Hardware Transfer GBA save file from PC to EZ Flash IV?


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
By PC save I assume you mean VBA save. Step 1 is save properly if you have been using savestates all this time.
In VBA click file-> export -> battery file which should generate a compatible save. Copy this to your save directory and rename accordingly.

I should note that the EZ4 first loads a game and the save into memory and then puts it back afterwards overwriting whatever is on the miniSD so make sure you load either another game beforehand or skip the save process to avoid overwriting.

The occasional game saves incorrectly in VBA (VBA save handling code is somewhat less fine tuned than flash carts-> why you might have had to select save size on pokemon in VBA and will not have to do it on a good GBA flash card). The fix should be very similar to the EZ 3 in 1 conversion/fix process (in short you make the file the right size by adding padding (00 usually) to the end of the file which I tend to do with a hex editor but there was a program that I have forgotten the name of and can not drum up a link for right now).


Mar 11, 2011
Take your .sav file, reName it to the samething your Ez-flash iv calls it, put it in the saver folder and click overwrite.

I play roms on my DSTWO and No$GBA, when I want to play on my Ez-flash, I just look at that the ezclient named it (i'm not sure why but if I have a fireRed.gba file, when the ezClient adds it it changes it to something like Pokemon - Fire Red.gab I think it's just reading something out of the meta data, but w/e if it works it's good. I just don't like the long file name on my computer, old habbit, camelCasing is an old habbit too). Anyway so I take my fireRed.sav off of the DSTWO or out of the folder No$GBA is using, I rename it to what it's called on the EZ-Flash. In this case I rename it to "Pokemon - Fire Red.sav" no quotes. Copy that to the saver folder (it might be all upper, SAVER, either way that folder)on my ez-flash and when the game boots it loads that save file.

What happens when you shut your EZ flash off is it stores the games save state somewhere on the card (not sure what part of the cards memory) using the battery, when you turn on; that message, "hold L to skip saving" what it's doing is over writing the save file. So if you do it, the card knows no difference and boots w/e save file it has. Just make sure you were not playing that game last. Like if you were playing fire red. Turn on your system. Let it do it's saving dance. Then shut off and put yoru microSD/miniSD into your computer, and over write it with the save file you want.

I've done this b4. Playing fire red. Want my DSTWO's save on it. Copy that over, overWrite. Turn on EZ-flash, it starts overWriting the save I put on with the save it was storing to write when it turned back on >_< Took me a few tries to figure it out.


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2010
Take your .sav file, reName it to the samething your Ez-flash iv calls it, put it in the saver folder and click overwrite.

I play roms on my DSTWO and No$GBA, when I want to play on my Ez-flash, I just look at that the ezclient named it (i'm not sure why but if I have a fireRed.gba file, when the ezClient adds it it changes it to something like Pokemon - Fire Red.gab I think it's just reading something out of the meta data, but w/e if it works it's good. I just don't like the long file name on my computer, old habbit, camelCasing is an old habbit too). Anyway so I take my fireRed.sav off of the DSTWO or out of the folder No$GBA is using, I rename it to what it's called on the EZ-Flash. In this case I rename it to "Pokemon - Fire Red.sav" no quotes. Copy that to the saver folder (it might be all upper, SAVER, either way that folder)on my ez-flash and when the game boots it loads that save file.

What happens when you shut your EZ flash off is it stores the games save state somewhere on the card (not sure what part of the cards memory) using the battery, when you turn on; that message, "hold L to skip saving" what it's doing is over writing the save file. So if you do it, the card knows no difference and boots w/e save file it has. Just make sure you were not playing that game last. Like if you were playing fire red. Turn on your system. Let it do it's saving dance. Then shut off and put yoru microSD/miniSD into your computer, and over write it with the save file you want.

I've done this b4. Playing fire red. Want my DSTWO's save on it. Copy that over, overWrite. Turn on EZ-flash, it starts overWriting the save I put on with the save it was storing to write when it turned back on >_< Took me a few tries to figure it out.
Okay I'm having the same problem as you and it is EXTREMELY frustrating.
I've been trying to import my fire red save file to my 'saver' directory of my EZ FLASH IV with no success.


