[v3.0.0] How To Make Your Own WiiWare/Wii Game/WADs in scratch [Adobe Flash, Full Guide] [for Beginners]


Well-Known Member
May 26, 2020
United States
Hello people, this is your boy mrt84! In this full guide, I will show you how you can make your own WiiWare/Wii WADs in scratch by using Flash Professional! You can use any professionals like Macromedia Flash 8, CS3, CS4, CS5, CS5.5, CS6, and other professionals!

Please do this guide at your own risk! I will not be responsible for any damages or if you brick your Wii or vWii. Please make sure that you install BootMii or Priiloader on your Wii. And for vWii, Dump Mii NAND. Also please note that ActionScript 3.0 (AS3) and the latest Flash players like 10, 11, 12 or any upgraded, later, or latest Flash players doesn't work on the Wii, even player 10 or the later players in ActionScript 2.0 (AS2) doesn't work either and yet your system will softlock/crash and the players that are maximum are Flash Player 1 to 9, but Flash 9 in ActionScript 3.0 (AS3) doesn't work either and needs to be in ActionScript 2.0 (AS2) or 1.0 (AS1) if you choose player 9. I recommend ActionScript 2.0 (AS2), but you can choose any other Flash players besides 9 for ActionScript 2.0 or 1.0 though, but I recommend you use player 9 or 8. Also here are a few WADs that work for some regions:

Flash Placeholder (modified version of Back to Nature): NTSC, PAL
YouTube: NTSC, NTSC-J, PAL (can be sent to Region-free)
Back to Nature: PAL
Kirby TV Channel [Striim Network]: Region-free (but NTSC-J doesn't work somehow)
Fluidty/Hydroventure: NTSC, PAL
BBC iPlayer: PAL

Adobe Animate/Flash Professional: https://animatearchive.neocities.org/?home
WAD tools

Step 1 - Base WAD:
Grab a Flash placeholder from MarioCube's repository. Well, is not just the original Flash placeholder. You can use other base WADs like Back to Nature, BBC iPlayer, Fludity (this base, doesn't come with a cursor), Kirby TV Channel, and YouTube.

So in order to extract your base WAD, you will need a WAD extractor/packer like WADUnpacker/WADPacker, ShowMiiWads, Wii.cs Tools. I recommend use ShowMiiWads or ShowMiiWads's Wii.cs Tools, or download my WAD tools or you can use saulfabreg's Flash WAD injector: https://gbatemp.net/download/adobe-flash-swf-wiiware-injector-beta-version.37084/update/38170/

RedFire's WAD tools:

So let's move on to the Flash programming and save the WAD conversion for later.

Step 2: - Professional setup:

If you have a Flash professional like Macromedia 8 on your computer, open that up and choose Flash document to create a new document. Or if you have the later professionals like CS3, CS4, CS5, CS5.5, or CS6 on where it has the ActionScript 2.0 and 3.0 options, make sure you choose 2.0. If the dimesion pixels in your document is 550 x 400, you can change any dimesion pixels, but this dimesion pixels are optional:
16:9: If you want to use 16:9 aspect ratio for both 16:9 and 4:3 aspect ratio or just the 16:9, then use these dimesion pixels in your choice: 845 x 480, 854 x 480
4:3: If you want your document to be in 4:3, then use these dimesion pixels: 550 x 400, 600 x 480

Go to "Publish Settings" by going to "File", choose "Flash" You can change the JPEG quality and the audio stream and event, but I recommend you change the audio stream and event's KBPS to 160 KBPS or 64 KBPS from 16, and once you're done, save your changes.

In the properties section, you can change the FPS, but you might need to change your frame rate FPS in the configuration of the base WAD if you change your FPS to later FPS in your document rather than 24 since some base WADs have 24, 30 or more, but I will explain that later when we get to the WAD, U8 archive unpacking and all of that.

