Apple Could Buy The Mobile Industry


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2007
Foxi4 said:
NiGHtS said:
Perhaps some of that is right with the phones.

-snip epic quotings-

How much did you spend on that high-end Macbook? Because I bet my shorts that I could find you a mindblowing Win7 laptop that'd do all the things mentioned above at such a high-performance that the FLOPS would blow your shoes off.

EDIT: *GASP!* Ninja'd me about 7. Darn it.


I just prefer the OS X to W7. Especially since OS X Lion is out soon.

Maybe the wrong word. To me OSX seems very very patronising. Seems to want to make me do shit it's way instead of being flexible enough to do stuff my way.

Such as? Just wanna know what this stuff is.


Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2007
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What's up with all the hate? Just a simple article and everybody goes hatin on Apple :S
Apple fan or not, you can't deny the impact they've made on the mobile industry.
if Apple never released the iPhone we would all be using Windows Mobile and Symbian devices. Touchscreen only phones would be inferior. There would be no Android. just sayin'


Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
NiGHtS said:

I just prefer the OS X to W7. Especially since OS X Lion is out soon.

Well then that's your preference, not general superiority. You said that Macbooks beat anything you've seen on Windows-based systems, and all I said was that you are not right, mainly because you are not. Not that I'm ragging on your choice - if you choose a MacBook, it's all yours to have. What I'm saying is that you could have a better system for the same money.


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2006
NiGHtS said:

Also in my history of using numerous computer systems Microsoft has always felt like an archaic piece of bull.
Don't even get me started on Vista, the numerous shitty updates, the number of security protocols needed, Internet Explorer(although this doesnt count because different browsers are everywhere), and the performance levels on everyday machines.

Why would people judge and condemn every PC out there based on Vista ? There is something out there called XP, and even something called Windows 7 .
Comparing the latest MAC with the last gen Windows does not make it justice.
I think W7 is a hell of a good OS, and I'm not alone on this.
Macs still look gay to me ( no offense to anybody, I'm not homophobic or something ), I just feel more in control on a PC, and I have more choices when it comes to homebrew and open source.
And the most moronic thing I hear every one in a while is that you can emulate Windows on a Mac.
Why on earth would I want to pay more, in order to run a restricted and slower version of my favorite Windows apps is beyond me.........


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2006
United States
Foxi4 said:
Because they use obselete hardware on purpose to create and announce newer versions of their products no later than next year, because they boasted about their CPU's being faster than Intel's in the nineties just to jizz their pants about having a Macbook with an Intel processor a few years later, because they're overpricing their "inventions", because they're purposely locking down some capabilities power-users would find useful, because you need to sign every single form in the universe to get something as simple as an update, because they treat jailbreaking a device you OWN as a crime similar to the holocaust, I could really go on, man.

A half-eaten apple is not something you'd like to eat. A half-decent laptop/desktop/phone is not something you buy.

The thing was Apple wisely decided to look at where they could innovate. That began with the iPod. Their hardware was 'obsolete' and lacked basic features other mp3 players had like an FM tuner. But the reality was that no one know how to USE those devices. I have a friend who still has the same 10 songs I loaded on an iRiver devices over 10 YEARS ago. Why? Because the interface for loading mp3s was archaic and non-intuitive. Apple streamlined the process of obtaining music, getting it onto your player, and playing music on that device. That was the innovation. It had nothing to do with a 'technology checklist' of stuff. They also capitalized on the very real feelings most people had that the PC was a horrible device. They made a user experience that was only marginally better than the PC. But it was still better and people responded to that. You could have argued Apple was a niche hipster thing in the past, but certainly today that is not the case.

Look at the Motorola Xoom. What did they market? It had awesome dual core snapdragon processors with blah blah blah. When the Xoom hit the Superbowl no one even knew they were making a tablet, and guess what no one cared. You pick it up and think 'how does this thing work' and 10 minutes later you're still thinking the same thing. People have moved beyond the MHz wars and such. It's the user experience that matters to people now.

Other companies need to bring to the table something that is an order of magnitude better than current Apple products. They simply have too much baggage to come with something that is 'the same' as an Apple product. No different than how American car manufacturers have had to overcome the old, but now totally incorrect notion that their vehicles are total crap compared to Japanese cars. You can't come up with a Ford that's 'just as good' as a Camry or Honda. It needs to be 5-10x better before people will overcome their notion that American cars are junk.

