GCN So, I want to softmod my GC, I have a softmodded Wii, and I know nothing of GC homebrew etc.


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2013
Home sweet Home (Mi casita)
One thing you need for sure :)

The Disc that belongs to the GBA player.
If your GC is modded, you can burn a copy
OR you can use Game Boy Interface (GBi) the alternative GBA player (better one), I think it's included in the Swiss disc image

Below is my Qoob Pro modded GC (Custom case to fit normal dvd's) with a Swiss disc that came with my SD2SPD2 adapter
(Got another modded gamecube somewhere around :unsure: )

Yes, I put GBI and also the original Gameboy Player ISO in my SD2SP SD card and they work wonderfully. The problem like I said, is that I cannot find any "GOOD" Mini DVD disc here where I live, and of course I would love to have that moded Gamecube, but I don't know where I could ever find that case mod for full size DVD's.

Cheers and thank you for also sharing your experiences ;)

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Hey, thanks for the update!
I was following this thread because I ordered some similar bits for my GC from Aliexpress more than a month ago (still waiting for them to arrive). I ordered an SD2SP2 and a Xeno chip along with a "Bitfunx" GC2HDMI (all from the same seller for convenience)... I'm in a slightly different position to you though as I've been using homebrew on my GC for quite a while thanks to the SD Media Launcher (which I picked up a long while back when they weren't so desirable - clearance priced, so probably only 20% of what they go for now). So, I've already got a fully loaded SD card working and ready to go with the SD2SP2, along with a multiboot disk which contains Swiss, GB Player, GBI, some Action Replay images and a few other handy tools.

I bought a pack of mini-dvdr's a long while ago which seemed to be ok - I believe they're Maxell branded, but I could be wrong.

Anything would be better than those Banana logo mini DVD's! I could tell right away that they where crap, just by the purple color they had underneath! I always remember back in the PS2 days, good DVD's always had a "golden like" tint underneath and when DVD's where purple colored, they where always awful.

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