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Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2009
United States

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Triggered as well.

You can't refute anything I say. You have yet to post a single, factual, scientific, peer review anything that backs up your wild claims.

uhhh did you read the clickable link? or is that too hard?

i'll add the link again told help you out.

except for the natural studies that have shown masks are effective for covid and the flu.

that paper is peer-reviewed, published, and has 43 cross-references.

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Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2008
United States


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
Is ultimately a reference to this guy, or stock image:

Shilling for a website that brings you this sort of "information":


And throwing around the world "rational" a bunch.

Its unclear which study it refers to (because they dont bother to link, or name it - which in itself is a no go), but looking over the material they 'reference' on the site, they mostly present you with graphs of a linear increase (see above), and then make up "because it didnt went down (the pandemic wasnt solved structurally, through masks), it didnt work".

This is a fallacy, because if you'd expect close to exponential growth and then growthrate looks linear but rising, that would still mean it worked.

Also they have some charts, where they can show ongoing close to exponential growth - and they dont make any difference in argument - so they come from a fixed notion, they dont know what they are doing, they are using emotional imagery (right now a child with down syndrome died of Covid is their first 'news item' on the page), ... do I have to continue?

Also - they almost exclusively feature "data from the US". Which is problematic - when your main message is, that masks dont work.

Because US people basically are useless at wearing masks (https://news.gallup.com/poll/315590/americans-face-mask-usage-varies-greatly-demographics.aspx
(tendency rising, though: https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-ta...wearing-masks-in-stores-and-other-businesses/) )
- and more importantly some demographics are useless at wearing them.

So if you have a population, that cant be bothered (starting from half of your citizens, some of them killing mallcops, that tried to enforce policy before entering stores), if 90% of the videos on democracy now show people mishandling them (just something that stuck in my mind, because they often show videos featuring grass roots reporting - so "normal people" - more often than other news outlets), and touching them all over -

a. their effectiveness isnt as high as it could be (you depend on a large percentage of people wearing them, because normal cloth masks work as crowd control for the virus, not as individual protection.
b. certain populations not bothering at all, means you have pockets in society - where it can spread much faster
c. most infections are still occurring in families and 'close nit' communities, where longer - unprotected contacts are likely (in case your read the 80% of americans are now saying they wear them in stores statistic above) -
so if you plot a statistic, and you have few infections in the beginning, then because of the nature of its propagation, its spiking to a high level quickly (because no one is wearing them at home all the time f.e.), that would be expected - what measures like mask wearing can do is to make it 'plateau earlier'. Plateau means this:

src: https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/us

So growth running out of fuel.

All in all mask wearing slows down propagation. Doesnt solve it, but slows it down.

Would solve it, if people would behave like robots and adhere to everything they are told to - which they arent. (Statistically it solves it once case infection rate goes below 1 (so if one person infected, infects less than one other person). Plateauing is, if one person infected - infects one other person (when statistically with covid 'uncontrolled' it would be 3+))). Timeframe also matters, but lets simplify this for explanation purposes.

To be fair - plateauing, can also occur, because "the virus ran out of fuel naturally" - which is unlikely, when less than 10% of your societies have been infected.

It can also occur, because your health system exceeded testing capacity - which is a tad more likely - but not much more, because you still run into the 'hospital capacity' problem - quickly - if growth would continue exponentially.

And the much more obvious thing to do is to look at how other nations faired - with their mask wearing strategy, and not only focus on statistics out of selected US states.

Essentially because the US did everything wrong in terms of 'public education' on mask usage. (You had your politicians refusing to wear them, you had them holding parties, while not wearing them, no one told you how to wear them (no touching in the middle parts, what to do when they are damp, ... thank you). Partly because you had an availibility problem when propagation first started in the US. So you didnt want people asking 'can I have one' at first.

edit: Here is an even more 'fair' summery than what I just wrote - looking at one US state:

Thats better news than the blog trolling and down syndrome person died because no one did a thing stuff you are following and sharing.
Last edited by notimp,


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
so uhh where is the link to the actual study they are referencing?
Because you wont have the chance to get any useful information out of the idiot - I did some of the legwork.

