Hardware Rep says "Wii U 19x more powerful than PS3"

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The Temp's official fox whisperer
Apr 29, 2011
Dr. Wahwee's castle
United States
Last I checked the PS3's GPU was about a GeForce 7500... what's your info on it?

It's equivalent to a GeForce GTX 7800, which I used for comparison.

Please don't do that "quote, a few lines of a response, quote, more lines, quote, more lines, quote, more lines" thing. It destroys the flow of conversation and splits a debate into numerous topics which diverges from the point we're trying to discuss. Seriously, it's very annoying and really makes me not want to waste time responding.

You acted as though I wasn't reading your posts properly, so I addressed every single point individually. You argued that I only had one point, now you say I'm discussing numerous topics.

You claim I'm not listening to you, but you're not going to accept my word that I'm not referring to Moore's Law in my arguments. If you insist on bringing it back into the discussion constantly when it's a dead argument, then we're not going to get anywhere in trying to understand where each other is coming from. You're trying to connect it to a similar sounding argument when in fact, they're not connected at all. You're not even understanding the bigger picture I'm trying to present or the comparisons I'm making when referring to other domains. Consider it your victory if you must, but if you want to continue genuine discussion and are genuinely interested in trying to understand where the other person is coming from, then try repeat that post again without referring to Moore's Law at all.

Okay, since you last time were trying to say you weren't referring to it, instead reread my post, but every time you read "Moore's Law", instead read "The belief that electronics improve exponentially", since the two are interchangeable.

But either way, my argument wasn't that your argument was badly founded (although it was), it was that the manufacturing cost per console would be in the thousands to make something 19x more powerful than the PS3.

You're trying to debate a very subjective value and trying to apply very strict mathematics to it, while all I'm doing is explaining that it's perfectly feasible considering that it's been several years since the previous generation, and depends on your definition of power. That's all.

We're talking in terms of a performance of a PC. As in FLOPS. Which isn't subjective.

We're trying to obtain a numerical answer here. You're saying 19x is feasible, so this is entirely mathematical, and when the best GPU in the world, costing twice the Wii U, is only 10x as powerful as the PS3, you're never going to get 19x. It's a ridiculous number and I'm really surprised that anyone read this thread and didn't just chuckle. Like.. some of you think this is possible. It's not even close to possible.

Alexrose, do you have any ideas of how hardware works from the inside? No more criptic tales from Moore if possible pl0x. That's bullshit from the point some tempers are trying to explain here.

I mean it's not funny to read anymore terribly long posts referring to a vague perception of someone, and you.

I was saying that Moore was bullshit, and that it has no relevance to the conversation. I then went on to show logically why the statement is ridiculous. For the second time. Yes, I understand how hardware works, I've been massively into hardware since I was 16, I've built 6 rigs and I've taken several computing courses in my physics degree.

edit: sorry, but you just can't compare gaming on PC and consoles, they're completely different and every side has their differences. And minds of developers too, some prefer to go easier and do PC ports, and some others prefer to release games on consoles. (programming on gaming on consoles is trickier, but it doesn't require that much hardware unlike today gaming pc's standards)

And when I mean gaming consoles, I mean even differences between one each other. They're DIFFERENT WORLDS. When some chip developer improves something, it's based off the same silicon, then adds stuff over it. The only way to do a fair comparison would be like someone said, doing a real benchmark. IE: C code under 2 different SDK's compiled for both machines. And start from there

We're not comparing gaming on PC and consoles. We're comparing the individual components within the consoles, from benchmarks, which obviously have to be taken on a PC, but that's irrelevant. If gpu A benches 2x higher on a specific rig than gpu B, then it doesn't matter what you plug that gpu into, a PC or a console; it still has the potential to produce roughly double the FLOPS.

Wow. Not only does your argument state that the CPU is weaker, you don't even have a source to back up such an asinine claim. Those so-called "developers", which you claim to have made that statement, are a bunch of pussies who don't have the testes to admit anything.

Here's a source:

So the gist of it is that you don't believe what the lead developer of Dynasty Warriors said to the press but you're happy to believe the off hand comment that the Wii U is 19 TIMES MORE POWERFUL than the PS3 from a booth babe to some guy. What a reputable source.

