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[Discussion] Your views on religion.

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Deleted User

I really like this.

My religion was founded because the founder was constantly being introduced to new religions, so he went and prayed to God for assistance and from there the religion was founded.

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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2013
As I am not religious I believe that religion is the consequence of the nature of human kind (always seeking explanations to everything, even things we can not yet understand) and (the difficulty accepting that we might have been wrong).

It's not only in religion that we are stuck on old ideas but also in science.

However, I dont mind religion, as long as it does not hurt anyone.
If you start pushing it onto people against their will or starting to use it to justify hurting/killing/raping then I think you have the wrong idea about your own religion.

People used to offer animals, food and even people to their god/gods.
I don't think many people in the world make human offerings anymore, I think this is because we decided that this is the wrong thing to do.. So why is killin, hurting and raping still justified in some parts of the world?

Following a guide on (how to live and act) that is thousands of years old and basing your laws around it hardly seems like a good idea to me. Again we are human.. We need to accepts change and admit our mistakes if we are to progress.
This is clearly not easy for us.

I think if anything, religion should be something beautiful that conforts you and guides you to be your very best.
If this is your religion then good for you, I have nothing against you and your religion.

I try to live by two rules "Treat others as you like to be treated yourself" and "Follow the law".

I hope I have not offended anyone.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2015
United States
I'm Christian, but I grew up in a denomination that pretty much told me to not let too many people know :P I personally do not like the overly Christian people as they tend to be full of themselves (just my opinion). My denomination uses hymnals and Organs and I was rather insulated. I did not find out that the majority of America does not use hymnals and Organs until I started attending University.

However, I haven't seen any solid evidence that a God somewhere whether it be a Christian, Islamic, Hindu or some other God does not exist. I don't deny Science, I believe that evolution is happening even now. I believe the Big Bang happened. I believe in global warming and the expansion of the galaxy, but there had to be some sort of catalyst to bring everything into motion. To me, that is the Christian God. For all I know, space aliens could have started everything, but I choose to believe in the Christian God.

We know that Jesus was an actual person, I don't believe that everything that is written is 100% truth, but in legends and stories like the Bible, there is always at least a grain of truth. There is record of Paul and Peter dying in Rome, Andrew getting crucified on an X-shaped cross, and Thomas heading to India to teach about God and Jesus. They had to have had something to preach and talk about, otherwise why would they go so far away? They weren't persecuted, they were good, stable Jews.

I won't defend the atrocities that have been committed by Christians throughout the ages (and even now), but there is an endless amount of variation throughout the world of Christianity. If you don't know whether your religious or not, the book Mere Christianity really helps. It was written by C.S. Lewis after he converted to Christianity from Atheism. Even if you hate Christianity and all religions for one reason or another, I recommend you read it to just give you a viewpoint that may surprise you.

Oh, and if your interested, I'm an Asian Studies Major.


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
That time of year again ( https://gbatemp.net/threads/do-you-believe-in-god.405333/ ) huh...

Anyway "Certain religions have been changing their doctrine to fit modern society to make themselves more appealing. Personally, I am not fond of this approach, because you shouldn't have to change the fundamental prospects of your religion to get somebody to join it."

They have been doing it for thousands of years. The Christianisation of Scandinavia being a nice case study, though my personal favourite still has to be rag trees.
If you want to get deep in stuff likely to have conspiracy yelled at you then the plausibility of one Mr Jesus being able to meet John the Baptist is questionable, and leads on to one wondering how much of it was an amalgamation.
The umbrella terms for religions themselves are odd. Someone calling themselves Christian has been around for a while now but the divisions between the Roman Catholics and various protestant movements (see also much of the history of Europe and parts thereof, much of the history of what might be dubbed the Islamic world and parts thereof, Indian history, a fair few notable moments in US history, and the list goes on) makes the umbrella term as a means of self identification tricky (most times you see it before about 1950 then it will tend to mean "my branch").

Going further then why does a religion have to be fixed? I know a lot do (see also something like Quranic Arabic), or have foundational aspects which today fly in the face of what we know about the universe. On the flip side go to the east and religions there blend aspects of whatever new stuff is coming in throughout history (Buddhism's trek across Asia and the Orient being good for this).
I find the fixed thing often leads to the discouragement of challenge and reasoning in certain areas. That I can not abide.

An interesting philosophy I saw the other week was someone attempting to split religion's dogma from religion's societal implications (a sort of religious pragmatism). Normally I would have seen it in the "you only go to church to see what others are doing and drum up business" type things, which are not invalid criticisms, and possibly in the "culturally [blah]" (culturally Jewish and culturally Islamic being where I would see it phrased as such, though the latter can be "apostasy is not well liked in my community so...", and culturally Christian is a somewhat recognised concept even if it is not said as such.

