Hacking (FAKE) 3ds flash cards have officially hit the market!!


New Member
Aug 8, 2007
QUOTE said:
2)ever look at the back of your ds?its made in CHINA,HELLO,ninty is too cheap to hire their own people to make their devices and it will come back to bite them in the @$$ yet again im afraid.
if they are,(and im sure they are) ,making the 3ds in china as well,they are subbing out the manufacture of their console to the piracy and counterfeiting capital of the universe,what do you expect to happen?

I live in China, been here for a few years now.

Basically the first thing you are referring to there is known as "Globalization" and is the way of big business all around the world. It's not a case of being too "cheap" to hire their own people it is simply the way things are. If you hire a man in a developed country to do a job it will cost you significantly more than a country like China, India, Vietnam wherever. No business is going to pay someone 10$ an hour to do a job they can get done for 1$.

Yes, they are making the 3DS for release in China, as was the case with the Wii and the DS under the Chinese Nintendo label of "IQue". Nintendo struck a deal with the Chinese government to allow this, unlike the XBOX which is for all intents and purposes banned in China. Nothing to do with the Chinese governments paranoiac attitude towards gaming or the internet, simply business in this case, nothing more.

Now, what people have to realize is the following:

China is now the 2nd biggest economy on the planet and one which enjoys its gadgets and its gaming. As such most big business want a slice of the consumer spending in China, why wouldn't you..... The "2nd" soon to be the biggest economy in th world. KERCHING!!!!!!!

WHat you have to understand about the way things work in China is this. THe average income for the average man in the street is around 996RMB per month. Thats about 80$ or 100 GPB more or less. Based on that fact you also have to realize that the Chinese are not going to pay the price for a DVD or a game that we pay in the West, but that is basically what the industry thinks they should be doing, it simply is not happening.

As such, International copyright laws are not recognized on the mainland which is why I can walk down any high street here and see pirated DVD's and games on full display for next to nothing in price. On the international playing field China is under pressure from the international community to sort this out. China likes to "be seen" to be actively taking steps to stamp out piracy but in reality that is not happening.

Store owners are given decent warning when any raids will be carried out so they can remove the offending articles and during events such as say the Olympics when the eyes of the world are on China as well as many more visitors, no one is allowed to display said products. Once overm things go back to the way they were before.

Now from a console or handheld manufacturers perspective, given the revenue they pull in from hardware sales in China it is foolish to think for a second that any of them would even consider making a system completely hack proof as that makes it unsellable in China, no-one wants a system they cannot play pirate games on - QED.

If Nintendo do then bang goes the one of the biggest slices of their profit down the toilet, they are simply NOT going to do that. Morals are as is, but they don't pay the bills or float your business.

I already spoke to a few shop owners here, including a guy from IQue and all have told me that the 3DS will be playing 3DS roms probably by the end of the summer 2011.


Resident Furvert™
Feb 4, 2010
Cave Entrance, Watching Cyan Write Letters
United States
Yeah, most people are culturalized to the point that they don't understand how things in another country actually work. I remember when I was a kid and I first learned that other countries could choose to lot let you in if you went to visit, I was really confused, because I didn't know that the world didn't work like my town did.


Your own personal guitarist :3
Nov 13, 2008
Your house

QUOTE said:
Download kennel at: www.n3dsl.net

- The UI is user-friendly, following the NDS' UI style
- All touch operation is supported and no study is needed
- MP3 files and LRC files are supported, lyrics is displayed according to the rhythm
- Multi saves are supported
- Files management is supported, supporting copy, delet and paste.
- The in-time cheating is supported
- Compatible with all DS editions of different kinds of language
- Supports action replay cheat
- DLDI auto-patching
- Support SDHC (micro SD 4G, 8G, 16G, 32G)
- FAT 16, FAT32, FAT12 can be supported
- Automatically detect save type
- Save directly to MicroSD card, not to onboard chip
- User friendly skinnable interface, touchscreen or button operation
- Supports moonshell and other homebrew
- Supports rumble pak and memory pak
- Supports the WiFi game, DS Rumble Pak, DS Browser
- Supports the soft reset (L+R+A+B+X+Y)

Download kennel at: www.n3dsl.net
We can download kennels now?