The BLOG WITH THE INFO YOU SHOULD FOLLOW ON TWITTER! as told to you by the other blog, that doesnt link sources BUT TELLS YOU WHO TO FOLLOW ON TWITTER was created as a whole in August of this year, see: https://web.archive.org/web/2020*/rationalground.com

Going by the date of the posting thats shilling THE STUDY (it isnt a study), MADE BY THE OTHER BLOG, WHOS MAIN GUY YOU SHOULD FOLLOW ON TWITTER, its referring to this graph - and this graph alone:

Which is for Oregon.
edit: Actually several US states.

And once more - that blog is politically motivated, and run by stupid people - to be referenced again by other blogs, telling you to follow people on social media, which are in the same network.

Last edited by notimp,


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2009
United States
Because you wont have the chance to get any useful information out of the idiot - I did some of the legwork.

The BLOG WITH THE INFO YOU SHOULD FOLLOW ON TWITTER! as told to you by the other blog, that doesnt link sources BUT TELLS YOU WHO TO FOLLOW ON TWITTER was created as a whole in August of this year, see: https://web.archive.org/web/2020*/rationalground.com

Going by the date of the posting thats shilling THE STUDY (it isnt a study), MADE BY THE OTHER BLOG, WHOS MAIN GUY YOU SHOULD FOLLOW ON TWITTER, its referring to this graph - and this graph alone:

Which is for Oregon.

And once more - that blog is politically motivated, and run by stupid people - to be referenced again by other blogs, telling you to follow people on social media, which are in the same network.


figured as much, but thanks for saving me from ready more of that trash.

he has an inability to correctly cite peer reviewed content. he also makes crazy statements and gets clapped when people call bullshit.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
figured as much, but thanks for saving me from ready more of that trash.
Sorry - didnt scroll - they list graphs for several US states, not only for oregon.

That said all of those graphs expose serious "y axis stretching" (the increments are 25 people on the y axis), and dont account for 'winter' in any of their 'explorations' of the data.

(If people mostly outside - spread is at a certain rate.
If people mostly outside - wearing masks spread is at a different rate.
If people mostly inside - wearing masks spread is at a different rate

Then they lie to you, that masks as advertised would have meant, that the issue should be gone.
Then they lie to you that infection rates rising must mean masks have no effect.
Then they ignore the stuff actual data scientists are saying in behavioral changes having set in maybe even 2 weeks before mask mandates, and that if you go by CDC data, they are 'reporting a backlog' so those numbers never were 'day accurate'.
Then they cherry pick which states to feature prominently.

Then they dont look at 'mask wearing compliance' in that states population. (f.e. Nevada, where according to the graph it had no impact (not even a plateau)).
(edit: What happened in Nevada: https://thenevadaindependent.com/ar...pliance-with-mask-mandate-may-cause-crackdown )

Then they condense it down to a sentence, that indicates 'conspiracy?', then everyone is happy.)
Last edited by notimp,


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2008
United States
yeah, but it wasn't peer reviewed and didn't list their methodology and conclusion.

Added some more problematic stuff in regards to 'methodology' to my previous posting. ;)

The data about wearing a mask being pointless is 100% accurate. Still waiting on either of you to post factual evidence that states otherwise. Guess I should rely on Facebook and Snopes for all my 'unbiased facts' eh?


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
The data about wearing a mask being pointless is 100% accurate. Still waiting on either of you to post factual evidence that states otherwise. Guess I should rely on Facebook and Snopes for all my 'unbiased facts' eh?
You are still an idiot - linking to blogs that are created to farm idiots.

Reasoning. Plateaus, after (with two week slack periods) mask mandates - in almost all those graphs.

If winter comes, and more people in tighter spaces, not wearing masks raises infection numbers again, that has nothing to do with mask wearing not working.

Stop idiot.

The problem goes deeper than that.

Baucause in this graph - (https://web.archive.org/web/2020122...tent/uploads/2020/12/12-1-Masks-2048x1617.png) the f*cking assholes (of the we created political blog in august because we not journalists, but bored people of the ideological complexion) also seek to disable the 'compliance?' argument - by using effing sweden, using effing death numbers instead of daily new cases (more prone to aggressive changes in trends - especially if you keep them close to zero for a while, more prone to 'single events' like another outbreak in an old folks home...) for the first time, for no reason.

Not stating with a word, that compliance to social distancing measures in sweden was very good.

And again, not stating population density.

