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  • "Kid's annoyance factor is proportional to the length of their hair" -gin, lesson 21
    get yo otaku ahhhh outa here 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
    "Garlic is not a substitute for personal hygiene" -Tsun ze, the art of war
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    Reactions: Creamu
    If the enemy flees in horror of your scent, you win! -Sun Tzu, the are of war
    You clearly aren't using enough.
    Wario would like to have a few words with you....

    “Dunk my biscuit in my tea, but it falls in the cup. You’ve just been blue shelled… by gravity”
    brilliant :rofl:
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    Reactions: SaulFabre
    Your life is EVERYTHING. You serve ALL purpose. You should treat yourself NOW.

    And give yourself a piece of that oxygen, in the ozone layer, that's covered up so that you can breath inside this blue trapped bubble. Because you know what I'm here for, to worship you. Love yourself! I mean that with a hundred percent with a thousand percent.
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    Reactions: rvtr and 1B51004
    If jesus died for our sins, then who died for our cos and tan?
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    • Angry
    Reactions: rvtr and Nikokaro
    Mmmm...It's not good to joke about sacred things, especially when they are already in deep crisis...Like hitting a man who is already dying.:glare:
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    Reactions: Jiehfeng
    i don't think the butt of the joke is the sacred thing though, it's more just a play on words.
    God is the one, and Jesus died for our sin.

    sin2 + cos2 = 1 so Jesus 2 + cos2 = God. By the rule of the holy trinity then, cos2 = (holy ghost)1.5 so the Holy ghost died for our cos.

    Now 1 + tan2 = sec2, sec = 1/cos, therefore God + tan2 = (inverse Holy ghost)2. The difference between God and the inverse Holy ghost is infinite, so tan2 = infinity. In this way we determine that infinity died for our tan.
    In the wake of the deaths, and even the grievances of the apartment, he spread to the neighbor, strong to the tribe
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  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Don't care if I had 100tbs of storage I'd only get what I play
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    I'm saving for that Hp Victus 4050 6gb increase it to 32gb ram for $50 easy $700 gaming laptop
  • SpookyBaker @ SpookyBaker:
    They call him The Drink
  • SpookyBaker @ SpookyBaker:
    Yes this is a drawing I did of Trunks
  • realtimesave @ realtimesave:
    I'm saving for all sorts of crap that I don't need
  • realtimesave @ realtimesave:
    next paycheck maybe
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    A ring for @SylverReZ
  • realtimesave @ realtimesave:
    I was going to buy retroid pocket 5
  • realtimesave @ realtimesave:
    til I found out it has outdated cpu
  • realtimesave @ realtimesave:
    and outdated android
  • realtimesave @ realtimesave:
    I'm not too keen on android devices to begin with.. I like linux a lot more
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Do you really expect China to make anything up to to date
  • realtimesave @ realtimesave:
    yes. Odin 2
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Anything in China uses old Gen chips that's how it stays cheap
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    SteamDecks chip isn't even up to date tbh being compared to a 1050
  • realtimesave @ realtimesave:
    ya I'm waiting for next gen of handheld pc before buying another
  • realtimesave @ realtimesave:
    I like the steamdeck fine enough
  • Sicklyboy @ Sicklyboy:
    steamdeck is goated
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Devices don't need powerful everything to be good that's what made it good fair price you knew what you were getting
  • realtimesave @ realtimesave:
    I like the devices I currently own. don't care how much underpowered they all are compared to my desktop pc
  • realtimesave @ realtimesave:
    I'm basically just anticipating switch 2 above anything else
  • realtimesave @ realtimesave:
  • realtimesave @ realtimesave:
    and the end of my nsw collecting
    realtimesave @ realtimesave: and the end of my nsw collecting