Hacking Post your WiiU cheat codes here!


Lawn Meower
Apr 18, 2013
on the cool side of the pillow
Here you can find everything you need to know about Wii U Cheat Codes.

This is a very common issue with the system. Depending on what homebrews are loaded the system uses different memory alignments which cause many addresses above 0x11000000 to be shifted (commonly by 0x2000). However, it is possible to make pointer codes which always get the right address.
None of them are the "real" ones. Right before the Game starts you have to allocate some memory for the Threads and their stacks. I think I changed up the alignment by cleaning up the code for the release on GitHub. Best opinion would be using the current layout.
You can check out the aracom's (aka Amibu) website where you can also submit your own codes: http://wiiucodes.tk/
My site also features an extensive database of codes and game specific documentations: Cheat Code Database | Game-specific documentations (some pointer codes are not yet updated to the new format. Will be fixed later)
Beneath you will also find some cheat codes.
  • Visit http://wiiucodes.tk/ or post them here.
  • Before posting/submitting new codes ensure the codes you have found aren't already found by another one. If your code contains addresses found by another one, please give credits in the description
  • When submitting codes ensure you the submission fits your region and game revision
  • Do not share codes you have hacked with a game launched through Loadiine since Loadiine will cause many addresses to be shifted.
  • Use the right formatting:
    Code Title [Author]

    Max. Health [CosmoCortney]
    00000000 15073BC1
    00000050 00000000
    *gives you max. health/all 20 hearts
  • Ensure your Wii U's FW is between 5.3.2 and 5.5.1 (FW below 5.3.2 are untested)
  • An SD Card
  • A computer (preferable OS: Windows 7 or higher, 64bit recommended)
  • A router
  • A wifi- or eithernet connection between your router and computer. Eithernet recommended

Step 1: Preparing your SD Card.
  1. Insert your SD Card into your computer
  2. Format it as FAT32 with default cluster size. However, 4096 Bytes should be fine as well
  3. Create the following paths and copy the files as shown here:
    SD_CARD:\wiiu\apps\homebrew_launcher\ {place homebrew_launcher.elf and its icon and meta here}
    SD_CARD:\wiiu\apps\TCPGecko\ {place tcpgecko.elf and its icon and meta here as well as the codehandler.bin}

    Do not use different folder or filenames otherwise the codehandler.bin won't be found
  4. Insert your SD Card into your Wii U

Step 2.0: Exploiting your Wii U and open up the Homebrew Launcher

For self-hosters:
  1. Get Mongoose (free version is sufficient) to host a local website
  2. Create a folder where you want to host the exploits from.
  3. Open your anti-virus software or defender and create an exception for this folder so its content won't be detected as viruses
  4. Download any exploit pack you can find on GBATemp to the folder
  5. extract it
  6. Open Mongoose and set up the shared directory. You can find it by clicking the little arrow on the righ side of the task-bar. Right-click the Mongoose icon and click on "set shared directory". Now navigate to the folder that contains the index.html
  7. Open command prompt (CMD) and type in ipconfig /all
  8. search for your computer's local IP address. It should look like this: 192.168.XXX.XXX. Remember it! Mine for instance is
  9. If not already done connect your Wii U with your router
  10. Turn on your Wii U and open the webbrowser. Type your computer's local IP address like the following: http://192.168.XXX.XXX/
  11. Now open the kernel exploit
  12. if successfully executed open the webbrowser again and open the HomebrewLauncher.
  13. Continue reading at Step 3

Step 2.1: For onlineusers
  1. Visit any exploit hosting website.
    recommended: http://wj44.ml/
  2. Now open the kernel exploit
  3. if successfully executed open the webbrowser again and open the HomebrewLauncher.
  4. Continue reading at Step 3

Step 3: Once your in the Homebrew Launcher
  1. Open TCPGecko.
  2. Remember your Wii U's local IP address
  3. Press X to install CosmoCortney's Codehandler
  4. You should be sent back to the Main Menu
  5. Launch any game. StarFox Zero and StarFox Guard are currently not supported

Step 4: Apply Cheat Codes
  1. Open JGecko U
  2. You can let JGecko U try to detect your Wii U's IP address. If it fails enter it manually
  3. Once connected change to the Cheat Code tab
  4. Click Add cheat
  5. On the new window enter a title, the code itself and hit ok
  6. Tick all cheats your want to apply and click send
  7. Have fun!
  8. I recommend to read the thread dedicated to JGecko U

Step 5: Searching for cheats
  1. Open JGecko U (recommended) or TCPGecko .NET
  2. Connect either one of them to your Wii U
  3. Now you can start searching. Below you will find a little instruction by Cyan explaining how to perform a known value search. Good tutorials are being made
  4. please mind that´a lot of cheats' addresses change depending on the revision, other running homebrews. If this is the case please create a pointer code

Read the Cafe Code Type documentation to learn how to format cheat codes for the Wii U.

Absolute No-Goes[/B]: Speed code, Moon Jump/fly, invincibility, Speed Hack (that changes game's speed), reset timer, lap count modifier, ranking modifier, max points, infinite health, strafe modifier, instant win, unlockables that are yet not released or unused, and anything else that affects the game in any bad way for your opponents
Choose wisely (Don't do this to gain impossible combinations): Unlockables, level/gear up, equipment modifier
No Problem: Visual modifications, audio modifications, outfit modifier, anything else that does not affect the gameplay

Do not post screenshots featuring cheats or any cheat codes to Miiverse! Nintendo will quickly get you banned. Share them here or on Twitter

If a code works on a different version too, please tell this here with tagging the code's creator

How to "poke" Cheat Codes while playing/probing addresses
Once you are connected with the game the tab's content within TCPGecko and JGecko U will be available to edit.
on the Search tab, above the "connect" button, you have two empty text field.
The following types of data can be poked:

JGecko U additionally features the following:

LLLLLLLL represents the address/location
XX represents the value where XX (two X) represent a byte

About pointers code
Pointers are noted like this :

pointer-in-pointer like this:
LLLLLLLL represents the address/location of the (first) pointer. QQQQQQQQ is the offset to the value or next pointer. XXXXXXXX represents the value.

the difference is that instead of poking the value of XXXXXXXX to address LLLLLLLL, you need to look at the address located at [LLLLLLLL] and add QQQQQQQQ to it. this is the location where you need to poke XXXXXXXX.
Example :
[10123456] + 1A BBBBBBBB
1. go to 10123456
2. open your calculator and write the value you found at that position.
3. add 1A to get a new address (the result is the location where you need to poke).
4. go to that result address
5. poke BBBBBBB

More help on pointers can be found here and here.
a full tutorial about pointers can be found here.

Searching Codes - Known values
To search code follow the guide above to connect TCPGecko to the game. and go to Search tab (the first one).

You will have to search the WiiU memory for the value you want to edit.
For example, if you have 10 lives and want 99 lives, then you will have to "play" with the live count.

Step1: initialize the search engine with your current live count

Select the memory range: 10, replace 50000000 to 40000000 (access to memory above 4 is not allowed by some game and will crash). If the gae still crashes during the search process reduce the range a bit more (to 3C000000 for instance)
If the maximum possible value is smaller than 255/0xFF you will have to do an 8-bit search. If the maximum possible value is smaller than 65535 but can be bigger than 255 use a 16-bit search instead. If the value can be higher than 65535 do a 32-bit search.
JGecko U will allow you to do 64-bit and 96-bit searches. They are made to search for up to 3 consecutive floats (to make it easier to find size modifiers).
Select "specific value" and enter 10 (for 10 lives). right-click the "10" and select "Dec to Hex" to convert 10 to hexadecimal A
Be sure you will not lose any lives in game for 10-15min (don't move, or press Start to pause the game). Attention, do not press Home to pause!
Press Search button, TCPGecko/Jgecko U will now search all the memory range for your value.
when completed, it will display a list of found address (few thousands!)

Note: to speed up the search, you can limit the range from 10000000 to 150000000, if nothing is found then start from 15000000 to 30000000, etc.
It requires restarting the search from the start with different ranges, but will fasten the user's input.

Step2: Refine address

Play the game, change map, change any content of your inventory, HP, lives, etc. whatever you want.
if your live is now 8, Select Specific value and enter 8.
Press search button and wait until TCPGecko/JGecko U has compared all the addresses of the previous search with the current one. All addresses of which value has changed from 10 to 8 will be kept. All other will be removed from the list.

Step3: Refine more
Repeat Step2 with different values.

Step4: Try possible address
right-click one of the address in the list and select "poke".
The address will be copied to the field on the bottom. in the "value" field, enter 63 (99 in hex) and click the "poke" button.
If nothing happens on the game side, it's not the correct address. try another one.
If your lives number in the game became 99 you found a cheat ! Note the address and the value.

There are a lot of "pseudo cheats" that change the displayed text but not the value itself. Once you gain a life/coin/rupee the value will be reset +1. Try another address and collect a life/coin/whatever. If the amount jumps to you poked value +1 you have found the right address.

Searching Codes - unknown values
To search codes with unknown values, you will have to compare memory (equal, bigger, smaller, different, etc.)

Step1: initiate search.
Select "unknown value" and "equal". Click search button.
TCPGecko/JGecko U will store that 'unknown' value in "column1"
Remember that your current game state is column1.

Step2: Refine step
play, change values.
Select "column1" in the search condition, and determine if the current value in game is equal to column1, bigger to column1, smaller, different, etc.
Press Search. The current state of the game will be stored in "column2".

Step3: Refine more.
repeat step2, select the column you want to compare with the current game's state until TCPGecko provide a small address list.
Then Poke the possible address to see if it works.

If TCPGecko does not find any matched, Select "no" and it will reset all the search engine.

TCPGecko can't connect
1. Be sure your network is enabled on WiiU (and that you block Nintendo update servers with a proxy, DNS or router)
2. Verify your Firewall allows network access to TCPGecko and is not blocking the port used by the program.
3. Verify your antivirus (example : AVAST!) is not blocking communication with your wiiU.
4. do not try to connect before launching the game !

What is the data type size?
32bit means that TCPGecko will search for a full 32bit memory address. If you search value 0x63 then it will search all "00000063" values in memory.
16 bit will search all "0063" values
8 bit will search all "63" values.

What is the best data type size?
Often, 32bit is best as the developer just use "int" (32 bit) as variable type. storing health or lives are often 32 bit long.
if you search 8 bit for health, 1) you might not find the correct memory address (because health can be more than 255) and 2) you will keep wrong address as possible match. For example address with value 25BD63FA will be kept by TCPGecko because it contains "63" but it's not a typical variable format. "00000063" is the typical format for storing a value in game.

But sometime, you need to search smaller values, for example in a game your bag have slots where you can store different items. There's a chance that the bag itself contains only a list of possible items "sword, shield, boomerang, bomb, etc.". if there's less than 255 item in the game, then item code is stored on 8bit (0x00 to 0xFF)
bag emplacement = AABBCCDD EEFFGGHH
each letter is an emplacement, and can contain an item value. if sword is 01 and shield is 04, the bag can be 04010000 for "shield, sword, empty, empty".

in that case, you need to search a 8 bit size, because the full 32 bit contains 4 different information (4 bag's slot)
Here, you are not searching for a value, but for items type, or location on the bag, etc., it's rare that a full 32bit is used for that data.

So, when do I select 32bit, 16bit or 8bit?
This is up to you to understand what you are searching.
just remember that:
8 bit can store value from 0 to 255, so if you search a code for max money and that money can be bigger than 255, then don't choose 8bit!
16 bit can store value from 0 to 65535, if max money is 99 999 then it's still not enough
32 bit can store values from 0 to 4294967295

I found an address, but if I reload the game it doesn't work anymore!
It means the address you found is not fixed. the game is using pointers to store the data you want to edit, and the data can be located somewhere else on next reboot, or even on next level/map !
You will have to use pointer search instead of normal search.
You can find more information about pointers here: http://gamehacking.org/faqs/wiiexample2.htm
It's a Wii tutorial, but it's a good place to understand what pointers are and how it works.

On WiiU, you will have to use WiiU Pointer Search program. there's a Youtube tutorial. (link will be added later)

TCPGecko crashed or can't (re)connect. Is it a WiiU's side issue or Computer's side issue?
TCPGecko often crashes without releasing the connection socket, freezing all further connection attempt.
There's a modified handler version wich force a release the socket, but you need to host the exploit yourself (see the links at the top of the tutorial).

You can check if the connection issue is from TCPGecko or from your WiiU by using PyGecko.
Using PyGecko will let you see if your computer can connect to the WiiU using a different program.

1. You need to install Python 2.7 (not Python 3.0)
2. Go to pyGecko folder and open a command line there (On windows 7+ : shift+rightclick > open command line here)
3. type "python pygecko.py" without the quotes and press enter
4. type one per line and press enter (note: replace x.x.x.x with your WiiU IP):
rpc = TCPGecko('x.x.x.x')
import struct
addr = rpc.readmem(0x10000000, 4)
print(struct.unpack('>I', addr)[0])
if "rpc" command doesn't give you a timeout error, it means the code handler is installed and working. the print function will display the first 32bit of 0x10000000 range.

Consider that most cheat codes are yet not updated to the new Code Type

== B ==
16777215 Halos [FederalGOKU]
128E36A4 00FFFFFF
99999999 Halos (in the chapter screen) [nastys]
128E36A4 05F5E0FF
2147483647 Halos (in the chapter screen and in The Gates of Hell) [nastys]
1088B570 7FFFFFFF

== C ==
Money $268435455 [moops44]

Items Donut [moops44]

Specialmix [moops44]

Angelcake [moops44]
* changing 189CA::: crashes game :@
Aurora Skill Points [Moops44]
19819797 FFFF

Rubella Skill Points [Moops44]
1981D7A7 FFFF
== E ==

== H ==
9.999.999 Rupees [H93]
355016F4 0098967F
Max Rupees [Skiller]
350ED6C4 0098967F

All Material Bronze,Silver,Gold [Skiller]
02020027 351012A4
00630063 00000004
00000000 00000000
9.999.999 Rupees [dcx]
354F3C14 0098967F

Set Damage to 0 (to get A rank) [dcx]
1070039C 00000000
Rupees 9.999.999 [TitQuentin]
350D1C64 9896C7F

9,999,999 Rupees [Deathwing Zero]
35501674 0098967F

999 Metal Plate [Deathwing Zero]
35515254 03E7

999 Monster Tooth [Deathwing Zero]
35515256 03E7

999 Old Rag [Deathwing Zero]
35515258 03E7

999 Soldier's Uniform [Deathwing Zero]
3551525A 03E7

999 Rock [Deathwing Zero]
3551525C 03E7

999 Aeralfos Feather [Deathwing Zero]
3551525E 03E7

999 Fiery Aeralfos Leather [Deathwing Zero]
35515260 03E7

999 Gibdo Bandage [Deathwing Zero]
35515262 03E7

999 ReDead Bandage [Deathwing Zero]
35515264 03E7

999 Lizalfos Scale [Deathwing Zero]
35515266 03E7

999 Dinolfos Fang [Deathwing Zero]
35515268 03E7

999 Moblin Flank [Deathwing Zero]
3551526A 03E7

999 Shield Moblin Helmet [Deathwing Zero]
3551526C 03E7

999 Piece of Darknut Armor [Deathwing Zero]
3551526E 03E7

999 Stalmaster Wrist Bone [Deathwing Zero]
35515270 03E7

999 Big Poe Necklace [Deathwing Zero]
35515272 03E7

999 Essence of Icy Big Poe [Deathwing Zero]
35515274 03E7

999 Hylian Captain Gauntlet [Deathwing Zero]
35515276 03E7

999 Goron Armor Breastplate [Deathwing Zero]
35515278 03E7
999 Ganon's Mane [Deathwing Zero]
3551527A 03E7

999 King Dodongo's Claws [Deathwing Zero]
3551527C 03E7

999 Ghoma's Acid [Deathwing Zero]
3551527E 03E7

999 Manhandla's Toxic Dust [Deathwing Zero]
35515280 03E7

999 Argorok's Embers [Deathwing Zero]
35515282 03E7

999 Imprisoned's Scales [Deathwing Zero]
35515284 03E7

999 Cia's Bracelet [Deathwing Zero]
35515286 03E7

999 Volga's Helmet [Deathwing Zero]
35515288 03E7

999 Wizro's Robe [Deathwing Zero]
3551528A 03E7

999 Link's Boots [Deathwing Zero]
3551528C 03E7

999 Lana's Hairpin [Deathwing Zero]
3551528E 03E7

999 Zelda's Brooch [Deathwing Zero]
35515290 03E7

999 Impa's Hair Band [Deathwing Zero]
35515292 03E7

999 Ganondorf's Gauntlet [Deathwing Zero]
35515294 03E7

999 Shiek's Kunai [Deathwing Zero]
35515296 03E7

999 Darunia's Spikes [Deathwing Zero]
35515298 03E7

999 Ruto's Earrings [Deathwing Zero]
3551529A 03E7

999 Agitha's Basket [Deathwing Zero]
3551529C 03E7

999 Midna's Hair [Deathwing Zero]
3551529E 03E7

999 Fi's Heels [Deathwing Zero]
355152A0 03E7

999 Ghirahim's Sash [Deathwing Zero]
355152A2 03E7

999 Zant's Magic Gem [Deathwing Zero]
355152A4 03E7

999 Round Aeralfos Shield [Deathwing Zero]
355152A6 03E7

999 Fiery Aeralfos Shield [Deathwing Zero]
355152A8 03E7

999 Heavy Gibdo's Sword [Deathwing Zero]
355152AA 03E7

999 ReDead Knight Ashes [Deathwing Zero]
355152AC 03E7

999 Lizalfos Gauntlet [Deathwing Zero]
355152AE 03E7

999 Dinolfos Arm Guard [Deathwing Zero]
355152B0 03E7

999 Moblin Spear [Deathwing Zero]
355152B2 03E7

999 Metal Moblin Shield [Deathwing Zero]
355152B4 03E7

999 Large Darknut Sword [Deathwing Zero]
355152B6 03E7

999 Stahlmaster's Skull [Deathwing Zero]
355152B8 03E7

999 Big Poe's Lantern [Deathwing Zero]
355152BA 03E7

999 Icy Big Poe's Talisman [Deathwing Zero]
355152BC 03E7

999 Holy Hylian Shield [Deathwing Zero]
355152BE 03E7

999 Thick Goron Helmet [Deathwing Zero]
355152C0 03E7
999 Ganon's Fang [Deathwing Zero]
355152C2 03E7

999 King Dodongo's Crystal [Deathwing Zero]
355152C4 03E7

999 Ghoma's Lens [Deathwing Zero]
355152C6 03E7

999 Manhandla's Sapling [Deathwing Zero]
355152C8 03E7

999 Argorok's Stone [Deathwing Zero]
355152CA 03E7

999 The Imprisoned's Pillar [Deathwing Zero]
355152CC 03E7

999 Cia's Staff [Deathwing Zero]
355152CE 03E7

999 Volga's Dragon Spear [Deathwing Zero]
355152D0 03E7

999 Wizro's Ring [Deathwing Zero]
355152D2 03E7

999 Link's Scarf [Deathwing Zero]
355152D4 03E7

999 Lana's Cloak [Deathwing Zero]
355152D6 03E7

999 Zelda's Tiara [Deathwing Zero]
355152D8 03E7

999 Impa's Breastplate [Deathwing Zero]
355152DA 03E7

999 Ganon's Jewel [Deathwing Zero]
355152DC 03E7

999 Shiek's Turban [Deathwing Zero]
355152DE 03E7

999 Darunia's Bracelet [Deathwing Zero]
355152E0 03E7

999 Ruto's Scale [Deathwing Zero]
355152E2 03E7

999 Agitha's Pendant [Deathwing Zero]
355152E4 03E7

999 Midna's Fused Shadow [Deathwing Zero]
355152E6 03E7

999 Fi's Crystal [Deathwing Zero]
355152E8 03E7

999 Girahim's Cape [Deathwing Zero]
355152EA 03E7

999 Zant's Helmet [Deathwing Zero]
355152EC 03E7
998 of all items [Magnus Hydra]
355152D4 03E603E6
355152D8 03E603E6
355152DC 03E603E6
355152DE 03E603E6
355152E0 03E603E6
355152E4 03E603E6
355152E8 03E603E6
355152EC 03E603E6
355152F0 03E603E6
355152F4 03E603E6
355152F8 03E603E6
355152FC 03E603E6
35515300 03E603E6
35515304 03E603E6
35515308 03E603E6
3551530C 03E603E6
35515310 03E603E6
35515314 03E603E6
35515318 03E603E6
3551531C 03E603E6
35515320 03E603E6
35515324 03E603E6
35515328 03E603E6
3551532C 03E603E6
35515330 03E603E6
35515334 03E603E6
35515338 03E603E6
3551533C 03E603E6
35515340 03E603E6
35515344 03E603E6
35515348 03E603E6
3551534C 03E603E6
35515350 03E603E6
35515354 03E603E6
35515358 03E603E6
3551535C 03E603E6
35515360 03E603E6
35515364 03E603E6
35515368 03E603E6
3551536C 03E603E6
* 998 because there is a medal for collecting 999 items

99,999 Total Kills [FederalGOKU]
10705D60 0001869f

Max rupes [Magnus Hydra]
355016F4 0098967F

Damge taken 1 [Magnus Hydra]
10705D5C 00000000 (For no damged taken rank)

Max Special [Magnus Hydra]
10705DDC 03030000

Max magic [Magnus Hydra]
10705DEC 01010000

Magic timer IF we can fix it then inf. magic [Magnus Hydra]
10705DE4 0001869F

Item value list [Magnus Hydra]
0 - Bombs
1 - Arrows
2 - Boomerang
3 - Hook shot
4 - potion
5 - fairy (Another address I think determines the type)

