Well that turned into a shit show quickly, didn't it?
I have no issue with banning content deemed illegal, and yes Germany is quite strict on Nazi symbolism, fair enough. The one Hitler Mii I saw, I can only hope it was being done as a piss take, not as a serious affront to people. The person should be given a chance to change the Mii or, if this is legally required or soru takes offence (it's her project, we abide by her wishes), then that person gets banned.
People can be upset over that, and I'm not saying I agree 100%, however people being banned on a private server does not infringe upon your freedom of speech. Also, US laws don't apply in other countries.
However, I'd personally rather see a block option in place. Deleting a Mii from the Plaza does not stop you from getting again, nor does it stop you from getting their messages through Letter Box / Swapnote.
Just as an FYI, according to
this Wikipedia page the "Heil Hitler" greeting is banned in Germany. How this affects soru's server, I don't know, I'm not a lawyer and I'm not German, but given that you greet each Mii with a "Hi...." I can see how some people might think it inappropriate.
My main concern is people being banned or constantly reported because someone didn't like something they did, which the vast majority of other people wouldn't bat an eyelid about.
Next time I'll leave that can of worms unopened