Homebrew What happened to most of the developers?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2016
Thought I'd add some of my personal thoughts.

First, most of the 3DS dev's like AW, smea, StapleButter are extremely talented people. They built so much groundwork that other devs like us could work to produce other fun stuff like my emulators. But when I came, I hardly hear of them much anymore. I guess I joined gbatemp at a time when the cancerous behaviour have mostly gone. Of course, it did help my reputation to have delivered something that actually work decently well, to some extent, even at its very very first version (come to think of it, the first version looked so ugly and raaaawww).

Personally I have been lucky to be talking to fellow forummers who are 99% friendly folks. But from time to time I do get forummers who ask for features like they deserved it. Their written post often sounds rude, but it's hard to truly tell what they really think behind their keyboards. If I were some 20 years younger, I would have taken it a lot harder, and I can understand some dev's decision to leave.

But I guess as a middle-aged developer now, I've learnt to take all these with a pinch of salt. I don't owe anyone anyone anything. At the end of the day: emotions aside, it's truly about whether the feature is worth the effort in implementing. Some fellow forummers who stuck around long around watching in the Snes9x / VirtuaNES thread will probably remember that while I do accept feature requests, I will reject requests too, if I don't see the value in it. I can't give you a ratio, but it's all about prioritization. Having taking up posts on my real job as software engineer (where I have had to regularly meet customers face-to-face) and some level of maturity obviously helped in honing patience, and picking out features that really matter to the user the most. :) Of course, the added level passion in seeing my emulators work nicely for me made me go as far as I had.

But I've had to slow things down a lot due to personal life / work commitments... That could also be another reason for devs leaving, so don't discount that.

What's more, that the Switch is out, 3DS players have moved on, so the motivation to continue with 3DS development will naturally decline. It's only expected.

Billy Acuña

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2015
Thought I'd add some of my personal thoughts.

First, most of the 3DS dev's like AW, smea, StapleButter are extremely talented people. They built so much groundwork that other devs like us could work to produce other fun stuff like my emulators. But when I came, I hardly hear of them much anymore. I guess I joined gbatemp at a time when the cancerous behaviour have mostly gone. Of course, it did help my reputation to have delivered something that actually work decently well, to some extent, even at its very very first version (come to think of it, the first version looked so ugly and raaaawww).

Personally I have been lucky to be talking to fellow forummers who are 99% friendly folks. But from time to time I do get forummers who ask for features like they deserved it. Their written post often sounds rude, but it's hard to truly tell what they really think behind their keyboards. If I were some 20 years younger, I would have taken it a lot harder, and I can understand some dev's decision to leave.

But I guess as a middle-aged developer now, I've learnt to take all these with a pinch of salt. I don't owe anyone anyone anything. At the end of the day: emotions aside, it's truly about whether the feature is worth the effort in implementing. Some fellow forummers who stuck around long around watching in the Snes9x / VirtuaNES thread will probably remember that while I do accept feature requests, I will reject requests too, if I don't see the value in it. I can't give you a ratio, but it's all about prioritization. Having taking up posts on my real job as software engineer (where I have had to regularly meet customers face-to-face) and some level of maturity obviously helped in honing patience, and picking out features that really matter to the user the most. :) Of course, the added level passion in seeing my emulators work nicely for me made me go as far as I had.

But I've had to slow things down a lot due to personal life / work commitments... That could also be another reason for devs leaving, so don't discount that.

What's more, that the Switch is out, 3DS players have moved on, so the motivation to continue with 3DS development will naturally decline. It's only expected.
YOU are the MASTER!!! Hope you are still working on emus for 3ds :)

The Catboy

GBAtemp Official Catboy™: Weed Cat
Sep 13, 2009
Making a non-binary fuss
I never understood why/how the 3DS is so cancerous. I don't know if I just somehow avoid all this drama or people are just rude to others in DMs or something. I know this scene is cancer but I hardly see anything going on. What do y'all see?
There's some behind the scene drama that sometimes bleeds into the forums or came from the forums. I don't think a lot of user realize that their behavior does reflect on the project and how others view that project. It's far too common for users to cause an issue, which then causes a poor reflection to outsiders, thus in return causes a new issue. These issues build up and often result in behind the scene drama or just flat out wars in the forums.
This kind of behavior has basically driven a lot of devs away from the scene or at least the Temp. They are doing this stuff on their own free time and more often than not, it's something they enjoy doing. So having to deal with issues like these just ruin the project for them and in return, the community.
Talking to a lot of the devs, they are happier away from the scene compared being part of it. Most of them just want to work on these projects and hope the community enjoys their work, they don't want unneeded crap holding them down.
This is also why I do a lot of my work in private and my name is so rarely credited. I don't enjoy the attention I've gotten from having my name credited.
Last edited by The Catboy,
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Do what I do. Hold tight and pretend it’s a plan
Aug 19, 2015
United Kingdom
TheCruel is in jail for supposedly hosting CP on his site
why the hell did you say supposedly there is no supposedly about it his house was raided and his computer seized and it contained over a hundred thousand child porn pics. He was the charged and banned from owning a computer and banned from using the Internet his house was then raided again a while later and he was found to be in possession of a new computer which was was also full of child porn pictures where is the supposedly in that.


Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2016
Maybe users are too comfortable with great apps on phones these days, and could it be they came to the 3DS homebrew with those expectations in mind? The same goes for paying customers of huge enterprise level projects. Delivering a good experience today is a given; but that is only possible if the software is supported by a great team and a good UX designer, but most of us 3DS devs are individuals who don't have that skill or time/resource.

In the Retroarch thread, it's actually easy to see how both users and devs get turned away. User expectations have been pre-set based on how well Retroarch performs on PCs and other more powerful console platforms. But constant crashes on 3DS have driven users away; those who still cared enough to stay around put pressure on the developers. I had once considered contributing to 3DS Retroarch, but knowing that the I have no control of development and schedules in the main branches, the nightly builds are going to be a big problem - I didn't quite want to step in. Maybe it's cos I find it difficult to meet expectations. But I think it's also the effort of maintaining this constant stream of updates with so limited time on hand that made me go away.

So in some sense, I agree with @Lilith Valentine . Easier to work on my project at my own pace (well, except I released mine to the public).

YOU are the MASTER!!! Hope you are still working on emus for 3ds

I will get back when I find some time. But work is really eating into personal time. :) Hopefully I will have more time nearer the end of the year.

The Catboy

GBAtemp Official Catboy™: Weed Cat
Sep 13, 2009
Making a non-binary fuss
Reading through your post, I think a lot does have to do with experience. A lot of the more recent devs are very recent to the public scene and often times this is their first rodeo. I know several of them really didn't have much of a public image or exception before their projects and it shows. Suddenly going from a normal user to someone that people expect something from, someone that people now question, give suggestions, talk about, etc. That's a lot to take in, even through the forums and made worse if you've never had to deal with kind of situation before. Where as you see a lot of the more experienced devs just do their own thing and rarely seem to let the world get to them.
Then you can clump in with dealing the worst side of the issue and not having experience with that either.
I just hope with this experience under their belts, they are ready for whatever project they tackle next. Because it's just going to be same thing no matter what they do, they just need to learn how to manage it better.


pirate booty inspector
Jan 3, 2014
behind a parental advisory sticker
United States
warning . . . the grammar is all fucked up in this spoiler
symptoms include confusion, headaches, forest whitaker eye, migraines, excessive facepalms, a sudden compulsion to commit mass genocide, and massive wtf's.
wait assholes on the internet make devs leave . . . fuck my life . . .

i think what we as a community (from dev to end user to filthy pirates like myself) need to remember is that, opinions are like assholes . . . everyone not only has one but also thinks that their's is special (. . . i could continue with that thought process but i dont wanna be gross . . . lets just see where this goes) this attitude we unconsciously carry leads to toxic responses as we dont receive the added feature we requested or when we have to wait longer for a release (or in the devs case when all the 'assholes' come streaking in) if we all babied the assholes of others the way we do our own (gently fixing any leaks until it feels right no matter how long it takes or how often we have to do it) . . . if only (. . . if only it were possible to wipe all the unclean assholes at one time) but its human nature to only care about the asshole(s) you were raised around/with, this applies to most all people and if you are an exception then you are exceptional, i find exceptional people often confuse their own thought processes for common sense when they actually have an exceptional sense. in case you are asking what i mean, exceptional sense is for example donating extra funds to someone truly less fortunate (or to spend days/weeks/months[/possibly even years] creating a program/app only to give it away) while common sense says to save that money for when you yourself are less fortunate (or to use the programs/apps you develop to create a portfolio to show to a corporation so your talents can get you hired) . . . that is to say to the homebrew devs please remember that you are exceptional and common assholes are just that

devs please keep drooping that hot shit . . . its so much funkier than what we get from common assholes (like me)
Last edited by wormdood,


JRPG enjoyer, Xenoblade, YS and DQ connoisseur
Sep 15, 2015
Somewhere warm
Costa Rica
why the hell did you say supposedly there is no supposedly about it his house was raided and his computer seized and it contained over a hundred thousand child porn pics. He was the charged and banned from owning a computer and banned from using the Internet his house was then raided again a while later and he was found to be in possession of a new computer which was was also full of child porn pictures where is the supposedly in that.
Because I didn´t know, last time I heard anything about him people were still speculating why he was banned

Good thing he was arrested and banned
Last edited by AutumnWolf,


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2016
The people in this community just need to learn to take things with a grain of salt anyway. Especially in this "safe place" age we live in most of them honestly just need to grow a backbone. It's extremely disheartening to see talented people storm out because of heckling, or what have you. There is a block/ignore button for a reason on all avenues, more people should use them. It's just as troubling seeing random members demand things and start a hate parade when they don't get what they want. I digress, this is the internet and it would do everyone good to remember that from time to time. No one owes any of us anything and vice versa, we don't owe the devs our usage, testing or inputs. It's a two way street, and if we can't help each other then we shouldn't be here. If devs didn't make programs we'd have nothing to use, yet if we didn't use them they would most likely cease development entirely.