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2011
United States


May 24, 2011
United States
Sebastian said:
Most of the flash carts are working on 3DS console for ds games. If only it can works well, why care much on fake or not? But, just stumble upon this site Ndscardsale, Cant take the plunge......LOL!!


Isn't that DELICIOUS!?
Mar 7, 2011
Sadly, there will be some people who will fall for this scam...

ultimatt42 said:
TheDarkSeed said:
My sides hurt from laughing after seeing that acekard3. I needed that. xD

It claims to be "the real ultimate experience in your hand", but I don't see how it could compete with some of the experiences I've had in my hand.

EDIT: Just realized that the official box says that too! Maybe someone should tell them...
I lol'd


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2011
United States
abstractrobbie said:
QUOTE said:
2)ever look at the back of your ds?its made in CHINA,HELLO,ninty is too cheap to hire their own people to make their devices and it will come back to bite them in the @$$ yet again im afraid.
if they are,(and im sure they are) ,making the 3ds in china as well,they are subbing out the manufacture of their console to the piracy and counterfeiting capital of the universe,what do you expect to happen?
Now from a console or handheld manufacturers perspective, given the revenue they pull in from hardware sales in China it is foolish to think for a second that any of them would even consider making a system completely hack proof as that makes it unsellable in China, no-one wants a system they cannot play pirate games on - QED.
AFAIK Nintendo doesn't cross-subsidize their hardware with the games, so they still make a profit even without any game sales. That said, I don't think piracy in China is going anywhere either, but I doubt the sole reason is because they can't afford the games; instead I think it's that the manufacture and sales of such "pirate hardware," for lack of a better term, isn't detrimental to their economy since the hardware is manufactured in their economic zone anyway. It's good for the country if they can export their crap, but internal use works just as well. I suspect in some cases officials may even be involved, but those are closely-guarded state secrets.

In reference to abstractrobbie's quote: you'd be hard-pressed to find any mass manufactured electronic device that wasn't manufactured in China. For Nintendo, it's simple business sense, and they basically have an obligation to get it done where they it can be made cheap, which is China. Foxconn also makes a lot more devices than just Nintendo consoles. You know those iPhones? Yeah, same factory. My Sandisk Sansa Fuze? Probably also made somewhere in the Shenzhen industrial zone. While you're right that it may "come back to bite them in the @$$ yet again," it's a weighed risk, and one that's actually mitigated by Foxconn themselves since Nintendo is a huge customer and they want to keep their business.


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2006
United States
abstractrobbie said:
Yes, they are making the 3DS for release in China, as was the case with the Wii and the DS under the Chinese Nintendo label of "IQue". Nintendo struck a deal with the Chinese government to allow this, unlike the XBOX which is for all intents and purposes banned in China. Nothing to do with the Chinese governments paranoiac attitude towards gaming or the internet, simply business in this case, nothing more.

Uhh you must really not know how business is done in Japan if that's what you think. The Chinese government forces foreign companies to 'partner' with local Chinese companies to release products in China. They would not be making a separate iQue device if they wanted to, since it's totally counter from a branding perspective. Basically it's the same thing with WoW and other kinds of products. It's the Chinese government using its power to essentially enrich its own pockets through massive corruption.

abstractrobbie said:
Now from a console or handheld manufacturers perspective, given the revenue they pull in from hardware sales in China it is foolish to think for a second that any of them would even consider making a system completely hack proof as that makes it unsellable in China, no-one wants a system they cannot play pirate games on - QED.