Mar 11, 2011

Can you describe to us what you are doing specifically and in a detailed list. Remember think like a programmer; the computer will do exactly what you tell it to do, if it's not working or 'doing it wrong' then you've told it wrong (excuse the bad grammar)

  1. So you have an ez flash IV. One of these:

  2. And you put your Pokémon Fire Red Rom (Legally Obtained, I hope) on it with the EZ-Client? So it's saved patched and there is a blank save file in your /saver folder
    The EZ-Client is necessary for adding ROMs so they correctly save on the EZ-Flash IV. All the client is doing is putting the ROM in your specified directory on the memory card you use in your EZ-Flash, and a blank save file for the ROM in the /save folder (I think the client also patches the rom to look in this directory for that save file) This needs to be done so the game can save correctly on the EZ-Flash IV platform.

    Also a side note if you want to be able to trade do not apply the reset patch. As that will add an extra line of code to be run every time the game loop runs to check for that button combination. For some reason. I dunno if it's not enough hardware power on the GBA or if the code needs to be checking for the link cable instead of the reset button combo, but the reset patch will prevent/break link cable trading.
  3. Now does Pokémon Fire Red work on your EZ-Flash iv?

    • Can you:
    • Turn on your GBA
    • Let your EZ-Flash IV boot
    • Start Pokémon Fire Red
    • Start a new game
    • Play a bit
    • Save
    • Shut down the GBA
    • Power back on the GBA
    • Let your EZ-Flash IV boot
    • Let it write the save file out of the temporary battery powered storage (not sure what that memory location is called specifically) to the .sav file in your /saver folder [in other words do not hold L to skip]
    • Start Fire Red again
    • Continue your game/the EZ-Flash saved correctly and you have the rom in a saving, working and playable state.

Once you have completed the steps in the above list then you can proceed with the following:

  1. Find your .sav file on your PC or other flash card that you would like to use on your EZ-Flash IV. Make sure that save file is in a gameboy advance save file format. Sometimes emulators use .gba or .rts (real time save) formats. You will need to convert these to a .sav flie.
  2. Look at the name of the save file in your /saver folder. What ever your rom is on your computer, that is probably what your emulator will be naming your save file. On Ubuntu my rom is called fireRed.gba, so the emulator names the save file fireRed.sav
  3. You now need to make a copy of the .sav file from your computer to another directory (probably your desktop will be easiest as this copy is just temporary) and re name it exactly to what the .sav file is on your ez-flash.
    The rom on my computer is fireRed.gba, but when I add it to the ezFlash I think the EZ-Client grabs the title out of the metaData and renames it to Pokémon - Fire Red.gba. So the copy (we made a copy incase we mess something up) of my fireRed.sav file that I made to my desktop needs to be renamed to Pokémon - Fire Red.sav
  4. This step is important; do not skip it: Turn on your EZ-Flash IV. If you were playing a game last let it write the .sav file, especially if it was the Fire Red save. Turn off your EZ-Flash. Turn it back on; make sure that when you start your EZ-Flash it is not writing a .sav file. If your EZ-Flash IV was not writing a .sav file the first time you are golden and you do not need to turn it on a second time. The second boot is just to check it's not writing a .sav file so if you see this the first time (or more like if you don't see the writing data message) again... you're golden =) You should see the 'hold L to skip' message every time, but only the 'writing data' message when it is writing a save file.
    The reason for this step is in how the EZ-Flash IV works. The yellow battery you can see through the clear shell is not for a real time clock; The EZ-Flash IV has no real time clock. That battery powers a volatile memory location where the game's .sav file is stored while playing, after you shut your GBA off, and until your turn the GBA back on. Volatile means you need power to store the information; like RAM on a computer. Power goes out and you loose what was in the RAM/programs open at the time.

    When you turn the EZ-Flash IV back on after an off state [the battery has been supplying power to that volatile memory location to retain the data in there], you get the 'saving hold L to skip' then 'writing data' message. This is referring to what the EZ-flash is doing when you turn it back on. It's taking that .sav file out of the volatile memory location and writing it to the nonvolatile .sav file in the /saver folder.

    I use to have this problem. I would put a .sav file into the /saver folder on the EZ-Flash IV, turn it on and then the EZ-Flash IV would write over the save file I just put on it with the save file it had stored in its volatile memory location, as it is programmed to do.

