealing tax dollars for free college, his admin made a deal with Google to bring more jobs to the states that only require a 6 month program at a community college. The best part is that Google is covering the bill!! How about that?

Ivanka Trump, Google CEO Pichai to create 250,000 IT training opportunities

Source: Here

Throughout Trump’s presidency, the administration has said it's a goal to increase job opportunities in America. The U.S. has recently recorded large advancements in employment and unemployment is sitting at a 50-year low.

Senior adviser to her father, President Trump, Ivanka Trump, along with Google CEO Sundar Pichai announced a new IT training program that's projected to create thousands of jobs. The two appeared together at El Centro College in Dallas Texas.

“I’m proud to be here today as part of the pledge to America’s workers and to take the commitment even further," Pichai said. “As part of this pledge, we’ve come into creating 250,000 new training opportunities for American workers over the next five years.”
“I cannot tell you how excited we are about this,” Ivanka Trump said. “IT is such a critical industry to this nation. Today, in large part because of historically low unemployment, a booming economy, high demand in great-paying fields like IT support, all of our students here are going to be great beneficiaries of the tremendous opportunity to secure jobs.”

Google is pledging a $2.5-million grant to launch the program at over 100 community colleges. The program entails a six-month qualification training in IT support. Upon completion and job inquiry, there's no degree required.

“Our goal through this pledge is to fill those opportunities with the next generation of talent and to create pathways for workers who may be looking to learn a new skill or learn a new trade,” Trump said.

While in Dallas, Trump also took the time to address employment success in the Lone Star state.
"Since the election, Texas has added 750,000 jobs to the economy and wages are up," Trump said. "Wages and salaries, since tax cuts passed, have increased by 5 percent. So we're very very excited about the environment that we see here."
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Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
I am. :)

Because training opportunities arent jobs, and 2.5 million for community colleges is a marketing exercise. Again, the learn to read stuff. :)

First it is important to understand what google does. So the company is an ad agency revenue wise, also holds one part of a duopoly on the cellphone OS/apps market, and is heavily invested in digitalisation.

What does digitalisation?

Any job that requires logic decisions on the level of a mid level white color job, already can and in the future will be replaced by automated systems. The former holders of those jobs will not be replaced directly (have overlooking automated processes jobs, or where necessary 'still representing the human face of a company' jobs), but those structurally will become (closer to) minimum wage.

This in itself is a hundreds of billions of dollar issue - that you'll all be facing to some extent (we dont know how large) in the next 10 years (digitalisation efforts are ongoing).

Google itself will not be interested in the output of those community colleges. (Requalification measures.)

So google is causing the problem, is profiting from it, finances a PR ploy, and you all think it wil produce more jobs. :)

The quality of jobs is the thing you have to look to. And the outcome here is, low payed - more easily exchangable - so the gap between those who earn actual wages at f.e. the google campus, and all people effected in the rest of the country widens.

This is not me slamming this politically - this is what actually happens, and how this has to be viewed. Objectively.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

There will be no more jobs.

Especially for those in here, that have a hard time reading. ;)
Last edited by notimp,


Hated by life itself.
Jun 17, 2018
United States
Holy shiz! you are absolutely right, i went and just saw the careful wording on this. Thank you. Teaches me to read things slower next time.

I actually really appreciate the correction. I really, really do.

yes, my liberalism is eating at me inside. My inner conservative yearns to be set free and wear suits and bald eagles perched on my shoulder. (LOL)
Last edited by WD_GASTER2,
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"Dances" with Dragons
Dec 16, 2007
The key word here - if you missed this - is "Texas". More people moving in from the coasts to Texas for a job. They're going into overdrive to shift the population of the state even more.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2019
United States
The First Lady actually did something useful for once. That's different then just posing for pretty pictures. Well, no matter how the Liberals try to spin this into a Trump hating jerk fest, under Trump we've got a record low unemployment rate and 250,000 jobs is a hell of a lot of jobs. Even if they are part time (due to the Obamacare bill that was supposed to fix everything) then that's still a lot of people working that weren't before. I'm all for it.

Google is a private company and can do whatever they want with their money. If they want to invest it in 6 month long training courses and have the local colleges teach them then I'm all for it. The local colleges profit, the students profit and once they get jobs Google profits. It's not like giving away free schooling to everyone and having them take useless Liberal classes.

Go Ivanka!


I don't know what i'm doing.
Nov 15, 2006
So what exactly is Ivanka's role here? Because it sure seems like something Google would've done with or without a vestigial Trump spawn tagging along.
she "pointed" them into the right direction, if you know what I mean :creep:
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Instructional Designer
Global Moderator
Nov 20, 2009
Silent Hill
United States
If they want to invest it in 6 month long training courses and have the local colleges teach them then I'm all for it. The local colleges profit, the students profit and once they get jobs Google profits. It's not like giving away free schooling to everyone and having them take useless Liberal classes.

Are you opposed to the concept of universities? And just super-pro trade schools? I don't see why we can't fund both completely. But yes, free training for high-paying tech work is a good thing. As is free university, and for much the same reasons along with others, but this is neither here nor there.

