Hacking Homebrew A new way to experience StreetPass

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May 12, 2024
Every last one of you states just how angry I am, but I'm not angry. Defending freedom of speech/expression is not anger; I'm grounded in my beliefs and I am willing to go the extra mile for them when they are threatened. Simple as.
You don't seem to realise that soru will get in legal trouble if she authorizes this kind of content on her servers , as the German laws apply to netpass , even if she wanted , she could face legal issues with ur imagery being hosted on her servers , hope you FINALLY understand this


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2023
United States
You don't seem to realise that soru will get in legal trouble if she authorizes this kind of content on her servers , as the German laws apply to netpass , even if she wanted , she could face legal issues with ur imagery being hosted on her servers , hope you FINALLY understand this
Literally untrue lmao. She is not expected to police random international traffic on a pet project. This isn't Twitter lmao.
Post automatically merged:

Anyway, been enjoying this, but it's this bigot's bedtime. Night night.


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2006
Well that turned into a shit show quickly, didn't it?
I have no issue with banning content deemed illegal, and yes Germany is quite strict on Nazi symbolism, fair enough. The one Hitler Mii I saw, I can only hope it was being done as a piss take, not as a serious affront to people. The person should be given a chance to change the Mii or, if this is legally required or soru takes offence (it's her project, we abide by her wishes), then that person gets banned.

People can be upset over that, and I'm not saying I agree 100%, however people being banned on a private server does not infringe upon your freedom of speech. Also, US laws don't apply in other countries.

However, I'd personally rather see a block option in place. Deleting a Mii from the Plaza does not stop you from getting again, nor does it stop you from getting their messages through Letter Box / Swapnote.

Just as an FYI, according to this Wikipedia page the "Heil Hitler" greeting is banned in Germany. How this affects soru's server, I don't know, I'm not a lawyer and I'm not German, but given that you greet each Mii with a "Hi...." I can see how some people might think it inappropriate.

My main concern is people being banned or constantly reported because someone didn't like something they did, which the vast majority of other people wouldn't bat an eyelid about.

Next time I'll leave that can of worms unopened :)


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2023
United States
People can be upset over that, and I'm not saying I agree 100%, however people being banned on a private server does not infringe upon your freedom of speech. Also, US laws don't apply in other countries.
Thank you for stating this part. And I'll follow up by saying that this is the part where I remind everyone that the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution (which is often referred to when people claim "freedom of speech") simply states that the U.S. government can't arrest someone simply for speaking their mind, nor make any law that prevents that person from doing so (the Fourteenth Amendment extends this to State and local governments as well). It does not protect someone from the consequences of their own actions (ex: getting banned from a private server or forum for saying something that violates the rules of said server/forum). It also doesn't apply to any service or facility that's under the jurisdiction of another country (in this case, Germany), as the owner of said service or facility must abide by their country's laws first and foremost - the exception being branch facilities/services stationed in other countries, which must abide by those countries' laws instead.

Now to get back to the actual topic regarding NetPass, I'd personally prefer a system with both a report function and a block function. While a block function would be nice to let us simply ignore those we don't want to see again, a report function is critical for helping prevent the more extreme offenders (such as those sending malicious code through their StreetPass data) from causing problems long-term. Having the reports reviewed by soru (and possibly any mods she takes on for report reviewing in the future), instead of the reviewing being automated, addresses a good number of concerns regarding potential abuse of a report system.
Last edited by ChronosNotashi,


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2006
Now to get back to the actual topic regarding NetPass, I'd personally prefer a system with both a report function and a block function. While a block function would be nice to let us simply ignore those we don't want to see again, a report function is critical for helping prevent the more extreme offenders (such as those sending malicious code through their StreetPass data) from causing problems long-term. Having the reports reviewed by soru (and possibly any mods she takes on for report reviewing in the future), instead of the reviewing being automated, addresses a good number of concerns regarding potential abuse of a report system.

I think that's a fair enough solution. It's up to soru or someone else to add the code, so we are at the mercy of her interest in doing this. Personally I'd hope any bans would have to come after more than one individual has reported a person. Given the absolute randomness of Netpass, meeting the same person more than once has been uncommon - at least for me. This reduces the chance of the same person just repeatedly reporting someone for some arbitrary reason. Similarly a person who repeatedly spams the report function should be restricted in some fashion too. This would help reduce frivolous reporting...hopefully.

