So I softmodded another xbox today.
Same files and kit used as softmoded mines.
My xbox works fine, loads unleash X and plays backup games.
But this xbox:
.)Time has to set everytime xbox turns on...
.)Backups playing fine
.)No dashboards loading(just loading the ms dashboard.
First it wasnt letting me install the softmod, or letting me backup msdash. So I kept trying, suddenly it let me install singleboot softmod.
Than everything went fine, the screen showed up telling succesfully modded...
Than MS Dashboard loads up, telling setting the time...
Keeps happening..
doesnt let me uninstall the softmod, and lets me install softmod over and over again, but not dashboards loading.
Same files and kit used as softmoded mines.
My xbox works fine, loads unleash X and plays backup games.
But this xbox:
.)Time has to set everytime xbox turns on...
.)Backups playing fine
.)No dashboards loading(just loading the ms dashboard.
First it wasnt letting me install the softmod, or letting me backup msdash. So I kept trying, suddenly it let me install singleboot softmod.
Than everything went fine, the screen showed up telling succesfully modded...
Than MS Dashboard loads up, telling setting the time...
Keeps happening..
doesnt let me uninstall the softmod, and lets me install softmod over and over again, but not dashboards loading.