Item slot 1 [Magnus Hydra]
10705E10 0000000X

Item slot 2 [Magnus Hydra]
10705E10 0000000X

Item slot 3 [Magnus Hydra]
10705E14 0000000X

Item slot 4 [Magnus Hydra]
10705E18 0000000X

Item slot 5 [Magnus Hydra]
10705E1C 0000000X

Item slot 6 [Magnus Hydra]
10705E20 0000000X
Rupees 9.999.999 [TitQuentin]
350D1C64 9896C7F
998 of all items [moops44 & Magnus Hydra]
355152D4 03E603E6
355152D8 03E603E6
355152DC 03E603E6
355152DE 03E603E6
355152E0 03E603E6
355152E4 03E603E6
355152E8 03E603E6
355152EC 03E603E6
355152F0 03E603E6
355152F4 03E603E6
355152F8 03E603E6
355152FC 03E603E6
35515300 03E603E6
35515304 03E603E6
35515308 03E603E6
3551530C 03E603E6
35515310 03E603E6
35515314 03E603E6
35515318 03E603E6
3551531C 03E603E6
35515320 03E603E6
35515324 03E603E6
35515328 03E603E6
3551532C 03E603E6
35515330 03E603E6
35515334 03E603E6
35515338 03E603E6
3551533C 03E603E6
35515340 03E603E6
35515344 03E603E6
35515348 03E603E6
3551534C 03E603E6
35515350 03E603E6
35515354 03E603E6
35515358 03E603E6
3551535C 03E603E6
35515360 03E603E6
35515364 03E603E6
35515368 03E603E6
3551536C 03E603E6
* It matches Magnus Hydra's one for the NTSC-U version

Bazaar rupees (99.999.99) [Phantom90]
00120000 1062B77C
10000000 50000000
000002C4 98967F5C

== M ==

99999 Stars [Victormr21]
00020000 2ECB5E94
0001869F 00000000
Yuo can replace 0001869F with 00000063 to have 99 stars

Item IDs:
00 = Single Banana
01 = Single Green Shell
02 = Single Red Shell
03 = Single Mushroom
04 = Bobomb
05 = Blooper/Squid
06 = Blue Shell
07 = Triple Mushroom
08 = Star
09 = Bullet Bill
0A = Lightning
0B = Golden Mushrooms
0C = Fire Flower
0D = Pirana plant
0E = Boomerang
0F = Coin
10 = Super Horn
11 = Triple Banana
12 =
13 = Triple Red Shells
14 = Crazy 8

Item Picture IDs:
41D0 = Star Coin
41C0 = Horn
41B0 = Plant
41A8 = Coin
41A0 = Boomerang
4190 = Double Green Shells
4180 = BlueShell
4170 = Rocket
4160 = Lightning
4150 = Star
4140 = Gold Mush
4130 = Ink
4120 = Fire Flower
4110 = Bomb
4100 = Triple Red Shells
40F0 = Red Shell
4040 = Banana
4000 = Triple Mush
3F80 = Double Mush
0000 = Mush

MarioKart cup IDs:
* no cup
00 = Gu_Menu 'The Void'

* Mushroom Cup
1B = Mario Kart Stadium
1C = Water Park
13 = Sweet Sweet Canyon
11 = Thwomp Ruins

* Flower Cup
10 = Mario Circuit
12 = Toad Harbor
14 = Twisted Mansion
15 = Shy Guy Falls

* Star Cup
1A = Sunshine Airport
1D = Dolphin Shoals
19 = Electrodrome
18 = Mount Wario

* Special Cup
17 = Cloudtop Cruise
16 = Bone = Dry Dunes
1E = Bowser's Castle
1F = RainBow Road

* Egg Cup
38 = Yoshi Circuit
35 = Excitebike Arena
32 = Dragon Driftway
31 = Mute City

* Crossing Cup
3D = Baby Park
3E = Cheese Land
36 = Wild Woods
34 = Animal Crossing

* Shell Cup
21 = Moo Moo Meadows
26 = Mario Circuit
24 = Cheep Cheep Beach
23 = Toad's Turnpike

* Banana Cup
2A = Dry Dry Desert
29 = Donut Plains 3
22 = Royal Raceway
20 = DK Jungle

* Leaf Cup
2E = Wario Stadium
25 = Sherbet Land
27 = Music Park
2D = Yoshi Valley

* Lightning Cup
2C = Tick-Tock Clock
2B = Piranha Plant Slide
28 = Grumble Volcano
2F = Rainbow Road

* Triforce Cup
39 = Mario's Gold Mine
3A = Rainbow Road
37 = Ice Ice Outpost
33 = Hyrule Circuit

* Bell Cup
3C = Neo Bowser City
3B = Ribbon Road
30 = Super Bell Subway
3F = Big Blue

Character ID's
00 = Mario
01 = Luigi
02 = Peach
03 = Daisy
04 = Yoshi
05 = Toad
06 = Toadette
07 = Koopa Troopa
08 = Bowser
09 = Donkey Kong
0A = Wario
0B = Waluigi
0C = Rosalina
0D = Metal Mario
0E = Pink Gold Peach
0F = Lakitu
10 = Shy Guy
11 = Baby Mario
12 = Baby Luigi
13 = Baby Peach
14 = Baby Daisy
15 = Baby Rosalina
16 = Larry
17 = Lemmy
18 = Wendy
19 = Ludwig
1A = Iggy
1B = Roy
1C = Morton
1D = Mii

Kart Body ID's
00 = Standard Kart
01 = Pipe Frame
02 = Mach 8
03 = Steel Driver
04 = Cat Cruiser
05 = Circuit Special
06 = Tri-Speeder
07 = Badwagon
08 = Prancer
09 = Biddybuggy
0A = Landship
0B = Sneeker
0C = Sports Coupe
0D = Gold Standard
0E = Standard Bike
0F = Comet
10 = Sport Bike
11 = The Duke
12 = Flame Rider
13 = Varmint
14 = Mr. Scooty
15 = Jet Bike
16 = Yoshi Bike
17 = Standard ATV
18 = Wild Wiggler
19 = Teddy Buggy

Kart Tires ID's
00 = Standard
01 = Monster
02 = Roller
03 = Slim
04 = Slick
05 = Metal
06 = Button
07 = Off-Road
08 = Sponge
09 = Wood
0A = Cushion
0B = Blue Standard
0C = Hot Monster
0D = Azure Roller
0E = Crimson Slim
0F = Cyber Slick
10 = Retro Off-Road
11 = Gold Tires

Kart Gliders ID's
00 = Super Glider
01 = Cloud Glider
02 = Wario Wing
03 = Waddle Wing
04 = Peach Parasol
05 = Parachute
06 = Parafoil
07 = Flower Glider
08 = Bowser Kite
09 = Plane Glider
0A = MKTV Parafoil
0B = Gold Glider
Speed Code Everyone [CosmoCortney]
[4443BB4C] + 52E4 XXXXXXXX
[4443BB4C] + 1A6F5C XXXXXXXX
[4443BB4C] + 348BD4 XXXXXXXX
[4443BB4C] + 4EA84C XXXXXXXX
[4443BB4C] + 68C4C4 XXXXXXXX
[4443BB4C] + 82E13C XXXXXXXX
[4443BB4C] + B71A2C XXXXXXXX
[4443BB4C] + D136A4 XXXXXXXX
[4443BB4C] + EB531C XXXXXXXX
[4443BB4C] + 1056F94 XXXXXXXX
[4443BB4C] + 11F8C0C XXXXXXXX

Speed Hack: 9999cc [Mega-Mew]
Edit: Removed
You can also use this tool

Speed Code Player 1 [Bylly@WiiPlaza, Mr. Mysterio & CosmoCortney]
[4443BB4C] + 52E4 XXXXXXXX
* (based on work of us three)

Codes for Moo Moo Meadows:
Cow 1 Size Modifier [CosmoCortney]
[4445526C] + 67DC XXXXXXXX
[4445526C] + 67E0 XXXXXXXX
[4445526C] + 67E4 XXXXXXXX

Cow 2 Size Modifier [CosmoCortney]
[4445526C] + 6A54 XXXXXXXX
[4445526C] + 6A58 XXXXXXXX
[4445526C] + 6A5C XXXXXXXX

Cow 3 Size Modifier [CosmoCortney]
[4445526C] + 6CCC XXXXXXXX
[4445526C] + 6CD0 XXXXXXXX
[4445526C] + 6CD4 XXXXXXXX

Cow 4 Size Modifier [CosmoCortney]
[4445526C] + 6F44 XXXXXXXX
[4445526C] + 6F48 XXXXXXXX
[4445526C] + 6F4C XXXXXXXX

Cow 5 Size Modifier [CosmoCortney]
[4445526C] + 71BC XXXXXXXX
[4445526C] + 71C0 XXXXXXXX
[4445526C] + 71C4 XXXXXXXX

Cow 6 Size Modifier [CosmoCortney]
[4445526C] + 7434 XXXXXXXX
[4445526C] + 7438 XXXXXXXX
[4445526C] + 743C XXXXXXXX

Cow 7 Size Modifier [CosmoCortney]
[4445526C] + 76AC XXXXXXXX
[4445526C] + 76B0 XXXXXXXX
[4445526C] + 76B4 XXXXXXXX

Cow 8 Size Modifier [CosmoCortney]
[4445526C] + 7924 XXXXXXXX
[4445526C] + 7928 XXXXXXXX
[4445526C] + 792C XXXXXXXX

Cow 9 Size Modifier [CosmoCortney]
[4445526C] + 7B9C XXXXXXXX
[4445526C] + 7BA0 XXXXXXXX
[4445526C] + 7BA4 XXXXXXXX

Cow 10 Size Modifier [CosmoCortney]
[4445526C] + 7E14 XXXXXXXX
[4445526C] + 7E18 XXXXXXXX
[4445526C] + 7E1C XXXXXXXX

* Size value :
00000000 = none
3e800000 = tiny
3f000000 = small
3F800000 = default
40000000 = doubled
40800000 = huge
41000000 = humongus
42000000 = giant

Codes for GCN Dry Dry Desert:
cactus 1 size modifier (Time Trail) [CosmoCortney]

cactus 1 size modifier (Grand Prix) [CosmoCortney]

cactus 2 size modifier (Time Trail) [CosmoCortney]

cactus 2 size modifier (Grand Prix) [CosmoCortney]

cactus 3 size modifier (Time Trail) [CosmoCortney]

cactus 3 size modifier (Grand Prix) [CosmoCortney]

00000000 = none
3e800000 = tiny
3f000000 = small
3F800000 = default
40000000 = doubled
40800000 = huge
41000000 = humongus
42000000 = giant

Codes for N64 Rainbow Road:
Chain Chomp 1 Size Modifier [CosmoCortney]
[40356564] + 48C XXXXXXXX
[40356564] + 490 XXXXXXXX
[40356564] + 494 XXXXXXXX

Chain Chomp 2 Size Modifier [CosmoCortney]
[40356564] + 418C XXXXXXXX
[40356564] + 4190 XXXXXXXX
[40356564] + 4194 XXXXXXXX

Chain Chomp 3 Size Modifier [CosmoCortney]
[40356564] + 7E8C XXXXXXXX
[40356564] + 7E90 XXXXXXXX
[40356564] + 7E94 XXXXXXXX

00000000 = none
3e800000 = tiny
3f000000 = small
3F800000 = default
40000000 = doubled
40800000 = huge
41000000 = humongus
42000000 = giant

Player 1 Position Modifier [Mr. Mysterio]
[0x4443BB4C] + 0x5020 = XXXXXXXX
[0x4443BB4C] + 0x5024 = YYYYYYYY
[0x4443BB4C] + 0x5028 = ZZZZZZZZ

* Values are 32-bit floats.

Player 1 Gravity Modifier (aka Moon Jump) [Mr. Mysterio]
[0x4443BB4C] + 0x505C = XXXXXXXX

* Set XXXXXXXX to a float value. Here are some:
41200000 = Super Heavy
40000000 = Heavy
3F800000 = Normal
00000000 = Zero
BF800000 = Moon Jump
C1200000 = Super Moon Jump

Time Trial track selection [NaviLoz101]
1F620760 000000xx

* Check the cup ID's on spoiler above

Change the Mario Kart Stadium music into grumble volcano music (untested) [Méga-Mew]
3986CBC8 4D474270
3986CBCB 4949575F
3986CBCF 5552475F
3986CBD3 454C424D
3986CBD7 4C4F565F
3986CBDB 4F4E4143
3986CBDF 622E4E5F
3986CBE3 6D747366

Max Player Coins [moops44]
2F74812A FFFF

Select Kart Body [knopex]
306C53C4 000000xx

Select Kart Tires [knopex]
306C53C8 000000xx

Select Kart Gliders [knopex]
306C53CC 000000xx

Select Character [knopex]
306C53D0 000000xx

Select Character Color/amiibo [knopex]
306C53D4 xxxxxxxx

* value:
1A000000 = mario amiibo suit
Speed Code Everyone [CosmoCortney]
[4443BB4C] + 00052E4 XXXXXXXX
[4443BB4C] + 01A6F5C XXXXXXXX
[4443BB4C] + 0348BD4 XXXXXXXX
[4443BB4C] + 04EA84C XXXXXXXX
[4443BB4C] + 068C4C4 XXXXXXXX
[4443BB4C] + 082E13C XXXXXXXX
[4443BB4C] + 0B71A2C XXXXXXXX
[4443BB4C] + 0D136A4 XXXXXXXX
[4443BB4C] + 0EB531C XXXXXXXX
[4443BB4C] + 1056F94 XXXXXXXX
[4443BB4C] + 11F8C0C XXXXXXXX

Speed Code Player 1 [Bylly@WiiPlaza, Mr. Mysterio & CosmoCortney]
[4443BB4C] + 52E4 XXXXXXXX
(based on work of us three)

You can also use this tool

Codes for Moo Moo Meadows:
Cow 1 Size Modifier [CosmoCortney]
[4445526C] + 67DC XXXXXXXX
[4445526C] + 67E0 XXXXXXXX
[4445526C] + 67E4 XXXXXXXX

Cow 2 Size Modifier [CosmoCortney]
[4445526C] + 6A54 XXXXXXXX
[4445526C] + 6A58 XXXXXXXX
[4445526C] + 6A5C XXXXXXXX

Cow 3 Size Modifier [CosmoCortney]
[4445526C] + 6CCC XXXXXXXX
[4445526C] + 6CD0 XXXXXXXX
[4445526C] + 6CD4 XXXXXXXX

Cow 4 Size Modifier [CosmoCortney]
[4445526C] + 6F44 XXXXXXXX
[4445526C] + 6F48 XXXXXXXX
[4445526C] + 6F4C XXXXXXXX

Cow 5 Size Modifier [CosmoCortney]
[4445526C] + 71BC XXXXXXXX
[4445526C] + 71C0 XXXXXXXX
[4445526C] + 71C4 XXXXXXXX

Cow 6 Size Modifier [CosmoCortney]
[4445526C] + 7434 XXXXXXXX
[4445526C] + 7438 XXXXXXXX
[4445526C] + 743C XXXXXXXX

Cow 7 Size Modifier [CosmoCortney]
[4445526C] + 76AC XXXXXXXX
[4445526C] + 76B0 XXXXXXXX
[4445526C] + 76B4 XXXXXXXX

Cow 8 Size Modifier [CosmoCortney]
[4445526C] + 7924 XXXXXXXX
[4445526C] + 7928 XXXXXXXX
[4445526C] + 792C XXXXXXXX

Cow 9 Size Modifier [CosmoCortney]
[4445526C] + 7B9C XXXXXXXX
[4445526C] + 7BA0 XXXXXXXX
[4445526C] + 7BA4 XXXXXXXX

Cow 10 Size Modifier [CosmoCortney]
[4445526C] + 7E14 XXXXXXXX
[4445526C] + 7E18 XXXXXXXX
[4445526C] + 7E1C XXXXXXXX

* size values :
00000000 = none
3e800000 = tiny
3f000000 = small
3F800000 = default
40000000 = doubled
40800000 = huge
41000000 = humongus
42000000 = giant

Codes for GCN Dry Dry Desert:
cactus 1 size modifier (Time Trail) [CosmoCortney]

cactus 1 size modifier (Grand Prix) [CosmoCortney]

cactus 2 size modifier (Time Trail) [CosmoCortney]

cactus 2 size modifier (Grand Prix) [CosmoCortney]

cactus 3 size modifier (Time Trail) [CosmoCortney]

cactus 3 size modifier (Grand Prix) [CosmoCortney]

* size values :
00000000 = none
3e800000 = tiny
3f000000 = small
3F800000 = default
40000000 = doubled
40800000 = huge
41000000 = humongus
42000000 = giant

Codes for N64 Rainbow Road:
Chain Chomp 1 Size Modifier [CosmoCortney]
[40356564] + 48C XXXXXXXX
[40356564] + 490 XXXXXXXX
[40356564] + 494 XXXXXXXX

Chain Chomp 2 Size Modifier [CosmoCortney]
[40356564] + 418C XXXXXXXX
[40356564] + 4190 XXXXXXXX
[40356564] + 4194 XXXXXXXX

Chain Chomp 3 Size Modifier [CosmoCortney]
[40356564] + 7E8C XXXXXXXX
[40356564] + 7E90 XXXXXXXX
[40356564] + 7E94 XXXXXXXX

* size values :
00000000 = none
3e800000 = tiny
3f000000 = small
3F800000 = default
40000000 = doubled
40800000 = huge
41000000 = humongus
42000000 = giant

Player 1 Position Modifier [Mr. Mysterio]
[0x4443BB4C] + 0x5020 = XXXXXXXX
[0x4443BB4C] + 0x5024 = YYYYYYYY
[0x4443BB4C] + 0x5028 = ZZZZZZZZ

Values are 32-bit floats.

Player 1 Gravity Modifier (aka Moon Jump) [Mr. Mysterio]
[0x4443BB4C] + 0x505C = XXXXXXXX

* Set XXXXXXXX to a float value. Here are some:
41200000 = Super Heavy
40000000 = Heavy
3F800000 = Normal
00000000 = Zero
BF800000 = Moon Jump
C1200000 = Super Moon Jump
* Check the ID's on spoiler above

Select Character [wingedkoopa67]
3065DBD0 000000xx

Select Kart Body [wingedkoopa67]
3065DBC4 000000xx

Select Kart Tires [wingedkoopa67]
3065DBC8 000000xx

Select Kart Gliders [wingedkoopa67]
3065DBCC 000000xx

Course Selection [wingedkoopa67]
1F126760 000000xx

Player's Coins [wingedkoopa67]
45360E8C xxxxxxxx
Item Picture Modifier [Mr. Mysterio]
0x3FBBBAC8 = 000000XX
* XX = Item Picture ID

Current Item Modifier [Mr. Mysterio]
[0x3FB3CD70] + 0x12C = 000000XX
[0x3FB3CD70] + 0x130 = 000000XX
[0x3FB3CD70] + 0x134 = 000000XX
NOTE: Switching to a plant (0x0000000D) and star (0x00000008) usually works very well.
WARNING: Do not switch a single item with a triple or a triple with a single. Do not switch an item to or from a crazy 8.
* 000000XX = Item ID

Current Speed Modifier (Player 1) [Mr. Mysterio]
[0x4443BB4C] + 0x52E4 = XXXXXXXX

* Set XXXXXXXX to a float value. Here are some possibilities:
C2C80000 = -100
C1200000 = -10
C0A00000 = -5
00000000 = 0
40A00000 = 5
41200000 = 10
42C80000 = 100

Player 1 Position Modifier [Mr. Mysterio]
[0x4443BB4C] + 0x5020 = XXXXXXXX
[0x4443BB4C] + 0x5024 = YYYYYYYY
[0x4443BB4C] + 0x5028 = ZZZZZZZZ

* Values are 32-bit floats.