I was wondering though. Is it "you qualify to get training, do it and here's a job", "have a job here at google, get trained for a better one", or "pay money for training and who knows! maybe job if we have openings"?


Hated by life itself.
Jun 17, 2018
United States
I was wondering though. Is it "you qualify to get training, do it and here's a job", "have a job here at google, get trained for a better one", or "pay money for training and who knows! maybe job if we have openings"?

its an IT Training program. So more like we will train people for a chance to get a job of the 250,000 jobs already available. Wording sucks in the articles provided. made a fool out of me.

The jobs offset would be in Dallas, where IT companies are known to pay a bit lower. However its not a job creation when there is an existing pool of 250,000 jobs. Its like Xzi said.
Last edited by WD_GASTER2,
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Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
I will have to see the syllabus and the results -- I have seen the results of Dell's PC building courses (you build fine Dell machines, less useful outside it) and one need only look at computer courses in most of the English speaking world (and possibly more besides but even I draw the line at going in depth on Belgian educational matters) to see what effects Microsoft's involvements have had there. You can do a lot in 6 months but at the same time you also can't, and for those that can do a lot I would expect them to already be doing stuff with it (or would that be I.T.?).

I know Google's interview process and internal processes (my favourite was when the creator of C, and still then widely recognised expert in the concept, was not allowed to program C because they had not passed the internal test https://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/04/21/ken_thompson_take_our_test/ ) are practically legend but I don't know what lessons of that will be brought to bear here either.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2019
United States
its an IT Training program. So more like we will train people for a chance to get a job of the 250,000 jobs already available. Wording sucks in the articles provided. made a fool out of me.

The jobs offset would be in Dallas, where IT companies are known to pay a bit lower. However its not a job creation when there is an existing pool of 250,000 jobs. Its like Xzi said.

Regardless of how you view it, you'll have 250,000 people going to college and working. That's 250,000 more than there is now. I love how the Liberal scum try to spin it like this is somehow not a good thing or try to find negative aspects of it, just because it's got a Trump attached to it. Hateful pieces of shit. The result is 250,000 people employed, 250,000 tuition's being paid to local colleges and a spur in the economy. Regardless of how we got to where we are now that's a good thing.

If for some reason I was down $250,000 from past choices or mistakes and then came up the $250,000 I wouldn't be complaining! Leave it to Liberals to try to trash this great thing! They try to ruin everything!

It's 250,000 more than what we have now and I'm sure the 250,000 people who get free education and get a job won't be complaining, well, unless they're a Liberal! Liberals complain about the quality of the free food that is handed out to them on the streets. Well, don't eat it and die. Just shut the fuck up already with your hate.

The job market is doing great under Trump and our economic growth is amazing! Keep up the hard work! I know who I'm voting for in 2020 and his full name starts with a Donald! It would be a cold day in hell I ever willingly vote for a Liberal!


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
The result is 250,000 people employed, 250,000 tuition's being paid to local colleges and a spur in the economy.

Will it be 250000 people with transferable skills? Vendor lock in is bad enough when it is just software on a system but when it is the education people have...
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Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2019
United States
Will it be 250000 people with transferable skills? Vendor lock in is bad enough when it is just software on a system but when it is the education people have...

I'm not sure, but six months training is a lot more than the three weeks you would receive from a call center. I'm sure of of the skills could be used in other fields. I mean, it's 6 months. Regardless, it's 250,000 more people going to college and 250,000 jobs being filled. The best part is that it's not some lousy Government tax paying for it (meaning, forcing me to pay for it). It's a private company investing in society. It's the way it should be. Less Government involvement and no new taxes is a good thing.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

its an IT Training program. So more like we will train people for a chance to get a job of the 250,000 jobs already available. Wording sucks in the articles provided. made a fool out of me.

The jobs offset would be in Dallas, where IT companies are known to pay a bit lower. However its not a job creation when there is an existing pool of 250,000 jobs. Its like Xzi said.

I don't care how you try to play with the wording. You'll have 250,000 more people working then before. Xzi is a spiteful Liberal full of hate who's love to hate obsession with Trump blinds him. Reminds me of Conservative Obama haters.


Go touch grace
Dec 26, 2013
The Lands Between
United States
I don't care how you try to play with the wording. You'll have 250,000 more people working then before.
That's not the way it works. There are plenty of people who already have this type of training under their belts and still can't find a job, it's entirely dependent on what the job market is like where each individual lives.

Xzi is a spiteful Liberal full of hate who's love to hate obsession with Trump blinds him. Reminds me of Conservative Obama haters.
Conservatives hated Obama solely because he was the first black president (and I'm sure you were part of that group). I hate Trump because he's a useless, treasonous sack of shit who wouldn't even be qualified to work at a McDonald's if he hadn't been born into wealth. But sure, go on pretending these are equivalent. Maybe rolling over like a bitch for the billionaire class will earn you a few more table scraps one day.

