I'm sure you guys are well aware of this port. Lately, however, I've been focusing my developments on a new version of SRB2Wii, one that directly uses libogc rather than running through Wii Linux. Alam has helped me debug this version and now its almost complete, and is much faster than the Wii Linux version, however has more problems. And the best thing is, the Wii target has been merged into all the SVN branches, so any branch on the Public SRB2MODs can be compiled for the Wii! Including SRB2Cineblast, XSRB2 and everything else.
All you need to do to run it is unzip the above compressed file on your SD card root directory, and place the SRB2 data files (minus your music.dta, add the music.dta in the download link which SRB2Wii needs because otherwise it won't play music correctly) in the /srb2wii folder (this can coexist with an SRB2Wii/Linux installation if you rename either one's /apps folder). You may or may not need a keyboard to have full control (read: get out of it), I'm not sure. The default setup is just the Wii Remote, but if you get into the joystick options, you can choose between Wii Remotes 1 through 4 (Wiimote only at the moment, Wiimote + Nunchuk is not completely done) and the GameCube controller. Two player splitscreen should be supported, netgames aren't, screenshots are, and SRB2Wii is fast enough to run most parts of ERZ2 with no massive speed hits. Enjoy! =)