Player 1 Gravity Modifier (aka Moon Jump) [Mr. Mysterio]
[0x4443BB4C] + 0x505C = XXXXXXXX

* Set XXXXXXXX to a float value. Here are some:
41200000 = Super Heavy
40000000 = Heavy
3F800000 = Normal
00000000 = Zero
BF800000 = Moon Jump
C1200000 = Super Moon Jump
P1 Gravity Modifier [CosmoCortney]
[4427FB4C] + 5044 = 3E000000
Name Modifier [CosmoCortney]
* unicode

Mii Hair Brightness [CosmoCortney]
105065C4 xxxxxxxx

00000000 = grey
46000000 = disco hair
7FFFFFFF = black hair & face

Mii Dostortion [CosmoCortney]
10537C0C 3f680000

Mii Body X-Position [CosmoCortney]
10537C14 xxxxxxxx

* 00000000 - 42000000 or
* 80000000 - C2000000

Mii Seizure [CosmoCortney]
10537DC0 42000000

Mii Corruptoin [CosmoCortney]
10537F50 bf800000

Mii Corruption 2 [CosmoCortney]
10537F4C BF000000

Mii Animation's F-Curve Corruption [CosmoCortney]
10537F54 c0800000
10537F58 C1000000

headless Mii [CosmoCortney]
1056C430 00000000
Have to many Z (Money) [H93]
2F448AF8 09023840

