If you are done playing childs games, maybe something worth looking into.
Currently its naive to the heavens, but also compatible with mainstream interests, so - maybe.
The digitisation discourse is connected to "regressive fantasies". Humans would resort back to "being children and project in a relaps back to "prescientific, magical thinking" unrealistic hopes and fears onto automatization".
Informatics in todays world is a 'base science' without its products and results, no other field would work anymore. This means that informatics has to reflect more on its role in the world - in the positive, as well as negative sense.
Social media companies should be better guardians of free speech. (And who is paying for that impossible task?)
Children should be educated in computer sciences as early as possible.
Forecasting integrity, fairness and accountability of algorithms have to be established through regulation.
Automatic decision systems can not be allowed to replace human decision processes.
The question has to be asked how we should behave optimally in a corevolution of information-technology and humanity.
"Explainable Artificial Intelligence" (means: no proprietary algorithms in decision processes) - currently not possible, because training neural networks is entirely black box, and doesnt care about any of why the process "works" - or that there even is a sort of stability within them - in fact, they are ever developing, and nobody knows how - we only look at outcomes of them in action. And remain impressed.
An unseperable connection between statistical and logical models - currently not possible, because big data analytics doesnt care about causality at all. All decisions are based on correlations. The posterboys in the field try to convince everybody, that thats sufficient, because look at the potential implementation possibilities. This is entirely impossible to intertwine. You have to give 'priority' to one set of rules.
Universities have pledged to start that thing which is called free thinking again. And actually do their jobs this time. Cross-disciplinary. They use words such as "Digital Humanism 2.0" and "New digital enlightenment needed".
The city of Vienna so far has sponsored the initiative with 320.000 Euros.
And they are all set up to fail in the current intellectual and economic environment.
Now go on and talk about why you don't trust science on facebook some more.
If you are done playing childs games, maybe something worth looking into.
Currently its naive to the heavens, but also compatible with mainstream interests, so - maybe.
The digitisation discourse is connected to "regressive fantasies". Humans would resort back to "being children and project in a relaps back to "prescientific, magical thinking" unrealistic hopes and fears onto automatization".
Informatics in todays world is a 'base science' without its products and results, no other field would work anymore. This means that informatics has to reflect more on its role in the world - in the positive, as well as negative sense.
Social media companies should be better guardians of free speech. (And who is paying for that impossible task?)
Children should be educated in computer sciences as early as possible.
Forecasting integrity, fairness and accountability of algorithms have to be established through regulation.
Automatic decision systems can not be allowed to replace human decision processes.
The question has to be asked how we should behave optimally in a corevolution of information-technology and humanity.
"Explainable Artificial Intelligence" (means: no proprietary algorithms in decision processes) - currently not possible, because training neural networks is entirely black box, and doesnt care about any of why the process "works" - or that there even is a sort of stability within them - in fact, they are ever developing, and nobody knows how - we only look at outcomes of them in action. And remain impressed.
An unseperable connection between statistical and logical models - currently not possible, because big data analytics doesnt care about causality at all. All decisions are based on correlations. The posterboys in the field try to convince everybody, that thats sufficient, because look at the potential implementation possibilities. This is entirely impossible to intertwine. You have to give 'priority' to one set of rules.
Universities have pledged to start that thing which is called free thinking again. And actually do their jobs this time. Cross-disciplinary. They use words such as "Digital Humanism 2.0" and "New digital enlightenment needed".
The city of Vienna so far has sponsored the initiative with 320.000 Euros.
And they are all set up to fail in the current intellectual and economic environment.
Now go on and talk about why you don't trust science on facebook some more.
Last edited by notimp,