Original GB Flash Cart?

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Deleted User

I'm looking for a GB flash cart with Pokémon Stadium and Pokémon Stadium 2 compatibility (including the GB Tower mode assuming it loads the ROM from the cartridge). There's a few Pokémon ROM hacks I want to put on flash cart. I want to buy 2 so price is a concern.

I also want to be able to fit them into actual GB cart casings for an authentic look. I'm guessing they all fit except USB ones where I could probably just unsolder the USB port and resolder it if I want to change ROM.

I don't mind if the flash cart uses save batteries, it would probably have better compatibility if it had the same save method as genuine carts

According to the Google search I did, no ones actually tested any with Stadium. Surely there's a flash cart owner somewhere who has tested this.
Aug 4, 2008
Commonwealth of Virginia
United States
I'm looking for a GB flash cart with Pokémon Stadium and Pokémon Stadium 2 compatibility. There's a few Pokémon ROM hacks I want to put on flash cart. I want to buy 2 so price is a concern.

I also want to be able to fit them into actual GB cart casings for an authentic look. I'm guessing they all fit except USB ones where I could probably just unsolder the USB port and resolder it if I want to change ROM.

I don't mind if the flash cart uses save batteries, it would probably have better compatibility if it had the same save method as genuine carts

According to the Google search I did, no ones actually tested any with Stadium. Surely there's a flash cart owner somewhere who has tested this.

Everdrive GB is supposed to be as close to a 1-for-1 experience as possible and should work with stadium.
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Deleted User

Everdrive GB is supposed to be as close to a 1-for-1 experience as possible and should work with stadium.
Just checked their forums and it's far from what I'm after.
I've heard a smart card is pretty good but can't find anything on how Stadium handles it.
I've also found things like this http://www.ebay.com/itm/LSDJ-512kBy...364?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2c9799973c from the sounds of it this is the most authentic I can get and I can get the seller to flash hackroms for me (with proof of license which shouldn't be a problem since I have all the gen 1 games).
Another option is to replace the ROM chip on an official cart with a flash chip. I don't know how that affects Stadium (presumably it should just read the flash chip like it would read the ROM chip right?)


GBAtemp's Official Mook™
Sep 12, 2009
United States
I have an EMS smart card and it is compatible with Stadium, since as long as you only have one game on it the game boots instantly. I used it to transfer Game Boy Camera saves to my PC using one of those save backup cartridges. Only issue is that it requires Windows XP to be installed, but I was able to do so through a virtual machine.
Also note that it does not have RTC support, so Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal will have some issues.
Aug 4, 2008
Commonwealth of Virginia
United States
Just checked their forums and it's far from what I'm after.
I've heard a smart card is pretty good but can't find anything on how Stadium handles it.
I've also found things like this http://www.ebay.com/itm/LSDJ-512kBy...364?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2c9799973c from the sounds of it this is the most authentic I can get and I can get the seller to flash hackroms for me (with proof of license which shouldn't be a problem since I have all the gen 1 games).
Another option is to replace the ROM chip on an official cart with a flash chip. I don't know how that affects Stadium (presumably it should just read the flash chip like it would read the ROM chip right?)

For your purposes the Smart Card is the least expensive and easiest option. I do know that plays correctly on all the GB models, Super Gameboy and the Gameboy Player. (Don't have an n64 to test with it though)


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2009
United States
I have no idea about Stadium, but I have an EMS 64M USB Smart Card and it works great.
On Windows 7, you have to load an unsigned driver, but you can unload it when you're down writing ROM image(s) to the cart.


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2013
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
hmm this is interesting , other day I talked about a guy that was creating " western pokemon green carts" , a fine art work if you ask me. the rom was just an disguised pokemon blue one, hacked title screen and sprites, I don't know about the rest of the game... he used an recordable GB cart, the thing was that it was like a pirate game: stadium can read the save but identfy the game as pirates, so you can use the pokemon you have ingame on the minigames but no GB play ...
We stoped talking because I joked latter about wanting a western green is butthurt because they want this but looks like hate the original version, sine using japanese names for the characters or pokemon is like a sin on the western world lol
Anyway I think he forgot about all our talk we had before, took it too serious and probably blocked me :v (See? if you talk about original version they don't want you as his frends!!!1111 *I'm joking here, don't block me xD*)

Anyway One idea I gave him was about using and original game and hacking the rom chip... but if the flahscard works, would be a nicer option and don't kill an retail game XD How much coust these cards? (I was even in a hype wanting something like that as kid since I coudn't buy games :v lol now shoud be nice to work on hacks and translations XD ) but not working in GSC could be a problem ...