Have to many Res. [H93]
2F44E602 09023840

Inventar Slot 1 [H93]
*Y = Item Digits
*X = How many 03E7 are 999

ItemBox Slot 1 [H93]
*Y = Item Digits
*X = How many 03E7 are 999

0001 = (None)
0002 = Book of Combo 1
0003 = Book of Combo 2
0004 = Book of Combo 3
0005 = Book of Combo 4
0006 = Book of Combo 4
0007 = Organizer Guide
0008 = Pack Rat Guide
0009 = Potion
000A = Mega Potion
000B = Nutrients
000C = Mega Nutrients
000D = Antidote
000E = Immunizer
000F = Dash Juice
0010 = Mega Dash Juice
0011 = Demondrug
0012 = Mega Demondrug
0013 = Might Pill
0014 = Armorskin
0015 = Mega Armorskin
0016 = Adamant Pill
0017 = Cool Drink
0018 = Hot Drink
0019 = Cleanser
001A = Psychoserum
001B = Herbal Medicine
001C = Max Potion
001D = Ancient Potion
001E = Catalyst
001F = Energy Drink
0020 = Air Philter
0021 = Mega Air Philter
0022 = Gunpowder
0023 = Lifecrystals
0024 = Lifepowder
0025 = Mystery Charm
0026 = Shining Carm
0027 = Timeworn Charm
0028 = Enduring Charm
0029 = Powercharm
002A = Powertalon
002B = Armorcharm
002C = Armortalon
002D = Tranquilizer
002E = Raw Meat
002F = Poisoned Meat
0030 = Tinger Meat
0031 = Drugged Meat
0032 = Rare Steak
0033 = Well-done Steak
0034 = Burnt Meat
0035 = Hot Meat
0036 = Chilled Meat
0037 = Pink Liver
0038 = Ethnic Wyvrnmeat
0039 = Boomerang
003A = Throwing Knife
003B = Poison Knife
003C = Sleep Knife
003D = Paralysis Knife
003E = Tranq Knife
003F = Bomb Casing
0040 = Paintball
0041 = Flash Bomb
0042 = Sonic Bomb
0043 = Dung
0044 = Super-sized Dung
0045 = Fertile Mud
0046 = Dung Bomb
0047 = Smoke Bomb
0048 = Poison Smoke Bmb
0049 = Farcaster
004A = Tranq Bomb
004B = Oxygen Supply
004C = Spider Web
004D = Net
004E = Trap Tool
004F = Pitfall Trap
0050 = Shock Trap
0051 = Small Barrel
0052 = Large Barrel
0053 = Barrel Bomb S
0054 = Barrel Bomb S+
0055 = Barrel Bomb L
0056 = Barrel Bomb L+
0057 = Bounce Bomb
0058 = Bounce Bomb+
0059 = Felvine Bomb
005A = Huskberry
005B = Bone Husk S
005C = Bone Husk L
005D = Normal S Lv1
005E = Normal S Lv2
005F = Normal S Lv3
0060 = Pierce S Lv1
0061 = Pierce S Lv2
0062 = Pierce S Lv3
0063 = Pellet S Lv1
0064 = Pellet S Lv2
0065 = Pellet S Lv3
0066 = Crag S Lv1
0067 = Crag S Lv2
0068 = Crag S Lv3
0069 = Clust S Lv1
006A = Clust S Lv2
006B = Clust S Lv3
006C = Flaming S
006D = Water S
006E = Thunder S
006F = Freeze S
0070 = Dragon S
0071 = Recov S Lv1
0072 = Recov S Lv2
0073 = Poison S Lv1
0074 = Poison S Lv2
0075 = Para S Lv1
0076 = Para S Lv2
0077 = Sleep S Lv1
0078 = Sleep S Lv2
0079 = Tranq S
007A = Paint S
007B = Demon S
007C = DUMMY 1
007D = Armor S
007E = DUMMY 2
007F = Sub S Lv1
0080 = Sub S Lv2
0081 = Exhaust S Lv1
0082 = Exhaust S Lv2
0083 = Slicing S
0084 = DUMMY 3
0085 = DUMMY 4
0086 = WyvernFire
0087 = UW Ballista Ammo
0088 = (No Coating)
0089 = Empty Phial
008A = Power Coating
008B = C.Range Coating
008C = Poison Coating
008D = Para Coating
008E = Sleep Coating
008F = Exhaust Coating
0090 = Paint Coating
0091 = DUMMY 5
0092 = Worm
0093 = DUMMY 6
0094 = Mega Fishing Fly
0095 = Frog
0096 = Whetfish Bait
0097 = Sushifish Bait
0098 = Tuna Bait
0099 = DUMMY 7
009A = Goldenfish Bait
009B = Burst Bait
009C = DUMMY 8
009D = Old Pickaxe
009E = Iron Pickaxe
009F = Mega Pickaxe
00A0 = Old Bug Net
00A1 = Bug Net
00A2 = Mega Bug Net
00A3 = Fishing Harpoon
00A4 = Mega Harpoon
00A5 = BBQ Spit
00A6 = Double BBQ Spit
00A7 = Whetstone
00A8 = Binoculars
00A9 = Garbage
00AA = Field Horn
00AB = Health Horn
00AC = Antidote Horn
00AD = Demon Horn
00AE = Armor Horn
00AF = Honey
00B0 = Herb
00B1 = Antidote Herb
00B2 = Fire Herb
00B3 = DUMMY 9
00B4 = Ivy
00B5 = Sleep Herb
00B6 = Sap Plant
00B7 = Felvine
00B8 = Cactus Flower
00B9 = Airweed
00BA = Hot Pepper
00BB = DUMMY 10
00BC = Blue Mushroom
00BD = Nitroshroom
00BE = Parashroom
00BF = Toadstool
00C0 = Exciteshroom
00C1 = DUMMY 11
00C2 = Dragon Toadstool
00C3 = Bindshroom
00C4 = Paintberry
00C5 = Might Seed
00C6 = Adamant Seed
00C7 = Dragonfell Berry
00C8 = Scatternut
00C9 = Needleberry
00CA = DUMMY 12
00CB = Bomberry
00CC = DUMMY 13
00CD = DUMMY 14
00CE = DUMMY 15
00CF = DUMMY 16
00D0 = Nulberry
00D1 = Bumblepumpkin
00D2 = Broken Shell
00D3 = Black Pearl
00D4 = Jumbo Pearl
00D5 = Stone
00D6 = Iron Ore
00D7 = Earth Crystal
00D8 = Machalite Ore
00D9 = Dragonite Ore
00DA = Pelagicite Ore
00DB = DUMMY 17
00DC = DUMMY 18
00DD = DUMMY 19
00DE = Carbalite Ore
00DF = Eltalite Ore
00E0 = Fucium Ore
00E1 = Meldspar Ore
00E2 = Bathycite Ore
00E3 = Lava Nugget
00E4 = Firestone
00E5 = Firecell Stone
00E6 = Allfire Stone
00E7 = Lightcrystal
00E8 = Isisium
00E9 = DUMMY 20
00EA = Gracium
00EB = Antiseptic Stone
00EC = Ice Crystal
00ED = Armor Stone
00EE = Armor Sphere
00EF = Armor Sphere+
00F0 = Adv Armor Sphere
00F1 = Hrd Armor Sphere
00F2 = Hvy Armor Sphere
00F3 = DUMMY 21
00F4 = Tru Armor Sphere
00F5 = Whetfish
00F6 = Sushifish
00F7 = Sleepyfish
00F8 = Pin Tuna
00F9 = Popfish
00FA = Scatterfish
00FB = Burst Arowana
00FC = Bomb Arowana
00FD = Glutton Tuna
00FE = Small Goldenfish
00FF = Wanchovy
0100 = DUMMY 22
0101 = Blue Cutthroat
0102 = Humspun Conch
0103 = DUMMY 23
0104 = Insect Husk
0105 = Yambug
0106 = Bughopper
0107 = DUMMY 215
0108 = Stinkhopper
0109 = Snakebee Larva
010A = GodBug
010B = Bitterbug
010C = Flashbug
010D = Thunderbug
010E = Fulgurbug
010F = Carpenterbug
0110 = Killer Beetle
0111 = Hercudrome
0112 = DUMMY 24
0113 = King Scarab
0114 = Rare Scarab
0115 = DUMMY 25
0116 = Flutterfly
0117 = DUMMY 26
0118 = Bomb Sac
0119 = Screamer
011A = Poison Sac
011B = Toxin Sac
011C = DUMMY 27
011D = Paralysis
011E = Omniplegia Sac
011F = Sleep Sac
0120 = Coma Sac
0121 = Flame Sac
0122 = Inferno Sac
0123 = Conflagrant Saac
0124 = Aqua Sac
0125 = Torrent Sac
0126 = DUMMY 217
0127 = Thunder Sac
0128 = Lightning Sac
0129 = Frost Sac
012A = Freezer Sac
012B = Dash Extract
012C = Pale Extract
012D = Monster Bone S
012E = Monster Bone M
012F = Monster Bone L
0130 = Mystery Bone
0131 = Unknown Skull
0132 = Bone
0133 = Avian Stoutbone
0134 = DUMMY 218
0135 = Monster Bone+
0136 = Monster Keebone
0137 = Monster Hardbone
0138 = Monster Slogbone
0139 = Avian Finebone
013A = Jumbo Bone
013B = Stoutbone
013C = Dragonbone Relic
013D = Wyvern Fang
013E = Wyvern Claw
013F = Wyvern Stone
0140 = Lrg Wyvern Stone
0141 = Bird Wyvern Gem
0142 = Fey Wyvern Gem
0143 = ElderDragonBlood
0144 = DUMMY 28
0145 = Azure Dragongem
0146 = Azure Drgnsphire
0147 = Beautiful Scale
0148 = Shining Starfish
0149 = Armorfish Morsel
014A = Fine pelt
014B = Power Paddle
014C = Curved Fang
014D = Dragonbone Piece
014E = Abalone Piece
014F = Fossil Piece
0150 = Stunning Quill
0151 = Saturnian
0152 = Mystic Narwhal
0153 = Perfect Paddle
0154 = Moonlight Fang
0155 = Glittering Scale
0156 = Gaint Skull
0157 = Atlantis Crab
0158 = Queen Needle
0159 = Ancient Skin Oil
015A = Flamboyant Quill
015B = Eldest Saturnian
015C = Queen's Spirit
015D = Vermillion Scale
015E = Sea-King's Scale
015F = Old Egg
0160 = Saturnian Trap
0161 = BugMaker! Pro
0162 = Funky Pheromones
0163 = Shroom Germ
0164 = Shroom Germ+
0165 = Bizzy Bees
0166 = Fish Finder
0167 = Treasure Tracker
0168 = Spare Spear
0169 = Pittance Fang
016A = Fortune Fang
016B = Gold Needle
016C = Wyverngold
016D = Pirate Booty
016E = Steel Egg
016F = Silver Egg
0170 = Golden Egg
0171 = Kelbi Horn Objet
0172 = Twstd Horn Objet
0173 = MohranFang Objet
0174 = Poogie
0175 = Eggie Poogie
0176 = Rath Poogie
0177 = Sandstone Plant
0178 = Marshland Plant
0179 = Snowflake Plant
017A = Prismshroom Lamp
017B = Qurupeco Lamp
017C = Sirensea Lamp
017D = Oceanic Fountain
017E = Bubbly Fountain
017F = Magma Fountain
0180 = Iron Figure
0181 = Machalite Figure
0182 = Dragonite Figure
0183 = Model Sandskiff
0184 = Model Airship
0185 = Model Poogieship
0186 = Guildie (Red)
0187 = Guildie (Green)
0188 = Guildie (Blue)
0189 = Great Poogi
018A = Incomplete Crown
018B = Crown's Gemstone
018C = Dazzling Crown
018D = Prize Gold Sword
018E = Golden Medallion
018F = Kelbi Horn
0190 = Blue Kelbi Horn
0191 = Warm Pelt
0192 = High-qualty Pelt
0193 = Gargwa Feather
0194 = DUMMY 29
0195 = DUMMY 30
0196 = Anteka Antler
0197 = DUMMY 31
0198 = Bnahabra Shell
0199 = DUMMY 32
019A = Bnaha Carapace
019B = Bnahabra Wing
019C = DUMMY 33
019D = Bnahabra Cutwing
019E = Bnahabra Spine
019F = Altaroth Jaw
01A0 = DUMMY 34
01A1 = Altaroth Stomach
01A2 = Prized Stomach
01A3 = Quality Sac
01A4 = Bullfango Pelt
01A5 = DUMMY 35
01A6 = Bullfango Head
01A7 = Monster Fluid
01A8 = Monster Broth
01A9 = Rhenoplos Shell
01AA = Rhenoplos Bone
01AB = Rhenoplos Scalp
01AC = DUMMY 36
01AD = Rheno Carapace
01AE = DUMMY 219
01AF = Slagtoth Hide+
01B0 = DUMMY 37
01B1 = Big Fin
01B2 = DUMMY 38
01B3 = Quality Fin
01B4 = Giant Fin
01B5 = Sharpend Fang
01B6 = Velvety Hide
01B7 = Sharqskin
01B8 = Jaggi Scale
01B9 = Jaggi Scale+
01BA = DUMMY 39
01BB = Jaggi Hide
01BC = DUMMY 40
01BD = DUMMY 41
01BE = Bird Wyvern Fang
01BF = G.Jaggi Hide
01C0 = G.Jaggi Hide+
01C1 = Great Jaggi Piel
01C2 = G.Jaggi Claw
01C3 = G.Jaggi Claw+
01C4 = DUMMY 42
01C5 = King's Frill
01C6 = Imperial Frill
01C7 = Great Jaggi Head
01C8 = DUMMY 43
01C9 = Baggi Hide
01CA = Baggi Scale
01CB = Baggi Scale+
01CC = DUMMY 44
01CD = G.Baggi Hide
01CE = G.Baggi Hide+
01CF = Great Baggi Piel
01D0 = G.Baggi Claw
01D1 = G.Baggi Claw+
01D2 = DUMMY 45
01D3 = King' Crest
01D4 = Imperial Crest
01D5 = Wroggi Scale
01D6 = Wroggi Scale+
01D7 = DUMMY 46
01D8 = Wroggi Hide
01D9 = Wroggi Fang
01DA = G.Wroggi Hide
01DB = G.Wroggi Piel
01DC = G.Wroggi Hide+
01DD = G.Wroggi Brace
01DE = DUMMY 47
01DF = G.Wroggi Brace+
01E0 = King's Beak
01E1 = Imperial Beak
01E2 = Qurupeco Sacle
01E3 = Qurupeco Scale+
01E4 = Qurupeco Shard
01E5 = Qurupeco Feather
01E6 = Lustrous Feather
01E7 = Qurupeco Wing
01E8 = Peco Fellwing
01E9 = Vivid Feather
01EA = Strange Beak
01EB = Wonderful Beak
01EC = Alluring Beak
01ED = Flintstone
01EE = Quality Flint
01EF = C.Peco Scale+
01F0 = C.Peco Shard
01F1 = C.Peco Wing
01F2 = C.Peco Fellwing
01F3 = Voltstone
01F4 = High Voltstone
01F5 = Hydro Hide
01F6 = Hydro Hide+
01F7 = DUMMY 48
01F8 = Immature Songe
01F9 = Quality Sponge
01FA = Spongy Hide
01FB = Spongy Hide+
01FC = Spongy Piel
01FD = R.Ludroth Scal
01FE = R.Ludroth Scal+
01FF = R.Ludroth Shard
0200 = R.Ludroth Claw
0201 = R.Ludroth Claw+
0202 = R.Ludroth Talon
0203 = R.Ludroth Crest
0204 = R.Ludroth Crest+
0205 = Chic Crest
0206 = R.Ludroth Tail
0207 = Plum Spongy Hide
0208 = Plum Spongy Piel
0209 = P.Ludroth Scale+
020A = P.Ludroth Shard
020B = P.Ludroth Claw+
020C = P.Ludroth Talon
020D = Barroth Shell
020E = Barroth Carapace
020F = Barroth Cortex
0210 = Barroth Ridge
0211 = Barroth Ridge+
0212 = Barroth Chine
0213 = Barroth Claw
0214 = Barroth Claw+
0215 = Barroth Talon
0216 = Barroth Scalp
0217 = Barroth Crown
0218 = Barroth Tail
0219 = J.Barr Carapace
021A = J.Barroth Cortex
021B = J.Barroth Ridge+
021C = J.Barroth Chine
021D = J.Barroth Claw+
021E = J.Barroth Talon
021F = J.Barroth Scalp
0220 = J.Barroth Crown
0221 = J.Barroth Tail
0222 = J.Barroth Lash
0223 = Frozen Glob
0224 = DUMMY 49
0225 = Gobul Hide
0226 = Hobul Hide+
0227 = Gobul Piel
0228 = Gobul Fin
0229 = Gobul Fin+
022A = Fine Gobul Fin
022B = Gobul Spike
022C = Gobul Skike+
022D = Gobul Surspike
022E = Gobul Whisker
022F = Gobul Kingwhisker
0230 = Gobul Latern
0231 = Gobul Latern+
0232 = Gobul Beacon
0233 = Rathian Scale
0234 = Rathian Scale+
0235 = Rathian Shard
0236 = Rathian Shell
0237 = Rathian Carapace
0238 = Rathian Cortex
0239 = Rathian Webbing
023A = Rathian Spike
023B = Rathian Spike+
023C = Rathian Surspike
023D = Rathian Plate
023E = Rathian Mantel
023F = Rahtian Ruby
0240 = DUMMY 50
0241 = P.Rathian Scale+
0242 = P.Rathian Shard
0243 = P.Rath Carapace
0244 = P.Rathian Cortex
0245 = G.Rathian Shard
0246 = G.Rathian Cortex
0247 = G.Rahtian Surspike
0248 = Rathalos Scale
0249 = Rathalos Scale+
024A = Rathalos Shard
024B = Rathalos Shell
024C = Rathalos Carapace
024D = Rathalos Cortex
024E = Rathalos Webbing
024F = Rahtalos Fellwing
0250 = Rathalos Tail
0251 = Rathalos Lash
0252 = Rahtalos Plate
0253 = Rathalos Mantel
0254 = Rathalos Ruby
0255 = Rathalos Talon
0256 = Rath Ripper
0257 = Rath Marrow
0258 = Rath Medulla
0259 = Rath Gleem
025A = A.Rath Scale+
025B = A.Rath Shard
025C = A.Rath Carapace
025D = A.Rath Cortex
025E = A.Rathalos Tail
025F = A.Rathalos Lash
0260 = A.Rathalos Wing
0261 = S.Rathalos Shard
0262 = S.Rath Cortex
0263 = S.Rathalos Lash
0264 = DUMMY 215
0265 = DUMMY 51
0266 = DUMMY 52
0267 = Gigginox Hide
0268 = Gigginox Hide+
0269 = Gigginox Piel
026A = Uncanny Hide
026B = Uncanny Hide+
026C = Gigginox Claw
026D = Gigginox Claw+
026E = Gigginox Talon
026F = DUMMY 53
0270 = DUMMY 54
0271 = Fearsome Maw
0272 = Venom Gland
0273 = Grim Venom Gland
0274 = Foul Venom Gland
0275 = B.Giggi Hide+
0276 = B.Giggi Piel
0277 = B.Giggi Claw+
0278 = B.Giggi Talon
0279 = Lagiacrus Scale
027A = Lagiacrus Scale+
027B = Lagiacrus Shard
027C = Shell Shocker
027D = Shell Shocker+
027E = Deathly Shocker
027F = Lagiacrus Hide
0280 = Lagiacrus Hide+
0281 = Lagiacrus Claw
0282 = Lagiacrus Claw+
0283 = Lagiacrus Talon
0284 = Lagiacrus Tail
0285 = Lagiacrus Flail
0286 = Lagiacrus Horn
0287 = Lagiacrus Horn+
0288 = Lagia Sapphire
0289 = Lagiacrus Mantel
028A = Lagiacrus Plate
028B = I.Lagi Scale+
028C = I.Lagi Shard
028D = I.Lagi Shocker+
028E = I.Lagi D-Shocker
028F = I.Lagi Hide+
0290 = I.Lagi Piel
0291 = DUMMY 55
0292 = DUMMY 56
0293 = DUMMY 57
0294 = DUMMY 58
0295 = I.Lagi Horn+
0296 = I.Lagi Hardhorn
0297 = DUMMY 59
0298 = DUMMY 60
0299 = DUMMY 61
029A = A.Lagi Shard
029B = A.Lagi D-Shocker
029C = A.Lagi Piel
029D = DUMMY 62
029E = DUMMY 63
029F = A.Lagi Hardhorn
02A0 = A.Lagi Dynamo
02A1 = Barioth Shell
02A2 = Barioth Carapace
02A3 = Barioth Cortex
02A4 = Barioth Pelt
02A5 = Barioth Pelt+
02A6 = Barioth Fur
02A7 = Barioth Claw
02A8 = Barioth Claw+
02A9 = Barioth Talon
02AA = Barioth Spike
02AB = DUMMY 64
02AC = Barioth Tail
02AD = Barioth Lash
02AE = Amber Tusks
02AF = Amber Tusks+
02B0 = Hvy Amber Tusks
02B1 = S.Bari Carapace
02B2 = S.Barioth Cortex
02B3 = S.Barioth Pelt+
02B4 = S.Barioth Fur
02B5 = S.Barioth Claw+
02B6 = S.Barioth Talon
02B7 = S.Barioth Tail
02B8 = S.Barioth Lash
02B9 = Indigo Tusks+
02BA = Hvy Indigo Tusks
02BB = Rugged PLeura
02BC = Rugged PLeura+
02BD = Diablos Shell
02BE = Diablos Carapace
02BF = Diablos Cortex
02C0 = Diablos Ridge
02C1 = Diablos Ridge+
02C2 = Diablos Chine
02C3 = Diablos Tailcase
02C4 = DUMMY 65
02C5 = Diablos Fang
02C6 = Twiested Horn
02C7 = Majestic Horn
02C8 = Stout Horn
02C9 = Diablos Marrow
02CA = Diablos Medulla
02CB = B.Diab Carapace
02CC = B.Diablos Cortex
02CD = B.Diablos Ridge+
02CE = B.Diablos Chine
02CF = DUMMY 66
02D0 = DUMMY 67
02D1 = Blackcurl Horn
02D2 = Blackcurl Horn+
02D3 = Uragaan Scale
02D4 = Uragaan Scale+
02D5 = Uragaan Shard
02D6 = Uragaan Shell
02D7 = Uragaan Carapace
02D8 = Uragaan Cortex
02D9 = Uragaan Jaw
02DA = Uragaan Jaw+
02DB = Uragaan Scute
02DC = Uragaan Scute+
02DD = Uragaan Marrow
02DE = Uragaan Ruby
02DF = Uragaan Pallium
02E0 = S.Uragaan Scale+
02E1 = S.Uragaan Shard
02E2 = S.Urag Carapace
02E3 = S.Uragaan Cortex
02E4 = S.Uragaan Maw
02E5 = S.Uragaan Jaw+
02E6 = S.Uaraaan Scute
02E7 = S.Uragaan Scute+
02E8 = Uroktor Scale
02E9 = Uroktor Scale+
02EA = Supple Piel
02EB = Agnaktor Scale
02EC = DUMMY 68
02ED = Agnaktor Shell
02EE = Agnk Carapace
02EF = Agnaktor Hide
02F0 = Agnaktor Hide+
02F1 = Agnaktor Piel
02F2 = Agnaktor Claw
02F3 = Agnaktor Claw+
02F4 = Agnaktor Talon
02F5 = Agnaktor Fin
02F6 = Agnaktor Fin+
02F7 = Fine Agnak Fin
02F8 = Agnaktor Beak
02F9 = DUMMY 69
02FA = Agnaktor Tail
02FB = DUMMY 70
02FC = Scalding Pleura+
02FD = Scorching Pleura
02FE = G.Agnak Carapace
02FF = G.Agnak Cortex
0300 = G.Agnak Hide+
0301 = G.Agnak Piel
0302 = G.Agnak Claw+
0303 = G.Agnak Talon
0304 = G.Agnak Fin+
0305 = Fine G.Agnak Fin
0306 = G.Agnak Beak
0307 = DUMMY 71
0308 = G.Agnak Tail
0309 = DUMMY 72
030A = Dewy PLeura+
030B = Drenched Pleura
030C = Ceadeus Scale
030D = Ceadeus Hide
030E = Ceadeus Fur
030F = Ceadues Tail
0310 = Crooked Horn
0311 = Luminous Organ
0312 = Deep Dragongem
0313 = G.Ceadeus Shard
0314 = G.Ceudeus Coat
0315 = G.Ceadeus Fur
0316 = DUMMY 73
0317 = Crooked Hardhorn
0318 = DUMMY 74
0319 = Dark Dragongem
031A = DUMMY 75
031B = Mohran Scale+
031C = DUMMY 76
031D = Mohran Carapace
031E = DUMMY 77
031F = Mohran Brace+
0320 = DUMMY 209
0321 = Sturdy Fang+
0322 = Earth Dragongem
0323 = DUMMY 78
0324 = H.Jhen Shard
0325 = DUMMY 79
0326 = H.Jhen Rockskin
0327 = DUMMY 80
0328 = H.Jhen Allbrace
0329 = DUMMY 81
032A = Deific Fang
032B = Earth Drgnsphire
032C = Deviljho Scale
032D = Deviljho Shard
032E = Deviljho Hide
032F = Deviljho Coat
0330 = Deviljho Fang
0331 = Vile Fang
0332 = Deviljho Talon
0333 = Deviljho Ripper
0334 = Deviljho Scalp
0335 = DUMMY 82
0336 = Deviljho Tail
0337 = Deviljho Flail
0338 = Deviljho Saliva
0339 = Black Blood
033A = Deviljho Gem
033B = Develjho Crook
033C = Alatreon Scute
033D = Alatreon Pallium
033E = Alatreon Plate
033F = Alatreon Mantel
0340 = Alatreon Talon
0341 = Alatreon Ripper
0342 = Alatreon Webbing
0343 = Aatreo Direwing
0344 = Alatreon Tail
0345 = Alatreo Diretail
0346 = Brkn Skypiercer
0347 = DUMMY 83
0348 = Skypiercer
0349 = Skyswayer
034A = Arzuros Pelt
034B = Arzuros Pelt+
034C = DUMMY 84
034D = Azuros Shell
034E = Arzuros Carapace
034F = Arzuros Cortex
0350 = Arzuros Brace
0351 = Arzuros Brace+
0352 = Arzuros Allbrace
0353 = Lagombi Pelt
0354 = Lagombi Pelt+
0355 = Lagombi Fur
0356 = Lagombi Ear
0357 = Lagombi Ear+
0358 = Lagombi Auricle
0359 = Lagom Plastron
035A = Lagom Plastron+
035B = DUMMY 85
035C = Lagombi Claw
035D = Lagombi Claw+
035E = DUMMY 86
035F = Volvidon Shell
0360 = Voli Carapace
0361 = Volvidon Cortex
0362 = Volvidon Claw
0363 = Volvidon Claw+
0364 = Volvidon Talon
0365 = Volvi Rickrack
0366 = DUMMY 87
0367 = Nibelsnarf Shell
0368 = Nibel Carapace
0369 = Nibel Cortex
036A = Nibelsnarf Hide
036B = Nibelsnarf Hide+
036C = Nibelsnarf Piel
036D = Nibelsnarf Claw
036E = Nibelsnarf Claw+
036F = Nibelsnarf Talon
0370 = Nibelsnarf Scalp
0371 = DUMMY 88
0372 = Vivid Fluid
0373 = Brilliant Fluid
0374 = Dazzling Fluid
0375 = DUMMY 89
0376 = Zinogre Carapace
0377 = Zinofre Cortex
0378 = DUMMY 90
0379 = Zinogre Shocker+
037A = Zin Electrofur+
037B = DUMMY 91
037C = Zinogre Horn+
037D = Zinogre Hardhorn
037E = DUMMY 92
037F = Zinogre Claw+
0380 = Zingore Talon
0381 = Zinogre Tail
0382 = Zinogre Lash
0383 = DUMMY 94
0384 = Zin Electrofur
0385 = Zin D-Shocker
0386 = DUMMY 208
0387 = Zinogre Jasper
0388 = Zin Skymerald
0389 = S.Zin Cortex
038A = S.Zin Dragonhair
038B = S.zin Hardhorn
038C = S.Zinogre Talon
038D = S.Zinogre Lash
038E = S.Zin Dragonshell
038F = S.Zin Skymerald
0390 = Nargacuga Scale+
0391 = Nargacuga Shard
0392 = Nargacuga Mantel
0393 = DUMMY 95
0394 = Nargacuga Fur
0395 = Nargacuga Tail
0396 = Nargacuga Lash
0397 = Narga Tailspike
0398 = Narga Tailspear
0399 = DUMMY 96
039A = Narga Razor+
039B = Nargacuga Fang+
039C = Hvy Narga Fang
039D = Narga Medulla
039E = DUMMY 97
039F = G.Narga Shard
03A0 = DUMMY 98
03A1 = G.Narga Dapples
03A2 = DUMMY 99
03A3 = G.Narga Razor+
03A4 = DUMMY 100
03A5 = Hvy G.Narga Fang
03A6 = L.Narga Shard
03A7 = L.Narga Dapples
03A8 = L.Narga Razor
03A9 = Hvy L.Narga Fang
03AA = Duramboros Shell
03AB = Duram Carapace
03AC = Duram Cortex
03AD = Duram Mossplate
03AE = Hard Mossplate
03AF = Heavy Mossplate
03B0 = Duramboros Hump
03B1 = Marbeld Hump
03B2 = Duram Tailcase
03B3 = Duram Tailcase+
03B4 = Duram Hardtail
03B5 = Duramboros Horn
03B6 = Duramboros Horn+
03B7 = Duram Hardhorn
03B8 = Duram Tailbone
03B9 = Duram Sacrum
03BA = Durambolite
03BB = R.Duram Shell
03BC = R.Duram Plate
03BD = DUMMY 101
03BE = R.Duram Hardtail
03BF = DUMMY 102
03C0 = DUMMY 103
03C1 = Lrg Lobstershell
03C2 = DUMMY 105
03C3 = Plesioth Fang+
03C4 = Hvy Plesio Fang
03C5 = Plesioth Scale+
03C6 = Plesioth Shard
03C7 = Plesioth Fin+
03C8 = Fine Plesio Fin
03C9 = DUMMY 105
03CA = G.Plesio Hard
03CB = DUMMY 107
03CC = Fine G.lesi Fin
03CD = Brach Carapace
03CE = Brach Cortex
03CF = Brach Ebonshell
03D0 = Brach Ebenshell+
03D1 = DUMMY 108
03D2 = DUMMY 109
03D3 = Brach Scalp
03D4 = Brach Scalp+
03D5 = Mystery Slime
03D6 = Glowing Slime
03D7 = Brach Pouder
03D8 = Brach Pouder+
03D9 = Brachydios Tail
03DA = DUMMY 110
03DB = Brachydios Gem
03DC = Brach Pallium
03DD = Miralis Scale
03DE = Miralis Fireback
03DF = Mirelis Fireclaw
03E0 = DUMMY 111
03E1 = DUMMY 112
03E2 = Miralis Evil Eye
03E3 = DUMMY 113
03E4 = Miralis Hellwing
03E5 = DUMMY 114
03E6 = DUMMY 115
03E7 = Miralis Smelter
03E8 = Immortal Heart
03E9 = DUMMY 116
03EA = Gushing Magma
03EB = Dire Dragongem
03EC = Rustshard
03ED = Ancient Shard
03EE = Rusted Fragment
03EF = Large Fragment
03F0 = Slender Fragment
03F1 = Long Fragment
03F2 = Map
03F3 = First-aid Med
03F4 = Ration
03F5 = DUMMY
03F6 = Mini Whetstone
03F7 = EZ Shock Trap
03F8 = EZ Flash Bomb
03F9 = EZ Sonic Bomb
03FA = EZ Max Potion
03FB = EZ Pitfall Trap
03FC = Mini Oxy Supply
03FD = EZ Barel Bomb L
03FE = Ballista Ammo
03FF = Ballista Binder
0400 = DUMMY 117
0401 = Cannon Ammo
0402 = Anti-Dragon Bomb
0403 = Torch
0404 = Paw Pass Ticket
0405 = Royal Honey
0406 = Unique Mushroom
0407 = Choice Mushroom
0408 = Ripened Mushroom
0409 = Great Shroom
040A = Super Sprout
040B = DUMMY 118
040C = DUMMY 119
040D = Sliverfish
040E = DUMMY 120
040F = DUMMY 121
0410 = Goldenfish
0411 = Royal Rhino
0412 = Divine Rhino
0413 = Sliver Cricket
0414 = Gold Cricket
0415 = Auristone Piece
0416 = Auristone Chunk
0417 = Balmstone Piece
0418 = Balmstone Chunk
0419 = Crystal Bone
041A = Golden Bone
041B = Bloodstone
041C = Deep Bloodstone
041D = Coal
041E = Volatile Coal
041F = Wyvern Egg
0420 = Herbivore Egg
0421 = Gargwa Egg
0422 = Gold Gargwa Egg
0423 = DUMMY 206
0424 = Powderstone
0425 = Gargwa Guano
0426 = White Liver
0427 = Slagtoth Oil
0428 = Popo Tongue
0429 = Secret Stash
042A = Round Acorn
042B = Fine Stomach
042C = Luminous Stomach
042D = Giggi Extract
042E = Monster Guts
042F = Red Coral Stone
0430 = Wyvern Tear
0431 = Lrg Wyvern Taer
0432 = Beast Tear
0433 = Lrg Beast Tear
0434 = Bird Coin
0435 = DUMMY 122
0436 = DUMMY 123
0437 = DUMMY 124
0438 = DUMMY 125
0439 = DUMMY 126
043A = DUMMY 127
043B = Leviathan Coin
043C = DUMMY 128
043D = DUMMY 129
043E = DUMMY 130
043F = DUMMY 131
0440 = DUMMY 214
0441 = Pinnacle Coin
0442 = Hunter King Coin
0443 = Voucher
0444 = Gourmet Voucher
0445 = Sharq Ticket
0446 = DUMMY 132
0447 = DUMMY 133
0448 = Thunderclap Diploma
0449 = DUMMY
044A = DUMMY
044B = DUMMY 134
044C = Shadowed Edge
044D = Medal Voucher L
044E = Lion's Claw
044F = Conqeror's Seal
0450 = DUMMY 135
0451 = Commendation
0452 = DUMMY 146
0453 = Pawprint Stamp
0454 = Aquaglow Jewel
0455 = Sunspire Jewel
0456 = Bloodrun Jewel
0457 = Lazurite Jewel
0458 = Paralysis Jwl 1
0459 = Paralysis Jwl 2
045A = Pep Jewel 1
045B = Pep Jewel 2
045C = Steadfast Jwl 1
045D = Standfast Jwl 1
045E = Antidote Jewel 1
045F = Antidote Jewel 2
0460 = Tracker Jewel 1
0461 = Trekker Jewel 1
0462 = Ninja Jewel 1
0463 = Vitality Jewel 1
0464 = Recovery Jewel 1
0465 = Recovery Jewel 2
0466 = Razor Jewel 1
0467 = Razor Jewel 3
0468 = Handicraft Jwl 2
0469 = Handicraft Jwl 3
046A = Fencer Jewel 1
046B = Fencer Jewel 3
046C = Expert Jewel 1
046D = Expert Jewel 2
046E = Expert Jewel 3
046F = Grinder Jewel 1
0470 = Ironwall Jewel 1
0471 = Ironwall Jewel 2
0472 = Shield Jewel 1
0473 = Shield Jewel 2
0474 = Quickload Jwl 1
0475 = Quickload Jwl 2
0476 = Absorber Jewel 1
0477 = Absoerber Jewel 3
0478 = Forceshot Jwl 1
0479 = Forceshot Jwl 3
047A = Pierce Jewel 1
047B = Pierce Jewel 3
047C = Pellet Jewel 1
047D = Pellet Jewel 3
047E = ShotPlus Jewel 1
047F = ShotPlus Jewel 2
0480 = PiercePluss Jwl 1
0481 = DUMMY 137
0482 = PelletPlus Jwl 1
0483 = CragPlus Jewel 1
0484 = ClustPlus Jwl 1
0485 = Disabler Jewel 1
0486 = Disabler Jewel 2
0487 = Element Jewel 1
0488 = Element Jewel 3
0489 = Bombardier Jwl 1
048A = DUMMY 138
048B = Hungerless Jwl 1
048C = Metabolism Jwl 1
048D = Attack Jewel 1
048E = Attack Jewel 2
048F = Attack Jewel 3
0490 = Defense Jewel 1
0491 = Defense Jewel 2
0492 = Protection Jwl 1
0493 = Asylum 1
0494 = Earplug Jewel 1
0495 = Earplug Jewel 3
0496 = Alarm Jewel 1
0497 = Friendship Jwl 1
0498 = Friendship Jwl 2
0499 = Transportr Jwl 1
049A = Fire Res Jewel 1
049B = Water Res Jwl 1
049C = Ice Res Jewel 1
049D = ThunderRes Jwl 1
049E = Dragon Res Jwl 1
049F = Heat Res Jewel 1
04A0 = Cold Res Jewel 1
04A1 = Wind Res Jewel 1
04A2 = Wind Res Jewel 2
04A3 = DUMMY 139
04A4 = Gathering Jwl 1
04A5 = Spree Jewel 1
04A6 = Blessing Jewel 1
04A7 = Fate Jewel 1
04A8 = Fate Jewel 3
04A9 = DUMMY 140
04AA = Psychic Jewel 1
04AB = Medicine Jewel 1
04AC = Medicine Jewel 2
04AD = Professor Jewel 1
04AE = Factory Jewel 1
04AF = Evasion Jewel 1
04B0 = Evasion Jewel 2
04B1 = Potential Jwl 1
04B2 = Potential Jwl 2
04B3 = Enduring Jewel 1
04B4 = Sprinter Jewel 1
04B5 = Sprinter Jewel 3
04B6 = Capacity Jewel 2
04B7 = Capacity Jewel 3
04B8 = Sniper Jewel 1
04B9 = Gobbler Jewel 1
04BA = Gobbler Jewel 3
04BB = Carver Jewel 1
04BC = Carver Jewel 3
04BD = Footing Jewel 1
04BE = Tectonic Jewel 1
04BF = DUMMY 141
04C0 = Jumping Jewel 1
04C1 = DUMMY 142
04C2 = Draw Jewel 1
04C3 = Draw Jewel 2
04C4 = Trapmaster Jwl 1
04C5 = Physique Jewel 1
04C6 = Physique Jewel 2
04C7 = Capture Jewel 1
04C8 = Capture Jewel 3
04C9 = Perception Jwl 1
04CA = Charger Jewel 1
04CB = Charger Jewel 3
04CC = Fresh Air Jwl 1
04CD = Stopflow Jewel 1
04CE = Swimmer Jewel 1
04CF = Diver Jewel 1
04D0 = Gambit Jewel 1
04D1 = Gambit Jewel 3
04D2 = Resitor Jewel 1
04D3 = Release Jewel 2
04D4 = Catalyst Jewel 3
04D5 = Fortitude Jwl 1
04D6 = Fortitude Jwl 2
04D7 = Salvo Jewel 1
04D8 = Salvo Jewel 3
04D9 = Dungmaster Jwl 1
04DA = Torchlight Jwl 1
04DB = (No Mask)
04DC = BBQ With Mask
04DD = Sharpen w/Mask
04DE = Return Via Mask
04DF = Slime S
04E0 = DUMMY 143
04E1 = Flying Wyverns Vol 1
04E2 = Flying Wyverns Vol 2
04E3 = Flying Wyverns Vol 3
04E4 = Bird Wyverns Vol 1
04E5 = Bird Wyverns Vol 2
04E6 = Brute Wyverns Vol 1
04E7 = Brute Wyverns Vol 2
04E8 = Brute Wyverns VOl 3
04E9 = Leviathans Vol 1
04EA = Leviathans Vol 2
04EB = Leviathans Vol 3
04EC = Fanged Wyverns Vol 1
04ED = Fanged Wyverns Vol 2
04EE = Fanged Beasts
04EF = Invalid Message
04F0 = Piscine Wyverns
04F1 = Elder Dragons Vol 1
04F2 = Elder Dragons Vol 2
04F3 = Elder Dragons Vol 3
04F4 = Lynians
04F5 = Neopteron
04F6 = Herbivores Vol 1
04F7 = Herbivores Vol 2
04F8 = Deviljho
04F9 = Brachydios
04FA = Dire Miralis
04FB = Plesioth Vol 1
04FC = Plesioth Vol 2
04FD = Deadorant
04FE = Emperor Jopper
04FF = Elder Dragonbone
0500 = DUMMY 145
0501 = Purecrystak
0502 = Admant Orb
0503 = Lagiacrus Piel
0504 = DUMMY 146
0505 = Nightmarish Maw
0506 = DUMMY 147
0507 = DUMMY 148
0508 = DUMMY 149
0509 = Slime Coating
050A = DUMMY 150
050B = Blossom Cricket
050C = L.Narg Tailspear
050D = DUMMY 151
050E = G.Narg Tailspear
050F = DUMMY 152
0510 = Agnaktor Cortex
0511 = Revolting Piel
0512 = Cryo Sac
0513 = Flood Sac
0514 = Monster Essence
0515 = DUMMY 153
0516 = Massive Bone
0517 = DUMMY 154
0518 = Prized Pelt
0519 = DUMMY 155
051A = DUMMY 156
051B = Speartuna
051C = Nargacuga Pelt+
051D = Narga Razor
051E = VE Ticket
051F = VE Deluxe Ticket
0520 = VE Bronze Ticket
0521 = VE Sliver Ticket
0522 = VE Golden Ticket
0523 = VE Cosmic Ticket
0524 = DUMMY 157
0525 = DUMMY 158
0526 = Maiden Butterfly
0527 = DUMMY 159
0528 = DUMMY 160
0529 = DUMMY 161
052A = DUMMY 162
052B = DUMMY 163
052C = Chum-Chum Ticket
052D = DUMMY 164
052E = Lagia Hardhorn
052F = DUMMY 165
0530 = DUMMY 166
0531 = DUMMY 167
0532 = Heftcorn
0533 = DUMMY 210
0534 = DUMMY 212
0535 = Bullfango Tusk
0536 = DUMMY 168
0537 = DUMMY 169
0538 = DUMMY 170
0539 = Butterfly Beetle
053A = DUMMY 171
053B = DUMMY 172
053C = Diablos Hardtail
053D = Barroth Lash
053E = DUMMY 173
053F = DUMMY 174
0540 = DUMMY 175
0541 = Scalding PLeura
0542 = DUMMY 176
0543 = Crested Crown
0544 = Ryal Crest
0545 = Realmless Crown
0546 = Giant Fossil
0547 = DUMMY 177
0548 = R.Ludroth Lash
0549 = Mohran Shard
054A = Mohran Rockskin
054B = Mohran Allbrace
054C = Rathalos Wing
054D = Pesioth Webbing
054E = Hrd Ples Webbing
054F = Fish
0550 = DUMMY 178
0551 = DUMMY 179
0552 = Small Golden Egg
0553 = Bronze Coin
0554 = Silver Coin
0555 = Gold Coin
0556 = Sparkiy Fragment
0557 = Plesioth Head
0558 = Uber Plesio Head
0559 = Beast Coin
055A = Flying Coin
055B = Piscine Coin
055C = Brute Coin
055D = Port Gal (Red)
055E = Port Gal (Blue)
055F = Port Gal (Green)
0560 = Port Gal (White)
0561 = Slickaxe
0562 = Mooncatcher Fang
0563 = Glossy Scale
0564 = DUMMY 180
0565 = DUMMY 181
0566 = DUMMY 182
0567 = DUMMY 183
0568 = DUMMY 184
0569 = DUMMY 185
056A = DUMMY 186
056B = DUMMY 187
056C = DUMMY 188
056D = DUMMY 189
056E = DUMMY 190
056F = DUMMY 191
0570 = Thick Skull
0571 = Sarvory Bear Paw
0572 = Peco Pipes
0573 = Billowy Mane
0574 = Volvidon Tongue
0575 = Quality Mud Pack
0576 = DUMMY 192
0577 = DUMMY 193
0578 = Rathian Loin
0579 = Tender Liver
057A = P.Rathian Loin
057B = Supersized Scale
057C = Rathalos Ribs
057D = Prime Plesioth
057E = Diablos Heart
057F = Bag of Zs
0580 = Large Obsidian
0581 = Duram Truffle
0582 = DUMMY 194
0583 = Zinogre Head
0584 = DUMMY 195
0585 = Nargacuga Eye
0586 = Celestial Scale
0587 = Alabaster Scale
0588 = Worldeater Belly
0589 = DUMMY 196
058A = DUMMY 197
058B = DUMMY 198
058C = DUMMY 199
058D = DUMMY 200
058E = DUMMY 201
058F = DUMMY 202
0590 = DUMMY 203
0591 = DUMMY 204
0592 = DUMMY 205
0593 = Exquisite Meat
0594 = DUMMY
0595 = Top Secret Formula
0596 = Flashbolt Diploma
0597 = DUMMY 207
0598 = DUMMY
0599 = Captain's IOU
059A = Hades's Skull
059B = DUMMY
059C = Crown of Glory
059D = DUMMY
059E = DUMMY
059F = Medal Voucher G
05A0 = Far East Sword
05A1 = DUMMY
05A2 = DUMMY
05A3 = Miniature Ticket
05A4 = Fierce Soul
05A5 = DUMMY 220
05A6 = Flying Wyverns Vol 4
05A7 = Flying Wyverns Vol 5
05A8 = Def Lock Jewel 1
05A9 = Sterile Jewel 1
05AA = Aseptic Juwel 1
05AB = Blaze Jewel 1
05AC = Blaze Jewel 2
05AD = Stream Jewel 1
05AE = Stream Jewel 2
05AF = Bolt Jewel 1
05B0 = Bolt Jewel 2
05B1 = Frost Jewel 1
05B2 = Frost Jewel 2
05B3 = Dragon Jewel 1
05B4 = Dragon Jewel 2
05B5 = Tenderizer Jwl 1
05B6 = Tenderizer Jwl 3
05B7 = Destroyer Jwl 1
05B8 = Destroyer Jwl 3
05B9 = Throttle Jewel 1
05BA = Throttle Jewel 2
05BB = KO Jewel 1
05BC = Drain Jewel 1
05BD = Drain Jewel 2
05BE = Sonorous Jewel 1
05BF = Artillery Jwl 1
05C0 = Resistor Jewel 3
05C1 = Nul-Fire Jewel 1
05C2 = Nul-Water Jwl 1
05C3 = Nul-Thundr Jwl 1
05C4 = Nul-Ice Jewel 1
05C5 = Nul-Dragon Jwl 1
05C6 = Sheath Jewel 1
05C7 = Steath Jewel 2
05C8 = Refresh Jewel 1
05C9 = Refresh Jewel 2
05CA = Ranger Jewel 1
05CB = SlicePlus Jwl 1
05CC = Paracoat Jewel 1
05CD = Paracoat Jewel 2
05CE = Sleepcoat Jwl 1
05CF = Poisoncoat Jwl 1
05D0 = Powercoat Jwl 1
05D1 = Powercoat Jwl 2
05D2 = Rangecoat Jwl 1
05D3 = Draincoat Jwl 1
05D4 = Stopflow Jewel 2
05D5 = Guts Jewel 1
05D6 = Guts Jewel 2
05D7 = Meateater Jwl 1
05D8 = Meatlover Jwl 1
05D9 = Slider Jewel 1
05DA = Glider Jewel 1
05DB = Honeybee Jewel 1
05DC = Queenbee Jewel 1
05DD = Biology Jewel 1
05DE = Microbio Jewel 1
05DF = Spirit Jewel 1
05E0 = Spirit Jewel 2
05E1 = Flawless Jewel 1
05E2 = Flawless Jewel 2
05E3 = Steady Jewel 1
05E4 = Steady Jewel 3
05E5 = Fish Jewel 1
05E6 = Fish Jewel 2
05E7 = Player Jewel 1
05E8 = Morale Jewel 1
05E9 = Leader Jewel 1
05EA = Leader Jewel 2
05EB = Dust of Life
05EC = KO Jewel 2
05ED = Diablos Hardhorn
05EE = Ghostly Quartz
05EF = Crushing Fang
05F0 = Cloudy Moonshard
05F1 = Bulky Pelt
05F2 = Excellent Fang
05F3 = Fish with Mask
05F4 = Gloamgrass Bud
05F5 = Platinum Needle
05F6 = Goldmine Fang
05F7 = Wyverngold Lore
05F8 = Charmer Jewel 1
05F9 = Dracophage Bug
05FA = Tanzia Chips
05FB = SlimePlus Jwl 1
05FC = Slimecoat Jwl 1