    You could probably hold L to skip, but I prefer to first make sure that my EZ-Flash IV is not going to write a .sav file when I turn it on, and then put my .sav files into the /saver foder.
  5. Now connect the memory card you use in your EZ-Flash IV and open your /saver folder. Delete the Pokémon - Fire Red.sav file from the /saver folder, and put the renamed .sav file from your desktop or whatever directory you saved that copy to (the .sav file you want to play with on the EZ-Flash IV), into the /saver folder on the EZ-Flash
    You can probably just copy and overwrite the file to your EZ-Flash IV's /saver folder, but again it is my preference to delete and write a new file (every time I say, "it is my preference" I am referring to how I like to do it, and the method I use specifically when it works for me.)
  6. Last step. Put your memory card back it your EZ-Flash. If you have followed the steps correctly when your turn your GBA on and boot your EZ-Flash IV it should start up and not over write the .sav file you put on there. Now start up Fire Red and you should be able to play with your desired .sav file.

I hope all of that helps you and I apologize for the delay in my response. I'm ~13 hours behind you in timezones; so I was sleeping while you posted. I hope you see this before bed time and get to try it out; also I hope you get it working. Let us know how you make out. Always happy to help. Post back and let us know if that worked for you or if you need more help.


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2006
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@constantgamer247, thanks but I have the same problem and your answer didn't help me.

The problem is that I was playing with the "NO PATCHED ROM" of Pkm Fire Red with VBA. So VBA created a flash 1024k .sav file.
Then, I patch the rom with the EZ Client to play it with my EZFlash IV.
So I have a 1024k SRAM patched save in the "saver" folder

-First Problem: I can't use my Flash 1024k .sav with my EZFlash IV.
-Second Problem: I tried to convert my Flash 1024k save file to an SRAM save file. But now, it's size is 64k and my EZFlash IV says the save was erased everytime I want to play with PKM.

If someone have the solution...


Mar 11, 2011
@constantgamer247, thanks but I have the same problem and your answer didn't help me.

The problem is that I was playing with the "NO PATCHED ROM" of Pkm Fire Red with VBA. So VBA created a flash 1024k .sav file.
Then, I patch the rom with the EZ Client to play it with my EZFlash IV.
So I have a 1024k SRAM patched save in the "saver" folder

-First Problem: I can't use my Flash 1024k .sav with my EZFlash IV.
-Second Problem: I tried to convert my Flash 1024k save file to an SRAM save file. But now, it's size is 64k and my EZFlash IV says the save was erased everytime I want to play with PKM.

If someone have the solution...

Seems like you have some problem with either your EZ-Flash IV, ROM or EZ-Client (lol, I know those are the only 3 things that could be the problem)

  1. Make sure your EZ-Flash IV is running the latest firmware version: Ver# 1.720
  2. ReDownload your EZ-Client
  3. Get a clean dump of your ROM/a new copy of your rom. There might be a problem with your rom.
  4. reAdd your Rom to your EZ-Flash IV with the correct .sav type (I think it's the 1024k); check save patch and uncheck reset patch

I know this method defeats a lot of the trail and error trouble shooting/intelligent scientific strategy to solving a problem, but
  1. we are dealing with 3 small steps
  2. we are not trouble shooting something major like when building or repairing a computer
  3. it's quick and easy enough to knock out all three of those birds with one stone; firmware, client and rom/.sav file

If you are still having trouble after doing those three things simultaneously then resort to step by step trial and error trouble shooting.

One of the great things about playing on flashcards and emulators are that you can back up your save files to prevent against data loss.
However this is also one of the worst things about playing on flashcards. With multiple file formas; .gba, .sav, .rts, ect... across all the platforms; emulators and flashcards, it is easy to fall victim to data loss.

Sometimes this happens, more so if you do not know what you are doing with your formats or over look the format you are using's compatibility ect... @_@ it sucks but... S|-|!7 |-|@¶¶3|\|$


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2010
Now does Pokémon Fire Red work on your EZ-Flash iv?

  • Can you:
  • Turn on your GBA
  • Let your EZ-Flash IV boot
  • Start Pokémon Fire Red
  • Start a new game
  • Play a bit
  • Save
  • Shut down the GBA
  • Power back on the GBA
  • Let your EZ-Flash IV boot
  • Let it write the save file out of the temporary battery powered storage (not sure what that memory location is called specifically) to the .sav file in your /saver folder [in other words do not hold L to skip]
  • Start Fire Red again
  • Continue your game/the EZ-Flash saved correctly and you have the rom in a saving, working and playable state.

