For about 2 and a half years now, I've been suffering from extreme cases of OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). If you don't know what that is, Wikipedia it.
Anyway, my case is that I have this well (OK this is so embarrassing :/ ) fear of "school germs" (or whatever you wanna call them). Anyway, whenever I come back from school, I don't touch anyone, I don't touch the couch, I don't touch the desk, the bed, the walls, nothing. That's cause I've got these "school germs" (OR WHATEVER YOU WANNA CALL THEM) on me. I sit on the floor with my backpack next to me, and stay on the ground for HOURS till I get my homework done. Now these "school germs" are obtained by simply going to school. I've always been wanting to be my ordinary self again like the ordinary kids in the school. I wanna go home, take a shower, then go to my desk and do the homework. But I can't, cause after showering I'll have to touch my books, which will give me school germs, meaning I can't touch anything without showering my school germs off.
Say my friend calls me and goes like "Hey, can you check your Agenda and tell me which pages we have to solve on the Math Homework?" No I can't do that. Touching my Agenda will give me school germs. -.-
Guys I know, that when someone has OCD, they have to contact a doctor immediately, but this is the thing: I'm still a middle school kid, so my mom is the one who does appointments with the doctor, and she doesn't BELIEVE me when I tell her I have OCD. She thinks I just want to seek attention or some crap like that idk how people think sometimes.
What I hate most, is like when my maid puts my school backpack on my bed, and now the WHOLE BED has school germs on it, and I have to wash the entire blanket.
Oh and I shower EVERYDAY since I'm pretty much getting school germs everyday.
One also very annoying thing is I can't take my iPhone or DS to school cause they'll get school germs all over them and I need to disinfect them with Dettol or something like that.
Anyway, I've lately been coming up with multiple ways to cure myself from OCD (it's about time) WITHOUT a doctor. My method is the following:
- I make a JOURNAL. And with this journal, I keep track of everything that happens in my life. Here's the catch though, this Journal is gonna be with me in school AND when I'm not in school, meaning I'm gonna carry the school germs with me everywhere meaning hopefully soon enough, I'll get over my OCD.
Now here's the problem:
- I'm too scared to get school germs on my Journal :/ . I didn't take it to school yet.
Does anyone know some methods and procedures I can use all by myself to get over this retarded case of OCD?
Guyss I know this is SOOOO ridiculous. I know there are no such things as school germs. I know this is all in my head. Everyone with OCD knows they have OCD. But well this is the effect of OCD and I don't know what to do.
Anyway, my case is that I have this well (OK this is so embarrassing :/ ) fear of "school germs" (or whatever you wanna call them). Anyway, whenever I come back from school, I don't touch anyone, I don't touch the couch, I don't touch the desk, the bed, the walls, nothing. That's cause I've got these "school germs" (OR WHATEVER YOU WANNA CALL THEM) on me. I sit on the floor with my backpack next to me, and stay on the ground for HOURS till I get my homework done. Now these "school germs" are obtained by simply going to school. I've always been wanting to be my ordinary self again like the ordinary kids in the school. I wanna go home, take a shower, then go to my desk and do the homework. But I can't, cause after showering I'll have to touch my books, which will give me school germs, meaning I can't touch anything without showering my school germs off.
Say my friend calls me and goes like "Hey, can you check your Agenda and tell me which pages we have to solve on the Math Homework?" No I can't do that. Touching my Agenda will give me school germs. -.-
Guys I know, that when someone has OCD, they have to contact a doctor immediately, but this is the thing: I'm still a middle school kid, so my mom is the one who does appointments with the doctor, and she doesn't BELIEVE me when I tell her I have OCD. She thinks I just want to seek attention or some crap like that idk how people think sometimes.
What I hate most, is like when my maid puts my school backpack on my bed, and now the WHOLE BED has school germs on it, and I have to wash the entire blanket.
Oh and I shower EVERYDAY since I'm pretty much getting school germs everyday.
One also very annoying thing is I can't take my iPhone or DS to school cause they'll get school germs all over them and I need to disinfect them with Dettol or something like that.
Anyway, I've lately been coming up with multiple ways to cure myself from OCD (it's about time) WITHOUT a doctor. My method is the following:
- I make a JOURNAL. And with this journal, I keep track of everything that happens in my life. Here's the catch though, this Journal is gonna be with me in school AND when I'm not in school, meaning I'm gonna carry the school germs with me everywhere meaning hopefully soon enough, I'll get over my OCD.
Now here's the problem:
- I'm too scared to get school germs on my Journal :/ . I didn't take it to school yet.
Does anyone know some methods and procedures I can use all by myself to get over this retarded case of OCD?
Guyss I know this is SOOOO ridiculous. I know there are no such things as school germs. I know this is all in my head. Everyone with OCD knows they have OCD. But well this is the effect of OCD and I don't know what to do.