== N ==

== P ==
Reset Timer [CosmoCortney]
35A288B4 00000000

Alph Position Modifier [CosmoCortney]

9999 Red Pikmins in onion (when all Pikmin types unlocked) [CosmoCortney]
3563F854 0000270F

9999 Rock Pimins in onion (when all Pikmin types unlocked) [CosmoCortney]
3563F884 0000270F

9999 Blue Pikmins in onion (when all Pikmin types unlocked) [CosmoCortney]
3563F840 0000270F

9999 Yellow Pikmins in onion (when all Pikmin types unlocked) [CosmoCortney]
3563F86C 0000270F

9999 Pink/Winged Pikmins in onion (when all Pikmin types unlocked) [CosmoCortney]
3563F878 0000270F

Weird blending [CosmoCortney]
10503004 40000000

Giant Pikmins, Captains, Enemies [CosmoCortney]
107D9B10 40400000

Pikmins & Captains Animation Speed Modifier [CosmoCortney]
107F903C xxxxxxxx

00000000 = frozen (looks like they are skating)
3f000000 = slowly
40000000 = fast
41000000 = faster

leader speed code [CosmoCortney]
1080AF20 40800000

Rain drop size [CosmoCortney]
10824D0C xxxxxxxx

3f000000 = x0.5
40000000 = x2
40800000 = x4
00000000 = none

Execution status [CosmoCortney]
10858B08 xxxxxxxx

3F800000 = CPU unpaused
40000000 = CPU paused

Tunnel Vision/FOV modifier [CosmoCortney]
1087D72C 3e800000

Blur Effect [CosmoCortney]
1087DCB8 xxxxxxxx

3F801000 = Under water vision
3f800000 = Normal
3f000000 = Blurry
BF800000 = Messed up Z-Index

SFX corruption [CosmoCortney]
10899330 40200000
*warning, potential ear rapes

SFX volume [CosmoCortney]
1089BCF0 xxxxxxxx

00000000 = muted
3ec00000 = quietly
40400000 = noisy

SFX speed/Pitch [CosmoCortney]
1089F350 xxxxxxxx

40400000 = high pitch
3f000000 = low pitch

brighness [CosmoCortney]
108A8C48 xxxxxxxx

41000000 = very shiny
3f000000 = dark

blur [CosmoCortney]
108A96DC 3f000000

Particle Size 1 [CosmoCortney]
108AC314 40000000

Particle Size 2 [CosmoCortney]
108B2F7C 40000000

Particle Size 3 [CosmoCortney]
108B2F88 40000000

Particle size 4 [CosmoCortney]
108B3088 40000000

Particle size 5 [CosmoCortney]
108CE2AC 40000000

Distortion [CosmoCortney]
108CF934 3f740000

Pikmins & Captains are spazzing out [CosmoCortney]
108CFAA8 41000000

== S ==
Freeze/Unfreeze Camera [CosmoCortney]
105079B4 xxxxxxxx

BF800000 = Freeze
3F800000 = Unfreeze
* unfreezing will incredibly corrupt the graphics (seizure warning)

Distant/near camera [CosmoCortney]
10508E28 xxxxxxxx

3FA00000 = distant
3F400000 = near

Jump and Sonic will become a jackhammer [CosmoCortney]
1053E6FC 3f000000

Drunk beatle bots [CosmoCortney]
10541548 40000000
105416BC 40000000

Gravety Modifier [CosmoCortney]
105432E8 xxxxxxxx

Flower light modifier [CosmoCortney]

* you can make them glowing even brigther than usual!
* The higher value the brighter
* 3F800000 is default for each. lower values will make them darker.
* RRRRRRRR = Red channel
* GGGGGGGG = Green channel
* BBBBBBBB = Blue channel

Every animated thing is hilariously corrupted [CosmoCortney]
1073A064 40200000

Yet another awesome corruption [CosmoCortney]
1074243C 3F980000
Max Orbs: - change value in octovalley [cfoordddd]
12CB09E2 270F

No Music
1BC98AE4 00000000 [CosmoCortney]

Inkopolis (your) Position Modifier [CosmoCortney]
[106C80B0] + 244 XXXXXXXX
[106C80B0] + 248 XXXXXXXX
[106C80B0] + 24C XXXXXXXX

Callie Position Modifier [CosmoCortney]
[1CC89B04] + 334 XXXXXXXX
[1CC89B04] + 344 XXXXXXXX
[1CC89B04] + 354 XXXXXXXX

Everything spazzes out [CosmoCortney]
106B21E0 BF800000

Every Animated thing is corrupted [CosmoCortney]
106B21DC 3F000000

Animation's F-Curve Corruption [CosmoCortney]
106B21E4 3FC00000
106B21E8 C0900000
106B21EC BF400000

No Music [CosmoCortney]
1BC98AE4 00000000
Inkling Gender id [aracom]
12CCAB90 000000XX
00 = Girl
01 = Boy
02 = Octoling

*Note: With patch 2.2.0, the game sets players with gender id 2 back to 0 when joining a online match, so there's no more danger of stupid people trying to brake saves.*

Skin Color [H93]
12CCAB94 000000XX

Eyes color [H93]
12CCAB98 000000XX
999999 Points [Ailuros27]
12CD5FA0 000F423F

9999 Octovalley Orbs [Ailuros27]
12CD63E0 0000270F

99 Super Sea Snails [Ailuros27]
12CD5FB4 00000063

inkling gender id [aracom]
12CCBB90 0000000X
0 = Girl
1 = Boy
2 = Octoling

Gear Modification Tutorial [cfoordddd]
OneDrive view/download (Updated offsets for v2.3.0)

*NOTE: file created in Microsoft Word
includes almost all item ID with all amiibo gears, ability modification tutorial, manually adding gears/weapons tutorial. Will update the file as i find more ID's.
H0neyBadger's code is added below if you can't be bothered clicking the link.*

Gear object structure [H0neyBadger]
Current selected gears :
12CCBB80 clothes (In theory you are able to change your tee during the splatfest)
12CCBB84 shoes
12CCBB88 head
12CCBB8C weapon

Gears first addresses :
12CCBBA0 shoes
12CCEBA0 clothes
12CD1BA0 head
12CD4BA0 weapon

Attention, do not override an existing object.
If correctly executed, your custom gears will be available in the menu

0 31 32 63 64 95 96 127
|  object id  |  objecl lvl | unlock slots| 1st ability |
| 2nd ability | 3rd ability |     xp      |  00000000   |
|   00000000  |date(Optional| "new" icon  |   00000000  |

Empty object (default/free object slot) addr 12CCDC90 in my case. [H0neyBadger]
FFFFFFFF 00000001 00000002 FFFFFFFF
FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF 00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

Examples :
Base address 12CCDBD0

inkgirl amiibo head gear [H0neyBadger]
000061A8 00000004 00000004 00000005
00000005 00000005 00000000 00000000
00000000 561AA04C 00010000 00000000

inkboy amiibo head gear [H0neyBadger]
000061A9    00000004    00000004    00000000
00000000    00000000    00000000    00000000
00000000    5622C265    00010000    00000000

Squid amiibo head gear [H0neyBadger]
000061AA    00000004    00000004    00000001
00000001    00000001    00000000    00000000
00000000    5622A13A    00010000    00000000
Unlimited lives [Onion_Knight]
378D7E04 0000FFFF
378D6A38 0000FFFF

Set Timer to 999 [Onion_Knight]
378D6AD4 0000FFFF

Secondary Item Slot Modifier [Onion_Knight]
378D6B9C 0000000X

Set Timer to 999 [jurai]
378D6AD4 0000FFFF

Secondary Item Slot Modifier [jurai]
378D6B9C 000000XX

01 = Mushroom
02 = Cat
03 = Fire Flower
04 = Tanooki
05 = Boomerang
06 = Golden Leaf
07 = Lucky Bell

Green Stars [merlin555]

00000007 = all 3 green Stars
00000001 = only 1. Star
00000002 = only 2. Star
00000006 = 2. & 3. Star
00000004 = only 3. Star
00000003 = 1. & 2. Star
0000001F = all 5 green stars

Go in the Level and POKE the address with your value of choice.
You see first no effect.
First you pick a green Star, that not yet is green.
Thats it!
Green Stars [merlin555]

00000007 = all 3 green Stars
00000001 = only 1. Star
00000002 = only 2. Star
00000006 = 2. & 3. Star
00000004 = only 3. Star
00000003 = 1. & 2. Star
0000001F = all 5 green stars

Go in the Level and POKE the address with your value of choise.
You see first no effect.
First you pick a green Star, that not yet is green.
Thats it!
Smash Bros U 1.07 [FederalGOKU]
12bdb4a4 00FFFFFF

P1 [Deathwolf1000]
109353F7 000000XX

P2 [Deathwolf1000]
10935477 000000XX

P3 [Deathwolf1000]
109354F7 000000XX

P4 [Deathwolf1000]
10935577 000000XX

P5 [Deathwolf1000]
109355F7 000000XX

P6 [Deathwolf1000]
10935677 000000XX

P7 [Deathwolf1000]
109356F7 000000XX

P8 [Deathwolf1000]
00FF01F7 000000XX

* xx Values:
04 = mario
0C = Luigi
0F = Peach
10 = Bowser
08 = Yoshi
25 = Rosalina
2C = Bower JR.
17 = Wario
05 = Donkey Kong
1C = Diddy Kong
14 = Mr. Game and Watch
27 = Little Mac
06 = Link
11 = Zelda
12 = Sheik
15 = Ganondorf
21 = Toon Link
07 = Samus
1A = Zero Suit Samus
19 = Pit
29 = Palutena
13 = Marth
1E = Ike
2A = Robin
2B = Duck Hunt Duo
0D = Captain Falcon
0E = Ness
20 = Rob
31 = Geninja
2E = Jigglypuff
1F = Lucario
22 = Charizard
0B = Pikachu
16 = Falco
0A = Fox
18 = Meta Knight
1D = King Dedede
09 = Kirby
28 = Villager
1B = Olimar
26 = Wii Fit Trainer
2D = Shulk
24 = DR. Mario
30 = Dark Pit
2F = Lucina
32 = Pac Man
33 = Mega Man
23 = Sonic

P1 [Deathwolf1000]
109353F4 000000XX

P2 [Deathwolf1000]
10935474 000000XX

P3 [Deathwolf1000]
109354F4 000000XX

P4 [Deathwolf1000]
10935574 000000XX

P5 [Deathwolf1000]
109355F4 000000XX

P6 [Deathwolf1000]
10935674 000000XX

P7 [Deathwolf1000]
109356F4 000000XX

P8 [Deathwolf1000]
00FF01F4 000000XX

Stage [Deathwolf1000]
1093544C 0000XXXX
*also work on 8 player smash*

0101 = Battle Field
2F2F = Big Battle Field
0202 = Final Destination
0404 = Mushroom Kingdom U
0303 = Mario Galaxy
0707 = Delfion Plaza
0505 = Mario Circuit
0808 = Mario Circuit (Brawl
0606 = Luigis Manson
0909 = Junge Hijinx
0A0A = Kongo Jungle
1717 = Port Town Aero Drive
0E0E = Norfair
2C2C = Duck Hunt sideroll
2E2E = Online Training Room
3333 = All Star Mode Stage
.... more stage values coming soon

Play on Allstar Mode Stage (Example)
1093544C 00003333

Though this aren't really codes more like ways to achieve stuff, there might be better ways but I was just trying to get it working asap to show it off before the update was released.
For smash bros. version 1.08.

Change stage =
exec breakpoint at 0x0CF0909C, current stage is in r3.

Change character =
exec breakpoint at 0x0cd496fc, current character ID is at (u8) 0x1044fd65.
999999999 Coins [Moops44]
12C013E4 FFFF

P1 [Moops44]
1096FBAB 000000XX
P2 [Moops44]
1096FC2B 000000XX
P3 [Moops44]
1096FCAB 000000XX
P4 [Moops44]
1096FD2B 000000XX
P5 [Moops44]
1096FDAB 000000XX
P6 [Moops44]
1096FE2B 000000XX
P7 [Moops44]
1096FEAB 000000XX
P8 [Moops44]
1096FF2B 000000XX

XX = Character ID
DLC Characters:
34 = Mewtwo
35 = Ryu
36 = Lucas
37 = Roy
*Default & Unlockable chars list refer to version 1.0.8 *

Stages [Moops44]
1096FC00 0000XXXX

XXXX = Stage ID
0101 = Battlefield
2F2S = Big Battlefield
0202 = Final Destination
0404 = Mushroom Kingdom U
0303 = Mario Galaxy
0707 = Delfino Plaza (Brawl)
0505 = Mario Circuit
0808 = Mario Circuit (Brawl)
0606 = Luigi’s Mansion (Brawl)
0909 = Jungle Hijinx
0A0A = Congo Jungle (64)
0B0B = Skyloft
0C0C = Bridge of Eldin (Brawl)
2626 = Temple (Melee)
0D0D = Pyrosphere
0E0E = Norfair (Brawl)
1717 = Port Town Aero Dive (Brawl)
0F0F = Woolly World
1010 = Yoshi’s Island (Melee)
1111 = The Great Cave Offensive
1212 = Halberd (Brawl)
1313 = Orbital Gate Assault
1414 = Lylat Cruise
1515 = Kalos Pokemon League
1616 = Pokemon Stadium 2 (Brawl)
1C1C = Onett (Melee)
1919 = Coliseum
1A1A = Castle Siege
2A2A = Flat Zone X
1F1F = Palutena’s Temple
2020 = Skyworld
1B1B = Gamer
1818 = Garden of Hope
1D1D = Town and City
1E1E = Smashville
2323 = Wii Fit Studio
2424 = Boxing Ring
2525 = Gaur Plain
2727 = Duck Hunt
2828 = Wrecking Crew
2222 = Pilotwings
2121 = Wuhu Island
2D2D = Windy Hill
2B2B = Dr. Wily’s Castle
2C2C = Pac-Land
2929 = DK classic
2E2E = Miiverse

== T ==

Link Size Modifier [CosmoCortney]
02020003 4369B8C8
???????? 00000004
00000000 00000000
*00000000 = invisible
3E800000 = tiny
40000000 = twice as big
40400000 = trice as big
40800000 = 4 times bigger
41000000 = 8 times bigger

Moonwalking Link [CosmoCortney]
00020000 4369B8CC
BF800000 00000000
00020000 4369B8D0
BF800000 00000000

Link has no body (only limbs, head and hip) [CosmoCortney]
00020000 436C91A4
C0000000 00000000
*does not work while running/walking

Button Activator[CosmoCortney]
09020000 102F48A8
???????? 00000000

Stretch Link's Upper Body [CosmoCortney]
09020000 102F48A8
00010000 00000000
12000000 436C91A4
15040000 3D800000
13000000 436C91A4
09020000 102F48A8
00004000 00000000
12000000 436C91A4
15050000 3D800000
13000000 436C91A4
*Press TV button to stretch
Press B button to release
does not work while running/walking

Link's Upper Body is stretched [CosmoCortney]
00020000 436C91A4
41800000 00000000
*does not work while running/walking

Pregnant Link [CosmoCortney]
00020000 436C91A8
40200000 00000000
*does not work while running/walking

Link's Body is a Sand Clock [CosmoCortney]
02020002 436C91A8
00000000 00000004
00000000 00000000
*does not work while running/walking

Fat belly Link [CosmoCortney]
02020002 436C91A8
40200000 00000004
00000000 00000000
*does not work while running/walking

Link has wide shoulders [CosmoCortney]
00020000 436C91DC
40300000 00000000
*does not work while running/walking

Link has no shoulders [CosmoCortney]
00020000 436C91DC
00000000 00000000
*does not work while running/walking

Link's left Arm Size Modifier (without hand) [CosmoCortney]
02020003 436C9204
???????? 00000004
00000000 00000000
02020003 436C9234
???????? 00000004
00000000 00000000
02020003 436C9294
???????? 00000004
00000000 00000000
*00000000 = None
3E800000 = tiny
40000000 = twice as big
40400000 = trice as big
40800000 = 4 times bigger
41000000 = 8 times bigger
does not work while running/walking

Link's Left Hand Size Modifier [CosmoCortney]
02020003 436C9324
???????? 00000004
00000000 00000000
02020003 436C93E4
???????? 00000004
00000000 00000000
02020003 436C9414
???????? 00000004
00000000 00000000
02020003 436C9444
???????? 00000004
00000000 00000000
*does only resize hand and pointer
does not work while running/walking
00000000 = None
3E800000 = tiny (like trumps hands)
40000000 = twice as big
40400000 = trice as big
40800000 = 4 times bigger
41000000 = 8 times bigger

