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[POLL] 2020 U.S. Presidential Election

For whom will/would you vote?

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Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2012
if trump somehow wins again than it proves you muricans really can't think for yourselves :P
Or quite the contrary, the answer depending on your political inclination. :P

I, for one, would like Biden to win, because he'd tank the economy so bad by letting China take away everything from the US that the USD would collapse harshly in no time. Meaning of course cheaper imports for me! :yayone:
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Deleted User

Jesus Christ I certainly hope not. If it is SOP it's only for police in this country specifically, and only when they have intent to kill. I've seen plenty of arrests and techniques for detaining a suspect which didn't involve such brutality.
Nice anecdotes. Got any evidence?

Brutality is fine so long as it is proportional. Given that Jacob Blake had from what I've read so far sexually assaulted his ex-girlfriend, had a knife, and was getting back into the minivan to do who knows what to the kids in the back, the shooting is probably justified.

That said, had the cops MMA training they could have just broken his arms, sat on him, and beaten him until he complied. It's certainly better than being shot.

There was plenty of attention paid when the cops ran down that elderly white man and left him there with his head bleeding on the sidewalk. Of course the attention mostly came from BLM ironically, the "all lives matter" folks were nowhere to be found in that case (or any other involving police violence for that matter).
I was referring to the murder of Daniel Shaver, but of course no one burned down a city over that so you've never heard of it.

And wasn't that old white guy involved with antifa? What was he doing waving some sort of plastic/metal wand around the police?

In other words you're hoping and wishing for the cycle of violence to continue, just as Trump is. You can't have continued protests and riots without continued escalation by police and boot-licking MAGAtards. Chaos and division, calling cards of the modern Republican party.
What cycle? The one where Democrats cross state lines - in some cases travel from the other side of the country - to burn down the Democrat cities?

You seem to believe that "opposing violent criminals and sex offenders trying to destroy other people's lives" is equal to "defending our livelihoods so we don't become homeless and our kids don't starve". This distinction matters because we live in a democratic republic, and aside from the consent manufactured by left-wing media in support of the Joe Biden Burn Loot Murder riots you need to persuade people to win elections. This is terrible optics for your side, and you will persuade more people over to Trump's side if you continue to debate in bad faith... assuming you are capable of debating, or acting in good faith, that is.

And no, driving a caravan of Trump trucks through Portland or Los Angeles isn't violence. Pushing people who block the road and initiate violence by pelting you with trash also isn't violence, it's self-defense. Pepper-spraying and paint-balling people who throw trash at you isn't violence. Failure to obey traffic laws when people are illegally blocking the road is not violence.

Walking up to a Trump supporter who is armed only with pepper spray and shooting him point blank multiple times, execution style, is violence. Chasing a 17 year old boy who put out a dumpster fire you started, and assaulting him in an attempt to disarm him and presumably kill him with his own gun is violence. Beating someone - who legitimately defended himself - with a skateboard is violence. Pretending to surrender so you can shoot someone in the back of the head is violence, and cowardly too.

You will lose because you don't understand the moral element of conflict, which is the most important in the struggle for legitimacy. Providing opportunities for your enemy to martyr you is how you delegitimize the enemy and gain popular support for your cause. Trump caravans are provocations, but not ones that merit violence as a response. That your side is incapable of responding proportionally to provocations indicates that you lack discipline and self-control, and are unfit to rule.

The wise man recognizes bait and does not fall for it.

I'm literally telling you what you need to do to win, but I doubt you have the self-awareness, humility, or emotional stability to listen. I'll be sure to tell you that I told you so, after Trump wins in November.

And why is it Trump's fault when:
1. The media was calling Wu Flu a nothingburger as late as March, reducing support for any unilateral actions he could take?
2. The media criticized Trump for shutting down travel from China during the same time as #1?
3. Trump left it up to the state and local governments to deal with, which makes sense because states like Florida have suffered far less deaths than New York?
4. The governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo, was putting infected in nursing homes with elderly people - one of the most vulnerable populations?

Why is it Trump's fault that the Minnesota Attorney General - Keith Ellison, head of the DNC during the 2016 election where the primary was stolen from Sad Bernie and Yass Slay Kween Hillary was crowned - refused to released bodycam and ambulance footage which would have indicated that Floyd's death was probably caused by the lethal amount of fentanyl in his body? Or the part where Floyd mentions that he tested positive for Wu Flu, a disease which reduces the effectiveness of one's cardiovascular system, making it feel like you are out of breath?

In any case, watching Democrats throw a massive temper tantrum and hit themselves while screaming "STAWP HITTING MEEEEEEEEEE!" is both hilarious and persuades the vast majority of sane, non-criminal Americans who actually work for a living that the Democratic party is not capable of governing. Your evasions and deceptions further cement this to casual readers.

"Given this totally unrelated example from an event totally unrelated to the one we were discussing, you're wrong." Oookay buddy. :rolleyes:
I'm not trying to persuade you, I'm trying to persuade the audience. Your flippant dismissal of my point only helps me. Thanks.

Again you're pretending like this is all one big coordinated group controlled by a single entity. The reality is that it's any number of individuals and smaller individual groups with different motives and varying degrees of desperation brought on by a perfect storm of crises. Crises which the current administration has failed to deal with entirely, or simply chosen to ignore.
Cop-mala Harris said that the rioting will continue no matter who is elected. Amazon donated millions to BLM (which is apparently a registered non-profit corporation), and dozens of other major corporations have donated almost as much. Billionaires and millionaires have also donated massive amounts of money.

Why would Wall Street, generally speaking, and multi-national corporations like Amazon (which doesn't need physical retail stores) donate to a group which:
1. Destroys brick-and-mortar retail stores that are their direct competitors?
2. Want to stop a President who is reining in the worst impulses of multi-national corporations: exporting jobs, importing foreign scab workers to undercut Labor's negotiating power, and general destruction of quality of life for normal people?

"Supports" as in provides lip service toward? Sure. "Funds?" No. The vast majority of remaining brick and mortar retail and service outlets fund police unions, because the police protect and serve capital (aka property), not people. And certainly not working class people.
This is a lie.

As part of that effort, Amazon will donate a total of $10 million to organizations that are working to bring about social justice and improve the lives of Black and African Americans. Recipients—selected with the help of Amazon's Black Employee Network (BEN)—include groups focused on combating systemic racism through the legal system as well as those dedicated to expanding educational and economic opportunities for Black communities.

  • Black Lives Matter​

Amazon - the company founded and owned by the richest cis-het white man on Earth - funds and expresses explicit support for BLM.

