Hey yall, I'm looking for someone who has a Supercard DSTwo (the original one from 2010) that has the little ribbon cable adapter that you use to update the firmware on the cartridge. I had that thing in a bag for years and now I can't find it for the life of me when I need it.
If you got one I'd be so appreciative if I could rent it from you, I would send it back after I flash mine. There's few of these things left out there, only 3 available on ebay and none of them have the firmware update cable.
Also, I'm looking for the plugins for the supercard, essp the latest TEMPGba emulator and the MAME emulater.
Thanks! I really want to preserve this thing it's peice of history now. This thing had it's own SDK! Being the only decent way to run emulated GBA, NES, and MAME games on the DS. The official supercard site is still up and you can get the latest firmware but you need the cable for that. All the links to the emulators and plugins are now down unfortunately.
If you got one I'd be so appreciative if I could rent it from you, I would send it back after I flash mine. There's few of these things left out there, only 3 available on ebay and none of them have the firmware update cable.
Also, I'm looking for the plugins for the supercard, essp the latest TEMPGba emulator and the MAME emulater.
Thanks! I really want to preserve this thing it's peice of history now. This thing had it's own SDK! Being the only decent way to run emulated GBA, NES, and MAME games on the DS. The official supercard site is still up and you can get the latest firmware but you need the cable for that. All the links to the emulators and plugins are now down unfortunately.