ARGV support is planned, so we'll be able to do it in TWLMenu++.Quick Question: Will we set between regular and wramicache for each game individually in the future?
ARGV support is planned, so we'll be able to do it in TWLMenu++.Quick Question: Will we set between regular and wramicache for each game individually in the future?
Hello guys great job so far on this! The new GUI is awesome! I just had some sort-of far-fetched ideas for features of this.
1. Letting gbarunner2 launch from the slot2 button in the boot menu on the DS and Lite (like instead of "there is no GBA card in Slot-2") (this one seems impossible to me but maybe its possible?)
2. Gbarunner2 reading and using the personal settings for top-screen or bottom-screen GBA display in DS and Lite
3. A patcher for GBA roms that turns them into .nds files that, when launched, open gbarunner2 with the instruction reopen the patched GBA rom, this time as a GBA game, ignoring the previously patched instructions during emulation/hypervision. This makes it so that people can directly open the GBA roms into the hypervisor from the flashcard's menu
Right, sleep mode is also a thing I should properly support.I definately would want the third option as then I could use the key reset on my R4 avoiding the hassle of cutting off and on the system when I'm done playing a game and then perhaps sleep mode works saving the battery as it currently doesn't when I shut my DS Lite.
Well, there's at least one thing I can still do that might potentially provide some speedup. I'm gonna try that soon, because I now managed to make space in memory to do it.Is this likely to ever run most games at full speed, or are we at about the limit of a GBA hypervisor on the DS? Don't get me wrong, this project is very impressive as-is, I'm just wondering if it has very much more potential, or if it's about tapped.
I'll implement that once I implement the settings menu (with persistent settings). There was such an option in the old menu by pressing L or so on the rom select menu.Hello Gericom, I like gbarunner2 much more.
Here I post a require, would you implement swap screen function?
As my ndsl only has bottom screen, and this function is implemented in nesDS and lameboy, I can play them in my NDSL (bottom screen).
Many thanks.
View attachment 171251
I'll implement that once I implement the settings menu (with persistent settings). There was such an option in the old menu by pressing L or so on the rom select menu.
On another note, I tried something new to get some more speedup. It's a bit experimental still, cause it involves changes to the core part of gbarunner2, so some testing is needed to ensure everything still works as it should and if there are noticable improvements. I saw that the glitching in the intro of donkey kong 3 is gone at least. The attached rom is an arm7dldi_wramicache build of commit 6084943 from the feature/newabort2 branch. It also has implemented gameboy channels 1 and 2 which I merged to master before, but didn't release yet.
No music in game sounds like a bad thing tbh.Hello.
Tested this Build with TWiLight v8.5.0 on DSi.
- Mario Kart Super Circuit works perfect - fast loading and Menu behavior.
- Super Mario Advance 4 - Super Mario Bros. 3 - NO LONGER Save corrupt Message on startup/on first Boot now Language select possbile on FIRST starrt.(no MUSIC in Game because of Test Build I think).
Great job my friend !!!
Advance wars saves fine for me actually.I tested your build on my DSi XL.
Harry Potter and the prisoner of azkaban now has a an even slower intro. The composer said in a tweet that he had nearly all the resources available for the intro music so maybe it is more complex to play it full speed. Battles still lag when selecting/acting a spell.
Harry Potter and the goblet of fire still has the flickering in the intro and garbled audio it had before. Other than that it runs at full speed.
Dokapon still runs fine except some minor glitches that existed before that look like disabled vsync on a pc and one soundeffect is missing when entering battle.
Sims bustin out runs pretty good, some minor cracking in the audio but other than that fully playable.
Minish Cap runs fine but some soundeffects have a noticeable delay.
Lag on the Mother 3 naming screen is now pretty much gone, doesn't crash during the intro but after it now.
Pokemon firered still only boots when SRAM patched, but crashes after intro now.
Ruby still doesn't boot even when SRAM patched.
Final Fantasy VI still displays some kind of warning when started, but runs fine otherwise.
Advance Wars seems to work fine except the garbled start menu background, but doesn't pertain the save till the next boot.
Problems where it hangs after the gba bios are the most confusing to me. I really have no idea what could be causing them tbh.Is there any sort of way to view errors on the new version? The first "new menu" release worked fine for me, however every version after that has refused to work, and now, going back to that older version that worked fine, it appears to have the same problem now? Launching a game will show the gba boot screen, but then it will hang on a white screen. I've tried reformatting my sd card, and tried bios' from 3 different websites. I'm using an r4i gold 3ds plus with wood firmware on a DS lite.
No music in game sounds like a bad thing tbh.
Edit: It works fine for me.
Oh, that's interesting. I'll check that out later.It was the Super Mario Advance 4 - EU Rom.The US Rom works perfect.
I managed to get some more minor speedup with some tricks. This is a arm7dldi_wramicache build of commit 09c3fb7 from feature/newabort2. Let me know if there are differences compared to the previous one.