I find it curious that you ignore the massive amount of uppercase-C Capital held by banks and multinational corporations - which vehemently oppose labor protections and want open borders so they can permanently destroy the leverage of the working class - while focusing on the tiny, minuscule amount of physical capital owned by small/local businesses.

Given that BLM is - as you stated - about physically destroying the working class (both lower and middle, blue-collar and white-collar), is it any surprise that they support whoever protects them from BLM?

Perhaps because white people aren't nearly as monolithic as you'd like us to be? Perhaps because there are a whole lot of us who see human rights being violated and don't care much for that sort of thing? Perhaps because we're now coming to realize just how little progress has been made since the Jim Crow era and we aren't happy about it? :unsure:
Well plenty more black people were killed by the cops in 2017, 2018, and 2019 than in 2020, but then again you weren't cooped up in the house for months in those years either. The simplest explanation is that you're bored and driven insane by lack of IRL social contact (and overexposure to consensus-enforcing social media), though personal pathology is probably a factor too.

From what I've seen of the numerous extremely rough looking antifa and Burn Loot Murder rioters arrested, and from the videos they for some reason choose to put on the internet, they are made up primarily of white trash. Lots of meth-faced criddlers, haggard looking 40-something women with sanpaku eyes, unaesthetic and culturally-appropriated tattoos, too little (from smoking meth) or too much body fat, and hair dyed the color of tropical poisonous frogs.

Given how almost every "martyr" they've canonized was committing a crime, a pedophile/rapist, a wife-beater, or a burgler, we should stop calling them the Black Lives Matter protestors and instead call them the Burn Loot Murder White Trash rioters. That's closer to the truth.

I don't know what you're smoking, but based on this short conversation alone, we clearly agree on very little. I'm also not a Democrat and I'm not asking for your support, you're obviously too far gone down the rabbit hole of moral and ethical failings for me to bother attempting rehabilitation now.
Neoliberals can never resist the temptation to status signal, so predictable.

Well you're clearly voting for Biden, and your politics are indistinguishable for Neoliberalism. If it looks like a duck, and it quacks like a duck, and it walks like a duck, then it's probably a duck, no?

One thing I've noticed about Neoliberals is they tend to project. Given that you just accused me of being high, what do you smoke and how often do you do it?
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Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2005
United States
Nice anecdotes. Got any evidence?

Brutality is fine so long as it is proportional. Given that Jacob Blake had from what I've read so far sexually assaulted his ex-girlfriend, had a knife, and was getting back into the minivan to do who knows what to the kids in the back, the shooting is probably justified.

That said, had the cops MMA training they could have just broken his arms, sat on him, and beaten him until he complied. It's certainly better than being shot.

I was referring to the murder of Daniel Shaver, but of course no one burned down a city over that so you've never heard of it.

And wasn't that old white guy involved with antifa? What was he doing waving some sort of plastic/metal wand around the police?

What cycle? The one where Democrats cross state lines - in some cases travel from the other side of the country - to burn down the Democrat cities?

You seem to believe that "opposing violent criminals and sex offenders trying to destroy other people's lives" is equal to "defending our livelihoods so we don't become homeless and our kids don't starve". This distinction matters because we live in a democratic republic, and aside from the consent manufactured by left-wing media in support of the Joe Biden Burn Loot Murder riots you need to persuade people to win elections. This is terrible optics for your side, and you will persuade more people over to Trump's side if you continue to debate in bad faith... assuming you are capable of debating, or acting in good faith, that is.

And no, driving a caravan of Trump trucks through Portland or Los Angeles isn't violence. Pushing people who block the road and initiate violence by pelting you with trash also isn't violence, it's self-defense. Pepper-spraying and paint-balling people who throw trash at you isn't violence. Failure to obey traffic laws when people are illegally blocking the road is not violence.

Walking up to a Trump supporter who is armed only with pepper spray and shooting him point blank multiple times, execution style, is violence. Chasing a 17 year old boy who put out a dumpster fire you started, and assaulting him in an attempt to disarm him and presumably kill him with his own gun is violence. Beating someone - who legitimately defended himself - with a skateboard is violence. Pretending to surrender so you can shoot someone in the back of the head is violence, and cowardly too.

You will lose because you don't understand the moral element of conflict, which is the most important in the struggle for legitimacy. Providing opportunities for your enemy to martyr you is how you delegitimize the enemy and gain popular support for your cause. Trump caravans are provocations, but not ones that merit violence as a response. That your side is incapable of responding proportionally to provocations indicates that you lack discipline and self-control, and are unfit to rule.

The wise man recognizes bait and does not fall for it.

I'm literally telling you what you need to do to win, but I doubt you have the self-awareness, humility, or emotional stability to listen. I'll be sure to tell you that I told you so, after Trump wins in November.

And why is it Trump's fault when:
1. The media was calling Wu Flu a nothingburger as late as March, reducing support for any unilateral actions he could take?
2. The media criticized Trump for shutting down travel from China during the same time as #1?
3. Trump left it up to the state and local governments to deal with, which makes sense because states like Florida have suffered far less deaths than New York?
4. The governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo, was putting infected in nursing homes with elderly people - one of the most vulnerable populations?

Why is it Trump's fault that the Minnesota Attorney General - Keith Ellison, head of the DNC during the 2016 election where the primary was stolen from Sad Bernie and Yass Slay Kween Hillary was crowned - refused to released bodycam and ambulance footage which would have indicated that Floyd's death was probably caused by the lethal amount of fentanyl in his body? Or the part where Floyd mentions that he tested positive for Wu Flu, a disease which reduces the effectiveness of one's cardiovascular system, making it feel like you are out of breath?

In any case, watching Democrats throw a massive temper tantrum and hit themselves while screaming "STAWP HITTING MEEEEEEEEEE!" is both hilarious and persuades the vast majority of sane, non-criminal Americans who actually work for a living that the Democratic party is not capable of governing. Your evasions and deceptions further cement this to casual readers.

I'm not trying to persuade you, I'm trying to persuade the audience. Your flippant dismissal of my point only helps me. Thanks.

Cop-mala Harris said that the rioting will continue no matter who is elected. Amazon donated millions to BLM (which is apparently a registered non-profit corporation), and dozens of other major corporations have donated almost as much. Billionaires and millionaires have also donated massive amounts of money.

Why would Wall Street, generally speaking, and multi-national corporations like Amazon (which doesn't need physical retail stores) donate to a group which:
1. Destroys brick-and-mortar retail stores that are their direct competitors?
2. Want to stop a President who is reining in the worst impulses of multi-national corporations: exporting jobs, importing foreign scab workers to undercut Labor's negotiating power, and general destruction of quality of life for normal people?