Anyway, now back to the Flash document I was talking about, you change the background color to any color you would want, but again, almost 1 WAD which is the Back to Nature's Wii emulator and the Flash placeholder the modified version of Back to Nature is the only one that can allow any SWF file to have background colors. Other base channels like BBC iPlayer, Kirby TV, and YouTube won't allow any SWF file to play there own background color inside the SWF, but the background image taken from there own RGB background inside the SWF would be transperant because of the SWF RGB background color in the iPlayer, Kirby TV, and YouTube's configuration that has the RGB color support which takes away the SWF file's RGB background color to a transperant one inside the WAD's SWF RGB color background, but again, both Back to Nature and the Flash placeholder (the modified version of Back to Nature) can allow SWF to display any RGB color in it's own and the original WAD RGB color background is "0 0 0 0" which equals to black, but I will explain the rest of the RGB backgrounds when we get to the full step scene here.

Step 2: The programming now starts!

Here are a few things you could possibly make in Flash:

If you want to learn on how to make a platform game like a platform ball, here's the link:

If you want to learn on how to make a walking figure, here's the guide as well:

These are just the examples I'm giving you on what you could make. You can search other video guides on YouTube.

I wanna start with the buttons and the video playbacks, so let's get started with these 2 chapters!

Step 3: Making your buttons (optional):

In order to make your own button on where it navigates, the first thing you wanna do is to simply make your own button by going to "Import" and choosing "Symbol". Name whatever symbol you want or just keep it as "Symbol (number)" and choose "Button" as a symbol.

Now start making and decorating your own symbol button, this can only have 3 frames in your own button. The one frame that is still, the second that you select your button, and the last you have clicked it and once you're making it, you can decorate your frame and is background by adding as many features as you want.

If you want your button to navigate to the next frame, then right click at your first frame and select "Actions" and insert this code: "stop();". Close the actions panel and press F6 to make a new frame which is the 2nd frame. You can add any features to your second frame or whatever until you're done, and if you're done, right click in your 2nd frame and go to the "Actions" panel and paste in this code as well: "stop();". Now go back to your first frame, copy your button from your library and paste it in the movie clip. Right click at your button and select the "Actions" panel again. Here are two different codes:

If you want your button to navigate to the next frame and stop, paste this code:


Or if you want your button to navigate to the next frame and play it on where you want your frames to play your animation or whatever, paste this code:


Step 4: Making your movie clip symbol (optional):
In this symbol, you can make a movie clip symbol as a regular symbol and just let it be still, animated, or whatever. In order to make your movie clip symbol, go to "Import" and select "Symbol" and name whatever symbol you want it to be named or just keep it as "Symbol (number)". And there is also a "Graphic" symbol, but I'm not sure what is used for.

Step: 5 Importing a video to a Flash document (movie clip, frames, graphic) (optional)
You must Adobe Video Encoder to convert your video to a FLV file format and add the FLV to your document. Again, according to your WAD's SWF MBs. Some MB storage of your base WAD has 16 and some 24. The maximum size for a virtual Flash WAD is 30 MBs. I recommend that the video should be 10 minutes, 6 or 5 minutes long.

Step 6: Exporting your Flash document and SWF:
If you're done with your Flash document, go to "File" and "Publish Settings" and to "Formats", uncheck ".html" and make sure that ".swf" is checked. Select a folder in your PC location on where you want to save it and once you're done, hit "Publish" and it will be publish your SWF that you just made.

Step 7: Converting your SWF into a WAD:
I recommend you use saulfabreg's SWF injector or Post-Lunar Max's SWF injector, here are the links once again:
saulfabreg: https://gbatemp.net/download/adobe-flash-swf-wiiware-injector-beta-version.37084/update/38170/
Post-Lunar Max:

Step 8: Extracting your WAD and U8 archive:
Okay so after injecting your WAD, open a WAD and U8 archive extractor like the Wii.cs Tools that has WadMii and U8Mii, but let's just use Wii.cs Tools for an example. Open up WadMii. Once that's opened, choose "Unpack" and find your injected WAD and select that and hit "Unpack". Next, open up U8Mii and choose "Unpack". Find your extracted WAD folder choose the "00000002.app" file.