^ I did everything you said in the list above. The rom worked fine after i patched it with EZ Client.
I save my game and everything seems to be going quite well.
Only when i shutoff my gameboy and reboot into EZ Flash and load the Fire Red rom, it says that 'the file is corrupted' and then it loads the save.
After that i played the game a little more and then saved, before i turned my GBA on and off and loaded into the EZ Flash menu once more.
It then did its little saving dance thing and then i loaded the Fire Red rom once more. It then came up with 'the save file has been deleted...'


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2010
I transferred the save file for Fire Red successfully, but when i open the rom it still says the game save is corrupted, and then successfully loads my Fire Red save file.
However, after I played the file for a while and saved, I then rebooted my GBA and loaded up EZ Flash only to discover that after i loaded the game my original Fire Red file had 'been deleted.....'
This is soooooooooooooooo frustrating HELP ME GUYS


Mar 11, 2011
Keep your .sav file from the version you were playing in the emulator. Try a new dump of the fire red rom. If your rom is saying corrupt save everytime even with its own default sav there is little chance it'll work with another .sav file.
There might be something wrong with the rom, not your procedure. Add a new copy of fire red to your EZ-Flash IV with the EZ- client. Check save patch, I think the .sav type you want is 256k, and uncheck reset patch.

Make sure you have fire red working and saving to begin with on your flash card before you try using/importing another save.


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2012
How can I use a .sav generated by the EZ-Flash IV of a patched GBA ROM in a PC? I don't care if it is VBA or NO$GBA, I just want to have the possibility to moves saves from the flashcard to the PC and backwards.



I have managed to run my EZ4 savegame on the NO$GBA. But when I do it backwards the EZ4 doesn't recognize the .sav. Help, please!


Mar 11, 2011
How can I use a .sav generated by the EZ-Flash IV of a patched GBA ROM in a PC? I don't care if it is VBA or NO$GBA, I just want to have the possibility to moves saves from the flashcard to the PC and backwards.



I have managed to run my EZ4 savegame on the NO$GBA. But when I do it backwards the EZ4 doesn't recognize the .sav. Help, please!

I think your save file has to be in the same directory as your rom file. Some emulators let you select the save file to load up to in one of the menues.


Blue Wizard is about to die.
May 16, 2008
You have insufficient posts to view user location.
NO$GBA by default has the saves it generates formated (it has other junk in the file, this is what is causing your problem). The EZ-Flash IV uses RAW (that is unformated save data). You will need to change the save type in NO$GBA before you can transfer the save file. After that, you shouldn't have a problem other than maybe save sizes, etc.


Blue Wizard is about to die.
May 16, 2008
You have insufficient posts to view user location.
You know thats a good question, I don't remember where or if that was correct info to give out. but you can try using auto setting in No$gba.

I would suggest using VBA or the VBA-M version, that way you just copy the save file directly to the miniSD in most cases.

here is a No$GBA to VBA save converter program. (program is in VB, will not work on a windows 7 x64 system)


Found some instructions that might help.

1. Either use this program to change the no$gba.ini, or load it yourself in notepad.exe and do the following:

Scroll down the list until you see this:
"SAV/SNA File Format == Compressed"

and change it to this
"SAV/SNA File Format == Uncompressed"

2. Load your game up in no$gba, and re-save the battery file by saving In-Game. That means going to a save slot and saving it as if you were actually playing the game.

3. Some versions of no$gba will not re-write the .SAV file without compression unless you manually delete the .SAV file before loading it. To do this, you may wish to use a SNAP-SHOT instead of a .SAV file for loading. Back up your .SAV files before doing this, and save to another directory.

4. Load up this program, browse to no$gba.ini. Make sure the .SAV file you wish to edit is in the BATTERY folder of no$gba.
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1. Either use this program to change the no$gba.ini, or load it yourself in notepad.exe and do the following:

Scroll down the list until you see this:
"SAV/SNA File Format == Compressed"

and change it to this
"SAV/SNA File Format == Uncompressed"

I'm going to stop you there. That's incorrect.
You should set it to "SAV/SNA Type == Raw"


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2012
I tried changing that in the ini file, but nothing. I'm going to try with VBA-M now. What do you mean by "in most cases"?

I would suggest using VBA or the VBA-M version, that way you just copy the save file directly to the miniSD in most cases.

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    yes, now I remember it
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