Engineering user modifies a Steam Deck to add the Switch's Joycon rails into it


Technical wonders are always a delight to see, and the people with a know-how on engineering never cease to amaze with the amount of creativity that they can put into already-existing devices when the dire need requires it.

Reddit user, mrblackm123, is currently the owner of a Steam Deck, but started experience some issues on the controller side of the device. Due to the lack of replacement parts to fully repair the Steam Deck, the user opted to instead do something rather ingenious... to install a couple of Joycon rails (and Joycons) right into the Deck console, or rather, the stripped down tablet/motherboard of it without the controller sections.

The video showcases the Deck's tablet alone with the side rails installed, and then followed by the user promptly attaching the Joycons to the side of the Deck's table to start playing a variety of games with them, from using the Joycons to play Cyberpunk 2077, to Link's Awakening playing through emulation on the device.

The post itself is available on Reddit, under /r/Steam Deck. However, it seems the moderators of the subreddit might have mistaken the device for a Switch console of sorts, since they removed the post of the user. Hopefully the post itself can be reinstated once the mods realize their mistake.


Jun 24, 2007
In the Murderbox!
United States
No idea why everyone trashtalk joycons (apart from the drift, then yeah), I love playing with my pro-controller but I also play a lot with my joycon and find them comfortable to use :unsure:
They’re petty niche. I like using em sometimes, but I can’t for extended periods as my hands cramp up. If you like em, more power to you. This Frankenstein contraption though? Just why?

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