RUMOR - Monster Hunter 4 hitting Vita as well ?

Guild McCommunist

(not on boat)
May 6, 2009
The Danger Zone
United States
Why are people writing articles saying "THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE" for Monster Hunter 4 but not for about, I dunno, a thousand multiplat multiplayer games?

Oh right, because who gives a shit. Odds are if you're with a group of likeminded gaming friends you'll pick up likeminded consoles. Hell I bought a Xbox 360 because all my friends did (I originally wanted a PS3 but all my friends were playing on the 360).

If you already wanted Monster Hunter 4, odds are you bought the console it was originally announced with in preparation (the 3DS). Having it on the Vita (which is basically confirmed false at this point but I'm using it more as an example) is just expanding the fanbase.

Saying "Having it on another console as well will only hurt it" is just being elitist and exclusionary. Feels really pretentious to say "The game can only be on my system because it's for the greater good." It's not.


Sep 14, 2009
Feels really pretentious to say "The game can only be on my system because it's for the greater good." It's not.
No one said that, you're misinterpreting everything that's been said, I never got into the MH games so I don't care and people who actually like MH would be more than happy with a import friendly Vita version.

We're merely stating that it doesn't add up in a business point of view, MH is an exception to the "audience expanding" argument you're pulling, the game is massive over there and as mentioned people play it with others at schools etc. The argument only applies to MH, closest thing to it is Pokémon. You can't draw lines between that type of game and other multiplayer games, especially considering its popularity.

The 46:1 3DS to Vita ratio or whatever the hell it was in Japan would make it very little sense to also get it on a platform where people would have a hard time finding someone to play with. It's like having a multiplat pokémon, most people got it on GB and then there's the odd guy who bought it for his GameGear unable to trade with the anyone.

I and others are only saying that a simultaneous release is stupid, which is what the rumor was indicating. A Vita version down the line wouldn't create this scenario, the Japanese MH audience would jump and get the most up to date version of the game simple as that. As you said, getting the system in preparation.

Agree with this hypothesis or not, fine, but don't interpret it as a bunch of butthurt fanboys wanting it only for the (not so import friendly) 3DS, it doesn't make sense. The same speculative talk applies to a originally Vita only MH having a 3DS version available too.
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