Nintendo Treehouse: Live at E3 - Live Coverage - ENDED


The final day of press conferences has begun, featuring only Nintendo's Live Treehouse event. So let's get down to business!

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The event starts in 35 minutes; that's 9AM Pacific, 11AM Central, and 12PM Eastern. Make sure to share your thoughts with the GBAtemp community as the conference continues!

Live Coverage will be shown here

  • Here's Reggie, remembering the Orlando victims with a moment of silence.
  • Reggie explains how every year is different for Nintendo's E3. Well yeah.
  • NEW ZELDA TRAILER! Huge open world.
  • Title is "The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild". New world "teems with adventure". One of the "biggest experiences made by Nintendo."
  • Now we're on to Pokemon. Junichi Masuda and Shigeru Omori are here to talk about Sun and Moon with a live gameplay demonstration. They're all talking in Japanese with no translation >_<
  • New Sun and Moon trailer. Actually I think that's just the old one.
  • They talk about the inspiration behind the titles Sun and Moon, with the Sun being the "giver of life".
  • The legendaries are the emissaries of the Sun and the Moon respectively.
  • They talk about the new legendary recently revealed in Taiwan.
  • Alola region is "teeming with life" which is where the name comes from. It has 4 islands and one man-made island.
  • They talk about the Pokemon themselves being accessible and understandable by everyone in the world. This factored into the design of the characters as well. They wanted to make the characters more realistic. They won't yet talk about the bracelets the characters are wearing.
  • Here's gameplay inside the player's house. The player has recently moved into the Alola region. Ledyba is a wild pokemon in the early game. The battle UI is greatly changed to be more realistic and immersive. It's also more accessible to both new and old players alike.
  • They want to encourage people to "catch 'em all" once again.
  • They're battling a new Pokemon called "Yungoos". Now they're talking about the Rotom pokedex but the stream is dying a bit.
  • There is terrible lag in the stream but now they're showing off the walking animations for some reason.
  • A shadow appears if there is a trainer near who wants to challenge you, a nice practical addition
  • Enemy trainers are ALL presented in full 3D models now as opposed to some 2D animations like in X/Y
  • Pikipek is a new woodpecker style Pokemon.
  • A character called Hala gives you your first Pokemon. He's a very strong trainer. Here's your friend Hau, Professor Kukui and his assistant. They're taking part in some kind of festival.
  • They're doing a pokemon battle as some kind of worship to the island's deity, whoa
  • Something something kawaii desune... I think that's it for the footage.
  • Battle Royal is a new multiplayer mode that they're showing footage of. 4 players choose 3 pokemon and battle with one at a time. It's a free-for-all that ends when the first player gets knocked out. Then they tally a score based on pokmeon defeated and remaining.
  • Even more languages are being added to the game. They say they're really proud of their work on the game.
  • Next comes Aonuma to show some Zelda gameplay after a short break. Woot!
  • Aonuma wants to break the conventions of Zelda.
  • New gameplay has a reaaaaaally weird opening. Link does still start by waking up in the Shrine of Resurrection. Link picks up a Shiekah Slate which is supposed to guide him. He's putting on some old clothes from old chests, ew. They talk about adding technology to the series.
  • For the first time ever, Link can JUMP!
  • This open world is looking crazy.
  • This just in: Nintendo loves mushrooms.
  • They're showing a large rectangle of the map at E3. The Shiekah Slate is supposed to tell you where to go. The plateau is the remains of the old Hyrule Kingdom.
  • You can chop down trees to access different locations and collect firewood. This looking crazy unconventional for a Zelda game.
  • WHOA IT'S A KOROK FROM WINDWAKER! They're hiding everywhere in the world!
  • In classic Zelda fashion, the first sword is found in a rock.
  • Link is fighting some bokoblins, it looks like weapons can become damaged and broken but you can steal the weapons of enemies permanently!
  • You can just take apples off trees and eat them to restore health. Awesome.
  • There are combat mechanics that have to do with timing, this game is beginning to look a lot like Windwaker.
  • Those things that attacked Link in the first trailer are guardians of the temple. The story is supposed to be told by exploration rather than exposition. The world is inspired by Japanese animation.
  • The demo ran into the time limit on stage by accident, lol
  • They're talking about the approach they took to the music since they game is different from its counterparts. Environmental noises are a large part of the experience.
  • The music is intended to blend with the environmental noises and be a unique track for every player.