I suppose bans could come in waves, in that first offence is 24-48 hours, second offence is a week or more, and third offence is longer or then permanent. People need to be given an opportunity to fix their behaviour and be told their conduct is considered offensive to others. This needs to happen through Netpass itself, with a message indicating the person has a ban for 'x' time and 'x' reason. Their information is then removed from the server (to cleanse it of the "offending" material) and the timer starts, if they connect again with no change and are reported again, the ban is extended.

The worst of it all is that we need to discuss this in the first place. That people can't just not be dicks about things. It's not "edgy" or "cool" or whatever modern slang term people use nowadays to have a Hitler Mii. What the hell happened to decorum? I think I'm getting too old for this shit.


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2013
The worst of it all is that we need to discuss this in the first place. That people can't just not be dicks about things. It's not "edgy" or "cool" or whatever modern slang term people use nowadays to have a Hitler Mii. What the hell happened to decorum? I think I'm getting too old for this shit.

I've always thought it's mostly out of insecurity, and how internet in general opened the possibility to create "safeplaces" and subsequent fertile ground for that sort of behavior. Live long enough in that bubble and your entire worldview gets screwed.

Videogames have been unfortunately one of the grounds were these things have happened because after all games interest younger audiences that are still developing, insecurities being extremely common during that period of our lives combined with how much competitiveness became a thing in online communities and what I've seen named as "the dunking culture" being perceived as both a weapon and a shield to use in these basic interactions, plus the apparent need to be always be seen as funny and... Well, it's a recipe for disaster in my eyes.

Then they grow up under that influence and... If Mii Hitler was the worst of it, I'd call us lucky. And the saddest part is that most of it is not even "edgy teens" anymore, it's poorly adjusted adults behaving worse than them.

As far as Netpass goes, I have only seen one mii that I could consider offensive, but I can't quite remember it exactly it was like over a week ago.

How could a blocking system could be implemented on Netpass? Maybe using the friend code? I am curious.
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Well-Known Member
May 23, 2006
Then they grow up under that influence and... If Mii Hitler was the worst of it, I'd call us lucky. And the saddest part is that most of it is not even "edgy teens" anymore, it's poorly adjusted adults behaving worse than them.

As far as Netpass goes, I have only seen one mii that I could consider offensive, but I can't quite remember it exactly it was like over a week ago.

How could a blocking system could be implemented on Netpass? Maybe using the friend code? I am curious.

Yeah, echo chambers feed each little group their own warm fuzzy noise back at them amplifying it along the way.

Hitler Mii and in Swapnote / Letter Box one person taking a picture in front of a sign (reversed because "smart") that said Gay Porn with a crudely drawn person looking shocked, are the only ones I've seen. Now, gay porn doesn't offend me, and it certainly doesn't interest me, but I don't think bringing attention to any porn is appropriate for a platform that is likely to have children on it.

I haven't read through too much of the newer code, but some of the stuff I did read indicated that soru is using the 3DS's MAC address to ban them. That's a permanent ban, you can't change the MAC address without changing hardware. I don't recall which of the 3DS's has the WiFi on a plugin daughter board, but changing that would probably yield a different MAC address. Failing that a whole new 3DS would be required. However, given the project is open source, it's relatively trivial to compile your own version that points to your own server. The slightly harder part is figuring out the server side (well for me it is).

Back to my point: Two options for a local block list:
1/ Use the MAC address of the 3DS - they get transmitted / stored with each pass you get
2/ soru assigns an internal UserID to each 3DS based on something like the MAC address and that UserID is sent instead of the MAC address

The second option has the benefit of some privacy for each user. The person you may block does not have any identifying characteristics that links them from your 3DS to theirs. Only soru would have that information. I don't see an issue with the MAC address being used, personally. All internet enabled devices have one (WiFi, ethernet, bluetooth(?)) and they're sent routinely to other servers all the time without your knowledge.

