Gaming Need help with Visual Basic 2008


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2009

Recently I have been having interest in shares, and want to make it a bit easier to find them.

I want to develop a program that searches for the share code (Example: GOOG for Google) and displays:

Full Stock Name:
Current Price:

Example, if I was to do this with Google:

Stock Name: Google Inc. /GOOG
Current Price: 601.45
Points: +60.52
Percentage: (11.19%)

I am using a Webbrowser tool to achieve this. Right now this is my code, and as you can see I am having troubles on how to obtain the other information, which is my problem I need solving:

Public Class Form1
ÂÂÂÂPrivate Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂWebBrowser1.Navigate("" & TextBox1.Text & "")
End Class

TextBox1.Text is the input in which the person searches for the share, "GOOG" for example.

These are the names for my labels in which the items should display:
QUOTE said:
Full Stock Name: "stockname"
Current Price: "current"
Points: "points"
Percentage: "percent"

How would I go about getting the elements needed to output how I want it?

Any help would be appreciated, I've tried getting elements by ID but it has failed.


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    @NinStar all condolences for you
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    it is kinda hard to believe, we were 17 last time we talked, I always assumed that person decided to go offline for other reasons, I didn't expected they would do this not long after
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    Sorry to hear.
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    @NinStar, That's unfortunate, I'm sorry to hear that.
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    You can speak to me if you want support, we're all here as well.
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    Damn, realtimesave was back yesterday. Better hide SylverRez.
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    @BigOnYa, I noticed. :D
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    @Skelletonike, Good morning
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