I Think the stadium only load the save, the game rom are actually on the n64 cart?I Know it don't read japanese GRBY if an western stadium, or western RBY with a japanese stadium... Also I wonder what would happen if you put a rom hack there and the system see it as original... maybe the same, if, for example, you play an hacked leaf gree game and then load the save on a untouched one?:v ahhh I want to test it all hahha

Another thing , is there an GBA flash card that does the same? I mean, fooling DS games and pokemon colosseum/XD ?

Deleted User

hmm this is interesting , other day I talked about a guy that was creating " western pokemon green carts" , a fine art work if you ask me. the rom was just an disguised pokemon blue one, hacked title screen and sprites, I don't know about the rest of the game... he used an recordable GB cart, the thing was that it was like a pirate game: stadium can read the save but identfy the game as pirates, so you can use the pokemon you have ingame on the minigames but no GB play ...
We stoped talking because I joked latter about wanting a western green is butthurt because they want this but looks like hate the original version, sine using japanese names for the characters or pokemon is like a sin on the western world lol
Anyway I think he forgot about all our talk we had before, took it too serious and probably blocked me :v (See? if you talk about original version they don't want you as his frends!!!1111 *I'm joking here, don't block me xD*)

Anyway One idea I gave him was about using and original game and hacking the rom chip... but if the flahscard works, would be a nicer option and don't kill an retail game XD How much coust these cards? (I was even in a hype wanting something like that as kid since I coudn't buy games :v lol now shoud be nice to work on hacks and translations XD ) but not working in GSC could be a problem ...

I Think the stadium only load the save, the game rom are actually on the n64 cart?I Know it don't read japanese GRBY if an western stadium, or western RBY with a japanese stadium... Also I wonder what would happen if you put a rom hack there and the system see it as original... maybe the same, if, for example, you play an hacked leaf gree game and then load the save on a untouched one?:v ahhh I want to test it all hahha

Another thing , is there an GBA flash card that does the same? I mean, fooling DS games and pokemon colosseum/XD ?
Funnily enough, two of the Pokémon hacks I want to flash is a hack of Blue that restores just about everything from the Japanese Red and Green and can even be read by Stadium correctly as Red and Green (Doesn't unlock a green icon in the Library or the Color Case like with Crystal though). Sadly a Japanese Blue restoration doesn't exist yet
http://www.romhacking.net/hacks/1457/ (I don't believe this site provides ROMs so I assume I'm safe to link this here)
I would be interested in one of those custom Green cases

And yes, Stadium can read any hack as the original game as long as the ROM header is unchanged and it can read any hackrom save as long as the language data on the hackrom is unchanged

No hacking a Read Only Memory chip doesn't work. You would need to replace the ROM chip with a flash chip first.

As for GBA Flash carts that work with Colosseum and DS, you would need one like the GB one I'm after where flashing only one ROM tells everything that it's connected to that that one game is what's connected and any hacks would need to have a header that Colosseum and DPPtHGSS can read (I'm not sure if a Water Blue header exists in those games like an English Green header exists in Stadium but Nintendo did trademark Water Blue so it's worth checking for anyone wanting to do a FrLg remake of Japanese Blue)

Looks like I forgot to hit post on this earlier:
I have an EMS smart card and it is compatible with Stadium, since as long as you only have one game on it the game boots instantly. I used it to transfer Game Boy Camera saves to my PC using one of those save backup cartridges. Only issue is that it requires Windows XP to be installed, but I was able to do so through a virtual machine.
Also note that it does not have RTC support, so Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal will have some issues.
That sounds exactly what I need.
There are actually a couple of GS hacks I would like to try some time along with a Telefang fan translation which is in the works but I'll worry about those later (perhaps I could try the chip replacement method on authentic carts for those 2)
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Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2013
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Funnily enough, two of the Pokémon hacks I want to flash is a hack of Blue that restores just about everything from the Japanese Red and Green and can even be read by Stadium correctly as Red and Green (Doesn't unlock a green icon in the Library or the Color Case like with Crystal though). Sadly a Japanese Blue restoration doesn't exist yet
http://www.romhacking.net/hacks/1457/ (I don't believe this site provides ROMs so I assume I'm safe to link this here)
I would be interested in one of those custom Green cases

And yes, Stadium can read any hack as the original game as long as the ROM header is unchanged and it can read any hackrom save as long as the language data on the hackrom is unchanged

No hacking a Read Only Memory chip doesn't work. You would need to replace the ROM chip with a flash chip first.

