Well after a few days thnking, I finally decided to get the AceKard 2 from Deal Extreme. I decided not to get the AK2i because the chances of me owning a DSi are slim.
It's now time to prepare for the card. I have 3 Mini SuperCards already for my GBA's and therefore have several Mini SD's and Micro SD's. Not sure how many of each, but I know I have at least 1 if not more Micro's. All 2GB and non HC, just regular.
Can I use my 2G Micro SD's? Should I get some Micro HCSD's? and how high of Gigs can this puppy take?
It was rumored the SuperCard could take a 4GB, and found one, but it didn't take (that's a Mini, so I can't use it here). So how high can the AK2 take? I doubt I will go for higher than 2G, as I am a penny pincher, unless I can get higher for the same price somewhere. I been paying under $6.00 for the ones I been getting.
Will I have to get a HC reader/writer? I have 4 or 5 here. Not sure if they are HC compatible, are they usually? Got them all off Ebay looking for regular readers. And I have 3 types. And I have 2 more (of the same type) in the mail on the way from Ebay auctions right now.
It's now time to prepare for the card. I have 3 Mini SuperCards already for my GBA's and therefore have several Mini SD's and Micro SD's. Not sure how many of each, but I know I have at least 1 if not more Micro's. All 2GB and non HC, just regular.
Can I use my 2G Micro SD's? Should I get some Micro HCSD's? and how high of Gigs can this puppy take?
It was rumored the SuperCard could take a 4GB, and found one, but it didn't take (that's a Mini, so I can't use it here). So how high can the AK2 take? I doubt I will go for higher than 2G, as I am a penny pincher, unless I can get higher for the same price somewhere. I been paying under $6.00 for the ones I been getting.
Will I have to get a HC reader/writer? I have 4 or 5 here. Not sure if they are HC compatible, are they usually? Got them all off Ebay looking for regular readers. And I have 3 types. And I have 2 more (of the same type) in the mail on the way from Ebay auctions right now.