Step 9: Configuration/editing your 00000002.app file:
First let's take a look with the configuration which the file is "common.pcf" is in the folder "config". This is what the both of the configurations PCFs from the WADs are look, take a look: if you are using any of these base channels/WADs:
Kirby TV Channel:
BBC iPlayer:
Back to Nature/Flash Placeholder:

In the "dynamic_heap_size" section, you can change any MB size, but the maximum is 30 MBs according to @Zorg1996 . So this means if your MBs is longer than 16 for the Back to Nature/Flash Placeholder or any other base channels that has the limited dynamic heap size, you can change that to anything to have a little more storage to run your SWF on the Wii. Let me know if it works or not.

In the frame rate section, you can change that as well, but may not work for some WADs. For the "mouse" and "qwerty_keyboard" section. You can either turn off the mouse or keep it on. For the keyboard section, have it on or off.

For the quality, you can have it high, medium, or low. For the "hbm_no_save". You can either turn on the home button menu's save on where you could save your changes or off. Which has "yes, no, on".

For the URL of the SWF for example:
Kirby TV: trusted\Gumball2.12.RC-1.swf
iPlayer: trusted\startup.swf
Back to Nature/Flash Placeholder: content\menu.swf JP: content\sample.swf
You can rename your SWF to whatever in the config PCF before you actually rename your SWF to your location of it, but for the Back to Nature/Flash Placeholder, there's another PCF file that comes with the RGB and the URL location of it's SWF and it should be in "config\US\EN\config.enUS.pcf", "config\US\ES\config.esUS.pcf", "config\US\FR\config.frUS.pcf" for NTSC. "config\EU\DE\config.deEU.pcf" "config\EU\EN\config.enEU.pcf", "config\EU\ES\config.esEU.pcf", "config\EU\FR\config.frEU.pcf", "config\EU\IT\config.itEU.pcf", and "config\EU\NL\config.nlEU.pcf" for PAL. And "config\JP\JA\config.jaJP.pcf" for NTSC-J.

Some WADs like BBC iPlayer and Kirby TV has the keymaps disabled, but you can turn it on though, and once you're done with your configuration, save your PCF.

Step 10: Keymapping

Again, the only WADs that may not support keymappings is the Kirby TV, BBC iPlayer, and YouTube. For the Kirby TV: It only has the "MID" keymappings for the Wii remote and I don't think that it supports a classic controller keymap either. For the iPlayer: It's the same thing like Kirby TV. And with YouTube: There isn't a keymap.ini file, and yet you would need a USB keyboard to use keyboard keymaps. So the only WAD that has a complete working keymap settings is Back to Nature and the modified version that comes with the Flash placeholder from MarioCube. So I highly recommend, if you have made any keymap key events in your SWF, make sure you use Back to Nature or the Flash placeholder from MarioCube as a base WAD.

The keymap.ini file should be in "config/US/" for the NTSC, "config/EU/" for PAL", and "config/JP/" for NTSC-J.

Take a look at one of the keymaps for the Wii remotes and keyboards:

Wii Remote:

Keyboard, or I recommend you look at this site that the keyboard comes with some letters and other keys that comes with different keys: https://theasciicode.com.ar/

  • KEY_UP
Okay so, open up the keymap.ini file and choose any Wii remote keymap you want to use for the keyboard keymaps that comes with your SWF file from your key inputs for example if your keys are: Left, right, up, down, space, then it should be: Left = KEY_LEFT, right = KEY_RIGHT, up = KEY_UP, down = KEY_DOWN, space = 32. Again if you have made any other keyboard inputs like the number, letters, and symbols, then again, enter this site to look to see what the ASCII code is for the numbers, letters, and symbols: https://theasciicode.com.ar/

So this is how the keymap.ini should be done:


For example, if you want to use the classic controller that comes with the Wii remote and keyboard the "KEY_CL_BUTTON" is the one to add in.