This is a lie.


Amazon - the company founded and owned by the richest cis-het white man on Earth - funds and expresses explicit support for BLM.

I find it curious that you ignore the massive amount of uppercase-C Capital held by banks and multinational corporations - which vehemently oppose labor protections and want open borders so they can permanently destroy the leverage of the working class - while focusing on the tiny, minuscule amount of physical capital owned by small/local businesses.

Given that BLM is - as you stated - about physically destroying the working class (both lower and middle, blue-collar and white-collar), is it any surprise that they support whoever protects them from BLM?

Well plenty more black people were killed by the cops in 2017, 2018, and 2019 than in 2020, but then again you weren't cooped up in the house for months in those years either. The simplest explanation is that you're bored and driven insane by lack of IRL social contact (and overexposure to consensus-enforcing social media), though personal pathology is probably a factor too.

From what I've seen of the numerous extremely rough looking antifa and Burn Loot Murder rioters arrested, and from the videos they for some reason choose to put on the internet, they are made up primarily of white trash. Lots of meth-faced criddlers, haggard looking 40-something women with sanpaku eyes, unaesthetic and culturally-appropriated tattoos, too little (from smoking meth) or too much body fat, and hair dyed the color of tropical poisonous frogs.

Given how almost every "martyr" they've canonized was committing a crime, a pedophile/rapist, a wife-beater, or a burgler, we should stop calling them the Black Lives Matter protestors and instead call them the Burn Loot Murder White Trash rioters. That's closer to the truth.

Neoliberals can never resist the temptation to status signal, so predictable.

Well you're clearly voting for Biden, and your politics are indistinguishable for Neoliberalism. If it looks like a duck, and it quacks like a duck, and it walks like a duck, then it's probably a duck, no?

One thing I've noticed about Neoliberals is they tend to project. Given that you just accused me of being high, what do you smoke and how often do you do it?

Goddamn that was awesome.
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Time to fly, 621
Dec 26, 2013
The Lands Between
United States
Brutality is fine so long as it is proportional.
If you believe "might makes right" trumps the rule of law, then sure. I don't.

I was referring to the murder of Daniel Shaver, but of course no one burned down a city over that so you've never heard of it.
Most murders committed by police get little to no publicity, regardless of the victim's race or ethnicity. This just further proves the point that all Americans should be demanding police reform and/or changes to their funding.

And wasn't that old white guy involved with antifa? What was he doing waving some sort of plastic/metal wand around the police?
No, he was never shown to have any ties to antifa, and it's frankly irrelevant anyway. You either respect human and constitutional rights, or you don't. You don't get to pick and choose which groups you believe "deserve" them. And plastic/metal wand, rofl? You mean a smartphone?

You seem to believe that "opposing violent criminals and sex offenders trying to destroy other people's lives" is equal to "defending our livelihoods so we don't become homeless and our kids don't starve". This distinction matters because we live in a democratic republic, and aside from the consent manufactured by left-wing media in support of the Joe Biden Burn Loot Murder riots you need to persuade people to win elections. This is terrible optics for your side, and you will persuade more people over to Trump's side if you continue to debate in bad faith... assuming you are capable of debating, or acting in good faith, that is.

And no, driving a caravan of Trump trucks through Portland or Los Angeles isn't violence. Pushing people who block the road and initiate violence by pelting you with trash also isn't violence, it's self-defense. Pepper-spraying and paint-balling people who throw trash at you isn't violence. Failure to obey traffic laws when people are illegally blocking the road is not violence.

Walking up to a Trump supporter who is armed only with pepper spray and shooting him point blank multiple times, execution style, is violence. Chasing a 17 year old boy who put out a dumpster fire you started, and assaulting him in an attempt to disarm him and presumably kill him with his own gun is violence. Beating someone - who legitimately defended himself - with a skateboard is violence. Pretending to surrender so you can shoot someone in the back of the head is violence, and cowardly too.

You will lose because you don't understand the moral element of conflict, which is the most important in the struggle for legitimacy. Providing opportunities for your enemy to martyr you is how you delegitimize the enemy and gain popular support for your cause. Trump caravans are provocations, but not ones that merit violence as a response. That your side is incapable of responding proportionally to provocations indicates that you lack discipline and self-control, and are unfit to rule.
TLDR version: destruction of property is violence, murder is not violence (unless the victim is someone you agree with politically). Got it.

I'm not trying to persuade you, I'm trying to persuade the audience. Your flippant dismissal of my point only helps me. Thanks.
In that case, you're insulting the audience's intelligence by attempting to pivot from one topic to the next without backing your original claim, and believing they won't notice. You might have the attention span of a gnat, but it's unwise to assume the same is true for others.

Amazon - the company founded and owned by the richest cis-het white man on Earth - funds and expresses explicit support for BLM.

I find it curious that you ignore the massive amount of uppercase-C Capital held by banks and multinational corporations - which vehemently oppose labor protections and want open borders so they can permanently destroy the leverage of the working class - while focusing on the tiny, minuscule amount of physical capital owned by small/local businesses.
Wherever there's conflict, you'll find capitalists funding both sides. The moderate "Bernie Sanders" solution is to simply tax Amazon and others at a much higher rate, redistributing those taxes through comprehensive social programs. The far-left solution would be taking the money they give to us, spending it on the rope we use to hang Bezos and other oligarchs, and then redistributing all of their wealth and land. Personally I'm fine with either of these solutions at this point, but despite wealth inequality in America being worse than France pre-revolution, I still don't believe enough Americans have the fortitude for the latter.

Calling Wal-Mart, Target, Home Depot/Lowe's and so many others that fund police unions "small businesses" is complete horse shit though and you know it.

Given that BLM is - as you stated - about physically destroying the working class (both lower and middle, blue-collar and white-collar), is it any surprise that they support whoever protects them from BLM?
I stated no such thing. I said that the police are in the business of protecting and serving capital, as well as enforcing current racial and class divisions, to the end that the middle class will continue to shrink and eventually go extinct. From that you somehow interpreted me as saying that BLM was responsible for these things, which is ridiculous. You can easily find both leftist and far-right agitators among any group of protesters, but you're not going to find BLM or Proud Boys or anyone else claiming those who incite riots as their own. Bad optics, as you've said.