And even if the CPU is fantastic, which we have no reason to believe or disbelieve right now, as long as the GPU is only 2x as powerful as the PS3's, you could never get 19x more power out of the Wii U. It's a ridiculous assertion.

And about the GPU, the one from which it's based off of has been benchmarked, but this is a MODIFIED GPU, which means *gasp* there has been modifications made to it since it's a being used on a console.

And that's why I DOUBLED the power of the Wii U's GPU benchmark for the hypothetical calculation, which is a ridiculous overcompensation, just so you couldn't complain about that, and it still came up massively short.

Not only that, but I based the benchmark off of the 7800 GTX, which was MODIFIED for the PS3, and I didn't make any alteration to that result at all, even though the one in the PS3 would've been better than the benched one.

In essence, I biased the calculation completely in favour of the Wii U to prove a point, and it still didn't come anywhere near 19x as powerful.

Simply put, a PC cannot be compared to a console and vice-versa

I'm not comparing a PC to a console, I'm comparing the hardware in the PS3 to the hardware in the Wii U.

it's people like you who like to look for trouble and bitch about everything you don't agree with.

By comparing stats to discredit a ridiculous claim that the Wii U is "19x more powerful" than the PS3, which in reality would cost thousands per unit by using numerical values and logic, I am totally looking for trouble and bitching at people. Totally.

Meanwhile you're "bitching" to me because you don't agree with me. On a subject which is essentially non-subjective.

Oy gevalt, the reports of the companies claiming the Wii U GPU and CPU being weak are inconsistent. Some say it's weaker than the PS3, others say it's stronger. Who do you believe? I guess it being "weaker" will make it fail upon release.


Jan 20, 2009
Well obviously the Wii U is going to be significantly more powerful than the PS3; that was never in question. The whole point is that 19x is an absolutely ludicrously stupid number and should be laughed at, not actually considered.


Resident Furvert™
Feb 4, 2010
Cave Entrance, Watching Cyan Write Letters
United States
Okay, did some more reading on the PS3, and it's not a plain 7800 GTX.

That seems to have all the confirmed specs in one place... and while those match a slightly-downgraded 7800 GTX, even those seem to be pumped up.

  • Core Clock
    Those logs show retail PS3 units operating the GPU at 500mhz. Those are taken from OtherOS, and while that mode locked CPU cores, AFAIK the GPU was still reachable (Sony included only a framebuffer driver to make sure hardware-accelerated gaming couldn't take place, the GPU hardware was still accessible and downclocking it by only 50mhz is out of the question).
  • VRAM bandwith
    The memory interface is only 128-bit on the PS3, versus the 256-bit on the actual 7800 series, which pretty much cuts the usable bandwidth in half (and has shown to be a bottleneck).
And so on, I don't have time to look up all the specs.

EDIT: That, and it's troublesome to find any performance numbers of "raw" parts like this, all the companies like to toss out are theoretical flop groups.


Sep 7, 2012
United States
Playstation 3 lost around 4 Billion not counting the possible profit from 2012.
XBox lost around 4 billion and if you don't count those numbers the 360 has barely broke even.
The fact of the matter is the next release of consoles might mean the death of PS/Xbox.
Microsoft can, Sony, no.
I was so far off with those numbers minus the Microsoft Entertainment and Device Division which may not have been caused by the Xbox but the Zune and Windows Phone or maybe the Xbox lost even more who knows.
Approximately $2.9 billion was earned from the Playstation 2 while the Playstation 3 and portable versions lost $2.4 billion as of Q1 2012. Basically they are bleeding money but the PS2 earnings cover all of it plus 500 million.
There was approximately $5.8 billion earned from the Gamecube and the GBA while there is $15.9 billion profit from the Wii, DS and various other Nintendo portables as of Q1 2012. Nintendo kicking some serious ass not surprising at all
Microsoft really doesn't give very accurate numbers since the Xbox and Xbox 360 is combined with the Microsoft Entertainment and Device Division but here is a rough estimate.
Approximately $4.2 billion was lost from the XBox while the Xbox 360 earned $166 million as of Q2 2012 Well they're still 4 billion in the hole but I think they will do fine until the launch of the next Xbox console
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You're not understanding how debates work, and you're still trying to stuff words into people's mouths. It's disgraceful. Let's just focus on why the sales person might have said 19x, because really that's the topic at hand.