Italy: 205 inhabitants per square kilometer
France: 122 people per square kilometer
UK: 275 people per square kilometer
Spain: 94 people per square kilometer

Sweden: 25 people per square kilometer

If you get in contact with none of your neighbors in a month, no mask policies also work - is what you are saying. And the 7% number listed is not the compliance value - but the people that were mandated to wear masks, because they live in cities.
edit: See: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-...r-as-covid-19-deaths-hit-record-idUSKBN2941KX

You are an IIIIIIIiiiiiiiiidiot.

Posting effing partisan propaganda, from propaganda sites created in August for iiiiiidiots. That are mostly telling people to follow certain Twitter accounts, that feed them with suff that to have them stuck in 'bubbles' for iiiidiots.

edit: But nuance - is not what the site is out for. The site is out to farm people with bubu images of childred with down syndrom that have died, with no one doing anything - telling you that you should look out for a vaccines effectiveness percentage (sure - if you care very much about having to go to a doctor twice in a year instead of only one time (to get a second shot, which increases the percentage to needed levels), thats mostly bitching about things it doesnt seem to understand - warning you about the "risks to freedom", and group dynamics at universites - because ivory tower -

In short - you are listening to a guy that hates university educated people and cant read graphs, without proposing 'doesnt work' because line didnt go down.

If thats your father - you are sh*t out of luck. If thats your doctor - run.
Last edited by notimp,


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
United States


Well-Known Member
Dec 25, 2012
United States
You guys arguing back and forth about masks how dumb. You sight this guys findings and numbers, you sight this one to rebut. Do "proper" masks work in a "controlled" study following strict guidelines YES. Do they work in the real world where people don't wear the right kind (a thin cloth over their mouth most 1 layer) in a work environment where you touch it and it falls down and you have to lift it back over your nose. Wearing the same one every day and then people just not wearing them at all. NO because you can't make people do it. Wear one if you want and quit trying to control people because history has shown that doesn't work. If your scared stay the fuck home and quit crying.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
You guys arguing back and forth about masks how dumb. You sight this guys findings and numbers, you sight this one to rebut. Do "proper" masks work in a "controlled" study following strict guidelines YES. Do they work in the real world where people don't wear the right kind (a thin cloth over their mouth most 1 layer) in a work environment where you touch it and it falls down and you have to lift it back over your nose. Wearing the same one every day and then people just not wearing them at all. NO because you can't make people do it. Wear one if you want and quit trying to control people because history has shown that doesn't work. If your scared stay the fuck home and quit crying.
Also mostly wrong.

The mask usage studies people did look at, before making them mandatory in field - were mass usage studies, in field. One of the issues was, that at first there werent that many, and that they sometimes were contradictory.
(Wow, so you are saying it depends on how people used them?)

You are right though, that if you are dealing with people, that "do not believe in them", and then "dont use them", and then use "numbers still bad" as an excuse for their behavior - you are rectifying a self fulfilling prophecy, that certainly doesnt get better, once you've convinced everyone not to do jack.

Because you cant differentiate "was it masks, was it behavior change" (people holding more distance) very well, we can come down to "you want something" that creates those plateaus.

Otherwise, what you would see in in those graphs is spikes, that accelerate to the point where mass immunity is reached, and then sharply drop - because mass immunity is reached.

That they 'plateau' at all, means "fuel is missing". Was it masks, was it people not shaking hands anymore, was it people washing hands more often - you cant ask them (they dont know), and you cant say which one it was for sure - but you want that mix, to get you the result of the "one person infects three" spread stalling - earlier than at 'congratulations, 60% of your popultion has it already'.

Now any somewhat effective measure could do that. If your group of ultra morons, that 'dont believe in it working' finally are all infected, and have reached mass immunity - while at the same time only 10% of your overall population is effected, this would also show in a plateau, no masks needed with the morons, but masks needed with everyone else.

If a slight summers breeze is enough to keep concentration of aerosols in the air beachside in Santa Monica low concentration enough, that spread stays linear, so be it - but that wasnt what people were seeing all over the country. (If you look at the sharp spike and sharp fall in Nevada - thats more of an indication for 'all morons infected now').

Not seeing a decline in the graphs, is not 'masks arent working', because with cloth/curgical masks you want to slow down spread, and prevent propagation "across" different tighly nit groups, that meet without wearing masks.
So - if there is no change in the expected propagation curve, you are allowed to scratch your head. But a 'lessening incline' is not no change, and a flat line (plateau), also is not no change.

And that if more people stay longer in heated rooms, than outside, the whole problem becomes bigger by several magnitudes - also is something you could have known, by the point you realized, that any flue is seasonal.

