What did those with downs syndrome do to you?
Anyway pretty good in every department pretty much means PC. Emulation being geared for consoles more or less died with the DS and PSP, and even those were in some ways lesser than what came before. Today you deal with whatever you can inject into official emulators or half hearted ports of retroarch and while the increased processing power makes up for some things you are still going to get oddities that might not have been present in more dedicated efforts.
Homebrew is an even sadder story here from where I sit if the high water mark is going to be the likes of the GBA, DS, xbox, Wii and PSP. Nobody is porting old games, making fun little programs no commercial dev would/could ever get out there because money/lawyers, trying their hand at making things for a console for the intellectual challenge and so forth.
Game library is somewhat more subjective and will depend what you like. If you mean more "will give me a decent slice of gaming at the time" (if you only had a PS3 or only had a 360 then you would not really have missed out on that much, if you only had a Wii then very different story) then that could be worked towards.