Pushing the processing of the block list to the 3DS has the benefit of it being kept local, leaving each user in control and also puts less strain on the server that soru hosts.
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New Member
May 19, 2024
United Kingdom
in Swapnote / Letter Box one person taking a picture in front of a sign (reversed because "smart") that said Gay Porn with a crudely drawn person looking shocked, are the only ones I've seen. Now, gay porn doesn't offend me, and it certainly doesn't interest me, but I don't think bringing attention to any porn is appropriate for a platform that is likely to have children on it.
i am a bit curious if this would be a bannable violation, idk what exact law to go with for judging these things, but any netpass user definitely ought to be at least 13, or using the app under parental guidance (given the steps required for getting a hacked 3ds in the first place are complicated for children under that age), and i think in a fair number of contexts the reference to sexual content through words alone is generally considered permissable for such an age rating (given the children those ages are likely to have been exposed to that language at some point already anyway)


New Member
May 19, 2024
United Kingdom
I'm generally against banning people at all. Although I appreciate there are some people that just ruin things for everyone, so I can understand there is a need for a limitation on puerile content being posted. As for what I mentioned, no... I wouldn't ban someone for that. I'd probably block them on my end though.

I've seen some great content come through Swapnote / Letter Box, some really amazing drawings that people have done, so one childish person posting something I'd rather not see is my problem, not theirs. And this is my whole point, just because I don't want to see it, doesn't mean that other people may not. It's not offensive, it's just not in my interest and I'd rather not have it on my 3DS. I've already deleted the note off my system, so it's not even worth discussing anymore.

The only downside that I can see, and this may be my inability to figure it out, is that I can't tell who the notes / letters come from in Swapnote / Letter Box. There doesn't seem to be a Mii name attached to the letters, so being able to report someone for inappropriate content via Swapnote / Letter Box doesn't seem possible. Unless of course I'm missing something.
yeah, most games tend to be limited in the information they share on the user you streetpassed with, which definitely would make reporting complicated anyway. I do think banning should mainly be done solely for clearly unlawful content or otherwise stated rules, and preferably be temporary at first, or prefaced with some form of warning. it only really needs exist for the rare kind of person who, presumably out of boredom or loneliness, dedicates themselves to making purely offensive content, while otherwise just slightly edgy remarks can usually be removed from within the games themselves anyway.

Honestly, who knows if the ban feature will even be used that much? I highly doubt it'll have any sort of affect on the casual users engagement with the app. Most of the time the only people who get banned by systems like this are the ones actively trying to be.
No one is talking about Piracy. Please, keep posting your rants. Clearly being booted from here (at least) once wasn't enough. You may well have noticed that the topic has moved back to being relatively on track, with no name calling, no need for immature rants either.
speaking of puerile content... it now seems like someone childish has decided to make a bunch of accounts to attempt to derail this thread. probably best to just report and ignore them completely until they give up?


May 9, 2024
1pbtid lmfaoooo
don't even respond to mental bots dude. These people can't think for themselves. Reporting is hilariously dumb at it's core. Offended by a mii? People who are should grow up, and they can already delete miis if they feel like it. Seriously what on earth is people's problems? Censor this, censor that, daddy government save me from le cyberbullies, shove thy boot down my gaping throat uWu...
but you get the picture. Insanity has grasped the human race and almost everyone as demonstrated clearly in 2019 is fallible to propaganda and social engineering. It's Joever for the human race, and by that I mean those people conscious enough to understand and care what is going on. God's spark didn't fall on everyone it seems


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2023
United States
daddy government save me from le cyberbullies, shove thy boot down my gaping throat uWu...

It truly is bizarre how others need to justify things they wouldn't do. ITT the range of mental justifications goes from "they must be lonely" to "they're a literal Nazi". Maybe, just maybe, if everyone stopped trying to impose their ideals and paid no mind to the things they disliked that have zero impact on their lives, the world would be a better place. Alas, "I don't like X, so no one can express X!" is the zeitgeist since the technocracy realized they can pit us against each other so we don't notice them.

Shame that the echo chamber surrounding the creation of this app, especially forming part of the LGBT community, cannot process the concept of others doing as they please. Just a decade ago, the idea of a trans person in general was the immediate butt of the joke. Now that they've gotten visibility, they're exercising what little power they have. It's fucking sad, because I love how this app has reinvigorated the 3DS community, however, it's at the cost of the woke TDS mind virus. As I've said before in this thread, I can only hope the pendulum swings back to "live and let live", "sticks and stones", etc.


Apr 17, 2024
I love how this app has reinvigorated the 3DS community, however, it's at the cost of the woke TDS mind virus
You're being hyperbolic, right?
Shame that the echo chamber surrounding the creation of this app, especially forming part of the LGBT community, cannot process the concept of others doing as they please
Are there any examples of people being censored/ banned on the app yet? The only complaints so far have been from people who disliked seeing LGBT flags.
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