Link's right Arm Size Modifier (without hand) [CosmoCortney]
02020003 436C9684
???????? 00000004
00000000 00000000
02020003 436C96B4
???????? 00000004
00000000 00000000
02020003 436C9714
???????? 00000004
00000000 00000000
*does not work while running/walking
00000000 = None
3E800000 = tiny
40000000 = twice as big
40400000 = trice as big
40800000 = 4 times bigger
41000000 = 8 times bigger

Link's Left Hand Size Modifier [CosmoCortney]
02020003 436C97A4
???????? 00000004
00000000 00000000
02020003 436C9864
???????? 00000004
00000000 00000000
02020003 436C9894
???????? 00000004
00000000 00000000
02020003 436C98C4
???????? 00000004
00000000 00000000
*does only resize hand and pointer
00000000 = None
3E800000 = tiny (like Trumps hands)
40000000 = twice as big
40400000 = trice as big
40800000 = 4 times bigger
41000000 = 8 times bigger
does not work while running/walking

Link's Neck Size Modifier [CosmoCortney]
02020003 436C9B04
???????? 00000004
00000000 00000000
*BF800000 = use this value when he is topless and check out his armpits
00000000 = None
3E800000 = tiny
40000000 = twice as big
40400000 = trice as big
40800000 = 4 times bigger
41000000 = 8 times bigger
does not work while running/walking

Giraffe Link [CosmoCortney]
02020003 436C9B04
41800000 00000004
00000000 00000000
*does not work while running/walking

Adjustable Corruptive Head Size Modifier (Link) [CosmoCortney]
09020000 102F48A8
00010000 00000000
12000000 436C9B34
15040000 3D800000
13000000 436C9B34
13000000 436C9B38
13000000 436C9B3C
09020000 102F48A8
00004000 00000000
12000000 436C9B34
15050000 3D800000
13000000 436C9B34
13000000 436C9B38
13000000 436C9B3C
*Press TV button to enlarge
Press B to shrink (or negatively enlarge)
does not work while running/walking

Link has a giant corrupted head [CosmoCortney]
00020000 436C9B34
41000000 00000000
00020000 436C9B38
41000000 00000000
00020000 436C9B3C
41000000 00000000
*does not work while running/walking

Link's head only consists of Hair, Eyes, Teeth and Jaw [CosmoCortney]
00020000 436C9B34
00000000 00000000
00020000 436C9B38
00000000 00000000
00020000 436C9B3C
00000000 00000000
*does not work while running/walking

Overweight Link [CosmoCortney]
02020003 436C91A4
40300000 00000004
00300000 00000000
02020003 436C91D4
40300000 00000004
00300000 00000000
02020003 436C9204
40200000 00000004
00200000 00000000
02020003 436C9234
40000000 00000004
00300000 00000000
02020003 436C9294
40000000 00000004
00300000 00000000
02020003 436C9684
40200000 00000004
00200000 00000000
02020003 436C96B4
40000000 00000004
00300000 00000000
02020003 436C9714
40000000 00000004
00300000 00000000
*does not work while running/walking

== W ==
Animal Match-up - 3 hearts [nastys]
2B4CF02F 00000003

== X ==
Main Character LVL Exp [MiZ J0K3R]
1C38C647 3B9AC9FF

Main Character RANK Exp [MiZ J0K3R]
1C38C6F5] X [3B9AC9FF

Main Character BLADE LVL Exp [MiZ J0K3R]
1C3C56E7] X [3B9AC9FF

Main Character Skill Point Modifier [MiZ J0K3R]

Elma (Secondary Story Character) Skill Point Modifier [MiZ J0K3R]

Lin (Third Story Character) Skill Point Modifier [MiZ J0K3R]

Lao (Fourth Story Character) Skill Point Modifier [MiZ J0K3R]

Irina (Fifth Story Character) Skill Point Modifier [MiZ J0K3R]

Gwin (Sixty Story Character) Skill Point Modifier [MiZ J0K3R]

Doug (Seventh Story Character) Skill Point Modifier [MiZ J0K3R]

Money Modifier [MiZ J0K3R]

Miranium Point Modifier [MiZ J0K3R]

Ticket Point Modifier [MiZ J0K3R]

== Y ==
999999 Coins [moops44]
107E1C10 000F423F

The codehandler is a little piece of software that executes cheat codes while it runs in the background. It first checks what type of cheat code is being used (Code Type) and then jumps to the corresponding function. It then checks whether a pointer has to be loaded or a direct address. After that it checks the data size and executes the cheat. Once the cheat is executed the codehandler checks for the next cheat and so on. This allows you to build cheat codes of any kind. Activate them by pressing a button, execute PPC ASM, do integer and floating point operations to archive great effects and even more.

Change log:
  • sort of initial release/proof of concept which had to be injected into memory by the early versions of JGecko U. The codehandler was executed by an .rpl inside the memory. This method was really unreliable, caused some games to freeze and did not work on FWs higher than 5.3.2.
    By some time it supported RAM writes, String Writes, Skip- & Incremental Writes, conditionals of ==, !=, <, >, =< and =>, load int, store int, load float, store float, int ops, float ops, termination.
  • a new version of TCPGecko has been release which has to be launched via the Homebrew Launcher. wj44 and I talked about some possibilities about installing the codehandler so I created the codehandler.bin which is now its own executable file. The new TCPGecko build is capable of installing the codehandler which provides absolute reliability. New codetypes such as like as conditional &&, ||, value between, add time dependence, reset timer, timer termination, no operation, fill memory, load pointer, add offset to pointer and corruptor have been added. The old pointer scheme was removed since it only allowed a pointer depth of 2 levels. The new release features an infinite pointer depth
  • the cheat codes have now to be sent into another memory. So we can now execute assembly codes and perform syscalls!
    This has been released yet but comes with a few struggles. The new memory range has no write permission which leads to freezes. But this problem should be solved with kern_write.
    The new range is needed in order to execute assembly codes and to store cheats from an SD card (if this feature will ever be a thing)
This program has to be launched via the Homebrew Launcher. It then builds up a TCP connection between the Wii U and your computer. It allows to install the codehandler to feature cheat code execution. The socket code of it causes some games to freeze on the boot screen such as like as StarFox Zero.
This can be considered as the successor of TCPGecko .NET. It is less buggy, platform independent and features more options. It's an all-in-one debugging tool that lets you create, save, load and send cheat code lists.

Thanks to:
CosmoCortney: thread creation, cheat code maintainer, Cafe Code Type creator/designer and Codehandler developer
wj44: TCPGecko.elf, Exploit hosting
Cyan: Known-Value-Search Tutorial writer
BullyWiiPlaza: Developer of JGecko U and the Java-based Pointer Searcher
aracom (aka Amibu): for creating the official Wii U Cheat Code Database
Mr. Mysterio: Cheat code maintainer, creator of the Pointer Searcher for Windows
And all users who submit cheats :)


  • cheats01.jpg
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  • cheats04.jpg
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  • cheats06.jpg
    22.7 KB · Views: 9,860
Last edited by Mega-Mew,


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2015
Gambia, The
MY first Code i have made (thanks to CosmoCortney)