As for me if I was not already obvious then in the words of a great song "Started out with nothing, still got most of it left". I have read all the big books/collections of beliefs of all the major efforts, many of the minor ones too. This mainly as they are rather important from a historical and cultural perspective, occasionally also sociological and legal perspectives.

I don't mind religion as long as others don't constantly preach it.. or constantly attemp to bring it up in coversation such as "As a christian I...." I mean seriously... how many people would be annoyed if every conversation I entered "As an Atheist..."
Linguistically it does go back a little way and used to have more commonly used options; poke around a book search with a phrase like "as a humanist" and you can go back quite far, I got some stuff in the late 1700s and 1800s with that.

That said the modern implications and usefulness are such that I am certainly not going to call your dislike of the concept untenable. I have myself also found such things to be the basis of a fallacious argument (commonly argumentum ad populum)


Persona Secretiva Felineus
Global Moderator
Jan 7, 2014
Another World
I'm not a religious person, but I respect other's beliefs.
Personally I think I'm atheist.

However, there are cases of unexplained things, as well as miracles, and also the feeling of sprituality.
At this point, I often find myself conflicted about the existence any invisible entity, or mystical powers.
That again is mostly superstitions, and as long as we have a reason to believe in something, or have a viewpoint that makes us feel good, I have no reason to disrespect anyone with their beliefs.
If I find myself getting into any religion, I wouldn't try to force it to anyone. Surely I'd preach it, but never force it if a person doesn't believe it.
Of course I'd be always open minded to anything a person could teach me.
Knowledge is power, like they say.

Either way, it's human's nature to have a belief on anything that has no explanation, but could make sense, and I know very well I would do the same.


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2017
United States
i have my own complicated belief on what I believe has been happening with life and existence, etc. based on scientific theories including the multiverse, time being relative, and the big bounce (big bang eventually followed by big crunch, eventually followed by another big bang, and repeating infinitely). Wont go into detail, but what I've found no matter how much I consider I have a grasp on what is happening. I still ultimately can't dismiss the idea my own theory could still fit into the idea that our very existence could be down to a "higher power" which could be responsible for putting the whole system in motion. I mean, consider our technology today and what we can do with it, now consider what our computers were capable of only 30 years ago. Now consider what our computers might be capable of 1000 years from now (should our species not destroy itself). I don't find it impossible to believe that we'll have artificial intelligence so sophisticated that they truly "think" and question their very existence, in fact I'm pretty sure we're getting to that point very quickly. Furthermore, I believe our tech will be so strong that we could create simulations of our universe, putting all the elements and formulas in that make up the rules of our existence, perhaps with some tweaks, while further implementing the artificial intelligence within the simulation (think like a super sophisticated version of The Sims). I find that to be a very real possibility, and it could be made by a bunch of nerds in silicon valley. And if they wanted to they could mess with that simulation, send messages and fake explanations of existence, but the AI within the simulation would grow to regard these nerds to essentially be their God. I can absolutely see that happening if our tech continues to evolve as it has. Eventually those beings in that simulation as they adhere to the formulas of evolution, could also grow so intelligent that they too create a simulation within their simulation, and it could keep going that way infinitely. So with that in mind, I can't even dismiss the idea that our universe and existence may only be because we're the science fair project of some smart kid, who himself might be in a simulation as well.

As you can see, I can get lost in thought on this stuff. My beliefs have grown and evolved in recent years, I used to be hardcore atheist, but the more and more I considered what I believe and how I can't dismiss what I explained here, it became clear to me that something we could consider a "God" could have created this universe, even if as I said, that "God" is just a child at the science fair. My point ultimately is. I can't definitively say what's up, and I don't think anyone really can. As such I say, if you aren't hurting anyone with your ideals, then believe whatever you want if it gives you comfort. It doesn't have to be true, you just have to believe it could be and it just needs to make sense to you.
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Hail Mary
Feb 17, 2017
Congo, Republic of the
Here's the problem, if there is a God and if its a vengeful one, one that wants us to follow specific rules, then why doesn't this God cut the ambiguity bullshit and just tell us, hey this is the right religion and the correct way to do things. It would be really messed up if your own religion says to follow the right God, follow the correct rules, or else you will go to hell, without guidance besides old text that can be interpreted in many different ways. Why even bother with this religion in the first place? Your God is an asshole, and treating your life like a gamble. Hope you pick the right religion or else its Hell for you.

Interpret Religion However you Want?
Can we interpret religion however we want? This is what people say, there is no wrong interpretation. Your free to see and follow however you want. But is it ok with God? If God wants you to follow specific rules in a certain way, then you can't interpret religion however you want, and have to make sure you interpret it correctly, and follow his rules in the very specific way he wants you to follow them, or else you will piss off your God and he will punish you. So this means there is a wrong and right way to interpret religion, and you better get it right without its help, or your doomed. Sounds like an F'd up God who considers your life nothing more than something to be gambled, without caring enough to help you with guidance. And religious texts isn't enough, without factual evidence, when there are thousands of different religions.