As for GBA Flash carts that work with Colosseum and DS, you would need one like the GB one I'm after where flashing only one ROM tells everything that it's connected to that that one game is what's connected and any hacks would need to have a header that Colosseum and DPPtHGSS can read (I'm not sure if a Water Blue header exists in those games like an English Green header exists in Stadium but Nintendo did trademark Water Blue so it's worth checking for anyone wanting to do a FrLg remake of Japanese Blue)

I Think there aren't much diference between japanese blue and western one? I think the localization is the biggest one but I can be wrong ...
well nice that even the header is changed XD but the game would apears like moded there on stadium? something lie, giving original names fro the trainers and gyn leader (Pokemon I know we can't because of character leght :B)
I wonder ifthe newest cards could do the thing, why it have to be some specific? well the mater that itwrkd, but idk :B btw I had some plans of a " blue water" but it's actually more than "another pokemon hack" than recreating something XD(I know there area blue sea one but it's another idea)... anyway I wounder what would happes loading a "shiny gold" on colosseum haha

But it's more header base? I thought it was like hardware detection in same way, like , modding the DS games you can make they read pirate games and some flashcard õ3o

Deleted User

I Think there aren't much diference between japanese blue and western one? I think the localization is the biggest one but I can be wrong ...
well nice that even the header is changed XD but the game would apears like moded there on stadium? something lie, giving original names fro the trainers and gyn leader (Pokemon I know we can't because of character leght :B)
I wonder ifthe newest cards could do the thing, why it have to be some specific? well the mater that itwrkd, but idk :B btw I had some plans of a " blue water" but it's actually more than "another pokemon hack" than recreating something XD(I know there area blue sea one but it's another idea)... anyway I wounder what would happes loading a "shiny gold" on colosseum haha

But it's more header base? I thought it was like hardware detection in same way, like , modding the DS games you can make they read pirate games and some flashcard õ3o
The Japanese version of Blue was a third version with different wild Pokémon and ingame trades.
The Green hack I'm using is a hack of English Blue and keeps the official English Red/Blue translation intact (with a few dialogue edits to fix errors) so it has the English names and for Golemworks properly with Stadium and link cables. There is a poorly translated Green hack circulating the internet and bootleg carts that hackers translated themselves instead of using the official English data so it glitches up the official English games in trades and won't work with Stadium since it uses the Japanese version header


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2013
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
The Japanese version of Blue was a third version with different wild Pokémon and ingame trades.
The Green hack I'm using is a hack of English Blue and keeps the official English Red/Blue translation intact (with a few dialogue edits to fix errors) so it has the English names and for Golemworks properly with Stadium and link cables. There is a poorly translated Green hack circulating the internet and bootleg carts that hackers translated themselves instead of using the official English data so it glitches up the official English games in trades and won't work with Stadium since it uses the Japanese version header

I know about japanese Blue,I mean I think the wester one arent much different, right?
and I get it about the green too, I mean if I got any Red or Blue and change the Brcks name t takeshi, and play on stadium , if it would apers takeshi there or will be Brock
Or changing Red sprite to a Blue's one , idk just a example xD

Deleted User

I know about japanese Blue,I mean I think the wester one arent much different, right?
and I get it about the green too, I mean if I got any Red or Blue and change the Brcks name t takeshi, and play on stadium , if it would apers takeshi there or will be Brock
Or changing Red sprite to a Blue's one , idk just a example xD
The western versions are based on Red and Green with Blue's graphics and engine
There's actually more usable Pokémon in the Japanese Pika Cup because of the Blue exclusive ingame trades.

Deleted User

I just got an email from the Red and Green hack creator and he says he has done one for Blue as well, it's just not present ROMhacking.net

I found a good site for buying the EMS smart card, now it's a matter of saving and budgeting and deciding how many I want.

Deleted User

I got a Smart Card today. Pokémon Stadium and Stadium 2 managed to read it, but GB tower crashed to the Transfer Pak not set properly screen. I have tried both the pokemon Green Hack with and without the ips patch for making Pokémon Blue work properly with Smart Card as well as plain old Pokémon Blue

Perhaps there's a patch someone can make for Pokémon games to load in GB tower on smart card? Or maybe Stadium has the same anti flash cart coding that unpatched Blue has and
I gotta get a get it written to a ROM cart instead of a flash cart or get a N64 flash cart and put a hacked Stadium 2 on.

I might add that Stadium 2 tried to load both Blue and Green for a while before crashing (Green had the Crystal loading screen but with a green cart and you could clearly see the animation speed up as it made progress) so it would seem like it got to a code in the ROM it didn't like.

Edit: turns out the Blue ROM I was using had some bad code that Pokémon Stadium rejected, I tried another Blue ROM and it's working, the Green hack is working too though since the hack was designed for the bad ROM there is a bug when using it on the good ROM where Pokémon appears on the start menu before receiving my starter. :)
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    it doesn't exist, at least not for aroma
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    yes, now I remember it
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    then it is working, I also don't like that they did this but it is the only option you have if you are using aroma
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    i just didint know the homebrew launcher didint exist in aroma
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    thanks btw
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    @BigOnYa, thx in advance
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