I have some games on my wii that ive wanted to play mods for, right now I'm playing mario galaxy 2 mods and my method of using the mod was to download the mod files, make a super mario galaxy 2 game dump, put the mod files in, and rebuild it into an iso, then into wbfs for usbloadergx (since I dont have wii discs) im trying to figure out how to make the modded game use a different save file from the original, and I changed the id of the game and it still uses og games save file. If I change both the save file folder names AND game id then I can get it to work on dolphin but as soon as I put it on my wii it and play it then it disables all sync with my wii remotes, once I resync them I open the game and it has a new save file but when I exit the game either the modded game is completely corrupted, or the original game is completely corrupted, and I have to reinstall whichever one that got corrupted. Does anyone know how to fix this? (Thanks for reading)
Last edited by Adv3rtize,