Although E3 is going on GBAtemp's book game club is rocking a new edition featuring a game worth knowing about.
The quick summary is the GBA, DS, Wii and systems the DS can emulate have a load of really interesting titles among their commercial released, leaked code, homebrew code and ROM hacks both in the top ? lists (not that we pay these lists much attention) and outside them.
To this end each edition we pick a title or a handful of related ones to showcase which those that wish can play and discuss or discuss if they have otherwise played them. Occasionally there will be an additional/specific criteria which will be stated and other times we might pose a run/challenge.
#55 Summon Night - Swordcraft Story 2 (GBA)
First although it is a sequel it assumes absolutely no knowledge of the previous title or the franchise as a whole.
The reasonably popular Summon Night series spawned a couple of spinoff titles on the GBA but rather than following in the footsteps of the console titles they instead opted to use a battle system somewhat reminiscent of the tales series. Beyond that this was Atlus at doing what they had become known for and providing a top notch in this case rather humour laced localisation to a Japanese game that might have lacked for a true broad appeal.
It does indulge in the trope of young villager turns out to be the chosen one but the crafting system of the title and surprisingly well executed combat engine (fighting games were often something of a running joke on the GBA) on top of the story meant many saw a rather mediocre October back in 2006 brightened up and it was among the slew of titles to give the GBA a fine send off.
There is also a third title in the series but it was already quite late in the GBA lifetime and did not get localised.
First half hour (countless battle footage and lets play videos are available).

GBAtemp release thread[/p]
Was Atlus scraping the bottom of the barrel for something to localise or was it one of their better picks?[/p]
gbagotw should get you other links in this series