And FYI I'm not a liberal, that would imply ideological support for capitalism. Either Democratic Socialist or New Deal Democrat would be closer to my political alignment, despite the fact that the Democratic party has disappointed me in a number of ways over the last few decades. They're still nowhere near as utterly disgraceful, and openly malicious toward the working class, as the Republican party has been in that same time frame.
Last edited by Xzi,
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Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
I'm not sure, but six months training is a lot more than the three weeks you would receive from a call center. I'm sure of of the skills could be used in other fields. I mean, it's 6 months. Regardless, it's 250,000 more people going to college and 250,000 jobs being filled. The best part is that it's not some lousy Government tax paying for it (meaning, forcing me to pay for it). It's a private company investing in society. It's the way it should be. Less Government involvement and no new taxes is a good thing.

I have seen the results of vendor lock in from multiple different fields within IT (I mentioned Dell and Microsoft's efforts already but look further at the MSCE stuff and the likes of Cisco certification) and within wider technical roles (the thing US car makers are doing right now where they reckon their brand of vehicles are the only thing a mechanic should know, ostensibly by virtue of them being so complex, scares me somewhat).
This is either google subsidising their training or creating product evangelists, the former going somewhat against your narrative (how many of said places take every bit of federal funding they can) and the latter... do we need more Google fanboys? OK I would rather google fanboys than apple fanboys or old school MS fanboys but still.
All for companies going in for funding some stuff (though I also have no particular objection to state funding education either) but experience here has taught me to be very wary, especially for lower tier skills.
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Hated by life itself.
Jun 17, 2018
United States
I have seen the results of vendor lock in from multiple different fields within IT (I mentioned Dell and Microsoft's efforts already but look further at the MSCE stuff and the likes of Cisco certification) and within wider technical roles (the thing US car makers are doing right now where they reckon their brand of vehicles are the only thing a mechanic should know, ostensibly by virtue of them being so complex, scares me somewhat).
This is either google subsidising their training or creating product evangelists, the former going somewhat against your narrative (how many of said places take every bit of federal funding they can) and the latter... do we need more Google fanboys? OK I would rather google fanboys than apple fanboys or old school MS fanboys but still.
All for companies going in for funding some stuff (though I also have no particular objection to state funding education either) but experience here has taught me to be very wary, especially for lower tier skills.
This sounds extremely accurate.
Also what i am about to say is just personal experience and people may feel free to dismiss it as so, however I know plenty of people with training and certifications from companies like Cisco before and end up performing terrible at their jobs and lasting very short period of times thereafter. I would assume that not everybody that goes through this program will be cut out in the long run(even if they get a job).
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Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2019
United States
I have seen the results of vendor lock in from multiple different fields within IT (I mentioned Dell and Microsoft's efforts already but look further at the MSCE stuff and the likes of Cisco certification) and within wider technical roles (the thing US car makers are doing right now where they reckon their brand of vehicles are the only thing a mechanic should know, ostensibly by virtue of them being so complex, scares me somewhat).
This is either google subsidising their training or creating product evangelists, the former going somewhat against your narrative (how many of said places take every bit of federal funding they can) and the latter... do we need more Google fanboys? OK I would rather google fanboys than apple fanboys or old school MS fanboys but still.
All for companies going in for funding some stuff (though I also have no particular objection to state funding education either) but experience here has taught me to be very wary, especially for lower tier skills.

I took classes geared towards getting various Microsoft certs including MSCE and the stuff I learned in those classes can be applied to many jobs within the technology industry. Sure, there's the specific Windows stuff, but the general knowledge gained can be applied to many situations, especially if you haven't had any networking or administrating experience before the classes.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

That's not the way it works. There are plenty of people who already have this type of training under their belts and still can't find a job, it's entirely dependent on what the job market is like where each individual lives.

Conservatives hated Obama solely because he was the first black president (and I'm sure you were part of that group). I hate Trump because he's a useless, treasonous sack of shit who wouldn't even be qualified to work at a McDonald's if he hadn't been born into wealth. But sure, go on pretending these are equivalent. Maybe rolling over like a bitch for the billionaire class will earn you a few more table scraps one day.

And FYI I'm not a liberal, that would imply ideological support for capitalism. Either Democratic Socialist or New Deal Democrat would be closer to my political alignment, despite the fact that the Democratic party has disappointed me in a number of ways over the last few decades. They're still nowhere near as utterly disgraceful, and openly malicious toward the working class, as the Republican party has been in that same time frame.

I don't suffer from any sort of Presidential Derangement Syndrome. There's people who voted for Obama based on solely on his skin color. That's racist. I didn't vote for him because of his proposed Liberal policies, but thanks for explaining why you have such an obsessive love affair with Trump and regardless what you identify as you have too many Liberal viewpoints for my taste.

I also don't support some proven to fail old backwards ass way of Government. It sounds nice on paper, but doesn't take into account liars, cheaters, thieves and basically sinners. Socialism might work if human decision wasn't involved. Regardless, these negative things are common traits of Liberals so them pushing for such a system is even more of a reason to not adopt it.
Last edited by billapong,


Jun 16, 2019
United Kingdom
The Trump supporters on this board are seriously insane. Jesus. Any rational human being with even an ounce of intellect knows he's a corrupt bastard, who has absolutely no idea what he's doing. OP is getting ridiculous. His trolling is sincerely aggravating and crazy.
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