I do find the arguments about it not being an 'open' system to be a bit odd. Apple's design philosophy is to tightly control the user experience so that the get the most optimal one. If you disagree with that it's fine. I mean it's not like there aren't a wide range of options available to you. Feel free to go on an Android or Windows 7 platform. But Apple is successful because they have given people what the want. Their phones and devices are supposed to 'work' pretty much like a utility like electricty or water. They want to turn on a switch and get light. Personally I think the concentration on the UI is actually a good thing, and it's making stuff overall easier to use in many other sectors. I'm sure many Apple detractors will be happy once Steve Jobs gives up the reigns at Apple and the company inevitably falls into decay without his leadership. But I think overall Apple has made devices easier to use for all users and I think that's a good thing.


Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
Lube_Skyballer said:
What's up with all the hate? Just a simple article and everybody goes hatin on Apple :S
Apple fan or not, you can't deny the impact they've made on the mobile industry.
if Apple never released the iPhone we would all be using Windows Mobile and Symbian devices. Touchscreen only phones would be inferior. There would be no Android. just sayin'

I don't "hate" iPhones, I hate the Apple's way of doing things with them. I understand and appreciate the fact that they kick-started the industry, but what's done is done and they should now focus on releasing an iPhone users would actually care about. And I mean users, not people who treat their mobile devices like jewelery.

QUOTEThe thing was Apple wisely decided to look at where they could innovate. That began with the iPod. Their hardware was 'obsolete' and lacked basic features other mp3 players had like an FM tuner. But the reality was that no one know how to USE those devices (because they are retarded morons who find it difficult to use 5 buttons). I have a friend who still has the same 10 songs I loaded on an iRiver devices over 10 YEARS ago. Why? Because the interface for loading mp3s was archaic and non-intuitive because drag-and-drop is HARD. Apple streamlined the process of obtaining music (by forcing you to use iTunes, the worst piece of crap since the dawn of mankind), getting it onto your player(...via iTunes, because drag and drop is lame), and playing music on that device(...because it's all it can do, really). That was the innovation(That was being obselete and limited. It still is). It had nothing to do with a 'technology checklist' of stuff (because technology costs). They also capitalized on the very real feelings most people had that the PC was a horrible device people too stupid to use a PC is the first place. They made a user experience that was only far marginally better worse than the PC. But it was still better colourful and well-marketed enough that people responded to that. You could have argued Apple was a niche hipster thing in the past, but certainly today that is not the case it's a whole Woodstock.

Look at the Motorola Xoom. [words].

Other companies need to bring to the table something that is an order of magnitude better than current Apple products(They already have). They simply have too much baggage to come with something that is 'the same' completely different than an Apple product. No different than how American car manufacturers have had to overcome the old, but now totally incorrect notion that their vehicles are total crap compared to Japanese cars. You can't come up with a Ford that's 'just as good' as a Camry or Honda(you can't, because Fords are generally better than either of those). It people need to be 5-10x better more educated in the subject before people will overcome their notion that American cars are junk.

I do find the arguments about it not being an 'open' system to be a bit odd. Apple's design philosophy is to tightly control the user experience so that the get the most optimal one there is only one way to get from 'Point A' to 'Point B', making your experience a painful one. If you disagree with that it's fine. (Because you're right) I mean it's not like there aren't a wide range of options available to you. Feel free to go on an Android or Windows 7 platform. But Apple is successful because they have given taken what the wanted from people. Their phones and devices are supposed to 'work' pretty much like a utility like electricty or water. [words] I'm sure many Apple detractors will be happy once Steve Jobs gives up the reigns at Apple and the company inevitably falls into decay without his leadership (because you need a MASTER THIEF to guide a herd of morons). But I think overall Apple has made devices easier to use for all users and I think that's a good thing. Now please take my money.

Slightly Fix'd.


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2006
United States
Foxi4 said:
Lube_Skyballer said:
What's up with all the hate? Just a simple article and everybody goes hatin on Apple :S
Apple fan or not, you can't deny the impact they've made on the mobile industry.
if Apple never released the iPhone we would all be using Windows Mobile and Symbian devices. Touchscreen only phones would be inferior. There would be no Android. just sayin'

I don't "hate" iPhones, I hate the Apple's way of doing things with them. I understand and appreciate the fact that they kick-started the industry, but what's done is done and they should now focus on releasing an iPhone users would actually care about. And I mean users, not people who treat their mobile devices like jewelery.

Considering the number of iPhones that have been sold, it would appear that they are giving use 'what the care about'. You should rephrase it as

'they should focus on releasing an iPhone I would care about'

Unfortunately people like us are in the minority. Most people don't know how to turn on their phones let alone want 'homebrew' or an 'open' system. I'm in IT, and you see that the majority of people are like this. Apple gives what a good 90-95% of people want in a phone. For us 5% we should just stick to Android and leave the Apple ecosystem be. It is what it is, and it's success is due to the very factors that we detest (non open, etc). I don't see why hating Apple for doing what most people want is useful in any way.

