Emulation doesn't come even close to the real feeling.I could just emulate those, no? Even if I didn't have a pc (I do) I could emulate them on my ps3 ***and*** my 360 unless I had a powerfest 94 cartridge lmao
split screen multiplayer up to 8 players (sitting right next to you couse the controller cord is 1.8m long so you can hit them when loosing a game.
Theatrically blame the console if one loses.
the real console had bug, wich emulated wont be there in most cases since your host console is more than triple as powerfull in hardware, these hardware limitations brought something lost in competition now a days.
the games ain't beautiful so the people behind it still had to make sure it's gonna be fun playing unlike todays games...
no console or pc game today is really fun in design, they're realistic, beautifull but not fun.