  • New Zelda Miitomo items are going online today. Who cares.
  • More exploration is coming up after this break. Geez this list of stuff is running long.
  • We're back. Now we're climbing on top of the old temple which is awesome. It proves to be a great vantage point.
  • Using the Shiekah Slate you can place beacons to see where you are going.
  • They try and fail to hunt a wild boar.
  • They're talking about the transitions between biomes - right now it's just more exploration. Everything in the world is interactable.
  • The environment really is breathtaking. I'm having fun just watching them explore it.
  • They're really focusing on how every player will have a different experience with how they play through the game.
  • You can surf down a mountain on your shield. 10/10
  • Ooh they found a treasure trove in a cave.
  • Sorry there's not much to report on here- it's just gratuitous exploration. I recommend you just tune in.
  • Here's another short break, they'll be back with still more Zelda.
  • Now they're going to see some shrines. The shrines' challenges give you items which can be exchanged for other important gear.
  • The Shiekah Stone can be upgraded with Runes that can be used all over the world. They give you special abilities like being able to pick up and manipulate metal objects.
  • The shrines feel like mini-dungeons. They made it clear that they are separate from a regular dungeon.
  • The guardians of the shrines help Link get new abilities to be able to beat Ganon. They give you Spirit orbs which can be exchanged for powerful items.
  • Into another shrine they go. Uh-oh, one of the guardians has awoken and is chasing Link.
  • There are two types of bombs, cubic and spherical
  • You can look into the skies at night and see many constellations
  • There are over 100 shrines that supplement the dungeons, but the classic Zelda dungeons are still present in the game.
  • After another short break, they'll be back to talk about combat in more detail!
  • The stream is lagging so bear with me for a bit.
  • They're showing off various kinds of weapons and how they differ in attack range and speed.
  • There's a meter in the bottom that measures how much sound you make when close to enemies.
  • They are discussing the inventory system a little bit.
  • When you pick up an item, it shows how much of an upgrade/downgrade it would be over your current gear.
  • They are hilariously attempting to kill a guardian with a crazy amount of health.
  • After the break they'll be back to talk about Amiibo in the game. Booooo!
  • If you tap the Wolf Link amiibo, it brings in Wolf Link as a partner to fight with you. Cool. He also can hunt wild animals. If you get separated from him, you can call him back with a whistle.
  • There's a new amiibo called Archer Link. Another one is Rider Link. Also a Guardian. They all are highly detailed.
  • After the break is Miyamoto!!!
  • Miyamoto is looking old as always. He's here to talk about how this game returns to the roots of the original Zelda game.
  • They said they got tired of how sequential the game was and wanted to return to Zelda's roots of freedom. The beginning of the game returns to how in the beginning of Zelda you are bare and defenseless.
  • They see you don't need an image of the world because it's all there to explore. They showed the image from the original Zelda manual which shows Link overlooking a cliff similar to the opening of this new game.
  • The lack of explanation of the story is true to the original.
  • Miyamoto's role is to ensure that Link's motion remains natural.
  • They're repeating a lot of the same they've said before...
  • Miyamoto really likes having lots of different solutions to puzzles. They talk about the physics engine and how it influences that.
  • Miyamoto's days as a boy scout somehow influenced the development of Zelda.
  • That's it for Miyamoto, after the break they're going into another shrine
  • All they're doing is playing through a shrine, nothing too exciting
  • Now they're talking about the hunting and gathering system.
  • They're talking about the cooking and how it's a lot like real life. Real talk though I am getting bored with this footage
  • They failed to take down a giant golem boss.
  • There's really not anything interesting going on here anymore...
  • They're telling us to stay tuned for another shrine but dear lord I do not want to stay tuned anymore
  • And they're back... sigh
  • Still absolutely no new news
  • Next up is Aonuma who will explore outside of the plateau
  • They're strolling around the edge of the plateau
  • They're not actually going off the plateau :sad: but they are looking at other hyrule landmarks
  • The reason that there are no NPCs or towns in the demo is because they don't want to spoil the game in the demo.
  • They're talking about ways they can prevent players from getting lost
  • That's it for Aonuma, up next is... more shrines... yay?
  • If anyone is somehow still following, they're still just showing shrines. FML
  • This thing is finally freaking over. Thank god.

