I apparently wrote this at 12:30 in the morning according to the last opened date. It's very... strange. I think I wrote this because I remembered it was part of homework or something
If I were President of the United States, I would make it so that the entire continent of North America was part of the U.S., and then make it all just one state: Texas, because Texas is the best state ever since if the US ever goes into nuclear war, texas can just rocket into space. There, it can turn into Earth II, but instead of Planet Earth, it’d be Planet Texas, and all country names have Texas in them. And then all states and provinces and counties and parishes have to have texas in them too. Including car makers: Fotexasrd, Texasota, Hytexasundai, mitexassubishi, Chevtexasrolet… etc. And then all websites and computers and smartphones and headphones and game consoles and tvs and keyboards and mice and pets and cats and dogs and Google and the entire freaking universe and all songs and all movies, tv shows, and animations too! Dont forget all video games, past present and future! Super mario bros turns into super texas bros, and then even North Korean Texas would be under My rule because I was the one that rocketed texas into space and created Planet texas. And since texas is basically a giant desert there will be no water on Planet Texas and the only source of water is gonna be from my personal reservoir and since im the owner of it it will be very expensive. Then i will use the money gained from water sales to research immortality, and then when I become immortal then I will make it so that no one else can become president of Planet Texas. And then when the citizens yell out “Mr. Taylor is a cruel dictator, not a president!” then i will send a private swat team to silence them and so i will maintain a positive reputation.