So this is an interesting issue I've run into on my AUS N3DS running 9.5 on emunand. After converting my personal cartridge of Ultimate NES Remix to a CIA, it refuses to boot properly, and spits out a generic "An error has occurred" message. When using the raw 3DS file, it works just fine.
Since then I've verified that it's not just my converted CIA that causes it, and I can't seem to figure out if I'm simply doing something wrong or if this is an actual issue. Part of me immediately assumed it was a 7.X encryption issue, and I haven't taken the time to test out any other cartridges I have with that encryption.
Has anyone run into a similar issue?
Since then I've verified that it's not just my converted CIA that causes it, and I can't seem to figure out if I'm simply doing something wrong or if this is an actual issue. Part of me immediately assumed it was a 7.X encryption issue, and I haven't taken the time to test out any other cartridges I have with that encryption.
Has anyone run into a similar issue?