Well plenty more black people were killed by the cops in 2017, 2018, and 2019 than in 2020, but then again you weren't cooped up in the house for months in those years either. The simplest explanation is that you're bored and driven insane by lack of IRL social contact (and overexposure to consensus-enforcing social media), though personal pathology is probably a factor too.
Police violence and brutality in this country has been out of control for decades, if not centuries, dating all the way back to when their primary purpose was retrieving runaway slaves. You're not informing me of anything new here, but I do appreciate your assistance in pointing out why mass protests are both necessary and justified.

Given how almost every "martyr" they've canonized was committing a crime, a pedophile/rapist, a wife-beater, or a burgler, we should stop calling them the Black Lives Matter protestors and instead call them the Burn Loot Murder White Trash rioters. That's closer to the truth.
Get it through your fucking head: police should not be killing people no matter what crime they're accused of. They are not meant to play the role of judge, jury, and executioner. Nobody should have that much power, and especially not the state.

Well you're clearly voting for Biden, and your politics are indistinguishable for Neoliberalism. If it looks like a duck, and it quacks like a duck, and it walks like a duck, then it's probably a duck, no?
I've said it multiple times, probably even multiple times in this thread alone: I don't care for either major party's candidate. I'm most likely to vote for Gloria LaRiva if she shows up on my state's ballot. Regardless, as somebody who is seriously considering moving out of this country as soon as possible, I'm still in the awkward position of needing to hope for a Biden win. As long as a reality TV show host is president, other nations will never view us as anything more than unstable and incompetent, even if we miraculously get the pandemic under control by continuing to pretend it doesn't exist. Thus they'll never lift their travel restrictions either.

And you? I find it hard to believe you're not entirely in Trump's camp given all your thinly-veiled bigotry and pathetic excuses for justifying murder. Biden is most certainly a neoliberal, you won't find me arguing against that, but Trump takes that same philosophy, cranks it to eleven, and adds fascism into the mix. If you claim to have any amount of libertarianism or socialism in your political views, there's no excuse for supporting that type of shit.

Given that you just accused me of being high, what do you smoke and how often do you do it?
Never been a (cigarette) smoker, and I'm not much for drinking either. Last time I had an active MMJ card was a little over two years ago, and I'd say that's probably my drug of choice. Been considering getting it renewed lately, since sobriety is hardly all its cracked up to be, and I've never had any issues with addiction anyway.

My preference would be legalizing (or at least decriminalizing) most drugs. It's just a euphemism though, no need to get butthurt over it. :ha:
Last edited by Xzi,

Deleted User

If you believe "might makes right" trumps the rule of law, then sure. I don't.
LMAO how are they supposed to apprehend people if not with force? Are we supposed to send well-intentioned PhDs and Kindergarten teachers to stop someone who is shooting and killing passersby for the $20 in their wallets and purses?

More important, are you willing to live in an area without police, or are you hypocrite?

You don't have any problem with destroying the rule of law when it suits your purpose - granted your purpose is burning down Democrat controlled cities, which is self-defeating on your end - so why are you arguing that judicious use of sub-lethal force to catch violent criminals is "against the rule of law"?

You must remember, you need to persuade NORMAL people. Outside of your hugbox, this includes:
1. The 60 to 70 million people who voted for Trump.
2. The people who can vote but don't, but would be willing to vote for your side or to vote against my side.
3. The 60 to 70 million people who voted against Trump, most of whom don't want their businesses burned down.

I have no problem with the anyone - homeowners, store clerks, bank tellers, security guards, cops, 17 year old boys protecting businesses - killing those who attempt or actually kill others and destroy their livelihoods. The vast majority of the nation agrees with me. If you want to win, you must meet us halfway.

Or you could do as you're doing in this thread, and construct systems of logic which a priori justify everything you want as legal and good, and everything you do not want as illegal and bad. Surely acting like an even less socially adept left-wing version of Ben Shapiro will win you support. "Surely this time it will be different," you think, "if only those stupid evil hateful Nazi bigots just see how I am right and good and holy that I am."

If your arguments are the best the left can come up with, I don't how my side can't win!

Most murders committed by police get little to no publicity, regardless of the victim's race or ethnicity. This just further proves the point that all Americans should be demanding police reform and/or changes to their funding.
... by burning down businesses, got it.

No, he was never shown to have any ties to antifa, and it's frankly irrelevant anyway. You either respect human and constitutional rights, or you don't. You don't get to pick and choose which groups you believe "deserve" them. And plastic/metal wand, rofl? You mean a smartphone?
The theory I saw was that it was an RFID scanner, but hey I'll concede the point if you concede that people have the right to make/provide goods and services for sale without decades of their lives being wasted because some crackhead smoked the wrong 8ball and died on the way to the hospital.

TLDR version: destruction of property is violence, murder is not violence (unless the victim is someone you agree with politically). Got it.
I don't care what you believe, if you burn my business down you will die and you will absolutely deserve it. My kids don't deserve to starve because you are incapable of emotional self-regulation and you strongly empathize with drug addicts who die as a result of the same.

I don't care what you believe, if you are not using lethal force or harming my livelihood, you don't deserve to die. By the way, if those Trump caravaners bother you so much, why don't you use something other than lethal force or destruction of private property against them? Do you seriously think that "saying mean words" is equivalent to "trying to kill me"? Why don't you just shout them down, get air horns or vuvuzelas or something?

Why are left-wing people so lacking in confidence that they feel they need to shoot someone who disagrees with them? What's wrong with a wrestling match?

You should also consider the implications of right-wing people adopting identity politics in reaction to your demonizing them for wanting to be left alone. Do you want 60-70 million people to unite into one cohesive whole that thinks you are out to exterminate them? Because that's what's gonna happen to you.

In that case, you're insulting the audience's intelligence by attempting to pivot from one topic to the next without backing your original claim, and believing they won't notice. You might have the attention span of a gnat, but it's unwise to assume the same is true for others.
Since you're making this assertion, the onus is on you to prove it. I'm not going to dig through my posts to figure out what offended your sensibilities, so if it bothers you so much state it coherently and I'll respond.