Also - if you dont limit 'mass spread vectors' (mass spreader events) like the US never showed many signs of doing - you can have exponential growth - for a while, with many people only f.e. infecting their families. Because at home, people dont wear masks. That doesnt mean, that you shouldnt try to have it not spread across your society - using any of the means you have.

And masks are shown to both reduce the aerosols in the air (not entirely, but by volume and amounts of particles per unit of air), and remind people to adhere to social distancing rules. Are they perfect? No. Do they help? Yes. And you can even see it in the graphs that are lampooned to 'show that masks didnt work' because the line still went up again six months further into the future.

Thats simply ignorance - and pronouncing something, because you cant read whats there.

Also if you want to look at this by country, and lets use 'how well was it managed' (instead of just 'masks'), thats fine as well.


Great compliance:


Got out of hand, followed by actually good compliance:


All over the place - probably not well managed - and at the beginning of the next incline:


Missmanaged at first, but now on the way to a plateau, after 'harsher measures'

Finally plateauing, so what I'd call managed - but at a very high level (relative to peak) of cases (thats the best case scenario for the economy btw, because it means, there were few lockdowns in place.):

Also please take with a grain of salt, because if you limit testing - you also get a plateau. And there are testing limitations in certain german metropolies, that I know are in place (not sure how much they affect the overall result, not sure how thats handled in other countries - so just one datapoint to remind you to be at least a bit sceptical.)

Also deaths curve for italy looks like this:
(Death curves are always 'more spikey' ('prone to extremes, caused by single events'))

Meaning, that they did a great job managing the actual care of patients better the second time around. Or that the second time arround mostly young people got infected.

Deathrate in the US -

Shows an almost constant high death rate - as in 'almost nothing done'.

Now for deaths you'd have to look at deaths per million to find out if true.

US deaths per million: 1100,
Italy deaths per million: 1200,
(France deaths per million: 1000,
Spain deaths per million 1100,
Germany deaths per million: 440)

(Population density:

US: 35.5 inhabitants per square kilometer
Italy: 205 inhabitants per square kilometer
France: 122 people per square kilometer
Spain: 94 people per square kilometer
Germany: 234 people per square kilometer

Meaning US sucked balls, and Spain sucked.)

Meaning - even though italy was hit 'the worst' in the beginning, US managed to become like italy - by missmanaging their outbreak throughout the year. And while having the far better (lower) population density number. Congratulations.

If you want proof that Nevada was a bumblef*ck state:

Almost every state reports more than 100 people hospitalized per million, while Nevada reports 592, which translates into 1 out of 1700 people in the state.

edit: Deaths per million for Nevada are also at around 1000, thats odd - so lets look at population density:

Nevada: 11 inhabitants per square kilometer - so they a re bumblef*ck central. 3.5 times lower population density than the rest of the country (on average), but just as many deaths per million as the rest.

Also - if you want to see something odd, you compare 'infections per million', where every developed state is aiming at around the 40000 number.

And where Switzerland is at 40000, but germany is at 20000 - what that tells you is - that
Masks work - but no one gives a f*ck what people are shouting, and everyone is aiming at that 40k number currently, no matter the circumstances at all (not population density, not age, not terrain, ...) - which means the actual driver for measures is not 'what people think', but actually - economic.

In germany it isnt - but 'the f*ck are they doing'. Also there is a suspiciously high amount of developing countries also at 20k or 10k and below. So either their 'climate' very healthy - or those numbers are fixed (f.e. by limitation of testing capacity), or for some reason they all wear masks as successfully as germans do.

src: https://ncov2019.live/

Arrived at that conclusion after wondering, why Nevada was bumblef*ck central until they hit 1000 deaths per million, and only then started to do something.

Also looking at "rich people central and also an island" (New Zealand), they are at 400 infections per million. Which is 100x better than everyone else - and they werent limited by testing, at a population density of 18 inhabitants per square kilometer. This gives you an idea what role topography can play. And where Nevada could have ended up - if well managed.

Nevada infections per million, currently? 80000. New Zealand 400. But the problem is, that masks dont work?
Last edited by notimp,


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
United States

BTW, still waiting on you to provide a single instance of liberal hypocrisy. Didn't think I'd forget, did you? :)
The source I provided links to 45 different scientific studies, so I understand the only response you could muster was essentially "nuh uh."
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Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2008
United States
.... deleted propaganda

Wow, what a bunch of pretty, fake graphs. Look at you, such a good little sheep parroting the lügenpresse's talking points!