So the question is, is there a true religion, and if God is real, and if its a religion that will punish you if you don't follow it correctly?


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2016
United States
I'm Catholic, I do believe in God. I'm not very religious to be honest, and I don't mind those who don't believe, but I think it gives me a good sense of community and the people are nice.

I don't support using religion as a motive for political gain, or for murder/conquest, or for exclusion. I think religion at its core is a set of beliefs and moral values.

(And since I get this question, I don't think there's anything wrong with people who aren't straight at all, and I support them in every way possible. I'm very against people going after them or believing they're bad in some way).

@blujay, could we maybe get a poll in the thread?
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Deleted User

(And since I get this question, I don't think there's anything wrong with people who aren't straight at all, and I support them in every way possible. I'm very against people going after them or believing they're bad in some way).
I am LDS and a common misconception about us is that we hate all non-straight people. We don't, in fact, we have been very open in our support for them. We just don't let them hold religious callings, or the priesthood.

EDIT: The religion is pure, the people are not.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2011
Czech Republic
Let me just repost something I said a long time ago:

osm70 said:
I had an interesting talk with a Christian. He came to me and started talking.

Him: Did you pray to God today?

Me: I don't believe he exists.

Him: How could you say that?

Me: I don't believe in things I can't see.

Him: I haven't seen your penis and I believe you have one.
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Hail Mary
Feb 17, 2017
Congo, Republic of the
Let me just repost something I said a long time ago:
He could be wrong if your dick was cut off, you look very male like even though you are female, or have some birth defect.
Most likely though you wont using rational logic and how the Human body is.
This is how works, using evidence on how things are to draw educated predictions on how things will be.
We actual have phsycial evidence on the human body compared to religion.

This is like saying how do you know a chicken laying an egg will not give birth to a human.
You can't see whats inside the egg. There might be a human inside.
So it will be stupid to say a human is inside the egg.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2015
United States
“Your question is the most difficult in the world. It is not a question I can answer simply with yes or no. I am not an Atheist. I do not know if I can define myself as a Pantheist. The problem involved is too vast for our limited minds. May I not reply with a parable? The human mind, no matter how highly trained, cannot grasp the universe. We are in the position of a little child, entering a huge library whose walls are covered to the ceiling with books in many different tongues. The child knows that someone must have written those books. It does not know who or how. It does not understand the languages in which they are written. The child notes a definite plan in the arrangement of the books, a mysterious order, which it does not comprehend, but only dimly suspects. That, it seems to me, is the attitude of the human mind, even the greatest and most cultured, toward God. We see a universe marvelously arranged, obeying certain laws, but we understand the laws only dimly. Our limited minds cannot grasp the mysterious force that sways the constellations. I am fascinated by Spinoza's Pantheism. I admire even more his contributions to modern thought. Spinoza is the greatest of modern philosophers, because he is the first philosopher who deals with the soul and the body as one, not as two separate things.”-Albert Einstein

I find this to be the most accurate statement in regards to my views on God. While I believe in Christ’s existence, and believe that he certainly was of Godly nature, that’s because of the way he lived and loved. It has nothing to with rewards in heaven or afterlife. If there is an afterlife, I highly doubt we’d remember anything from this one.

He simply asked that mankind love without judgment. Instead, Christians have become some of the most self-righteous, judgmental groups to ever exist.

So for me, I am a pantheistic Christian because I believe the universe(s) are God, and Christ knew humility and how people should treat each other.


Waiting for something to happen?
Jan 19, 2016
United States
I personally am an atheist, and I find believing in a religion to be naive personally. The origins of humanity, according to holy texts of various religions, sounds like something someone on LSD would gather from a Dr. Seuss book (IMO). I respect what other people believe though, no reason to bash people for thinking a book/scroll/whatever holds the truths of life.


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2016
The Game
Eh I don't really believe in gods, but as VinsCool mentioned, I am intrigued when things like miracles happen.
Just do your own thing.

Deleted User

Religion is a mess that has caused more problems than it has solved.

I disagree. Every civilization is built upon a religion which sets laws and morals for its people.
History has shown that when the society becomes lax in its religion, thats when society becomes a mess.
Religion unites the people behind a common way to think and act. In our modern day society we have such a range of beliefs, so much so that it's very disorderly.


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2016
The Game
I disagree. Every civilization is built upon a religion which sets laws and morals for its people.
History has shown that when the society becomes lax in its religion, thats when society becomes a mess.
Religion unites the people behind a common way to think and act. In our modern day society we have such a range of beliefs, so much so that it's very disorderly.
And this is the argument that begins the flame war of this thread.
Not that I disagree with it.
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