Wherever there's conflict, you'll find capitalists funding both sides. The moderate "Bernie Sanders" solution is to simply tax Amazon and others at a much higher rate, redistributing those taxes through comprehensive social programs. The far-left solution would be taking the money they give to us, spending it on the rope we use to hang Bezos and other oligarchs, and then redistributing all of their wealth and land. Personally I'm fine with either of these solutions at this point, but despite wealth inequality in America being worse than France pre-revolution, I still don't believe enough Americans have the fortitude for the latter.
I don't see how giving money to crackheads to buy dope helps anyone. I'd rather we:
1. Close all overseas bases and bring our troops home.
2. Cut the size of the active-duty military to 1% of it's current size, and rearrange the reserves and various guards towards border, coastal, cyber, missile, space, and nuclear/WMD defense.
3. Put at least 300% tariffs on all imports.
4. Dismantle the Department of Education, IRS, CIA, ATF, and some others I can't think of right now.
5. Turn the remaining federal law enforcement agencies into support and logistics agencies for state, county, and local law enforcement and investigation organizations. Do the same for other federal agencies like the Post Office.
6. Ban all corporations and investment banks.
7. Move most federal authority to the states.
8. Ban prisons and replace prison time with corporal punishment. Jails, used to temporarily hold people before and during trial, would remain.
9 . Vigorously punish sedition and subversion with asset seizure, corporal punishment, and exile if they survive that long.
10. Pull an Andrew Jackson on the Fed.
11. Explicitly ban interest on loans, especially compound interest.
12. Allow each state to basically do their own thing, provided they aren't doing something like importing and amnestying millions of immigrants (legal or otherwise) so one party can swamp the other. Californians can pay reparations to black people, Alabama can go full segregation, Utah can establish Mormonism as the state religion and ban the Devil's Lettuce. What someone does 400 miles away from me has nothing to do with me, and if most of the power was in local and state authorities then federal elections wouldn't be winner-take-all existential crises. This is the best option I think, and certainly preferable to dissolution or civil war.
13. Allow non-corporate businesses some degree of limited liability to protect their non-business assets.

Calling Wal-Mart, Target, Home Depot/Lowe's and so many others that fund police unions "small businesses" is complete horse shit though and you know it.
I have very few problems with people burning down multi-national corporations. My biggest complaint is that they aren't burning down Walmart's supply and logistics centers, and dragging the Walton family behind pickup trucks until they can't be identified as formerly living human beings.

I stated no such thing. I said that the police are in the business of protecting and serving capital, as well as enforcing current racial and class divisions, to the end that the middle class will continue to shrink and eventually go extinct. From that you somehow interpreted me as saying that BLM was responsible for these things, which is ridiculous. You can easily find both leftist and far-right agitators among any group of protesters, but you're not going to find BLM or Proud Boys or anyone else claiming those who incite riots as their own. Bad optics, as you've said.
There's a big difference between Big C Capital and little c capital. The former is multi-millionaires and billionaires, the latter is a guy who just sold his house and boat repair business and hasn't bought another house with the money yet. Failure to distinguish between tiers of wealth that are literally orders of magnitude in difference is one reason why Big C Capital succeeds in it's divide and conquer schemes.

If I sell my house, I'm in the 1%. If I sell my corporation which owns 5000 rental properties all across the USA, I'm in the 0.1%. Big difference.

The other difference is that one can somewhat reasonably aspire towards a middle class existence. Calling anyone who is middle class an oppressive capitalist pig-dog whose family of unruly Kulaks will be liquidated on the Day Of The Revolution won't win you any votes from people who want to be middle class. If you should aspire towards anything, it should be a political ideology that leaves people to their own devices and allows them as much independence (both on an individual and community level) as they want. Different cultures will want different things, so doing this on a state/local level is ideal.

The difference between far left and far right agitators is that the former are incompetent at physical violence, and either get their butts whupped or they try (and occasionally succeed) at deliberately murdering people. Right agitators usually have the sense to only escalate conflict when others do it first. If I could teach them to wear bodycameras and get it on film, they will win - leftist agitators lack the self-control to avoid taking the bait.

Contrast this with white nationalists who murder people because they (the white nationalists) are mentally handicapped - or, looking at white nationalists from the 70s, addicted to drugs and gay sex - and are looking for someone to blame for it, and whose understanding of optics is so deficient that they then brag about it.

BTW the Proud Boys aren't far right, you're thinking of David Duke, Mike Enoch, The Right Stuff, Richard Spencer, the "Traditionalists" "Worker" Party (google "Matt Parrot Heimbach Cuckbox" for more information), and similar white trash nutjobs. Proud Boys - despite their flirtations with the far right - are basically Democrats from circa 1975. Republicans are Democrats from circa 2000. The Alt Right are Democrats from circa the Civil War.

Police violence and brutality in this country has been out of control for decades, if not centuries, dating all the way back to when their primary purpose was retrieving runaway slaves. You're not informing me of anything new here, but I do appreciate your assistance in pointing out why mass protests are both necessary and justified.
What have mass protests accomplished, if not further legitimization of unwarranted police violence?

There is little point in complaining that something is not fair. Fairness is for winners to decide. If you want to implement your policies, if you want to write history, you must win. Illegitimate riots don't lead to wins. Crackheads and criminals are not legitimate martyrs (read up on the history of why Rosa Parks was chosen to not give up her seat if you don't believe me).

You win by calmly doing the dreary, boring work of learning how policy is made, and by making friends. Burning down your neighbors business does not make friends.

Left-wing people have this belief that Reality should match Theory, and they lash out when it doesn't. Abandon what parts of your theory are excessively convoluted and don't conform to the simplest possible explanation of reality, and you will start winning again.

Get it through your fucking head: police should not be killing people no matter what crime they're accused of. They are not meant to play the role of judge, jury, and executioner. Nobody should have that much power, and especially not the state.
Yes, it is best when a mob of white trash goons decides who should live and die. Just as God intended!

Police should be accountable, and they should be held to higher standards than normal people specifically because they are asked to do something which society doesn't allow normal people to do.

And I would be very wary of "community justice" if I were you. We've had "community justice" for as long as we've been human; it's called lynching.

I've said it multiple times, probably even multiple times in this thread alone: I don't care for either major party's candidate. I'm most likely to vote for Gloria LaRiva if she shows up on my state's ballot. Regardless, as somebody who is seriously considering moving out of this country as soon as possible, I'm still in the awkward position of needing to hope for a Biden win. As long as a reality TV show host is president, other nations will never view us as anything more than unstable and incompetent, even if we miraculously get the pandemic under control by continuing to pretend it doesn't exist. Thus they'll never lift their travel restrictions either.
Like Sweden did?

And you? I find it hard to believe you're not entirely in Trump's camp given all your thinly-veiled bigotry and pathetic excuses for justifying murder. Biden is most certainly a neoliberal, you won't find me arguing against that, but Trump takes that same philosophy, cranks it to eleven, and adds fascism into the mix. If you claim to have any amount of libertarianism or socialism in your political views, there's no excuse for supporting that type of shit.
Productive religiosity, tariffs, nationalism, populism, and especially localism are not neoliberalism. They are antithetical to it. Neoliberalism seeks to turn every identity and relationship of every person into a commodity, which can then be quantified and priced. It is the most destructive force in human history, and must be destroyed if our species will survive.