After you're done keymapping, make sure you press enter and save your keymap.ini file. Copy your keymap.ini file and paste in to these locations:

Step 11: 2nd common configuration - screen size [optional]:
So if you're using Back to Nature or the Flash placeholder as a base, you can actually change the screen size which config.nstc.pcf, config.ntsc.wide.pcf for NTSC, config.pal.pcf, config.pal.wide.pcf, config.eurb60.pcf, and config.eurb60.wide.pcf for PAL, and config.ntsc.pcf, config.ntsc.wide.pcf for NTSC-J.
The thing I know of is for 16:9 in 845 x 480 should be in the Flash Placeholder's original size, but for 4:3 for the 845 x 480, if you want to be set to the black bars in the SWF's 16:9 aspect ratio and it's size 845 x 480, then this size should help: -404 +312 +404 -312
Copy that and select "-304 +228 +304 -228" in the config.ntsc.pcf from the "EN" folder for English and paste/replace it with the new size I gave you. Do the same thing with other languages from US, EU to JP. For the "EU" folder there's another size configuration called "config.eurgb60.pcf" paste the new code in that PCF as well. You can also change any size to the configuration widescreens: (config.ntsc.wide.pcf), (config.pal.wide.pcf), (config.eurgb60.wide.pcf)

Make sure to save your changes when you're done.

Step 12: Operations manual/guide editing [optional]:

The "hbm" folder comes with the .jpg files of the base operations manual/guide. You will need the 00000006.app file that comes with the operations guide: https://www.mediafire.com/file/pwdj65ko5c2oldd/00000006.app/file Replace that in your unpacked WAD folder.

You can use any photo editing software you use or perfer to edit the .jpg files in the "hbm" folder. The images should be in the "hbm" folder. Once you're done editing your operations manual for the languages, make sure your changes. If you want to use the Nintendo's NTLG 002 font like I use that is the Wii font, look it up on Google.

Step 13: Editing your Wii cursor [optional]:
"cursor.arc" is the cursor you can edit. You can either use saulfabreg's TPL converter to convert your image to a Wii cursor TPL or you can do it my way. You will need either BrawlBox or BrawlCrate. I recommend you use BrawlBox. If you have that installed on your computer, then open up it's program and choose "File" to "Open" and find "wadname/00000002.app_OUT/cursor.arc". Now go to meta/img/ & to the second folder & right click on the picture & choose "Replace" & find any Pic you want to use & click "Open" & & change the size to "64x64" & click "Apply' & "OK" & save your changes. Or, there's a second image that has a white blurry cursor in it's black RGB color background. You might either need to replace it with a blank transperant image, choose the same image, or something different you want to add, but I highly recommend you replace the "cursor_sd.tpl" with just a blank transperant image, and then your save your changes. Keep BrawlBox or BrawlCrate open.

Step 14: Save data icon and banner replacements/editing:

This is a final step to do in the 00000002.app, which is the save data replacements and editing. There is 2 ways to make and edit your banner.tpl and icon.tpl. You can either use "tplconv" from the WADUnpacker_WADPacker or use BrawlBox or BrawlCrate, because using "tplconv" for the TPL editing and making seems to make the quality of the banner and icon very low and the RGB graphics very low as well. So if you want to make a better quality banner and icon, then you must use BrawlBox or BrawlCrate. "banner" is the folder on where it has the banner.tpl and icon.tpl. If you want to use the Flash VC save data, you will need HowardC's VC Icon Gen from HowardC's tools. Here's the Flash VC save data banner and icon base and tutorial for it, otherwise you don't have use the VC Flash save icon if you don't want to: https://gbatemp.net/threads/tutoria...-icons-for-flash-swf-game-injects-wii.573256/

The banner.tpl of the size is 192 x 64 and the icon.tpl is 48 x 48. Open up the banner.tpl in BrawlBox or BrawlCrate in "wadname/00000002.app_OUT/banner/US/banner.tpl" and open up "banner" and right-click in "Texture0" and replace your image. And uncheck "Constrain Proportions" and resize it to 192 x 64. Save your changes.

