I don't understand why there are so many people on the right saying that leftists want to take away free speech. there are a vocal minority who want to ban words and create safe-spaces, but that's a vocal minority, most of the leftists and centrists don't want to ban any sort of speech.
I myself believe in self-policing; you say something stupid using your free speech rights, you're gonna pay for the consequences. If you're talking about Facebook (and other social media platforms) blocking posts and banning certain hot words, then that's not a free speech issue, that's a "you're using the wrong platform" issue. When you sign up for those social medias, you agree to terms of service that they put down, and they have the right to prevent you from using that platform if you're not following their rules. Also, might I remind you that many of these social media outlets service more than just the US as well, which may or may not have free speech rules. Again, and I cannot stress this enough, use a different outlet if you have problems with it. Not to mention, plenty of people on the other side of the political spectrum get banned all the time and bitch about the same issues. It doesn't matter if you're left, or right, both sides suffer from these policies.
Also, my apologies to anyone who takes issue with this term, but it's the best term to explain the group of people who actually want to remove free speech: the "warriors of social justice" are not your typical leftists. They're typically hypocritical people who want not equality, but a shift of power, and they're few and far between. Most of the time when I see someone fitting this description talk, they only want what's best for their lifestyle, and want to bitch about literally every little infraction that may be taken as a social rights issue(and then proceed to turn around and ignore their own cries). Most actual leftists I know just want to be able to live their lives without people causing them trouble. We want to keep our rights, our body autonomy, and maybe sprinkle some things in there to limit large entities destroying people's right to a pursuit of happiness.
Free speech as far as I can tell personally, isn't in jepoardy, and it likely never will be, but as always, there will always be consequences of what you say, and if you say some stupid shit, be prepared to deal with the consequences (looking at you Alex Jones).