Regardless of your beliefs about BLM and neoliberalism, BLM is absolutely a neoliberal operation and you should reconsider your support for it even if you support it's planks or platforms.

I wouldn't say I'm a socialist or communist, but I'm definitely some variety of collectivist at least on the scale of family and local community. One can have different beliefs about how society should be organized at different scales. It makes no sense to be collectivist at the global scale because I have little in common with foreigners and putting us all under the same authority guarantees only war and heartache. It's better to leave each other alone.

Never been a (cigarette) smoker, and I'm not much for drinking either. Last time I had an active MMJ card was a little over two years ago, and I'd say that's probably my drug of choice. Been considering getting it renewed lately, since sobriety is hardly all its cracked up to be, and I've never had any issues with addiction anyway.

My preference would be legalizing (or at least decriminalizing) most drugs. It's just a euphemism though, no need to get butthurt over it. :ha:
I'd leave it up to states, including enforcement. Some states like weed, they just don't like it legal. I'm not one to judge; let them do what they want (as long as they do it far away from me).
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Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
To an extent, I can forgive FAST6191 for not paying much attention to the shit Trump says and does, because he lives overseas. You, however, would continue lying to yourself and others even if the "dear leader" of cult45 transitioned his concentration camps into death camps tomorrow.
I have stayed for many extended periods in the US (months at a time) and consumer a fair bit of news content from people based there, including while he is in office.

There is an old joke along the lines of how do you tell when a politicial is lying? Answer being when their lips are moving.
Every politico I have ever met seems to enjoy the sound of their own voice and generally pushes all the hot air they can. Current el presidente just seems to be a spectacularly good example of it.
To that end probably best just to ignore it/filter it for the occasional nugget of useful information.

Semi-Related: Why is it that some kid "shot into a crowd" and managed to kill a child molester who prefers 12 year olds, a serial domestic abuser, and wound a convicted felon illegally carrying a firearm?
Are any of those particularly material to the case at hand?
Generally speaking one judges a case from the information available to the person at the time, and even if he had known all that none of those appeared to be engaged in such actions at the time either.
In this case pursuing someone after chucking molotovs, attacking someone with a nice metal ended wooden plank (skateboard is not my primary choice for a weapon, even a plausible deniability one, but they are functionally still a metal ended bat with not as great handling and aerodynamics and hurt when rammed into you), reaching for your weapon when armed with their own and plausibly no great reason to do that all seem like far better things to focus on.

Deleted User

Are any of those particularly material to the case at hand?
Generally speaking one judges a case from the information available to the person at the time, and even if he had known all that none of those appeared to be engaged in such actions at the time either.
In this case pursuing someone after chucking molotovs, attacking someone with a nice metal ended wooden plank (skateboard is not my primary choice for a weapon, even a plausible deniability one, but they are functionally still a metal ended bat with not as great handling and aerodynamics and hurt when rammed into you), reaching for your weapon when armed with their own and plausibly no great reason to do that all seem like far better things to focus on.
It was a bag of something, not molotovs, but the pedophile was probably chasing the kid to disarm him (and maybe shoot him with his own gun) after the kid put out a literal dumpster fire with a fire extinguisher.

I focused on the "shooting into the crowd" thing because:
1. It's an obvious lie the left-wing media was promoting that would be easy to disprove if anyone bases an argument on it.
2. It's a rhetorical device to highlight how many antifa/BLM "protestors" are utter trash.


It's bait.


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
I will go one.
People always seem in a hurry to offer the reassuring platitude that they are all for your right to protest, which they probably and for what it is worth I am OK with that too.

However protesting I am not entirely sure what but we will go with the basic police brutality and racism at state level.

I would say that is much akin to protesting to see the widespread roll out of the country's electrical network. Which is to say protesting about nothing much at all or otherwise solved issues and non contentious things (most people are generally not in favour of police doing the unrestrained skull cracker bit and slapping them if they do).


Furthermore. If we do want to look out and see some coloured folks (save perhaps the oriental fellows) doing worse in society by various metrics why would we assume it is a racism problem as much as a poverty problem? Assuming we care to make their lives better then does it not behove you to tackle the actual problem by the relevant means rather than wasting efforts on something that is not the problem?

I'd rather we:
12. Allow each state to basically do their own thing, provided they aren't doing something like importing and amnestying millions of immigrants (legal or otherwise) so one party can swamp the other. Californians can pay reparations to black people, Alabama can go full segregation, Utah can establish Mormonism as the state religion and ban the Devil's Lettuce. What someone does 400 miles away from me has nothing to do with me, and if most of the power was in local and state authorities then federal elections wouldn't be winner-take-all existential crises. This is the best option I think, and certainly preferable to dissolution or civil war.
Isn't that functionally the end of the US at that point? Certainly would be the end of the US constitution, give or take a state continuing on with it.
Why 400 miles? Economies and supply chains of both vital life sustaining goods and things that just make life nice to be in have existed... pretty much since before the written word, or at least the written word was invented to facilitate it.


Time to fly, 621
Dec 26, 2013
The Lands Between
United States
LMAO how are they supposed to apprehend people if not with force?
"Force" =/= brutality. It's a fine line to tread to be sure, but one that police forces in most developed nations easily manage to avoid overstepping.

More important, are you willing to live in an area without police, or are you hypocrite?
How is this relevant? Nowhere in my post did I say "abolish the police." Reduce their funding and limit their duties to responding to scenarios involving violence? Sure, that makes sense. We don't need jumpy, armed high school dropouts responding to every call involving drug use or mental illness/mental disability. They usually only escalate things for the worse.

... by burning down businesses, got it.
Preferably by protesting peacefully, but the unfortunate reality of the situation is that both Democrat-leaning and Republican-leaning media only pay attention when shit starts burning. It's negative attention, sure, but it's still attention.

The theory I saw was that it was an RFID scanner, but hey I'll concede the point if you concede that people have the right to make/provide goods and services for sale without decades of their lives being wasted because some crackhead smoked the wrong 8ball and died on the way to the hospital.
I'll not be conceding that point. If a person dies in police custody or under the knee of a policeman, then the police are to blame and will inevitably have to deal with the fallout from those actions. If Floyd had died of fentanyl overdose without any police involvement, or outside of police custody, there would have been no protests and no agitators taking advantage of those protests to escalate them into riots. It's really as simple as that. All they had to do was treat the potentially fake $20 bill like the minor crime that it was.