Sweden was doing just fine keeping the infection rate and deaths really low from this virus (a virus that is no more deadly than the common flu) without locking down or making people put on face diapers. But they started to become a bigger and bigger thorn in the sides of all the infectious disease experts, like Bill Gates, as more and more people were asking, "Why do we need face diapers and have to destroy our economy for 0.10% of the population when Sweden is doing just fine taking no preventative actions with their population? So I'm positive that somebody (or an un-elected group of individuals) told Sweden to get into the fear business and start mandating face diapers for their population.

Said it before and I'll say it again:

Ignorant liberal: ..... tens of thousands have successfully taken the vaccine and only a handful of people died or had adverse reaction....... oh freaking well. A few deaths per 1K is AOK. Get that vaccine out there!!!!!!!!!!11111111111111111!!111 If people don't want the vaccine, we should shoot them in the head to save them from this virus that is so deadly you need a test to know whether you have it and the survival rate is only 99.8%!!!!!!!!!!111111111

Well informed, level headed person: ..... Hey liberal, why do you want to force everyone to get an experimental vaccine (that could possibly kill them or cause them great harm 1, 5, 10 years from now) and destroy the economy over a virus that is only responsible for killing 0.10% of the population? (Based off CDC numbers and census data...... if you can trust the numbers.)

To a liberal, logic and numbers only matter when it suits them. Low deaths from the COVID vaccine is safe to ignore. Low deaths from the virus is a reason to burn the country to the ground.


--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

The source I provided links to 45 different scientific studies, so I understand the only response you could muster was essentially "nuh uh."


Still waiting on you to post ONE, just OOOOOONNNNNNNEEEEEE story that shows a conservative being a hypocrite!

BTW, how does it feel to be on the other side? :)


:) :) :)


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
United States
Wow, what a bunch of pretty, fake graphs. Look at you, such a good little sheep parroting the lügenpresse's talking points!

Sweden was doing just fine keeping the infection rate and deaths really low from this virus (a virus that is no more deadly than the common flu) without locking down or making people put on face diapers. But they started to become a bigger and bigger thorn in the sides of all the infectious disease experts, like Bill Gates, as more and more people were asking, "Why do we need face diapers and have to destroy our economy for 0.10% of the population when Sweden is doing just fine taking no preventative actions with their population? So I'm positive that somebody (or an un-elected group of individuals) told Sweden to get into the fear business and start mandating face diapers for their population.

Said it before and I'll say it again:

Ignorant liberal: ..... tens of thousands have successfully taken the vaccine and only a handful of people died or had adverse reaction....... oh freaking well. A few deaths per 1K is AOK. Get that vaccine out there!!!!!!!!!!11111111111111111!!111 If people don't want the vaccine, we should shoot them in the head to save them from this virus that is so deadly you need a test to know whether you have it and the survival rate is only 99.8%!!!!!!!!!!111111111

Well informed, level headed person: ..... Hey liberal, why do you want to force everyone to get an experimental vaccine (that could possibly kill them or cause them great harm 1, 5, 10 years from now) and destroy the economy over a virus that is only responsible for killing 0.10% of the population? (Based off CDC numbers and census data...... if you can trust the numbers.)

To a liberal, logic and numbers only matter when it suits them. Low deaths from the COVID vaccine is safe to ignore. Low deaths from the virus is a reason to burn the country to the ground.


--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------


Still waiting on you to post ONE, just OOOOOONNNNNNNEEEEEE story that shows a conservative being a hypocrite!

BTW, how does it feel to be on the other side? :)


:) :) :)
Do you honestly think shouting "fake news" as a rebuttal does anything to help, not hurt, your side?

Perhaps this is why Democrats have taken the House, Senate, and Presidency.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2008
United States
Do you honestly think shouting "fake news" as a rebuttal does anything to help, not hurt, your side?

Perhaps this is why Democrats have taken the House, Senate, and Presidency.

Still waiting on ONE story from you that shows a conservative being a hypocrite. Just ONE. ONE STORY. Guess there are no conservative hypocrites and only liberals are hypocrites. HAHAHAHAHAH :) :) :)

Remember, if you can provide ONE story, I'll leave this website forever.
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