Well the new Sourceforge is up, it's sourcefore.net/projects/scarabaeusscds2.
I'm downloading the Visual Express iso now.
I have a little experience in BASIC (I coded a launcher that runs external programs) but I lost those files.
My Parents have experience, and I have google, so I'm all set.
But it would be much easier if Project Scarlet was open source... all I would have to do is modify some source files....
Everything will be downloaded through a Database located at sourceforge, so that takes care of the server side. I just need a crapload of plugins and coding the actual program.
Ok, I got everything figured out except the coding. I have iReader at the DB right now, but that will grow to many more in a few minutes. Lets see how much I can do in an hour
BTW, the DB/Repo is here, free for you to browse around right now. I enabled file browsing just for this.
Gonna take care of the server-side stuff first. I got the ISO, just need to install
EDIT: I have to get the NDS files in there too. So it'll take a while
EDIT: Lol, some of the best coders here a GBAtemp are reading this
Would you care to give me some tips? I'm new to coding, but I figured it would be a fairly simple program. It will be a challenge though.
The file Structure is this with /root being scarabaeusscds2.sourceforge.net
ÂÂ +_dstwoplug
ÂÂÂÂ -name of plugin.rar
ÂÂÂÂÂÂ -root.rar (present only when files/folders are required in root)
ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ +whatever folder should be placed in root.
So if the plugin is Beup the structure would be this
ÂÂ +_dstwoplug
ÂÂÂÂ -beup.rar
ÂÂÂÂÂÂ -beup.bmp
ÂÂÂÂÂÂ -beup.plg
ÂÂÂÂÂÂ -beup.ini
ÂÂÂÂÂÂ -root.rar
ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ +keyboard
ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ -keyboard.bmp
ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ -keyboard2.bmp
You get the idea
I just finished putting in the NDS files for plugins 1-D. Thats actually more than half. Uploading now.. *sigh*717 Queued files..
I updated the format.
It now should be
CODE /root
ÂÂ +_dstwoplug
ÂÂÂÂ -name of plugin.rar
ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ+ name of plugin
ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ -root.rar (present only when files/folders are required in root)
ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ +whatever folder should be placed in root.