9.999.999 Rupis
355016F4 0098967F
Have to many Z (Money)
2F448AF8 09023840

Have to many Res.
2F44E602 09023840

Inventar Slot 1
Y = Item Digits
*X = How many 03E7 are 999

ItemBox Slot 1
Y = Item Digits
*X = How many 03E7 are 999

0001 = (None)
0002 = Book of Combo 1
0003 = Book of Combo 2
0004 = Book of Combo 3
0005 = Book of Combo 4
0006 = Book of Combo 4
0007 = Organizer Guide
0008 = Pack Rat Guide
0009 = Potion
000A = Mega Potion
000B = Nutrients
000C = Mega Nutrients
000D = Antidote
000E = Immunizer
000F = Dash Juice
0010 = Mega Dash Juice
0011 = Demondrug
0012 = Mega Demondrug
0013 = Might Pill
0014 = Armorskin
0015 = Mega Armorskin
0016 = Adamant Pill
0017 = Cool Drink
0018 = Hot Drink
0019 = Cleanser
001A = Psychoserum
001B = Herbal Medicine
001C = Max Potion
001D = Ancient Potion
001E = Catalyst
001F = Energy Drink
0020 = Air Philter
0021 = Mega Air Philter
0022 = Gunpowder
0023 = Lifecrystals
0024 = Lifepowder
0025 = Mystery Charm
0026 = Shining Carm
0027 = Timeworn Charm
0028 = Enduring Charm
0029 = Powercharm
002A = Powertalon
002B = Armorcharm
002C = Armortalon
002D = Tranquilizer
002E = Raw Meat
002F = Poisoned Meat
0030 = Tinger Meat
0031 = Drugged Meat
0032 = Rare Steak
0033 = Well-done Steak
0034 = Burnt Meat
0035 = Hot Meat
0036 = Chilled Meat
0037 = Pink Liver
0038 = Ethnic Wyvrnmeat
0039 = Boomerang
003A = Throwing Knife
003B = Poison Knife
003C = Sleep Knife
003D = Paralysis Knife
003E = Tranq Knife
003F = Bomb Casing
0040 = Paintball
0041 = Flash Bomb
0042 = Sonic Bomb
0043 = Dung
0044 = Super-sized Dung
0045 = Fertile Mud
0046 = Dung Bomb
0047 = Smoke Bomb
0048 = Poison Smoke Bmb
0049 = Farcaster
004A = Tranq Bomb
004B = Oxygen Supply
004C = Spider Web
004D = Net
004E = Trap Tool
004F = Pitfall Trap
0050 = Shock Trap
0051 = Small Barrel
0052 = Large Barrel
0053 = Barrel Bomb S
0054 = Barrel Bomb S+
0055 = Barrel Bomb L
0056 = Barrel Bomb L+
0057 = Bounce Bomb
0058 = Bounce Bomb+
0059 = Felvine Bomb
005A = Huskberry
005B = Bone Husk S
005C = Bone Husk L
005D = Normal S Lv1
005E = Normal S Lv2
005F = Normal S Lv3
0060 = Pierce S Lv1
0061 = Pierce S Lv2
0062 = Pierce S Lv3
0063 = Pellet S Lv1
0064 = Pellet S Lv2
0065 = Pellet S Lv3
0066 = Crag S Lv1
0067 = Crag S Lv2
0068 = Crag S Lv3
0069 = Clust S Lv1
006A = Clust S Lv2
006B = Clust S Lv3
006C = Flaming S
006D = Water S
006E = Thunder S
006F = Freeze S
0070 = Dragon S
0071 = Recov S Lv1
0072 = Recov S Lv2
0073 = Poison S Lv1
0074 = Poison S Lv2
0075 = Para S Lv1
0076 = Para S Lv2
0077 = Sleep S Lv1
0078 = Sleep S Lv2
0079 = Tranq S
007A = Paint S
007B = Demon S
007C = DUMMY 1
007D = Armor S
007E = DUMMY 2
007F = Sub S Lv1
0080 = Sub S Lv2
0081 = Exhaust S Lv1
0082 = Exhaust S Lv2
0083 = Slicing S
0084 = DUMMY 3
0085 = DUMMY 4
0086 = WyvernFire
0087 = UW Ballista Ammo
0088 = (No Coating)
0089 = Empty Phial
008A = Power Coating
008B = C.Range Coating
008C = Poison Coating
008D = Para Coating
008E = Sleep Coating
008F = Exhaust Coating
0090 = Paint Coating
0091 = DUMMY 5
0092 = Worm
0093 = DUMMY 6
0094 = Mega Fishing Fly
0095 = Frog
0096 = Whetfish Bait
0097 = Sushifish Bait
0098 = Tuna Bait
0099 = DUMMY 7
009A = Goldenfish Bait
009B = Burst Bait
009C = DUMMY 8
009D = Old Pickaxe
009E = Iron Pickaxe
009F = Mega Pickaxe
00A0 = Old Bug Net
00A1 = Bug Net
00A2 = Mega Bug Net
00A3 = Fishing Harpoon
00A4 = Mega Harpoon
00A5 = BBQ Spit
00A6 = Double BBQ Spit
00A7 = Whetstone
00A8 = Binoculars
00A9 = Garbage
00AA = Field Horn
00AB = Health Horn
00AC = Antidote Horn
00AD = Demon Horn
00AE = Armor Horn
00AF = Honey
00B0 = Herb
00B1 = Antidote Herb
00B2 = Fire Herb
00B3 = DUMMY 9
00B4 = Ivy
00B5 = Sleep Herb
00B6 = Sap Plant
00B7 = Felvine
00B8 = Cactus Flower
00B9 = Airweed
00BA = Hot Pepper
00BB = DUMMY 10
00BC = Blue Mushroom
00BD = Nitroshroom
00BE = Parashroom
00BF = Toadstool
00C0 = Exciteshroom
00C1 = DUMMY 11
00C2 = Dragon Toadstool
00C3 = Bindshroom
00C4 = Paintberry
00C5 = Might Seed
00C6 = Adamant Seed
00C7 = Dragonfell Berry
00C8 = Scatternut
00C9 = Needleberry
00CA = DUMMY 12
00CB = Bomberry
00CC = DUMMY 13
00CD = DUMMY 14
00CE = DUMMY 15
00CF = DUMMY 16
00D0 = Nulberry
00D1 = Bumblepumpkin
00D2 = Broken Shell
00D3 = Black Pearl
00D4 = Jumbo Pearl
00D5 = Stone
00D6 = Iron Ore
00D7 = Earth Crystal
00D8 = Machalite Ore
00D9 = Dragonite Ore
00DA = Pelagicite Ore
00DB = DUMMY 17
00DC = DUMMY 18
00DD = DUMMY 19
00DE = Carbalite Ore
00DF = Eltalite Ore
00E0 = Fucium Ore
00E1 = Meldspar Ore
00E2 = Bathycite Ore
00E3 = Lava Nugget
00E4 = Firestone
00E5 = Firecell Stone
00E6 = Allfire Stone
00E7 = Lightcrystal
00E8 = Isisium
00E9 = DUMMY 20
00EA = Gracium
00EB = Antiseptic Stone
00EC = Ice Crystal
00ED = Armor Stone
00EE = Armor Sphere
00EF = Armor Sphere+
00F0 = Adv Armor Sphere
00F1 = Hrd Armor Sphere
00F2 = Hvy Armor Sphere
00F3 = DUMMY 21
00F4 = Tru Armor Sphere
00F5 = Whetfish
00F6 = Sushifish
00F7 = Sleepyfish
00F8 = Pin Tuna
00F9 = Popfish
00FA = Scatterfish
00FB = Burst Arowana
00FC = Bomb Arowana
00FD = Glutton Tuna
00FE = Small Goldenfish
00FF = Wanchovy
0100 = DUMMY 22
0101 = Blue Cutthroat
0102 = Humspun Conch
0103 = DUMMY 23
0104 = Insect Husk
0105 = Yambug
0106 = Bughopper
0107 = DUMMY 215
0108 = Stinkhopper
0109 = Snakebee Larva
010A = GodBug
010B = Bitterbug
010C = Flashbug
010D = Thunderbug
010E = Fulgurbug
010F = Carpenterbug
0110 = Killer Beetle
0111 = Hercudrome
0112 = DUMMY 24
0113 = King Scarab
0114 = Rare Scarab
0115 = DUMMY 25
0116 = Flutterfly
0117 = DUMMY 26
0118 = Bomb Sac
0119 = Screamer
011A = Poison Sac
011B = Toxin Sac
011C = DUMMY 27
011D = Paralysis
011E = Omniplegia Sac
011F = Sleep Sac
0120 = Coma Sac
0121 = Flame Sac
0122 = Inferno Sac
0123 = Conflagrant Saac
0124 = Aqua Sac
0125 = Torrent Sac
0126 = DUMMY 217
0127 = Thunder Sac
0128 = Lightning Sac
0129 = Frost Sac
012A = Freezer Sac
012B = Dash Extract
012C = Pale Extract
012D = Monster Bone S
012E = Monster Bone M
012F = Monster Bone L
0130 = Mystery Bone
0131 = Unknown Skull
0132 = Bone
0133 = Avian Stoutbone
0134 = DUMMY 218
0135 = Monster Bone+
0136 = Monster Keebone
0137 = Monster Hardbone
0138 = Monster Slogbone
0139 = Avian Finebone
013A = Jumbo Bone
013B = Stoutbone
013C = Dragonbone Relic
013D = Wyvern Fang
013E = Wyvern Claw
013F = Wyvern Stone
0140 = Lrg Wyvern Stone
0141 = Bird Wyvern Gem
0142 = Fey Wyvern Gem
0143 = ElderDragonBlood
0144 = DUMMY 28
0145 = Azure Dragongem
0146 = Azure Drgnsphire
0147 = Beautiful Scale
0148 = Shining Starfish
0149 = Armorfish Morsel
014A = Fine pelt
014B = Power Paddle
014C = Curved Fang
014D = Dragonbone Piece
014E = Abalone Piece
014F = Fossil Piece
0150 = Stunning Quill
0151 = Saturnian
0152 = Mystic Narwhal
0153 = Perfect Paddle
0154 = Moonlight Fang
0155 = Glittering Scale
0156 = Gaint Skull
0157 = Atlantis Crab
0158 = Queen Needle
0159 = Ancient Skin Oil
015A = Flamboyant Quill
015B = Eldest Saturnian
015C = Queen's Spirit
015D = Vermillion Scale
015E = Sea-King's Scale
015F = Old Egg
0160 = Saturnian Trap
0161 = BugMaker! Pro
0162 = Funky Pheromones
0163 = Shroom Germ
0164 = Shroom Germ+
0165 = Bizzy Bees
0166 = Fish Finder
0167 = Treasure Tracker
0168 = Spare Spear
0169 = Pittance Fang
016A = Fortune Fang
016B = Gold Needle
016C = Wyverngold
016D = Pirate Booty
016E = Steel Egg
016F = Silver Egg
0170 = Golden Egg
0171 = Kelbi Horn Objet
0172 = Twstd Horn Objet
0173 = MohranFang Objet
0174 = Poogie
0175 = Eggie Poogie
0176 = Rath Poogie
0177 = Sandstone Plant
0178 = Marshland Plant
0179 = Snowflake Plant
017A = Prismshroom Lamp
017B = Qurupeco Lamp
017C = Sirensea Lamp
017D = Oceanic Fountain
017E = Bubbly Fountain
017F = Magma Fountain
0180 = Iron Figure
0181 = Machalite Figure
0182 = Dragonite Figure
0183 = Model Sandskiff
0184 = Model Airship
0185 = Model Poogieship
0186 = Guildie (Red)
0187 = Guildie (Green)
0188 = Guildie (Blue)
0189 = Great Poogi
018A = Incomplete Crown
018B = Crown's Gemstone
018C = Dazzling Crown
018D = Prize Gold Sword
018E = Golden Medallion
018F = Kelbi Horn
0190 = Blue Kelbi Horn
0191 = Warm Pelt
0192 = High-qualty Pelt
0193 = Gargwa Feather
0194 = DUMMY 29
0195 = DUMMY 30
0196 = Anteka Antler
0197 = DUMMY 31
0198 = Bnahabra Shell
0199 = DUMMY 32
019A = Bnaha Carapace
019B = Bnahabra Wing
019C = DUMMY 33
019D = Bnahabra Cutwing
019E = Bnahabra Spine
019F = Altaroth Jaw
01A0 = DUMMY 34
01A1 = Altaroth Stomach
01A2 = Prized Stomach
01A3 = Quality Sac
01A4 = Bullfango Pelt
01A5 = DUMMY 35
01A6 = Bullfango Head
01A7 = Monster Fluid
01A8 = Monster Broth
01A9 = Rhenoplos Shell
01AA = Rhenoplos Bone
01AB = Rhenoplos Scalp
01AC = DUMMY 36
01AD = Rheno Carapace
01AE = DUMMY 219
01AF = Slagtoth Hide+
01B0 = DUMMY 37
01B1 = Big Fin
01B2 = DUMMY 38
01B3 = Quality Fin
01B4 = Giant Fin
01B5 = Sharpend Fang
01B6 = Velvety Hide
01B7 = Sharqskin
01B8 = Jaggi Scale
01B9 = Jaggi Scale+
01BA = DUMMY 39
01BB = Jaggi Hide
01BC = DUMMY 40
01BD = DUMMY 41
01BE = Bird Wyvern Fang
01BF = G.Jaggi Hide
01C0 = G.Jaggi Hide+
01C1 = Great Jaggi Piel
01C2 = G.Jaggi Claw
01C3 = G.Jaggi Claw+
01C4 = DUMMY 42
01C5 = King's Frill
01C6 = Imperial Frill
01C7 = Great Jaggi Head
01C8 = DUMMY 43
01C9 = Baggi Hide
01CA = Baggi Scale
01CB = Baggi Scale+
01CC = DUMMY 44
01CD = G.Baggi Hide
01CE = G.Baggi Hide+
01CF = Great Baggi Piel
01D0 = G.Baggi Claw
01D1 = G.Baggi Claw+
01D2 = DUMMY 45
01D3 = King' Crest
01D4 = Imperial Crest
01D5 = Wroggi Scale
01D6 = Wroggi Scale+
01D7 = DUMMY 46
01D8 = Wroggi Hide
01D9 = Wroggi Fang
01DA = G.Wroggi Hide
01DB = G.Wroggi Piel
01DC = G.Wroggi Hide+
01DD = G.Wroggi Brace
01DE = DUMMY 47
01DF = G.Wroggi Brace+
01E0 = King's Beak
01E1 = Imperial Beak
01E2 = Qurupeco Sacle
01E3 = Qurupeco Scale+
01E4 = Qurupeco Shard
01E5 = Qurupeco Feather
01E6 = Lustrous Feather
01E7 = Qurupeco Wing
01E8 = Peco Fellwing
01E9 = Vivid Feather
01EA = Strange Beak
01EB = Wonderful Beak
01EC = Alluring Beak
01ED = Flintstone
01EE = Quality Flint
01EF = C.Peco Scale+
01F0 = C.Peco Shard
01F1 = C.Peco Wing
01F2 = C.Peco Fellwing
01F3 = Voltstone
01F4 = High Voltstone
01F5 = Hydro Hide
01F6 = Hydro Hide+
01F7 = DUMMY 48
01F8 = Immature Songe
01F9 = Quality Sponge
01FA = Spongy Hide
01FB = Spongy Hide+
01FC = Spongy Piel
01FD = R.Ludroth Scal
01FE = R.Ludroth Scal+
01FF = R.Ludroth Shard
0200 = R.Ludroth Claw
0201 = R.Ludroth Claw+
0202 = R.Ludroth Talon
0203 = R.Ludroth Crest
0204 = R.Ludroth Crest+
0205 = Chic Crest
0206 = R.Ludroth Tail
0207 = Plum Spongy Hide
0208 = Plum Spongy Piel
0209 = P.Ludroth Scale+
020A = P.Ludroth Shard
020B = P.Ludroth Claw+
020C = P.Ludroth Talon
020D = Barroth Shell
020E = Barroth Carapace
020F = Barroth Cortex
0210 = Barroth Ridge
0211 = Barroth Ridge+
0212 = Barroth Chine
0213 = Barroth Claw
0214 = Barroth Claw+
0215 = Barroth Talon
0216 = Barroth Scalp
0217 = Barroth Crown
0218 = Barroth Tail
0219 = J.Barr Carapace
021A = J.Barroth Cortex
021B = J.Barroth Ridge+
021C = J.Barroth Chine
021D = J.Barroth Claw+
021E = J.Barroth Talon
021F = J.Barroth Scalp
0220 = J.Barroth Crown
0221 = J.Barroth Tail
0222 = J.Barroth Lash
0223 = Frozen Glob
0224 = DUMMY 49
0225 = Gobul Hide
0226 = Hobul Hide+
0227 = Gobul Piel
0228 = Gobul Fin
0229 = Gobul Fin+
022A = Fine Gobul Fin
022B = Gobul Spike
022C = Gobul Skike+
022D = Gobul Surspike
022E = Gobul Whisker
022F = Gobul Kingwhisker
0230 = Gobul Latern
0231 = Gobul Latern+
0232 = Gobul Beacon
0233 = Rathian Scale
0234 = Rathian Scale+
0235 = Rathian Shard
0236 = Rathian Shell
0237 = Rathian Carapace
0238 = Rathian Cortex
0239 = Rathian Webbing
023A = Rathian Spike
023B = Rathian Spike+
023C = Rathian Surspike
023D = Rathian Plate
023E = Rathian Mantel
023F = Rahtian Ruby
0240 = DUMMY 50
0241 = P.Rathian Scale+
0242 = P.Rathian Shard
0243 = P.Rath Carapace
0244 = P.Rathian Cortex
0245 = G.Rathian Shard
0246 = G.Rathian Cortex
0247 = G.Rahtian Surspike
0248 = Rathalos Scale
0249 = Rathalos Scale+
024A = Rathalos Shard
024B = Rathalos Shell
024C = Rathalos Carapace
024D = Rathalos Cortex
024E = Rathalos Webbing
024F = Rahtalos Fellwing
0250 = Rathalos Tail
0251 = Rathalos Lash
0252 = Rahtalos Plate
0253 = Rathalos Mantel
0254 = Rathalos Ruby
0255 = Rathalos Talon
0256 = Rath Ripper
0257 = Rath Marrow
0258 = Rath Medulla
0259 = Rath Gleem
025A = A.Rath Scale+
025B = A.Rath Shard
025C = A.Rath Carapace
025D = A.Rath Cortex
025E = A.Rathalos Tail
025F = A.Rathalos Lash
0260 = A.Rathalos Wing
0261 = S.Rathalos Shard
0262 = S.Rath Cortex
0263 = S.Rathalos Lash
0264 = DUMMY 215
0265 = DUMMY 51
0266 = DUMMY 52
0267 = Gigginox Hide
0268 = Gigginox Hide+
0269 = Gigginox Piel
026A = Uncanny Hide
026B = Uncanny Hide+
026C = Gigginox Claw
026D = Gigginox Claw+
026E = Gigginox Talon
026F = DUMMY 53
0270 = DUMMY 54
0271 = Fearsome Maw
0272 = Venom Gland
0273 = Grim Venom Gland
0274 = Foul Venom Gland
0275 = B.Giggi Hide+
0276 = B.Giggi Piel
0277 = B.Giggi Claw+
0278 = B.Giggi Talon
0279 = Lagiacrus Scale
027A = Lagiacrus Scale+
027B = Lagiacrus Shard
027C = Shell Shocker
027D = Shell Shocker+
027E = Deathly Shocker
027F = Lagiacrus Hide
0280 = Lagiacrus Hide+
0281 = Lagiacrus Claw
0282 = Lagiacrus Claw+
0283 = Lagiacrus Talon
0284 = Lagiacrus Tail
0285 = Lagiacrus Flail
0286 = Lagiacrus Horn
0287 = Lagiacrus Horn+
0288 = Lagia Sapphire
0289 = Lagiacrus Mantel
028A = Lagiacrus Plate
028B = I.Lagi Scale+
028C = I.Lagi Shard
028D = I.Lagi Shocker+
028E = I.Lagi D-Shocker
028F = I.Lagi Hide+
0290 = I.Lagi Piel
0291 = DUMMY 55
0292 = DUMMY 56
0293 = DUMMY 57
0294 = DUMMY 58
0295 = I.Lagi Horn+
0296 = I.Lagi Hardhorn
0297 = DUMMY 59
0298 = DUMMY 60
0299 = DUMMY 61
029A = A.Lagi Shard
029B = A.Lagi D-Shocker
029C = A.Lagi Piel
029D = DUMMY 62
029E = DUMMY 63
029F = A.Lagi Hardhorn
02A0 = A.Lagi Dynamo
02A1 = Barioth Shell
02A2 = Barioth Carapace
02A3 = Barioth Cortex
02A4 = Barioth Pelt
02A5 = Barioth Pelt+
02A6 = Barioth Fur
02A7 = Barioth Claw
02A8 = Barioth Claw+
02A9 = Barioth Talon
02AA = Barioth Spike
02AB = DUMMY 64
02AC = Barioth Tail
02AD = Barioth Lash
02AE = Amber Tusks
02AF = Amber Tusks+
02B0 = Hvy Amber Tusks
02B1 = S.Bari Carapace
02B2 = S.Barioth Cortex
02B3 = S.Barioth Pelt+
02B4 = S.Barioth Fur
02B5 = S.Barioth Claw+
02B6 = S.Barioth Talon
02B7 = S.Barioth Tail
02B8 = S.Barioth Lash
02B9 = Indigo Tusks+
02BA = Hvy Indigo Tusks
02BB = Rugged PLeura
02BC = Rugged PLeura+
02BD = Diablos Shell
02BE = Diablos Carapace
02BF = Diablos Cortex
02C0 = Diablos Ridge
02C1 = Diablos Ridge+
02C2 = Diablos Chine
02C3 = Diablos Tailcase
02C4 = DUMMY 65
02C5 = Diablos Fang
02C6 = Twiested Horn
02C7 = Majestic Horn
02C8 = Stout Horn
02C9 = Diablos Marrow
02CA = Diablos Medulla
02CB = B.Diab Carapace
02CC = B.Diablos Cortex
02CD = B.Diablos Ridge+
02CE = B.Diablos Chine
02CF = DUMMY 66
02D0 = DUMMY 67
02D1 = Blackcurl Horn
02D2 = Blackcurl Horn+
02D3 = Uragaan Scale
02D4 = Uragaan Scale+
02D5 = Uragaan Shard
02D6 = Uragaan Shell
02D7 = Uragaan Carapace
02D8 = Uragaan Cortex
02D9 = Uragaan Jaw
02DA = Uragaan Jaw+
02DB = Uragaan Scute
02DC = Uragaan Scute+
02DD = Uragaan Marrow
02DE = Uragaan Ruby
02DF = Uragaan Pallium
02E0 = S.Uragaan Scale+
02E1 = S.Uragaan Shard
02E2 = S.Urag Carapace
02E3 = S.Uragaan Cortex
02E4 = S.Uragaan Maw
02E5 = S.Uragaan Jaw+
02E6 = S.Uaraaan Scute
02E7 = S.Uragaan Scute+
02E8 = Uroktor Scale
02E9 = Uroktor Scale+
02EA = Supple Piel
02EB = Agnaktor Scale
02EC = DUMMY 68
02ED = Agnaktor Shell
02EE = Agnk Carapace
02EF = Agnaktor Hide
02F0 = Agnaktor Hide+
02F1 = Agnaktor Piel
02F2 = Agnaktor Claw
02F3 = Agnaktor Claw+
02F4 = Agnaktor Talon
02F5 = Agnaktor Fin
02F6 = Agnaktor Fin+
02F7 = Fine Agnak Fin
02F8 = Agnaktor Beak
02F9 = DUMMY 69
02FA = Agnaktor Tail
02FB = DUMMY 70
02FC = Scalding Pleura+
02FD = Scorching Pleura
02FE = G.Agnak Carapace
02FF = G.Agnak Cortex
0300 = G.Agnak Hide+
0301 = G.Agnak Piel
0302 = G.Agnak Claw+
0303 = G.Agnak Talon
0304 = G.Agnak Fin+
0305 = Fine G.Agnak Fin
0306 = G.Agnak Beak
0307 = DUMMY 71
0308 = G.Agnak Tail
0309 = DUMMY 72
030A = Dewy PLeura+
030B = Drenched Pleura
030C = Ceadeus Scale
030D = Ceadeus Hide
030E = Ceadeus Fur
030F = Ceadues Tail
0310 = Crooked Horn
0311 = Luminous Organ
0312 = Deep Dragongem
0313 = G.Ceadeus Shard
0314 = G.Ceudeus Coat
0315 = G.Ceadeus Fur
0316 = DUMMY 73
0317 = Crooked Hardhorn
0318 = DUMMY 74
0319 = Dark Dragongem
031A = DUMMY 75
031B = Mohran Scale+
031C = DUMMY 76
031D = Mohran Carapace
031E = DUMMY 77
031F = Mohran Brace+
0320 = DUMMY 209
0321 = Sturdy Fang+
0322 = Earth Dragongem
0323 = DUMMY 78
0324 = H.Jhen Shard
0325 = DUMMY 79
0326 = H.Jhen Rockskin
0327 = DUMMY 80
0328 = H.Jhen Allbrace
0329 = DUMMY 81
032A = Deific Fang
032B = Earth Drgnsphire
032C = Deviljho Scale
032D = Deviljho Shard
032E = Deviljho Hide
032F = Deviljho Coat
0330 = Deviljho Fang
0331 = Vile Fang
0332 = Deviljho Talon
0333 = Deviljho Ripper
0334 = Deviljho Scalp
0335 = DUMMY 82
0336 = Deviljho Tail
0337 = Deviljho Flail
0338 = Deviljho Saliva
0339 = Black Blood
033A = Deviljho Gem
033B = Develjho Crook
033C = Alatreon Scute
033D = Alatreon Pallium
033E = Alatreon Plate
033F = Alatreon Mantel
0340 = Alatreon Talon
0341 = Alatreon Ripper
0342 = Alatreon Webbing
0343 = Aatreo Direwing
0344 = Alatreon Tail
0345 = Alatreo Diretail
0346 = Brkn Skypiercer
0347 = DUMMY 83
0348 = Skypiercer
0349 = Skyswayer
034A = Arzuros Pelt
034B = Arzuros Pelt+
034C = DUMMY 84
034D = Azuros Shell
034E = Arzuros Carapace
034F = Arzuros Cortex
0350 = Arzuros Brace
0351 = Arzuros Brace+
0352 = Arzuros Allbrace
0353 = Lagombi Pelt
0354 = Lagombi Pelt+
0355 = Lagombi Fur
0356 = Lagombi Ear
0357 = Lagombi Ear+
0358 = Lagombi Auricle
0359 = Lagom Plastron
035A = Lagom Plastron+
035B = DUMMY 85
035C = Lagombi Claw
035D = Lagombi Claw+
035E = DUMMY 86
035F = Volvidon Shell
0360 = Voli Carapace
0361 = Volvidon Cortex
0362 = Volvidon Claw
0363 = Volvidon Claw+
0364 = Volvidon Talon
0365 = Volvi Rickrack
0366 = DUMMY 87
0367 = Nibelsnarf Shell
0368 = Nibel Carapace
0369 = Nibel Cortex
036A = Nibelsnarf Hide
036B = Nibelsnarf Hide+
036C = Nibelsnarf Piel
036D = Nibelsnarf Claw
036E = Nibelsnarf Claw+
036F = Nibelsnarf Talon
0370 = Nibelsnarf Scalp
0371 = DUMMY 88
0372 = Vivid Fluid
0373 = Brilliant Fluid
0374 = Dazzling Fluid
0375 = DUMMY 89
0376 = Zinogre Carapace
0377 = Zinofre Cortex
0378 = DUMMY 90
0379 = Zinogre Shocker+
037A = Zin Electrofur+
037B = DUMMY 91
037C = Zinogre Horn+
037D = Zinogre Hardhorn
037E = DUMMY 92
037F = Zinogre Claw+
0380 = Zingore Talon
0381 = Zinogre Tail
0382 = Zinogre Lash
0383 = DUMMY 94
0384 = Zin Electrofur
0385 = Zin D-Shocker
0386 = DUMMY 208
0387 = Zinogre Jasper
0388 = Zin Skymerald
0389 = S.Zin Cortex
038A = S.Zin Dragonhair
038B = S.zin Hardhorn
038C = S.Zinogre Talon
038D = S.Zinogre Lash
038E = S.Zin Dragonshell
038F = S.Zin Skymerald
0390 = Nargacuga Scale+
0391 = Nargacuga Shard
0392 = Nargacuga Mantel
0393 = DUMMY 95
0394 = Nargacuga Fur
0395 = Nargacuga Tail
0396 = Nargacuga Lash
0397 = Narga Tailspike
0398 = Narga Tailspear
0399 = DUMMY 96
039A = Narga Razor+
039B = Nargacuga Fang+
039C = Hvy Narga Fang
039D = Narga Medulla
039E = DUMMY 97
039F = G.Narga Shard
03A0 = DUMMY 98
03A1 = G.Narga Dapples
03A2 = DUMMY 99
03A3 = G.Narga Razor+
03A4 = DUMMY 100
03A5 = Hvy G.Narga Fang
03A6 = L.Narga Shard
03A7 = L.Narga Dapples
03A8 = L.Narga Razor
03A9 = Hvy L.Narga Fang
03AA = Duramboros Shell
03AB = Duram Carapace
03AC = Duram Cortex
03AD = Duram Mossplate
03AE = Hard Mossplate
03AF = Heavy Mossplate
03B0 = Duramboros Hump
03B1 = Marbeld Hump
03B2 = Duram Tailcase
03B3 = Duram Tailcase+
03B4 = Duram Hardtail
03B5 = Duramboros Horn
03B6 = Duramboros Horn+
03B7 = Duram Hardhorn
03B8 = Duram Tailbone
03B9 = Duram Sacrum
03BA = Durambolite
03BB = R.Duram Shell
03BC = R.Duram Plate
03BD = DUMMY 101
03BE = R.Duram Hardtail
03BF = DUMMY 102
03C0 = DUMMY 103
03C1 = Lrg Lobstershell
03C2 = DUMMY 105
03C3 = Plesioth Fang+
03C4 = Hvy Plesio Fang
03C5 = Plesioth Scale+
03C6 = Plesioth Shard
03C7 = Plesioth Fin+
03C8 = Fine Plesio Fin
03C9 = DUMMY 105
03CA = G.Plesio Hard
03CB = DUMMY 107
03CC = Fine G.lesi Fin
03CD = Brach Carapace
03CE = Brach Cortex
03CF = Brach Ebonshell
03D0 = Brach Ebenshell+
03D1 = DUMMY 108
03D2 = DUMMY 109
03D3 = Brach Scalp
03D4 = Brach Scalp+
03D5 = Mystery Slime
03D6 = Glowing Slime
03D7 = Brach Pouder
03D8 = Brach Pouder+
03D9 = Brachydios Tail
03DA = DUMMY 110
03DB = Brachydios Gem
03DC = Brach Pallium
03DD = Miralis Scale
03DE = Miralis Fireback
03DF = Mirelis Fireclaw
03E0 = DUMMY 111
03E1 = DUMMY 112
03E2 = Miralis Evil Eye
03E3 = DUMMY 113
03E4 = Miralis Hellwing
03E5 = DUMMY 114
03E6 = DUMMY 115
03E7 = Miralis Smelter
03E8 = Immortal Heart
03E9 = DUMMY 116
03EA = Gushing Magma
03EB = Dire Dragongem
03EC = Rustshard
03ED = Ancient Shard
03EE = Rusted Fragment
03EF = Large Fragment
03F0 = Slender Fragment
03F1 = Long Fragment
03F2 = Map
03F3 = First-aid Med
03F4 = Ration
03F5 = DUMMY
03F6 = Mini Whetstone
03F7 = EZ Shock Trap
03F8 = EZ Flash Bomb
03F9 = EZ Sonic Bomb
03FA = EZ Max Potion
03FB = EZ Pitfall Trap
03FC = Mini Oxy Supply
03FD = EZ Barel Bomb L
03FE = Ballista Ammo
03FF = Ballista Binder
0400 = DUMMY 117
0401 = Cannon Ammo
0402 = Anti-Dragon Bomb
0403 = Torch
0404 = Paw Pass Ticket
0405 = Royal Honey
0406 = Unique Mushroom
0407 = Choice Mushroom
0408 = Ripened Mushroom
0409 = Great Shroom
040A = Super Sprout
040B = DUMMY 118
040C = DUMMY 119
040D = Sliverfish
040E = DUMMY 120
040F = DUMMY 121
0410 = Goldenfish
0411 = Royal Rhino
0412 = Divine Rhino
0413 = Sliver Cricket
0414 = Gold Cricket
0415 = Auristone Piece
0416 = Auristone Chunk
0417 = Balmstone Piece
0418 = Balmstone Chunk
0419 = Crystal Bone
041A = Golden Bone
041B = Bloodstone
041C = Deep Bloodstone
041D = Coal
041E = Volatile Coal
041F = Wyvern Egg
0420 = Herbivore Egg
0421 = Gargwa Egg
0422 = Gold Gargwa Egg
0423 = DUMMY 206
0424 = Powderstone
0425 = Gargwa Guano
0426 = White Liver
0427 = Slagtoth Oil
0428 = Popo Tongue
0429 = Secret Stash
042A = Round Acorn
042B = Fine Stomach
042C = Luminous Stomach
042D = Giggi Extract
042E = Monster Guts
042F = Red Coral Stone
0430 = Wyvern Tear
0431 = Lrg Wyvern Taer
0432 = Beast Tear
0433 = Lrg Beast Tear
0434 = Bird Coin
0435 = DUMMY 122
0436 = DUMMY 123
0437 = DUMMY 124
0438 = DUMMY 125
0439 = DUMMY 126
043A = DUMMY 127
043B = Leviathan Coin
043C = DUMMY 128
043D = DUMMY 129
043E = DUMMY 130
043F = DUMMY 131
0440 = DUMMY 214
0441 = Pinnacle Coin
0442 = Hunter King Coin
0443 = Voucher
0444 = Gourmet Voucher
0445 = Sharq Ticket
0446 = DUMMY 132
0447 = DUMMY 133
0448 = Thunderclap Diploma
0449 = DUMMY
044A = DUMMY
044B = DUMMY 134
044C = Shadowed Edge
044D = Medal Voucher L
044E = Lion's Claw
044F = Conqeror's Seal
0450 = DUMMY 135
0451 = Commendation
0452 = DUMMY 146
0453 = Pawprint Stamp
0454 = Aquaglow Jewel
0455 = Sunspire Jewel
0456 = Bloodrun Jewel
0457 = Lazurite Jewel
0458 = Paralysis Jwl 1
0459 = Paralysis Jwl 2
045A = Pep Jewel 1
045B = Pep Jewel 2
045C = Steadfast Jwl 1
045D = Standfast Jwl 1
045E = Antidote Jewel 1
045F = Antidote Jewel 2
0460 = Tracker Jewel 1
0461 = Trekker Jewel 1
0462 = Ninja Jewel 1
0463 = Vitality Jewel 1
0464 = Recovery Jewel 1
0465 = Recovery Jewel 2
0466 = Razor Jewel 1
0467 = Razor Jewel 3
0468 = Handicraft Jwl 2
0469 = Handicraft Jwl 3
046A = Fencer Jewel 1
046B = Fencer Jewel 3
046C = Expert Jewel 1
046D = Expert Jewel 2
046E = Expert Jewel 3
046F = Grinder Jewel 1
0470 = Ironwall Jewel 1
0471 = Ironwall Jewel 2
0472 = Shield Jewel 1
0473 = Shield Jewel 2
0474 = Quickload Jwl 1
0475 = Quickload Jwl 2
0476 = Absorber Jewel 1
0477 = Absoerber Jewel 3
0478 = Forceshot Jwl 1
0479 = Forceshot Jwl 3
047A = Pierce Jewel 1
047B = Pierce Jewel 3
047C = Pellet Jewel 1
047D = Pellet Jewel 3
047E = ShotPlus Jewel 1
047F = ShotPlus Jewel 2
0480 = PiercePluss Jwl 1
0481 = DUMMY 137
0482 = PelletPlus Jwl 1
0483 = CragPlus Jewel 1
0484 = ClustPlus Jwl 1
0485 = Disabler Jewel 1
0486 = Disabler Jewel 2
0487 = Element Jewel 1
0488 = Element Jewel 3
0489 = Bombardier Jwl 1
048A = DUMMY 138
048B = Hungerless Jwl 1
048C = Metabolism Jwl 1
048D = Attack Jewel 1
048E = Attack Jewel 2
048F = Attack Jewel 3
0490 = Defense Jewel 1
0491 = Defense Jewel 2
0492 = Protection Jwl 1
0493 = Asylum 1
0494 = Earplug Jewel 1
0495 = Earplug Jewel 3
0496 = Alarm Jewel 1
0497 = Friendship Jwl 1
0498 = Friendship Jwl 2
0499 = Transportr Jwl 1
049A = Fire Res Jewel 1
049B = Water Res Jwl 1
049C = Ice Res Jewel 1
049D = ThunderRes Jwl 1
049E = Dragon Res Jwl 1
049F = Heat Res Jewel 1
04A0 = Cold Res Jewel 1
04A1 = Wind Res Jewel 1
04A2 = Wind Res Jewel 2
04A3 = DUMMY 139
04A4 = Gathering Jwl 1
04A5 = Spree Jewel 1
04A6 = Blessing Jewel 1
04A7 = Fate Jewel 1
04A8 = Fate Jewel 3
04A9 = DUMMY 140
04AA = Psychic Jewel 1
04AB = Medicine Jewel 1
04AC = Medicine Jewel 2
04AD = Professor Jewel 1
04AE = Factory Jewel 1
04AF = Evasion Jewel 1
04B0 = Evasion Jewel 2
04B1 = Potential Jwl 1
04B2 = Potential Jwl 2
04B3 = Enduring Jewel 1
04B4 = Sprinter Jewel 1
04B5 = Sprinter Jewel 3
04B6 = Capacity Jewel 2
04B7 = Capacity Jewel 3
04B8 = Sniper Jewel 1
04B9 = Gobbler Jewel 1
04BA = Gobbler Jewel 3
04BB = Carver Jewel 1
04BC = Carver Jewel 3
04BD = Footing Jewel 1
04BE = Tectonic Jewel 1
04BF = DUMMY 141
04C0 = Jumping Jewel 1
04C1 = DUMMY 142
04C2 = Draw Jewel 1
04C3 = Draw Jewel 2
04C4 = Trapmaster Jwl 1
04C5 = Physique Jewel 1
04C6 = Physique Jewel 2
04C7 = Capture Jewel 1
04C8 = Capture Jewel 3
04C9 = Perception Jwl 1
04CA = Charger Jewel 1
04CB = Charger Jewel 3
04CC = Fresh Air Jwl 1
04CD = Stopflow Jewel 1
04CE = Swimmer Jewel 1
04CF = Diver Jewel 1
04D0 = Gambit Jewel 1
04D1 = Gambit Jewel 3
04D2 = Resitor Jewel 1
04D3 = Release Jewel 2
04D4 = Catalyst Jewel 3
04D5 = Fortitude Jwl 1
04D6 = Fortitude Jwl 2
04D7 = Salvo Jewel 1
04D8 = Salvo Jewel 3
04D9 = Dungmaster Jwl 1
04DA = Torchlight Jwl 1
04DB = (No Mask)
04DC = BBQ With Mask
04DD = Sharpen w/Mask
04DE = Return Via Mask
04DF = Slime S
04E0 = DUMMY 143
04E1 = Flying Wyverns Vol 1
04E2 = Flying Wyverns Vol 2
04E3 = Flying Wyverns Vol 3
04E4 = Bird Wyverns Vol 1
04E5 = Bird Wyverns Vol 2
04E6 = Brute Wyverns Vol 1
04E7 = Brute Wyverns Vol 2
04E8 = Brute Wyverns VOl 3
04E9 = Leviathans Vol 1
04EA = Leviathans Vol 2
04EB = Leviathans Vol 3
04EC = Fanged Wyverns Vol 1
04ED = Fanged Wyverns Vol 2
04EE = Fanged Beasts
04EF = Invalid Message
04F0 = Piscine Wyverns
04F1 = Elder Dragons Vol 1
04F2 = Elder Dragons Vol 2
04F3 = Elder Dragons Vol 3
04F4 = Lynians
04F5 = Neopteron
04F6 = Herbivores Vol 1
04F7 = Herbivores Vol 2
04F8 = Deviljho
04F9 = Brachydios
04FA = Dire Miralis
04FB = Plesioth Vol 1
04FC = Plesioth Vol 2
04FD = Deadorant
04FE = Emperor Jopper
04FF = Elder Dragonbone
0500 = DUMMY 145
0501 = Purecrystak
0502 = Admant Orb
0503 = Lagiacrus Piel
0504 = DUMMY 146
0505 = Nightmarish Maw
0506 = DUMMY 147
0507 = DUMMY 148
0508 = DUMMY 149
0509 = Slime Coating
050A = DUMMY 150
050B = Blossom Cricket
050C = L.Narg Tailspear
050D = DUMMY 151
050E = G.Narg Tailspear
050F = DUMMY 152
0510 = Agnaktor Cortex
0511 = Revolting Piel
0512 = Cryo Sac
0513 = Flood Sac
0514 = Monster Essence
0515 = DUMMY 153
0516 = Massive Bone
0517 = DUMMY 154
0518 = Prized Pelt
0519 = DUMMY 155
051A = DUMMY 156
051B = Speartuna
051C = Nargacuga Pelt+
051D = Narga Razor
051E = VE Ticket
051F = VE Deluxe Ticket
0520 = VE Bronze Ticket
0521 = VE Sliver Ticket
0522 = VE Golden Ticket
0523 = VE Cosmic Ticket
0524 = DUMMY 157
0525 = DUMMY 158
0526 = Maiden Butterfly
0527 = DUMMY 159
0528 = DUMMY 160
0529 = DUMMY 161
052A = DUMMY 162
052B = DUMMY 163
052C = Chum-Chum Ticket
052D = DUMMY 164
052E = Lagia Hardhorn
052F = DUMMY 165
0530 = DUMMY 166
0531 = DUMMY 167
0532 = Heftcorn
0533 = DUMMY 210
0534 = DUMMY 212
0535 = Bullfango Tusk
0536 = DUMMY 168
0537 = DUMMY 169
0538 = DUMMY 170
0539 = Butterfly Beetle
053A = DUMMY 171
053B = DUMMY 172
053C = Diablos Hardtail
053D = Barroth Lash
053E = DUMMY 173
053F = DUMMY 174
0540 = DUMMY 175
0541 = Scalding PLeura
0542 = DUMMY 176
0543 = Crested Crown
0544 = Ryal Crest
0545 = Realmless Crown
0546 = Giant Fossil
0547 = DUMMY 177
0548 = R.Ludroth Lash
0549 = Mohran Shard
054A = Mohran Rockskin
054B = Mohran Allbrace
054C = Rathalos Wing
054D = Pesioth Webbing
054E = Hrd Ples Webbing
054F = Fish
0550 = DUMMY 178
0551 = DUMMY 179
0552 = Small Golden Egg
0553 = Bronze Coin
0554 = Silver Coin
0555 = Gold Coin
0556 = Sparkiy Fragment
0557 = Plesioth Head
0558 = Uber Plesio Head
0559 = Beast Coin
055A = Flying Coin
055B = Piscine Coin
055C = Brute Coin
055D = Port Gal (Red)
055E = Port Gal (Blue)
055F = Port Gal (Green)
0560 = Port Gal (White)
0561 = Slickaxe
0562 = Mooncatcher Fang
0563 = Glossy Scale
0564 = DUMMY 180
0565 = DUMMY 181
0566 = DUMMY 182
0567 = DUMMY 183
0568 = DUMMY 184
0569 = DUMMY 185
056A = DUMMY 186
056B = DUMMY 187
056C = DUMMY 188
056D = DUMMY 189
056E = DUMMY 190
056F = DUMMY 191
0570 = Thick Skull
0571 = Sarvory Bear Paw
0572 = Peco Pipes
0573 = Billowy Mane
0574 = Volvidon Tongue
0575 = Quality Mud Pack
0576 = DUMMY 192
0577 = DUMMY 193
0578 = Rathian Loin
0579 = Tender Liver
057A = P.Rathian Loin
057B = Supersized Scale
057C = Rathalos Ribs
057D = Prime Plesioth
057E = Diablos Heart
057F = Bag of Zs
0580 = Large Obsidian
0581 = Duram Truffle
0582 = DUMMY 194
0583 = Zinogre Head
0584 = DUMMY 195
0585 = Nargacuga Eye
0586 = Celestial Scale
0587 = Alabaster Scale
0588 = Worldeater Belly
0589 = DUMMY 196
058A = DUMMY 197
058B = DUMMY 198
058C = DUMMY 199
058D = DUMMY 200
058E = DUMMY 201
058F = DUMMY 202
0590 = DUMMY 203
0591 = DUMMY 204
0592 = DUMMY 205
0593 = Exquisite Meat
0594 = DUMMY
0595 = Top Secret Formula
0596 = Flashbolt Diploma
0597 = DUMMY 207
0598 = DUMMY
0599 = Captain's IOU
059A = Hades's Skull
059B = DUMMY
059C = Crown of Glory
059D = DUMMY
059E = DUMMY
059F = Medal Voucher G
05A0 = Far East Sword
05A1 = DUMMY
05A2 = DUMMY
05A3 = Miniature Ticket
05A4 = Fierce Soul
05A5 = DUMMY 220
05A6 = Flying Wyverns Vol 4
05A7 = Flying Wyverns Vol 5
05A8 = Def Lock Jewel 1
05A9 = Sterile Jewel 1
05AA = Aseptic Juwel 1
05AB = Blaze Jewel 1
05AC = Blaze Jewel 2
05AD = Stream Jewel 1
05AE = Stream Jewel 2
05AF = Bolt Jewel 1
05B0 = Bolt Jewel 2
05B1 = Frost Jewel 1
05B2 = Frost Jewel 2
05B3 = Dragon Jewel 1
05B4 = Dragon Jewel 2
05B5 = Tenderizer Jwl 1
05B6 = Tenderizer Jwl 3
05B7 = Destroyer Jwl 1
05B8 = Destroyer Jwl 3
05B9 = Throttle Jewel 1
05BA = Throttle Jewel 2
05BB = KO Jewel 1
05BC = Drain Jewel 1
05BD = Drain Jewel 2
05BE = Sonorous Jewel 1
05BF = Artillery Jwl 1
05C0 = Resistor Jewel 3
05C1 = Nul-Fire Jewel 1
05C2 = Nul-Water Jwl 1
05C3 = Nul-Thundr Jwl 1
05C4 = Nul-Ice Jewel 1
05C5 = Nul-Dragon Jwl 1
05C6 = Sheath Jewel 1
05C7 = Steath Jewel 2
05C8 = Refresh Jewel 1
05C9 = Refresh Jewel 2
05CA = Ranger Jewel 1
05CB = SlicePlus Jwl 1
05CC = Paracoat Jewel 1
05CD = Paracoat Jewel 2
05CE = Sleepcoat Jwl 1
05CF = Poisoncoat Jwl 1
05D0 = Powercoat Jwl 1
05D1 = Powercoat Jwl 2
05D2 = Rangecoat Jwl 1
05D3 = Draincoat Jwl 1
05D4 = Stopflow Jewel 2
05D5 = Guts Jewel 1
05D6 = Guts Jewel 2
05D7 = Meateater Jwl 1
05D8 = Meatlover Jwl 1
05D9 = Slider Jewel 1
05DA = Glider Jewel 1
05DB = Honeybee Jewel 1
05DC = Queenbee Jewel 1
05DD = Biology Jewel 1
05DE = Microbio Jewel 1
05DF = Spirit Jewel 1
05E0 = Spirit Jewel 2
05E1 = Flawless Jewel 1
05E2 = Flawless Jewel 2
05E3 = Steady Jewel 1
05E4 = Steady Jewel 3
05E5 = Fish Jewel 1
05E6 = Fish Jewel 2
05E7 = Player Jewel 1
05E8 = Morale Jewel 1
05E9 = Leader Jewel 1
05EA = Leader Jewel 2
05EB = Dust of Life
05EC = KO Jewel 2
05ED = Diablos Hardhorn
05EE = Ghostly Quartz
05EF = Crushing Fang
05F0 = Cloudy Moonshard
05F1 = Bulky Pelt
05F2 = Excellent Fang
05F3 = Fish with Mask
05F4 = Gloamgrass Bud
05F5 = Platinum Needle
05F6 = Goldmine Fang
05F7 = Wyverngold Lore
05F8 = Charmer Jewel 1
05F9 = Dracophage Bug
05FA = Tanzia Chips
05FB = SlimePlus Jwl 1
05FC = Slimecoat Jwl 1
Last edited by H93,