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GBAtemp Official Lolimaster
May 8, 2012
behind a keyboard or a gamepad
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Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2013
United States
You know? I'm not disappointed on this Zelda
Sure, it's not like the old ones but it looks nice, and feel nice
and if i learned something by Wind Waker, is to not judge a Zelda on it's appearance, the game may be on the top Zeldas on the en

Exactly, this keeps happening on Zelda for some reason
i always had faith in WW i was impressed from the start even though i was a little disappointed that it was different from the space world demo i still though it was going to be brilliant, but this i am not impressed with at all ,WW did not break so many conventions
i wanted something that did break so many conventions, the removal of hearts and having to collect and eat food and cook it, WTF? this is not supposed to be monster hunter i do not have much faith in N anymore they are always making really bad descisions for the last 8 ish years


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2009
United States
Sure progression doesn't hurt, but introducing something that alien to the earlier games just takes me away from what feels like Zelda if that makes sense. And actually, you were working towards the next plot point, you had to beat these dungeons before the story would continue on, the fact that you could do them in any order is irrelevant (and slightly hurt the game in my opinion, simply because it meant that the difficulty had to be even between all the temples). And even in the dungeons themselves, you explored them to get to the boss, beat him, and take the painting. What I'm saying is that the individual steps may have varied, the overall story remained intact and linear (Tragedy happens > Link beats the first three dungeons > plot > he beats the next set of dungeons > more plot > beating the endgame). This one, again from what I've seen so far, seems to miss that structure that, to me is a great part of Zelda. Even the first games had this sort of structure, there were some things you had to do before going further.

Introducing something Alien is honestly the best thing you can do. Or else you stay stagnant. Moving to the left, cheats, QTE, cover system, rechargable shields, alot that has been introduced that were new and completely different are now staples. You really want the same structure over and over again? Whats the point of making a new game if you want the same game? I'm excluding beat'em ups from that since their structure can't really be changed, but a huge adventure game. I'm enjoying a breath of fresh air and they're taking a risk in doing so with one of their biggest franchises.


Do what I do. Hold tight and pretend it’s a plan
Aug 19, 2015
United Kingdom
I ain't trying to troll anything. I never played WW cause of the way it looked. The video they showed us last year of him fighting that giant spider thing looked nothing like this.
To not play a game because of the way it looks is insanity stop being a graphics whore and enjoy games for their awsome game play. Not playing windwaker is a crime that you should be punished for as you missed out on one of the best games ever made.


Apr 10, 2004
Wind Waker was announced and released: "Booo, worst looking game EVER!"
Fast forward a few years: "Wind Waker was before it's time, it's such a great art style."
Fast forward a few years: "This game is just like Ocarina of Time, it Suuuuuuhuucks!"
Fast forward a few years: "This game isn't like Ocarina of Time, it Suuuuuuhuuucks!"
And: "This is cel shaded, worst art style ever, just like Wind Waker, it suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhuuhuhuhuhuhuhuuuuucks!"



Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2009
Introducing something Alien is honestly the best thing you can do. Or else you stay stagnant. Moving to the left, cheats, QTE, cover system, rechargable shields, alot that has been introduced that were new and completely different are now staples. You really want the same structure over and over again? Whats the point of making a new game if you want the same game? I'm excluding beat'em ups from that since their structure can't really be changed, but a huge adventure game. I'm enjoying a breath of fresh air and they're taking a risk in doing so with one of their biggest franchises.
Perhaps, but, at least with the Zelda games, they have their own identity. They are uniquely Zelda. And altering such a huge part of that identity all at once? I'm just worried that it'll feel like something completely unrelated to Zelda. Fortunately, from what they've showed me with the shrines, there seems to be quite a bit Zelda left. I'm still worried though, I've loved this series for close to 25 years, and I want to continue enjoying it (plus my collecting the entire series means that I have to buy it on both WiiU and NX as soon as it comes out, and I really want to like a game that'll cost me that much).
Weren't people also salty over how Wind Waker looked?
They were, but this is more gameplay related, and WW was still a Zelda game at its core.
Last edited by nasune,
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Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2013
United States
Oh man. Go back the the batcave.
You are criticising the wrong point.
Gfx are ok. They do their work as expected.
But that gameplay is so alien.
yes i agree but the framerate looks awful, really really low and the cell shading is no way near up to par with what we were being shown before in the demo with link being chased in the overworld and shooting that weird arrow thing
also the whole addition of electrical devices/technology elements is just an awful idea , and commercializing it by putting the wiiu pad in the game makes it even worse,i thought it was a retarded idea when they did it with the GBA and tingle tuner too,but at leat in that game you could avoid it, oh well i guess we can hope it is a little different in the NX version, i take it there will not be the slate anyways


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2016
If people think this zelda game looks bad then checkout Resident Evil 7.............

Personally I'm looking forward to the new zelda game, only got a Wii U a few months back just for that game considering nothing else on the wii u appeals to me
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Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2009
United States
Perhaps, but, at least with the Zelda games, they have their own identity. They are uniquely Zelda. And altering such a huge part of that identity all at once? I'm just worried that it'll feel like something completely unrelated to Zelda. Fortunately, from what they've showed me with the shrines, there seems to be quite a bit Zelda left. I'm still worried though, I've loved this series for close to 25 years, and I want to continue enjoying it (plus my collecting the entire series means that I have to buy it on both WiiU and NX as soon as it comes out, and I really want to like a game that'll cost me that much).