Heck I do that in my job all the time. I design systems such that BLIND IDIOT MONKEYS in sales could do stuff on their computer. Configure your VPN. Did you read that 10 page document that came with the install CD? No? Why not? (ensue 30 minute of yelling). Now I just have an exe they click on, and does everything automatically for them. Sometimes even getting them to click the exe is an exercise! In this environment it's no surprise Apple is successful.


I'm International
Sep 3, 2008
United States
Apple products have always been "simplified".
The iPhone, for examples, gives a very simple UI that is easy to follow. The problem with this is that it doesn't allow for customizations and sort of a stale interface or in other words, Making the phone yours. Apple has always seemed to be a "control freak" about things. People only like the products because they look nice and are easy to use. They are way overpriced and to me, not worth the money.
I always try to convert people to going with Android phones instead, and some have listened, the others all think its hard to use (o.0)
Those that have converted have stayed

Both the iPhone and Android phones have flaws, so it's really annoying to hear Apple fanboys yell that Android sucks blah blah blah.
Use what you want, but you should get an Android phone



GBAtemp 台灣人
Aug 27, 2010
Vancouver, B.C.
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Hakoda said:
Most of those companies, which have seen declining sales over the last few years, will likely have their value decreased, while Apple keeps skyrocketing.
Android and Windows Phone 7 continue to make market gains. Apple's iOS is no longer the dominant figure in mobile phone software. HTC is constantly breaking its profit records month after month, Samsung is not slowing down any time soon with their Galaxy S series. Apple is not skyrocketing, the industry as a whole is. In fact, with the industry skyrocketing, Apple's biggest competitors (in Samsung and HTC) are both seeing increased market dominance while Apple's share is being held at a stable rate.

Nokia's failure to support Android is the only reason they're falling behind. Even so, they hold the mobile phone market for the 'dumb phone' section, and remain popular in countries like China. RIM / Blackberry is selling at a stable rate, but is losing market share due to the rise of Android devices from Samsung and HTC. They still hold #2 on the market in their home country Canada.

Sony Ericsson's flawed Xperia line-up cost them in the past few years, which is why they've fallen so low.

I'd say the study is flawed in saying that Apple could easily swoop up and buy out the mobile phone industry because of 'declining value of competitors'. Samsung and HTC won't be going away any time soon, and both Motorola (Motorola Atrix) and Sony Ericsson (Xperia Arc, Xperia Play) have made recent efforts to introducing quality devices to get back in the race.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2004
CarbonX13 said:
Hakoda said:
Most of those companies, which have seen declining sales over the last few years, will likely have their value decreased, while Apple keeps skyrocketing.
Android and Windows Phone 7 continue to make market gains. Apple's iOS is no longer the dominant figure in mobile phone software. HTC is constantly breaking its profit records month after month, Samsung is not slowing down any time soon with their Galaxy S series. Apple is not skyrocketing, the industry as a whole is. In fact, with the industry skyrocketing, Apple's biggest competitors (in Samsung and HTC) are both seeing increased market dominance while Apple's share is being held at a stable rate.

Nokia's failure to support Android is the only reason they're falling behind. Even so, they hold the mobile phone market for the 'dumb phone' section, and remain popular in countries like China. RIM / Blackberry is selling at a stable rate, but is losing market share due to the rise of Android devices from Samsung and HTC. They still hold #2 on the market in their home country Canada.

Sony Ericsson's flawed Xperia line-up cost them in the past few years, which is why they've fallen so low.

I'd say the study is flawed in saying that Apple could easily swoop up and buy out the mobile phone industry because of 'declining value of competitors'. Samsung and HTC won't be going away any time soon, and both Motorola (Motorola Atrix) and Sony Ericsson (Xperia Arc, Xperia Play) have made recent efforts to introducing quality devices to get back in the race.

Too bad the Xperia Play apparently has cdma/3g reception issues. That and the fact that you can't unlock the bootloader (on cmda/3g/verizon versions) was why I went with the Thunderbolt. The bigger screen and 256MB more RAM didn't hurt either.


Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
nl255 said:
Too bad the Xperia Play apparently has cdma/3g reception issues. That and the fact that you can't unlock the bootloader (on cmda/3g/verizon versions) was why I went with the Thunderbolt. The bigger screen and 256MB more RAM didn't hurt either.

*Can't* is an overstatement. This is a Sony certified device we're talking about - it'll take time before it's cracked fully. The OS is strongly optimized and modified for the device in question.

As far as connectivity issues are concerned, I remember the big fuss Apple made about users "holding the iPhone wrong" as the only explaination for the sh*t reception of one of their turdPhones.

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