Are we conveniently discounting the fact that the PS3 was not hacked for years? The DSi was not hacked for over a year as well. Note that if making an unhackable device is desireable, why do Sony/MS/Nintendo keep fixing exploits? Note most companies DO NOT MAKE MONEY ON THE CONSOLE. They make money from licensing costs and production of the media. It does console manufacturers no good if they cannot sell games. - QED

QUOTE(abstractrobbie @ Apr 15 2011, 05:00 AM)
I already spoke to a few shop owners here, including a guy from IQue and all have told me that the 3DS will be playing 3DS roms probably by the end of the summer 2011.

Because shop owners are fully familiar with how the 3DS is being analyzed for exploits and such? Perhaps they are, as most of us are here, just guessing on when such an exploit will be available, rather than it being based on any factual basis.


New Member
May 12, 2011
United States
totalnoob617 said:
heres a repy i made in a similar post about the development of 3ds flashcards

i think we are forgeting a few things here 1)while there may have been some interest in hacking dsi mode ,there was really never any commercial potential in it,and yes while team twizzers are freakin geniuses they do not have the same access to funds and commercial facilites that the card makers in china do,
plus their ant piracy code of ethics prevents them from releasing things and also from going in certain directions,and they have not as much to gain as commercial flashcard makers
2)ever look at the back of your ds?its made in CHINA,HELLO,ninty is too cheap to hire their own people to make their devices and it will come back to bite them in the @$$ yet again im afraid.
if they are,(and im sure they are) ,making the 3ds in china as well,they are subbing out the manufacture of their console to the piracy and counterfeiting capital of the universe,what do you expect to happen?
these are the same people that are making the flashcards and they have access to commercial grade equipment that team twizzers dont ,plus capital,plus no anti-piracy ethics to worry about,plus a huge profit motive.
i dont know how we got the ds sdk anyone care ot elaborate?i could imagine it was leaked by someone ninty subbed out to make the ds or parts of it.

plus if they want they could also catscan, or xray or whatever, these chips,sem electron microscope,whatever,they will get to the bottom of it one way or another the profit potential is too great
,more likely the schematics will be leaked out and sold on the chinese black market,
i just really hope that it doesnt get hacked too quickly ,
i would hate for it to be hacked before ninty releases the newer fw's that add the new features left out in the 1st fw release, only to have it get patched,and then only be able to exploit the lower featureless fw ,forever ,or for awhile,long while,
but im sure it would be overcome anyway,
like i said ,dsi mode ,yes it is hacked and cyclops team is marketing a new card with dsi mode ,but i cant imagine too much interest or profit potential,
so dsi has also been hacked with an sd card,
psp can be hacked with an sd card,
yes the pandora battery offers a commercial incentive ,but it can also be homemade for some models,
but beside that there is no real profit potential there,i can see the 3ds being extremely popular and selling millions of units,the profit motive of the chinese manufacturers will be HUGE on this one
,FFS, there still making ps3 dongles and wii modchips ,even though we have softmods and cfw,and other devices that can jb or DG a ps3,
there is a huge market potential here,it will not go unexploited for very long i think.
also i read a post where someone else suggested that ninty secretly wants its devices hacked,but will never tell its developers that ,or let it be known publicly ,for the mere reason that the chinese market potential is so huge ,that if even the lower class doesnt buy the device ,
because they feel like every other device has been hacked and allows piracy(free games) and they have little money ,so their feeling is why spend the little money they have for a system that you have to keep purchasing software for when you can buy one that has free games,and after an inital investment,their done spending on it
,he said he knew how the culture surrounding this worked in china and that they dont buy this sort of thing till there is piracy,because they have no money ,
and while they may be able to save up and afford a one time initial investment to buy the device ,they can not afford to keep buying games ,
which are not priced any different in china, than they are in wealthier countries,so nintendo would see much higher profit potential in selling to that demographic than it could ever begin to loose from piracy,
i must admit after thinking about it a little he did have a good point
,i bet the lower class in china amount to more people/potential customers than the US and euorpe combined,
would ninty really want to alienate that size of a potential customer base?
especially if they could hide the fact from their developers, that they let piracy happen,they could have their cake and eat it too,by not detracting or scaring away any devs from buying licences,and get all those extra console sales,
and yes while ninty does publish software too,im sure its nothing compared to what they make off of the console,that must be their bread and butter,or else why would they keep making so much damn hardware,go ahead try and count the consoles , if they are loosing money ,like sony tried to claim about the ps3,and M$ about the xbox,i dont think that was ever the case with ninty,they have been in the busniess from the getgo not like upstart johnny come lately copycats who just ride their coat tails and try to copy every move they make cause all they see are $$ signs,$ony &M$