They were, but this is more gameplay related, and WW was still a Zelda game at its core.

It'll be it's own unique Zelda. Like four swords is its own zelda for being multiplayer focused, which was a HUGE change for the series at the time. But that didn't ruin the series. WW for being ocean focused, and SS for being sky and item focused. I say give it a chance before giving a full verdict. It doesn't come out until next year anyway.

I used to judge games by their looks or stories, but now I enjoy being wrong. I play things fully. I thought KH was a stupid series (never been a fan of FF), and i ate my words playing it.
Last edited by Eurasiam,


Dec 6, 2008
United States
For me it's not that it's cell shaded, it's that the color palette is extremely dull & muted except for fire, explosions, etc. It just looks like crap.
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Persona Secretiva Felineus
Global Moderator
Jan 7, 2014
Another World
This new Zelda game looks amazing, I don't understand why some of you complains about it. I love Celshading artstyle. It makes it more vibrant, fantasy looking. Exactly what I expect from a Zelda game. I can't wait for more.


Dec 6, 2008
United States
If people think this zelda game looks bad then checkout Resident Evil 7.............

Personally I'm looking forward to the new zelda game, only got a Wii U a few months back just for that game considering nothing else on the wii u appeals to me

What's wrong with RE7? Looks fantastic to me. NOTHING else on the Wii U at all appeals to you? There's plenty of really good titles & it seems like a complete waste of $$$ to buy one JUST for Zelda alone when it's also coming for the NX which would probably have been a better investment when it's available.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2013
United States
Progression is a good thing when you wanna keep a series thats 30 years old fresh. Whats wrong with more options in customization? It's a different kind of strategy to manage your inventory and weapons. Though if it doesn't work out (it probably will), we'll probably not see it return again. People are just jumping the gun, like every fan generally does.

Also you weren't working towards the next linear plot point in ZLBW, and that game was pretty well received from what i remember. They tried something new yet again in that game too.
i did not like the non linear dungeons at all it made the game too easy and was a big mistake
i like the 1st zelda , you can enter some of the later dungeons early but they are nearly impossible,(but not impossible ) because you don't have the hearts or items you would normally have if you progressed to that point in the order you are meant to
you could stumble on to the later dungeon entrances but you were not really meant to
i like that a lt more than the ALBW model ,i hated how all the dungeons were accesible and even worse how all the items were accessible and how the dungeons basically had the same difficulty level , it was just a bad idea


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2009
United States
What's wrong with RE7? Looks fantastic to me. NOTHING else on the Wii U at all appeals to you? There's plenty of really good titles & it seems like a complete waste of $$$ to buy one JUST for Zelda alone when it's also coming for the NX which would probably have been a better investment when it's available.

You know, the new RE7 is an example of being radically different, like this zelda game. But i'm going to give a shot. it's survival horror. I didn't mind RE6 but i enjoyed RE1-3, the originals.

i did not like the non linear dungeons at all it made the game too easy and was a big mistake
i like the 1st zelda , you can enter some of the later dungeons early but they are nearly impossible,(but not impossible ) because you don't have the hearts or items you would normally have if you progressed to that point in the order you are meant to
you could stumble on to the later dungeon entrances but you were not really meant to
i like that a lt more than the ALBW model ,i hated how all the dungeons were accesible and even worse how all the items were accessible and how the dungeons basically had the same difficulty level , it was just a bad idea

it was an interesting idea, and i don't think they were all the same difficulty level. Your level of access was still dependent on money. I'm glad they, again, tried something new while having a connection to a game i played when i was younger.
Last edited by Eurasiam,
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Dec 6, 2008
United States
This new Zelda game looks amazing, I don't understand why some of you complains about it. I love Celshading artstyle. It makes it more vibrant, fantasy looking. Exactly what I expect from a Zelda game. I can't wait for more.

That's exactly my issue. It doesn't look vibrant. AT ALL. WW was vibrant. This is not.


Persona Secretiva Felineus
Global Moderator
Jan 7, 2014
Another World
That's exactly my issue. It doesn't look vibrant. AT ALL. WW was vibrant. This is not.
Well, it sure seemed vibrant to me, but considering it's a unfinished game, there are still possible changes to see later.
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Riding a Shooting Star
Apr 18, 2011
You can say whatever you want, but Nintendo can take my money right away!!!!

I really want to check that gameplay trailer, i'm at work and just could see the trailer and check the comments here, damn, i really want to get home already!!!!

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