Hi guys.... apologies in advance for the noob questions.
I dug my o3DS out of a cupboard the other day when I read about CFWs, and was pleased to find it was on v7. I used the superb Plailect guide to A9LH installed.
I'm looking to use the DSIware downgrade on my son's o3DS which is running v11.
My o3DS (source) doesn't currently, and has never had, an NNID on it.
My son's o3DS (target) has an NNID.
My questions are:
I appreciate any help you can provide.
Many thanks
I dug my o3DS out of a cupboard the other day when I read about CFWs, and was pleased to find it was on v7. I used the superb Plailect guide to A9LH installed.
I'm looking to use the DSIware downgrade on my son's o3DS which is running v11.
My o3DS (source) doesn't currently, and has never had, an NNID on it.
My son's o3DS (target) has an NNID.
My questions are:
- Can I buy field runners on the source o3DS without an NNID?
- Do I need an NNID on the source o3DS AT ALL, to complete the DSIware downgrade?
- If I do not need an NNID on the source o3DS, is the source affected in any way after I do the system transfer and DSIware downgrade on the target o3DS (could I if i wished, create an NNID on the source after the process without issue)
- If I didn't need to create an NNID on the source, could I use the source o3DS to do another DSIware downgrade on another o3DS system a week later (7 day system transfer time limit)
I appreciate any help you can provide.
Many thanks