Your ponit of view is very interesting, people doesn't think in the possitive side effects that piracy have on a console sales, especially in undeveloped countries.


Jun 14, 2011
Acekard 3 3DS, the first Nintendo 3DS compatible flash cartridge ... Or is it? It can play DS roms & DSi homebrew games and DS Homebrew on the Nintendo 3DS. But in reality it is not much more than a modified version of the good old Acekard 2i with the firmware made compatible with Nintendo 3DS and in a packaging with a new logo. AK2i was already simple and perfect for what it did and so AK3 3DS does not really bring anything new to the table as far as NDS rom compatibility is concerned.

[sarcasm]With this argument I am so convinced that I will get one!![/sarcasm]


New Member
Jun 17, 2011
Sorry for my English ,I'm French .

I'll try to bring my POV here . I probably don't have any of ur knowledge on this forum .

But I was wondering ,wouldn't be too early to brand a 3DS Flashcart ?? Remember ,on the simple DS ,it took a little while before getting a full working Slot-1 Linker . First we had to do some stuff like Flashing our hardware ,introduce a PassMe + a game in the slot-1 makin the console thinking there is a card inserted and boot the slot-2 linker .

Dsi became quite easy to hack cause it was Nds based ,same technology ,just a simple refresh of the hardware but still not to hard to hack . What's in it ,just a gui changed + some little online fonctionnalities but not that much .

Here what we have is a full internet based console (kind of i know ) ,it could look similar to the wii but way harder to hack ,and it's defo not with a SD card that it's gunna be made ,i'm pretty sure the SD slot is actually not linked to a Nand or something like this .

And here we have only a Slot-1 ,see guys all the work to do ? Passing through the Nintendo's protections + disable auto updates + imagine games requiere something inside somewhere in the source code of the console to boot up ,how a flashcart is supposed to do this cause if i got it right ,when u boot a Nds Flashcart ,nothing of ur Ds is on inside ,its like another OS for it .

Well actually loads of things still have to be done and none of us can tell when we'll see the colour of a new linker or a new hack or just a hello world :/


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2006
United States
totalnoob617 said:
i think we are forgeting a few things here 1)while there may have been some interest in hacking dsi mode ,there was really never any commercial potential in it,and yes while team twizzers are freakin geniuses they do not have the same access to funds and commercial facilites that the card makers in china do,
plus their ant piracy code of ethics prevents them from releasing things and also from going in certain directions,and they have not as much to gain as commercial flashcard makers
There has never been anything about hacking a specific platform that required any kind of massive resources to actually address. The only thing a lot of money could get you would be to do a distributed attack on the keys if possible. Though with the AES implementation even this isn't worth it. The only thing China manufacturers have is, manufacturing. So if you need to MAKE something for the hack to work that's fine. But finding the hack itself does not require anything that flashcart manufacturers have.

totalnoob617 said:
2)ever look at the back of your ds?its made in CHINA,HELLO,ninty is too cheap to hire their own people to make their devices and it will come back to bite them in the @$$ yet again im afraid.
if they are,(and im sure they are) ,making the 3ds in china as well,they are subbing out the manufacture of their console to the piracy and counterfeiting capital of the universe,what do you expect to happen?
these are the same people that are making the flashcards and they have access to commercial grade equipment that team twizzers dont ,plus capital,plus no anti-piracy ethics to worry about,plus a huge profit motive.
i dont know how we got the ds sdk anyone care ot elaborate?i could imagine it was leaked by someone ninty subbed out to make the ds or parts of it.
The ability to manufacture something is still dependent on knowing WHAT to manufacture. Piracy is enabled by first find a flaw to exploit, and then you can use the existing infrastructure to create stuff. Almost all consumer electronics are made in China because of low cost, high quality manufacturing. Considering most people thing the $250 3DS is 'too much', how do you expect them to swallow the 30-50% increase in costs to manufacture in Japan/America/Europe. The piracy portion is independent of the manufacturing infrastructure.

