To dismay of me and multiple fans of the original Baten Kaitos games on GameCube, Bandai Namco decided to remove the original english VA from the Switch remaster, leaving it only with the Japanese VA. I have been trying to see into the possibility to swap the original audio files from the GameCube release into this new version but I don't know how feasible it is.
I came across this amazing tutorial on how to mod Paper Mario, that even includes a section on sound editing and it looks promising (anti-spam wont let me post the link here).
My first objective in this quest was to retrieve the original VA sounds from the Gamecube .iso file but when I tried to access the file system using Dolphin, it has no folders or identifiable files, just a bunch of files with no apparent extension (see attachment), and for now my progress is blocked.
I was wondering if anyone here with more experience in modding could give me some clues on how to procceed.