You're still just looking at raw numbers and not looking at capabilities that could have resulted in why that value was given. That's all I'm looking at. I'm trying to figure out the possible reasons as to how the salesperson came to that conclusion. Remember, you're talking to the average consumer who doesn't understand all of the technical stuff, so you have to describe the console in a way that the average consumer can easily understand.

Do we consider having latest shader capabilities to be a huge power improvement? Do we consider the fact that modern GPUs use modern flexible architectures to be a power improvement? Do we consider GPGPU (although I'm curious as to whether or not that was possible with the PS3/360, it should have been considering how old GPGPU is) to be a huge boost to power? What about the other hardware features on the Wii U that PS3 might not have? They have nothing to do with graphics, but can they be considered a power boost? There's several things we have to consider as opposed to just raw numbers of graphics cards. That's why the value is subjective. You have your own definition using floating point calculations, but who's to say that's everyone's definition when it comes to describing their device to the average consumer? What if that passing statement had nothing to do with capabilities or numbers but solely was to do with perception and what you see on the screen?

Hence, depending on your definition, the 19x can be perfectly feasible conclusion for someone not as technically knowledgeable as yourself (but still knows some technical stuff) to come to. That's all that's being discussed. Trying to figure out why someone might have said that. Clearly you don't appreciate trying to understand where other people are coming from.

Now bare in mind, none of these are my beliefs, I don't really care how much more powerful the Wii U is, and I don't really play games anymore anyway. All I'm doing is, playing the devil's advocate, trying to see how someone can come to such a conclusion.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2006

Edit: To elaborate, "No, because multi-GPU, multi-CPU builds with massive amounts of memory and dedicated Physics Processing Units."
How else do they render The Wonderful 101 in HD then? This is clearly next-gen quality.



I've just seen some of the screenshots of the PS3 version of Retro City Rampage, what the hell? I had no idea it was such a puny machine. The Wii-U is probably more like 200 times more powerful.
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Psionic Roshambo

Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2011
United States
For a quick laugh anyone remember the PS2 version of King Kong and the 360 version of King Kong? That game had me worried that the 360 was actually weaker than the PS2.... Of course looking back thats completely silly ;)

Bad game conversions are bad and it just shows how new hardware can be hindered by poor code.

"This time, Microsoft has stated clearly that it is going after the PlayStation. However, they're going not after the PlayStation 3, but the PlayStation 2. They were looking at 2, and that's why [Xbox 360] became like that." (Ken Kutaragi explains Microsoft’s lack of ambition with the 360, 2005).

Oh Ken.

My favorite one, "If you can find a PS3 anywhere in North America that's been on shelves for more than five minutes, I'll give you 1200 bucks for it." (Jack Tretton on the PS3 launch, 2007)

Now with the Wii-U's pre orders being completely sold out I would guess this will probably be true for Nintendo. Over 8 million units in the initial shipment seems like a crazy amount to ship, but I am not sure it will be enough for the Christmas rush.


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2009
Maybe the rep was given info that the Wii U is 1.9x or round off to 2x more powerful than the PS3 but miss interpreted as 19x more powerful than the PS3.

Personally I think the Wi U is 2x to 4x more powerful than the PS3/Xbox 360 however games on the Wii U will not look any better than current gen PS3/Xbox 360 games, it'll just run smoother with the exception of first party titles which should showcase the true capabilities of the Wii U.


Resident Furvert™
Feb 4, 2010
Cave Entrance, Watching Cyan Write Letters
United States
Well I was still posting because it's hard to find what the actual power of the PS3's GPU is, though I've already established it's weaker than a stock 7800 GTX, I'm not sure how much weaker. The core clock doesn't seem to be down much at all, but the memory bandwidth and other likely cuts could take it down a noticeable amount... my estimate would be about 75% of the power of a stock one.

So it's still no 19 times, but modern video cards can easily be 5x or more the power of the PS3's GPU for only $95 on newegg, and that's retail, blah blah blah.

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