Those devs that develop those "holier than thou" attitudes because they forked a popular program, and the people that come here making an account just to demand a feature are the worst. It boggles my mind how people on either end can let trivial stuff like that under their skin. Yes, I know in certain instances it's been a lot more than sheer "annoyance" yet, the same solution can apply. Stop associating yourselves with shitty people and you'll see the 3DS scene isn't as bad as everyone makes it out to be. Only work with trusted people and for the sake of devs sanity start using their repos to request features; remember no one owes anyone anything.

This is actually the best angle I've heard about this so far and, so true too. Although I get the feeling that a lot of devs just leave out of spite or like a big F**k You to the scene, rather than actually being damaged by what people are saying.
ArouraWright May be the exception to this. Being one of the biggest Devs in the 3DS scene, and Developing the most popular and user friendly CFW unfortunately made her the biggest target for other Devs, and the shit they were flinging at her would be hard for anyone to ignore.
If my memory serves me correctly at one stage people were pissed off with her because she implemented more features, that unless you were a dev yourself you wouldn't even use or notice they were there (or something along those lines) but people were pissed because
'We want a choice'
'you are forcing us to install features we wont use'
'And Because you developed the most popular CFW used by the 3DS user base, now no one is working on updating the older CFW'
'You ruined our freedom of CFW'
'You evil dev dictator' and as I remember very personal insults ensued about her sexuality.
Meanwhile all the 3DS user base was like 'Yeah use Luma it's so easy and simple it's great' (not even knowing who dev'd it) LOL that rubbed a lot of people up the wrong way as if she was saying it herself (which is totally okay to be proud of your own product and to encourage distribution btw)

This scene is laughable TBH, Don't get me wrong there are some great people here, But this has to be one of the most aggressive, Ugly forums I'm a member of and I frequently wonder wtf am I doing here and im just a nobody lol.
It certainly Doesn't deserve Community status in my eyes, Hell even Hackney (East London) has more of a community vibe than this rancid place. lol

Most people left because the Nintendo scene, mostly 3DS, is filled with ungrateful children.

I have to say I find the adults (25-30) of the scene can be just as bad if not worse.


Persona Secretiva Felineus
Global Moderator
Jan 7, 2014
Another World
I have to say I find the adults (25-30) of the scene can be just as bad if not worse.
I qualify anyone with childish behaviours as "children". Age has nothing to do with my statement,


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2017
I don't remember the Sony Ericsson modding scene being this bad.

I created a app to help with debranding which a guy copied/ did his own spin off ending with some pretty immature arguments (I was a teen then and didn't like him "stealing" my idea). Nonetheless it ended with him making his app paid and mine being free and after a while we stopped trashtalking but none of us left the then biggest SE modding community (se-nse).

There wasn't any feature requests that sounded like demands from what i can remember either. Only people who wanted help with the apps usage etc.
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Amateur Hacker
Jan 26, 2016
Your mom's basement.
United States
This is actually the best angle I've heard about this so far and, so true too. Although I get the feeling that a lot of devs just leave out of spite or like a big F**k You to the scene, rather than actually being damaged by what people are saying.
ArouraWright May be the exception to this. Being one of the biggest Devs in the 3DS scene, and Developing the most popular and user friendly CFW unfortunately made her the biggest target for other Devs, and the shit they were flinging at her would be hard for anyone to ignore.
If my memory serves me correctly at one stage people were pissed off with her because she implemented more features, that unless you were a dev yourself you wouldn't even use or notice they were there (or something along those lines) but people were pissed because
'We want a choice'
'you are forcing us to install features we wont use'
'And Because you developed the most popular CFW used by the 3DS user base, now no one is working on updating the older CFW'
'You ruined our freedom of CFW'
'You evil dev dictator' and as I remember very personal insults ensued about her sexuality.
Meanwhile all the 3DS user base was like 'Yeah use Luma it's so easy and simple it's great' (not even knowing who dev'd it) LOL that rubbed a lot of people up the wrong way as if she was saying it herself (which is totally okay to be proud of your own product and to encourage distribution btw)

This scene is laughable TBH, Don't get me wrong there are some great people here, But this has to be one of the most aggressive, Ugly forums I'm a member of and I frequently wonder wtf am I doing here and im just a nobody lol.
It certainly Doesn't deserve Community status in my eyes, Hell even Hackney (East London) has more of a community vibe than this rancid place. lol

I have to say I find the adults (25-30) of the scene can be just as bad if not worse.
Apparently saying "just use Luma" triggers people.
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