I don't care what you believe, if you burn my business down you will die and you will absolutely deserve it.
And that would make you a murderer who deserves life in jail. In some states you'd even get the death penalty, but IMO life in prison is a worse punishment given the unknown of what happens to us after death. There are plenty of means of recuperating loss of property even on the off chance that it isn't insured. Clearly you have some violent tendencies of your own if your immediate reaction is to go from 0 to 100 like this.

Why are left-wing people so lacking in confidence that they feel they need to shoot someone who disagrees with them?
Yeah...there's not a single example of this happening. People get shot when an armed person feels threatened, and it makes no difference what that armed person's politics are in that moment.

You should also consider the implications of right-wing people adopting identity politics in reaction to your demonizing them for wanting to be left alone. Do you want 60-70 million people to unite into one cohesive whole that thinks you are out to exterminate them? Because that's what's gonna happen to you.
Lol what? The right-wing has always been about white identity politics. What do you think the Southern Strategy is? And "wanting to be left alone?" Give me a fucking break. They're driving from out of city and out of state to harass randoms in Portland right now. They're already united under one cult of personality, and have been since 2016. Trump could make it stop any time he wants to, but instead he's only egging these nutjobs on further.

Since you're making this assertion, the onus is on you to prove it. I'm not going to dig through my posts to figure out what offended your sensibilities, so if it bothers you so much state it coherently and I'll respond.
You: "The DA and Minnesota AG (Keith Ellison, a black power type and the former head of the DNC during the last Presidential election IIRC) had the bodycam footage and could have released it, but they waited until after the riots."

Me: "All the body cam footage shows is cops stopping citizens (and one off-duty firefighter) from attempting to help Floyd. Releasing it sooner wouldn't have made any difference, especially if it was released under the pretense that it should make people "calm down." If anything that would've only sparked more outrage."

You: "The cops released footage of some guy that shot himself in the head to avoid arrest at a mall. Happened a few days ago. There were riots until they released the footage, after which they were criticized for "insensitivity". While I don't envy the cops their position, they absolutely deserve it.

Given the example above, you are wrong."

You jumped from talking about the body cam footage in the Floyd case to unrelated body cam footage of a suicide at a mall. You failed to prove that releasing the Floyd bodycam footage any sooner would've done anything to prevent continued protests or riots.

I don't see how giving money to crackheads to buy dope helps anyone.
You don't see how redistributing the wealth of the richest man on Earth to the working class, homeless, starving, and poorest citizens of America would help anyone? Seems pretty self-explanatory to me. Gate-keeping on the basis of drug use is nonsense, as the middle class and ruling class use just as many drugs as anybody else on average.

I'd rather we:
1. Close all overseas bases and bring our troops home.
2. Cut the size of the active-duty military to 1% of it's current size, and rearrange the reserves and various guards towards border, coastal, cyber, missile, space, and nuclear/WMD defense.
3. Put at least 300% tariffs on all imports.
4. Dismantle the Department of Education, IRS, CIA, ATF, and some others I can't think of right now.
5. Turn the remaining federal law enforcement agencies into support and logistics agencies for state, county, and local law enforcement and investigation organizations. Do the same for other federal agencies like the Post Office.
6. Ban all corporations and investment banks.
7. Move most federal authority to the states.
8. Ban prisons and replace prison time with corporal punishment. Jails, used to temporarily hold people before and during trial, would remain.
9 . Vigorously punish sedition and subversion with asset seizure, corporal punishment, and exile if they survive that long.
10. Pull an Andrew Jackson on the Fed.
11. Explicitly ban interest on loans, especially compound interest.
12. Allow each state to basically do their own thing, provided they aren't doing something like importing and amnestying millions of immigrants (legal or otherwise) so one party can swamp the other. Californians can pay reparations to black people, Alabama can go full segregation, Utah can establish Mormonism as the state religion and ban the Devil's Lettuce. What someone does 400 miles away from me has nothing to do with me, and if most of the power was in local and state authorities then federal elections wouldn't be winner-take-all existential crises. This is the best option I think, and certainly preferable to dissolution or civil war.
13. Allow non-corporate businesses some degree of limited liability to protect their non-business assets.
1. I can agree with that.
2. The cuts I'm down with, but putting all of those resources right back into the military in a different form is counter-intuitive. Use at least 50% of that funding for social programs and social safety nets, as well as investments back into our working class.
3. A good way to tank our own economy all at once. The American people pay for tariffs, not foreign nations. I'd rather we just stop all imports from nations known to utilize slave labor and/or deforestation for industry.
4. One of these things is not like the others. The Department of Education has the potential to do some good for the people, though I will agree it has often been mismanaged (even under Democrats in some cases). The rest can definitely go, and don't forget the NSA. We need one or two intelligence agencies at most, certainly not the 10+ we have now.
5. Sure, the Post Office has to continue serving everybody though, not just law enforcement. They already have enough privileges that us "normies" don't.
6. Agreed.
7. Eh I'm torn on this one, the anarchist in me likes it, but I'm not sure 50 different small countries is a viable strategy for the long-term. Even in the short-term a lot of states would immediately collapse without support from the biggest economies such as California, New York, and Texas.
8. I'd rather just abolish or entirely revise the 13th amendment. If prisoners are going to be made to work, then they should earn minimum wage or better (and minimum wage should be higher than it is now in every state).
9. Nah. Taking power away from the military and putting it all into the hands of local and state law enforcement is a terrible idea. They're about as far from infallible as it gets, and we'd be dealing with a lot of first amendment violations as a result of this.
10. Sure, fuck the fed. Would be a lot of growing pains to deal with, but the effort would be worth it to again have a publicly-owned currency that is actually backed by something of value.
11. Good.
12. See number 7. I don't think such a solution would necessarily prevent another civil war anyway, but merely delay it a bit. Some states would immediately become desperate and unite to try to steal from their neighbors, while others would have more of a monopoly on both resources and military power, and be tempted to use it to seize power nationally.
13. Eh, I don't see why not (isn't this already a thing for small business owners?)

I have very few problems with people burning down multi-national corporations. My biggest complaint is that they aren't burning down Walmart's supply and logistics centers, and dragging the Walton family behind pickup trucks until they can't be identified as formerly living human beings.
Well they've done a bang-up job of keeping us divided and flooding minds with propaganda, which is why 30% to 40% of the country is so quick to lick the boot of any billionaire or prevalent corporation. American culture is nothing but consumerism at this point, which is why burning down an Applebee's is akin to burning down The Louvre Museum in the eyes of many.