Mar 5, 2006
Though this aren't really codes more like ways to achieve stuff, there might be better ways but I was just trying to get it working asap to show it off before the update was released.
For smash bros. version 1.08.

Change stage:
exec breakpoint at 0x0CF0909C, current stage is in r3.

Change character:
exec breakpoint at 0x0cd496fc, current character ID is at (u8) 0x1044fd65.


Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2010
United States
Hmm... Can't seem to get it to work. I get the the kernel exploit to run and then PyGecko, but when I try to connect to TCP Gecko after starting a game, it won't connect. I got the IP from WNetWatcher. Any help would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2014


Mario 64 (favorite game of all time)
Mar 7, 2010
At Home :)


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2014
Can you actually know what you are doing between gecko and the wiiu gamepad??? cause I've not got a scooby doo? Do you have to dump data first or something I wanted to try out Yoshi but tbh I have not got a clue what I am doing with gecko and the gamepad screen??? do you?
I don't know how to create cheat codes, if that's what you mean...
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Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2010
United States


Lawn Meower
Apr 18, 2013
on the cool side of the pillow
Though this aren't really codes more like ways to achieve stuff, there might be better ways but I was just trying to get it working asap to show it off before the update was released.
For smash bros. version 1.08.

Change stage:
exec breakpoint at 0x0CF0909C, current stage is in r3.

Change character:
exec breakpoint at 0x0cd496fc, current character ID is at (u8) 0x1044fd65.

I can't do that much now because the version of tcpgecko (and i think the code handler) do not support breakpoints
Last edited by CosmoCortney,


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2014
So I opened the browser and get the exploit running.
Browser closed then I opened NSLU.
I opened the browser again and started PyGecko.
This closed the browser, so I reopened it.
I tried to connect again, but still nothing.
Try this version of TCPGecko:
How can you tell what you have done at all, is the game screen supposed to show in gecko as well as the wiiu gamepad?
No, but Gecko .net is supposed to be able to connect...


Mario 64 (favorite game of all time)
Mar 7, 2010
At Home :)
Try this version of TCPGecko:

No, but Gecko .net is supposed to be able to connect...
Yeah it does connect and then I press search and it loads your dump and takes about 20mins. to dump info and then what are you supposed to do?


Mario 64 (favorite game of all time)
Mar 7, 2010
At Home :)
To get a clear view about all the hacked codes I thought it would be nice to have a thread as a prior database. If you submit your cheats please tell what regional version the game is and if it's the download or disk version. Also verify that the code of your region has not been hacked before. If a code is combined of more addresses that include one or more hacked by someone else, consider giving credits. To keep it clear please don't post code requests here. (this could be done in another thread maybe?)

Here are a few of mine :)

Replace Grass x1
106EE1E4 ????????

Replace Grass x7
106EE1F0 ????????

Replace Grass x21
106EE1FC ????????

Replace Post Box
106EF318 ????????

Replace Phantom Ganon
106F047C ????????

Replace Ganondorf
106F04AC ????????

Replace Miniblin
106F04B8 ????????

Replace Dragon/Valoo
106EED9C ????????

Replace Seagull
106EEB14 ????????

Replace Crab
106EEC34 ????????

Replace Rat
106EEc20 ????????

Replace Huge Vines that hurt you by touch
106EF1B0 ????????

Replace Smaller Vines that hurt you by touch
106EF1EC ????????

Replace ReDead
106EF234 ????????

Replace ReDead 2(?)
106EF250 ????????

Replace Bushes
106EE268 ????????

Replace Bokoblin
106EF2C4 ????????

Replace Pig
106EF228 ????????

Replace Magtails
106EF168 ????????

Replace Jabun
106EEFF4 ????????

Replace Zelda
106EED48 ????????

Replace Little Water Source
106F032C ????????

Replace Huge Amos
106EEC64 ????????

Replace Little Amos
106EEC70 ????????


Unused/Beta Bird: 00B8FF00
Unused/Beta Darknut Statue: 018BFF00
Unused/Beta Chandelier: 00B1FF00
Grass: 01B3FF00
Post Box: 0043FF35
Phantom Ganon: 00F1FF00 (game freezes when he starts shooting at you)
Ganondorf: 00F6FF00 (game freezes when he hits you)
Miniblin: 00F7FF00
Dragon/Valoo: 00DEFF00
Seagull: 00C2FF00
Crab: 00C8FF00
Rat: 00C7FF00
Huge Vines that hurt you by touch: 00650000
Smaller Vines that hurt you by touch: 0067FF00
ReDead: 00E00012
ReDead 2(?): 00E00112
Bushes: 010AFF00
Bokoblin: 00BDFF01
Pig: 00DCFF00
Magtails: 00D8FF05
Jabun: 0165FF3B
Zelda: 00D2FF3C
Little Water Source: 0097FF00
Huge Amos: 00CAFF0C
Little Amos: 00CBFF0B

Some combinations could cause freezes


Can carry 5000 Rupees
15073BD2 02

5000 Rupees in wallet
15073BC4 1388

Infinite Health
15073BC3 50

Max Health
15073BC1 50

Day Time modifier
15073BE4 ????????
* anything above 44000000 or between bf800000 and c4000000 can cause weird flashing colors

inf magic
15073BD4 20

Max magic
15073BD3 20

Have Photo Box
15073C04 26

Have Iron Boots
15073C05 29

Have bait bag
15073C07 2C

Have Bow and Arrows
15073C08 35

Have Bombs
15073C09 31

Have Bottle 1
15073C0A 50

Have Hookshot
15073C0F 2F

Have Delivery Bag
15073C0E 30

Have Skull Hammer
15073C10 33

No Music
10505A94 00000000

9999 Red Pikmins in onion (when all Pikmin types unlocked)
3563F854 0000270F

9999 Rock Pimins in onion (when all Pikmin types unlocked)
3563F884 0000270F

9999 Blue Pikmins in onion (when all Pikmin types unlocked)
3563F840 0000270F

9999 Yellow Pikmins in onion (when all Pikmin types unlocked)
3563F86C 0000270F

9999 Pink/Winged Pikmins in onion (when all Pikmin types unlocked)
3563F878 0000270F

Weird blending
10503004 40000000

Giant Pikmins, Captains, Enemies
107D9B10 40400000

Pikmins & Captains Animation Speed Modifier
107F903C ????????
frozen (looks like they are skating):00000000

leader speed code
1080AF20 40800000

Rain drop size
10824D0C ????????

Execution status
10858B08 ????????
3F800000 CPU unpaused
40000000 CPU paused

Tunnel Vision/FOV modifier
1087D72C 3e800000

Blur Effect
1087DCB8 ????????
Under water vision:3F801000
Messed up Z-Index:BF800000

SFX corruption
10899330 40200000
*warning, potential ear rapes

SFX volume
1089BCF0 ????????

SFX speed/Pitch
1089F350 ????????
high pitch:40400000
low pitch:3f000000

108A8C48 ????????
very shiny:41000000

108A96DC 3f000000

Particle Size 1
108AC314 40000000

Particle Size 2
108B2F7C 40000000

Particle Size 3
108B2F88 40000000

Particle size 4
108B3088 40000000

Particle size 5
108CE2AC 40000000

108CF934 3f740000

Pikmins & Captains are spazzing out
108CFAA8 41000000
Cosmo C. is it possible my mate to give a bit of a run down on what is supposed to happen and how on the gecko side of things please?. Just something easy as an explanation :)

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

So your supposed to run the game then back into the browser? I dont get it? Minejust freezes if I run the game and back into the browser?


Lawn Meower
Apr 18, 2013
on the cool side of the pillow
Cosmo C. is it possible my mate to give a bit of a run down on what is supposed to happen and how on the gecko side of things please?. Just something easy as an explanation :)

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

So your supposed to run the game then back into the browser? I dont get it? Minejust freezes if I run the game and back into the browser?

Well, once TCPGecko is connected to your console you can do comparisons of any value in the RAM to a previous state (initial dump).
If you do a greater than search you will be left with all addresses which values have increased compared to the previous dump/scan.
If you do searches like these according to a value, for example money/ammo/health you will filter its address out of all others.

In the beginning you should set up TCPGecko to be searching in the right memory range. Set the range itemBox to 10 (the third item). Right next to it set the memory range from 10000000 to 3B000000. If you keep it at 50000000 the Scan/dump will freeze at about 93% because the debugger tries to access an unused or nonexisting memory area.
For value that are always smaller than 255 (or better 127) you should select 8bit as datasice. for enything between 255 and 65.000 select 16bit. anything above 32bit.
For instance, if you want to get a money cheat code look at the current amount of money and enter its value into the search's textBox. Rightclick it and click "convert dec to hex". Now do an equal to search by selecting this as scan methid and click the Scan button.
It may take about 10 minutes to dump the range of 10000000 to 3B000000 (probably even longer if you'r wii u is far away from the router).
While the RAM is being dumped do NOT collect more money!
as soon as the dump is finished you have to gain or loose money. Now enter the new value into the textBox, convert it to hex and do another equal to search. Repeat this until you are left with a few possible results and start poking. if nothing happens, change the room to see if the code is working.

I think this is very basically explained :)

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