Previous Survey:
Recent important relevant events happening in between the surveys:
Apparently it is possible to trick NES Golf into loading on your Switch:
PegaSwitch 3.0, libtransistor, and more:
Nintendo Switch bootrom dumped:
Nintendo Switch 4.0.0 Firmware Update Landed
Nintendo Switch 4.0.1 Firmware Update Landed
Super Mario Odyssey is released
Kernel exploit was achieved
Hulu is now released to the Nintendo Switch
Survey Question:
"smhax" is a very, very "potential" exploit that I know almost everyone following it is excited for. But let's just assume nothing happens indefinitely into the future.
Yes, I know, this is some "weird" way of thinking, and this "idea", this "false dichotomy", this "stupid question" will never stay true to the end of time, and "smhax" will eventually happen one way or another. But I really want you to assume it's not happening. That 0.0000...01% of it.
What will you do when "smhax" is nothing but a rumor, a myth, a legend, a "Holy Grail" that never happened? When that happens, please answer the survey!
This is a 2-part survey that I will be personally conducting. This is for me to gather information and evaluate from a sample size of the volunteers who answered the poll, to see what is the current trend at this point in time. Poll survey will close in 20 days. There are 3 scenarios that will occur 30 days (no, not a typo) from now that I am very curious on the effects in this community:
Thank you to all volunteers, stay safe and I still love you all, bros and gals!
Recent important relevant events happening in between the surveys:
Apparently it is possible to trick NES Golf into loading on your Switch:
PegaSwitch 3.0, libtransistor, and more:
Nintendo Switch bootrom dumped:
Nintendo Switch 4.0.0 Firmware Update Landed
Nintendo Switch 4.0.1 Firmware Update Landed
Super Mario Odyssey is released
Kernel exploit was achieved
Hulu is now released to the Nintendo Switch
Survey Question:
"smhax" is a very, very "potential" exploit that I know almost everyone following it is excited for. But let's just assume nothing happens indefinitely into the future.
Yes, I know, this is some "weird" way of thinking, and this "idea", this "false dichotomy", this "stupid question" will never stay true to the end of time, and "smhax" will eventually happen one way or another. But I really want you to assume it's not happening. That 0.0000...01% of it.
What will you do when "smhax" is nothing but a rumor, a myth, a legend, a "Holy Grail" that never happened? When that happens, please answer the survey!
This is a 2-part survey that I will be personally conducting. This is for me to gather information and evaluate from a sample size of the volunteers who answered the poll, to see what is the current trend at this point in time. Poll survey will close in 20 days. There are 3 scenarios that will occur 30 days (no, not a typo) from now that I am very curious on the effects in this community:
- Super Mario Odyssey (aka, the release day marks the Before/After hype cycle effect)
- smhax is happening! (aka, best case scenario occurring since the start of this poll)
- smhax is not happening! (aka, the current scenario, 30 days later)
- Everything is the same as the first survey.
- This is a long term study I am conducting. (Of minimum of 30 days at the earliest)
- Voting result is publicly available to everyone.
- You cannot vote more than once for accuracy reasons, and to reduce potentially misleading results.
- Poll will close in 20 days thereafter.
- The 1st part of the survey starts now. The 2nd part of the survey starts in minimum of 30 days later. (It can be 35 days, or more, depending on future unforeseen, uncontrollable circumstances.)
- Both 1st part and 2nd part surveys will have identical thread titles (sans the date), poll questions and answers. This is for accurate comparisons only.
- I cannot do advanced data statistics, because I'm not well versed in statistics.
- Anything goes in the comments. I'm happy to take in feedback!
Thank you to all volunteers, stay safe and I still love you all, bros and gals!
Last edited by delete12345,