Next is the icon, the icon.tpl should be in "banner/US/". Do the same thing, but change your image size to 48 x 48 and save your changes once again.

Now the final step to do in the 00000002.app, is the banner.ini on where you can change the name and comment name. "%20" is space. So for example, let's say that I want to insert the name "Game Name" and it would look like this "Game%20Name". If you're wanting to add a comment, do the same thing and make sure there is NO space, only "%20" is space. Which should look like this "Game%20Comment". Once you're done, save your changes and copy banner.ini, banner.tpl, and icon.tpl and paste them in "banner/EU/" and "banner/JP/".

Step 15: Packing your 00000002.app:
Go back to U8Mii and choose "Pack" and hit "Pack".

Step 16: 00000000.app replacement:
00000000.app is the banner, icon, and sound, so if you want to replace a new 00000000.app from another WAD rather than the VC one, then that's fine. Extract another WAD in WadMii or CustomizeMii you want to use to replace a new 00000000.app file from the WAD. Then go to your extracted WAD you just extracted and copy the 00000000.app file and paste in your Flash placeholder extracted/unpacked WAD folder.

Step 17: Packing your WAD:
Go back to WadMii and choose "Pack". You can change the title ID you would like, but I highly recommend you do because if you don't, if you make or install another WAD that has the same ID, it would replace another Wii channel in your Wii system menu/NAND. The ID needs to be all capital, you can add numbers to it two, The ID only reaches to 4, then when you're done typing your ID, pack your WAD.

Step 18: Editing your edited WAD's TPLs [Final!]:
Open up either CustomizeMii or WADder, but we highly recommend you use CustomizeMii. Open up CustomizeMii and open up your edited and injected WAD. Go to "Title", enter your channel's name. Options, you can add any audio to your WAD, but needs to be in a .wav format. You can convert your audio to a .wav audio format, before inserting in. "Banner" has the TPLs for the banner that comes from banner.bin "arc/timg" and "Icon" also has the TPLs for the icon that comes from icon.bin "arc/timg". But you might need to look at the sizes of the TPL images on where you want to replace. If you don't want your banner to look bad, make sure to resize the images you want to replace by using Paint 3D by going to "Canvas" and change the size number first before you uncheck "Lock aspect ratio" and "Resize image with canvas" then you save your changes, and you might need to do the same thing with the save data as well, sorry if I didn't tell you that earlier. Once you're done editing your WAD, create your WAD and save your WAD or rename your WAD to whatever before you actually save and create it.

Step 19: Complete!

You finally reached! To test your WAD out, use Dolphin, your Wii, or vWii to test out your channel/WiiWare. Hope you enjoy!
Last edited by _RedFire,
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Oct 31, 2021
Olá? eu gostaria de saber se existe uma maneira de manipular o tamanho da tela do jogo, porque os jogos que injeto são pequenos e pretos. eu gostaria de saber se existe uma maneira de manipular essa tela para aumentá-la.


Well-Known Member
May 26, 2020
United States
Olá? eu gostaria de saber se existe uma maneira de manipular o tamanho da tela do jogo, porque os jogos que injeto são pequenos e pretos. eu gostaria de saber se existe uma maneira de manipular essa tela para aumentá-la.
Mais uma vez, pode ser necessário reler a etapa 11 novamente, mas esta etapa para outros tamanhos em seu arquivo SWF não será tão fácil de corresponder ao tamanho total. Caso contrário, tenho uma sugestão para você. Se você tiver os pixels e tamanhos do seu documento Flash para 540 x 400, tente alterá-lo para 608 x 456, para que o tamanho corresponda à versão completa no Wii.

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    @nitr8, How long have you worked on this port, just this year?
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