totalnoob617 said:
plus if they want they could also catscan, or xray or whatever, these chips,sem electron microscope,whatever,they will get to the bottom of it one way or another the profit potential is too great
,more likely the schematics will be leaked out and sold on the chinese black market,

For modern electronics a high resolution scan of the die would yield zero useful information about how to exploit the device. There's a reason why it takes several weeks to run through complicated VHDL simulations on digital electronics. Just 'looking' at the die doesn't tell you anything about the functions. Existing methods to scan dies are for ancient roms where there is a known die structure to look for to circumvent a specific technology that is well documented. You cannot look at a die and say "Oh yeah we can totally exploit this datapath". Not to mention the die schematic is useless since the ability to manufacture it is limited to only a few places since it costs a lot of money to create die production facilities.

totalnoob617 said:
also i read a post where someone else suggested that ninty secretly wants its devices hacked,but will never tell its developers that ,or let it be known publicly ,for the mere reason that the chinese market potential is so huge ,that if even the lower class doesnt buy the device ,

This is just silly. Nintendo makes money on the console, but they also make more money on each cartridge/disc printed for sale. Thus piracy hurts them because you're not charging a game company for each game that is printed. How does piracy help them again?

because they feel like every other device has been hacked and allows piracy(free games) and they have little money ,so their feeling is why spend the little money they have for a system that you have to keep purchasing software for when you can buy one that has free games,and after an inital investment,their done spending on it
,he said he knew how the culture surrounding this worked in china and that they dont buy this sort of thing till there is piracy,because they have no money ,
and while they may be able to save up and afford a one time initial investment to buy the device ,they can not afford to keep buying games ,
which are not priced any different in china, than they are in wealthier countries,so nintendo would see much higher profit potential in selling to that demographic than it could ever begin to loose from piracy,

I can't afford a Ferrari. Should I steal one because I don't have the money? No one has a 'right' to this stuff. If Nintendo chooses to price their products in such a way that people can't afford it. Then that's the way it is. Why should we justify the theft of a product because some segment of the population can't afford it, and it's not an essential part of their lives (food/shelter/health).

,i bet the lower class in china amount to more people/potential customers than the US and euorpe combined,
would ninty really want to alienate that size of a potential customer base?

This is innaccurate. The distribution of wealth in China is much more akin to how it was in the early 20th century in Europe/America. Lots of people with almost zero wealth, and a few wealthly merchants at the top. Of the billions of people that live in China, only a small sliver can even afford the stuff we get here. Even STARBUCKS is considered a status symbol since a single frappuchino is basically dinner for most families. Many families count the number of times they have meat PER YEAR on one hand, especially in rural areas.


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2010
To your right ->
I'm genuinly suprised tht acekard etc. havent made (or at least designed) a flash card that can actually play 3D games simply because the 3DS has been around for a quite a few months.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
acekard2i2000 said:
I'm genuinly suprised tht acekard etc. havent made (or at least designed) a flash card that can actually play 3D games simply because the 3DS has been around for a quite a few months.

you think they're not trying? this kind of thing can take years, as you should know.


Jun 3, 2011
United States
Sebastian said:
yea, they are all fake, get rid of them. But they have their market, cuz someone wants to get a cheap one.

Nicole Luyben

Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2011
United States
They are clones of colnes, they wont update their firmware frequently, dont have a nice backup team, they just want to get money from us in a short time and then disappeared !

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