If I sell my house, I'm in the 1%. If I sell my corporation which owns 5000 rental properties all across the USA, I'm in the 0.1%. Big difference.
Err what? Your house is worth that much? You'd need a net worth of several hundred million to make it into the top 1% AFAIK.

The other difference is that one can somewhat reasonably aspire towards a middle class existence. Calling anyone who is middle class an oppressive capitalist pig-dog whose family of unruly Kulaks will be liquidated on the Day Of The Revolution won't win you any votes from people who want to be middle class.
I never called the middle class that. And aspiring toward it is fine, but the reality is that America's middle class is shrinking and has been for quite some time now. We aren't going to fix that by ceding more power to the party of corporate tax cuts.

The difference between far left and far right agitators is that the former are incompetent at physical violence, and either get their butts whupped or they try (and occasionally succeed) at deliberately murdering people. Right agitators usually have the sense to only escalate conflict when others do it first. If I could teach them to wear bodycameras and get it on film, they will win - leftist agitators lack the self-control to avoid taking the bait.
I don't think "being good at violence" from the practice they've had beating their wives and getting into bar fights is something worth bragging about necessarily, but okay, sure. I'll cede that Republicans are more used to conflict than Democrats. The far right vs the far left (or the NRA vs the SRA) is a different matter, and I'd say that'd be a pretty even fight if not for the fact that the far right no doubt has the greater numbers in this country.

Contrast this with white nationalists who murder people because they (the white nationalists) are mentally handicapped
Still plenty of those around. Most of the boomers have lead poisoning, and that's how you get "pro-police" bikers.

BTW the Proud Boys aren't far right, you're thinking of David Duke, Mike Enoch, The Right Stuff, Richard Spencer, the "Traditionalists" "Worker" Party (google "Matt Parrot Heimbach Cuckbox" for more information), and similar white trash nutjobs. Proud Boys - despite their flirtations with the far right - are basically Democrats from circa 1975. The Alt Right are Democrats from circa the Civil War.
"Proud Boys," "Patriot Prayer," "Boogaloo Boys," it's all variations on the same shit. They just don't want to call themselves KKK or neo-nazis any more because of the stigma attached to those labels. Every time one of their indistinguishable splinter groups gets labeled a terrorist group by intelligence agencies, they pretty much dissolve it and come up with two new ones.

Republicans are Democrats from circa 2000.
Rofl horse shit. Let me know when Trump puts a serious focus on environmentalism like Al Gore had, instead of opening up tons of national parks land for more oil drilling.

What have mass protests accomplished, if not further legitimization of unwarranted police violence?
Far more than American apathy has accomplished, certainly. Two states have abolished qualified immunity, several others have put new regulations and/or restrictions on local law enforcement. The progress is somewhat slow, no doubt about that, but the federal government has pretty much been at a standstill the last four years anyway, so it's not particularly surprising that nothing big is getting accomplished mere months into societal unrest.

Yes, it is best when a mob of white trash goons decides who should live and die. Just as God intended!
I honestly can't tell who you're referring to here. This description fits the police in a lot of areas, large swaths of right-wing groups, and smaller numbers of left-wing groups.

Police should be accountable, and they should be held to higher standards than normal people specifically because they are asked to do something which society doesn't allow normal people to do.
Well holy shit, some common ground. Took long enough, but I finally got a reasonable response out of you.

Like Sweden did?
Must be something in the water (or the universal healthcare) there, but no, obviously we have failed miserably at replicating anything like what they've accomplished. Else we wouldn't have 4% of the world's population and over 25% of its coronavirus infections.

Neoliberalism seeks to turn every identity and relationship of every person into a commodity, which can then be quantified and priced.
Holy shit I've never heard such an accurate and detailed description of Trump's entire personality and worldview before. Like I said, just crank that to eleven, wherein even his every interaction with a family member is transactional, add in a dash of strongman worship and authoritarian tendencies, and that's everything you need to know about his inner-workings. Dude has some serious daddy issues too, but that's somewhat irrelevant.

I wouldn't say I'm a socialist or communist, but I'm definitely some variety of collectivist at least on the scale of family and local community. One can have different beliefs about how society should be organized at different scales. It makes no sense to be collectivist at the global scale because I have little in common with foreigners and putting us all under the same authority guarantees only war and heartache. It's better to leave each other alone.
Sure. Ideally we'd keep to ourselves and never need to worry about global events or politics, but the fact that America has been an imperialist nation for so long and the fact that so many nations look to us first for both leadership and humanitarian aid puts a bit of a damper on that. It's nigh impossible to do a 180 and suddenly become isolationist at this point in history.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
I would say that is much akin to protesting to see the widespread roll out of the country's electrical network. Which is to say protesting about nothing much at all or otherwise solved issues and non contentious things (most people are generally not in favour of police doing the unrestrained skull cracker bit and slapping them if they do).

You can still solve the police brutality issue, it still has symbolic value in putting a spotlight on racial injustice, and I think we already speculated very early, that those protests were more than race riots this time around.

(In interviews, you heard people stating that they will never be able to afford to own a house, or a store in the community they were working, ... That line of argument.)
Last edited by notimp,


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
United States
There's only one candidate who condones or defends any of the violence being discussed in this thread, and it's not Joe Biden. There's only one candidate who, as president, can be held responsible for any of violence going on in this country right now, and it's not Joe Biden.

It's absurd to say people who don't like the violence happening under Trump should vote for Trump.


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2005
United States
There's only one candidate who condones or defends any of the violence being discussed in this thread, and it's not Joe Biden. There's only one candidate who, as president, can be held responsible for any of violence going on in this country right now, and it's not Joe Biden.

It's absurd to say people who don't like the violence happening under Trump should vote for Trump.

Well, there's only two candidates who have been either personally involved, or their campaign staff involved, in bailing out the people committing the violence so they can get out there and re-commit.

You're just trying to distract from the threat implied by Biden.
Last edited by Hanafuda,


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
United States
Well, there's only two candidates who have been either personally involved, or their campaign staff involved, in bailing out the people committing the violence so they can get out there and re-commit.
Please be specific. I'm not going to guess what you're referring to. Biden condemns violence and rioting, as he should.

You're just trying to distract from the blatant threat implied by Biden.
It can't be very blatant if I'm unaware of it. Are you sure you don't mean Trump? He's condoning or defending some of the violence, the campaign openly admits the violence helps them politically, and this is all occurring under Trump's watch.
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